Top 15 HTML Projects for Beginners (with Source Code) – IQCode

HTML Project Ideas for Developers

HTML is essential for web designers and developers who work on the internet. It is used to structure and layout elements such as paragraphs, headers, hyperlinks, quotations, and pictures. In this blog post, we will explore various HTML project ideas that developers of all levels can work on to enhance their skills.

Best HTML Projects for Beginners

1. Create a tribute page
2. Develop a questionnaire
3. Build technical documentation
4. Design a landing page
5. Develop an event or conference webpage

Intermediate HTML Projects with Source Code

6. Add a parallax effect to a website
7. Create your portfolio website
8. Build a restaurant’s official website
9. Develop a music shop page
10. Create a photography-related website

Advanced HTML Projects with Source Code

11. Develop a WhatsApp web clone
12. Create a clone of the BBC News website
13. Build a clone of the popular video-sharing site YouTube
14. Create a Netflix clone on the web
15. Develop a Nike website clone


In conclusion, if you’re a developer, exploring HTML project ideas can help you enhance your skills. The projects listed in this blog post can help you sharpen your HTML skills and create a strong portfolio.


Q1: Why do we use HTML in projects?
HTML is used to structure and layout elements on a webpage. It is an essential component of web development.

Q2: Where can I make HTML projects?
You can work on HTML projects on any text editor like Notepad++, Sublime Text, or VS Code.

Q3: Where can I run HTML code?
You can run HTML code in any web browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.

Additional Resources

– W3schools:
– Codecademy:
– Mozilla Developer Network:

Top HTML Project Ideas

Creating your first HTML project can be an exciting experience for anyone interested in computer programming. As a beginner, you may wonder what type of projects you can work on to impress your employer, start your own development firm, or impress your peers at college.

Most people start with the basics, such as HTML and CSS, when they begin coding. However, if you want to develop a unique application or website, you will need to think outside the box since static web pages are commonly created by beginners. Here are some innovative project ideas to help you stand out from other developers:

  • Create a responsive portfolio website
  • Develop an e-commerce website with payment integration
  • Build a game using HTML Canvas
  • Design a blog with a commenting system
  • Create a calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Start exploring these ideas to get ahead and become a successful web developer!


If you’re new to HTML and looking for some practice projects, here are a few ideas to get you started:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Portfolio</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<h1>My Portfolio</h1>
<li><a href="#about-me">About Me</a></li>
<li><a href="#projects">Projects</a></li>
<li><a href="#contact-me">Contact Me</a></li>
<section id="about-me">
<h2>About Me</h2>
<p>Insert your bio information here.</p>
<section id="projects">
<li>Project 1: <a href="#">Insert Project Title</a></li>
<li>Project 2: <a href="#">Insert Project Title</a></li>
<li>Project 3: <a href="#">Insert Project Title</a></li>
<section id="contact-me">
<h2>Contact Me</h2>
<form method="post" action="submit-form.php">
<input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Name">
<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email">
<textarea name="message" placeholder="Message"></textarea>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<p>Copyright © Your Name</p>

By creating projects like this, you can gain a better understanding of HTML and develop your skills as a web developer. Good luck!

Tribute Page

Creating a tribute page is one of the easiest HTML projects you can do. This page is designed to pay tribute to someone who has inspired or meant a lot to you.

To create this kind of page, it’s essential to have a good understanding of HTML fundamentals. A tribute page can be as long as you want, with multiple sections or pages. It’s important to choose visually pleasant background colors, like earthy tones or pastel colors.

Designing Effective Online Surveys

Online surveys are a useful tool for collecting valuable information about your target audience, such as age, location, and preferences. By using this HTML project, you can test your skills in developing forms and web pages. A well-designed survey form can assist you in collecting client data, which can be beneficial for your business strategy. Start developing effective survey forms today!

Technical Documentation Project

This project requires knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a technical documentation page. The aim is to have a website where clicking on a specific topic loads the relevant information on the same page. The website should be straightforward and simple. To complete this HTML assignment, you need to divide the site into two sections. You can consider integrating a backend and fetching data from a database to turn it into a full-fledged project.


Technical Documentation Page

Technical Documentation


Here, you will learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Learn how to structure your web pages using HTML.


Learn how to style your web pages using CSS.


Learn how to add interactivity to your web pages using JavaScript.


Landing Page Creation

Creating a landing page requires knowledge of HTML and CSS. It involves creativity in designing footers, headers, columns, and sections, and ensuring proper alignment and spacing of elements. To avoid overlapping, CSS should be used cautiously. Achieving effective color combinations that blend with various backgrounds is also important. Proper use of padding, margins, section, paragraph, and box spacing is necessary.

Event or Conference Webpage

This is a simple project where you will create a static webpage showcasing the details of an event, like a conference, webinar or product launch. Use HTML and CSS to design the page.

Organize the page with smaller sections. Choose appropriate font types, font colors and background colors for each section. Don’t forget to include a registration button for attendees.

Intermediate HTML Projects with Source Code

Learn intermediate HTML with these code examples

Creating a Parallax Effect for a Website

A parallax website has fixed images in the background that appear stationary while scrolling to view different parts of the image. Creating a parallax website can be accomplished in a day with basic HTML knowledge. To create a simple parallax effect, divide the page into three or four sections with a fixed background picture and align the text accordingly. Use CSS attributes such as background position, margins, and padding. Check out this source code for creating a basic parallax website:

Creating Your Own Portfolio

To create your own personal portfolio page on your website, you’ll need to have a working knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3. Your portfolio should include basic information such as your name, picture, projects, skills, and hobbies. You will be credited for completing this project.

In addition, you can include your CV, and store the entire portfolio on your GitHub account. GitHub accounts are free to use. At the top of the page, you can provide a short description of your professional career and hobbies and display your picture. You can also showcase a few examples of your work below this description. Lastly, you can add links to your social media profiles in the footer.


Creating a Restaurant Website

To build an engaging restaurant website, focus on using attractive layouts, clear font styles, and a visually appealing color scheme. Including a rotating picture gallery of various food items can also further captivate visitors. Additionally, providing helpful links on the website can assist with navigation.

Check out this sample code for a responsive restaurant website on GitHub:

Music Shop Page

If you’re a music enthusiast, consider creating a site devoted to your passion. A music store page is a great platform for trying out new ideas. To build this page, you should be familiar with HTML5 and CSS3. Begin with a suitable background image and a brief overview of what the page will offer.

The top section of the page will have several menus that categorize songs by genre, year, artist, album, etc.

You can access the source code for the music store website here:

Designing a Responsive Photography Website

Create a one-page photography website using HTML5 and CSS3. Pay attention to margins, padding, color combinations, font size and style, image size, and button styling. Keep in mind that the website should be responsive.

Challenging HTML Projects with Source Code

At this advanced level, you’ll put all your HTML skills to the test. Compared to beginners, professional HTML developers have an easier time acquiring knowledge, but there’s still much to learn. These projects are complex and take longer to complete. You’ll spend most of your time on full-stack software development and deployment projects once you’re comfortable with typical web development environments. So, get ready to push your limits and dive deep into HTML development.

WhatsApp Web Clone

//This program creates a messaging web app similar to WhatsApp
//Core features include text-based communication and data management

function messagingApp(){
//functionality for messaging app goes here


P: This code creates a messaging web app similar to WhatsApp, with text-based communication and data management features. The messaging app functionality can be added within the `messagingApp` function.

Clone of the BBC News Website

The objective is to replicate the BBC News website’s features and components, including interactive elements. You can use screenshots of the original website as a reference and add your own touch of creativity by playing with colors.

Code: [Code]

YouTube Clone Project

The YouTube clone project is designed to evaluate participants’ abilities in HTML, CSS, and responsive design. Users must create channels, upload videos, and have access to various site features. Comment sections and a search engine should also be included. This project is modeled after the popular video-sharing site YouTube.

Netflix Web Clone Project

Create a visually identical Netflix interface with interactive components and a search engine that meets specified criteria. Implement separate payment plan and payment choice divisions.

Nike Website Replica

For this project, utilize essential frameworks to create a clone of the Nike website. The clone should have a search engine with filters and a marketing environment similar to the original. Additionally, it must include a secure payment area to safeguard consumers’ credit card and bank account information. Remember that appearance is as crucial as functionality in a corporate setting.


Learning HTML and CSS is an ongoing process with endless possibilities. This post presented some simple HTML project ideas to get started, but there are many other interactive projects to work on. You can also merge projects together and experiment with different tags to add complexity. A great way to further your HTML skills is to build responsive websites with HTML5 and CSS3. Keep learning and exploring!

Reasons for Using HTML in Projects

HTML has been the go-to language for front-end development for many years. There are no alternatives that can compete with HTML’s capabilities. It provides developers with all the necessary tags to include various components on a website like tables, images, hyperlinks, etc.

Therefore, HTML is an essential tool in web development, as it’s the foundation blocks of any web page.

Creating HTML Projects

To create HTML projects, you can start with Notepad on PC or TextEditor like Sublime or Atom on Mac. Follow these steps:

  1. On Windows 8, open Notepad. On Mac, open Finder and go to Applications > TextEdit to open TextEdit.
  2. Write HTML code in the editor.
  3. Save the HTML page.
  4. Open your preferred browser to view the HTML page.

Running HTML Code

HTML files can be opened and viewed in any modern web browser such as Google Chrome, Safari, or Mozilla Firefox. Simply save your HTML code with the extension “.html” and open the file in your preferred browser.

Additional Resources

Here are some useful resources related to HTML:

- Differences between HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XHTML, XML, and HTML5
- HTML5 Features
- Top Features of HTML

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