DBMS vs. RDBMS: Understanding the Key Differences- IQCode

Understanding DBMS and RDBMS

DBMS (Database Management System) and RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) are two types of database management technologies that are designed to organize, store and retrieve data efficiently. DBMS is a software program for managing and accessing databases, while RDBMS is an advanced version of DBMS. Both technologies have unique differences that set them apart.

DBMS and RDBMS are essential tools for data storage, management, and protection. They allow users to access, modify and retrieve data easily. With the increasing complexity and amount of data, there has been a growing need for effective storage space, which is why databases have become increasingly popular.

In conclusion, understanding the difference between DBMS and RDBMS is necessary to make informed decisions when selecting a database management system. With the help of a thorough understanding of these two technologies, you can choose a system that best suits your needs.

What is DBMS?

A Database Management System (DBMS) is a software used for storing, manipulating, managing, and securing large sets of data. It is a modern way of organizing information, providing features like storage, retrieval, update, backup, and security to users.

It was first introduced in 1960 by Charles W. Bachman. DBMS has changed the way we store information and use data for insightful purposes. For example, by recording daily sales data and using DBMS to manage it, businesses can make informed decisions more easily and avoid potential errors.

Importance of DBMS

A database management system (DBMS) boosts an organization’s performance, integration, security, and compliance. It provides numerous advantages over traditional file systems, such as:

* Ensuring consistency of data
* Efficiently handling large amounts of data
* Adaptable
* Quick data management

Examples of earlier DBMS versions include FoxPro, Clipper, & RDBMS.

RDBMS – A Type of Database Management System

RDBMS is a software that manages and maintains data in a tabular format. It operates on a relational schema, a database organized in tables with rows and columns. Introduced in the 1970s, RDBMS is an improvised version of traditional DBMS, providing a better and more efficient working with databases. With data growing at an exponential rate, the demand for RDBMS continues to surge, making it a popular form of database management system.

Advantages of RDBMS for Businesses

Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) provide a structured approach to data management, offering a variety of advantages for businesses. These benefits include:

  • Facilitating multiple-user access
  • Storing large amounts of data
  • Reducing data redundancy
  • Ensuring data integration
  • Providing better tools for data structuring and organization

Now, let’s compare DBMS and RDBMS.

Difference Between DBMS and RDBMS

DBMS and RDBMS are two software used for managing large databases. The main difference between these two is that RDBMS stores data in tables while DBMS stores data as files. Here are the differences between DBMS and RDBMS:

Parameter DBMS RDBMS
Function System software for creating, storing, managing, updating, and retrieving data from databases. Software that allows the creation and management of databases in a tabular format for efficient retrieval, updation, and storage of data.
Storage Stores data in files, arranged in a hierarchical or navigational form. Stores data in tables, following a relational model. Columns are headers and rows contain the corresponding values.
Number of Users Supports a single user. Allows access to multiple users to the databases.
Normalization Does not support normalization. Normalization is enabled and introduced by Edgar F. Codd for his relational database model.
Data Type Cannot store large quantities of data. Allows users to store a large set of data.
Data Relationships There are no relationships amongst the data stored. There are relationships formed amongst the data stored in tables.
Data Fetching Slow data fetching process. Faster data fetching process due to its relational model.
Distributed Databases Does not support the distribution of databases. Supports distributed databases.
Data Redundancy Increases data redundancy. Eliminates data redundancy, which reduces wastage of time and resources.
Hardware and Software Requirement Needs minimum software and hardware requirements. Hardware and software requirements are higher.
Data Integrity Does not support any data integration constraints or methods. Supports data integrity constraints.
Data Access You can access only a single file from a single database. You can access multiple data at a single time.
Data Security More prone to data theft and access to unauthorized users. Supports security measures and is more secure.
ACID Properties Does not support any ACID properties. Supports ACID properties and ensures no data inconsistencies.
Data Client-Server Does not support client-server architecture. Supports client-server architecture.
Examples XML, File system, window registry, etc. Oracle, MYSQL, SQL Server, etc.

Difference between RDBMS and DBMS

RDBMS and DBMS are both software for creating, managing and storing databases. However, RDBMS is an advanced version of DBMS that provides better features. DBMS stores data hierarchically and in a file format, while RDBMS stores data in a tabular format. RDBMS is faster, more efficient, and ensures data security, integrity, and consistency. Although different database management systems exist, RDBMS is the better option.

SQL: Programming Language for Querying Data

SQL is a programming language used to retrieve data from database management systems. It is not in itself a DBMS nor RDBMS.


SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name;

Which is Better: DBMS or RDBMS?

RDBMS is considered better than DBMS due to its improved and faster efficiency compared to DBMS.

Why RDBMS is called relational database management system

RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. It is a type of software used for managing databases. RDBMS is different from DBMS as it has advanced tools and features. Even though they serve the same purpose, RDBMS is more efficient due to its relational nature.

Additional DBMS Resources

For more information on DBMS, check out these resources:


A comparison between SQL and MySQL.

DBMS Interview Questions:

A list of interview questions related to DBMS.

Features of DBMS:

An overview of the features of DBMS.

Components of DBMS:

A breakdown of the components that make up DBMS.

Characteristics of DBMS:

The features that distinguish DBMS from other data management systems.

File System vs DBMS:

A comparison between a file system and DBMS.

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