15 Blockchain Project Ideas for Developers
Many people mistakenly think that Blockchain is only limited to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. However, the field of blockchain is much broader and incorporates a distributed immutable ledger. Distributed means that every person in the network has their copy of the blockchain. Immutable means that data in a block can’t be modified. A ledger is like a notebook for recording transactions. Blockchain is a decentralized system where all transactions or data are encrypted.
Blockchain is a powerful technology. Nowadays, every company wants to incorporate blockchain technology into their business and is looking for blockchain developers. The best way to learn blockchain is by doing hands-on projects. In this post, we will discuss the top 15 blockchain project ideas that you can implement to showcase your skills as a blockchain developer. These projects help beginners solidify their learning and professionals can use them to showcase their knowledge and development skills.
For each project idea, we will discuss the fundamental concept, required knowledge, features, building process, necessary tools and technologies, and programming languages. We will also share the source code and tutorial links so that you can start working on your favorite project idea today.
Here’s a brief overview of the project ideas:
– Blockchain Projects for Beginners:
1. Hello, World!
2. Simple Storage
3. Multi-Send
4. Ether Wallet
5. Polling System
– Intermediate Blockchain Projects:
1. Time lock Wallet
2. To-do List App
3. Voting System
4. Savings and Lending Application
5. Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange
– Advanced Blockchain Projects:
1. Blockchain Wallet
2. Digital Asset Marketplace (DAM)
3. Peer To Peer Carpooling
4. Skill Verification System
5. Fake Product Identification System
Blockchain projects are essential to showcase your knowledge and development skills. This technology has countless applications in various industries. If you are interested in learning more about blockchain projects, don’t hesitate to check out the additional resources section.
All blockchain applications comprise of two parts- Smart Contracts and Front-end interface. While the front-end interface is important, it is the Smart Contracts that require more focus. Smart contracts contain the business logic of applications and run on the blockchain, programmed using the Solidity language. To develop blockchain, learn Solidity first. Blockchain applications differ from others as they talk to the blockchain for code and data. Following are some beginner blockchain project ideas.
1. Decentralized Voting System
2. Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Platform
3. Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Management
4. Smart Contract for Rental Agreement System
5. Blockchain-Based Digital Identity Management System
Choose any of the above blockchain project ideas, learn Solidity programming language, and start developing your project.
Here are 5 beginner-friendly blockchain project ideas, complete with tutorial links and source code for learning purposes, not for your portfolio.
// Insert code here
Start learning and have fun!
Hello, World!
If you’re new to blockchain development, a good starting point is to create a Smart Contract that just prints a string “Hello, World!”. It’s a simple and effective way to learn the basics of Solidity programming language. You’ll learn how to declare contracts, functions, and the layout of a Solidity file.
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;
contract HelloWorld {
function sayHello() external pure returns (string memory) {
return "Hello, World!";
Simple Storage: A Basic Smart Contract
This project involves creating a simple smart contract that allows you to store and update an integer variable. You will need to define two functions to increment and decrement the value of the variable. This expands the functionality and practicality of the contract beyond just read-only capabilities.
No prior knowledge is required to complete this project. You can find the source code on this Github repository: [Code].
This blockchain application lets you send ethers to multiple Ethereum addresses. It’s like sending an email to multiple recipients. This app is especially useful for paying employee salaries. To create it, write a smart contract using Solidity language on the Remix IDE. Define a function that takes an array of addresses as an argument and use a for loop to execute it. You can find the source code for this project on GitHub: [https://github.com/miguelmota/eth-send].Creating an Ether Wallet Smart Contract
### Ether Wallet
This project involves creating a smart contract for an Ether wallet that can receive and transfer Ethers to other addresses. Through this project, you will learn how to update Ether in a smart contract, access control, and the power of smart contracts in transferring money. Access control is crucial to prevent unauthorized individuals from withdrawing Ethers. This project may seem basic, but it provides a great foundation for advanced smart contract projects. You can also consider building a smart wallet after completing this project.
GitHub Source Code:
Code: [https://github.com/MyEtherWallet/etherwallet]
Polling Contract Project
The Polling Contract Project involves creating a smart contract that allows users to create polls where they can include various choices for users to vote on. After setting a voting period, users can place their vote for one of the options until the end of the voting period. The option with the most votes wins the poll. This project allows you to work with Solidity, Ethereum, and advanced data structures such as hashmap. Additionally, you will learn how to implement the time functionality in a Solidity contract. This intermediate-level project is a great addition to your portfolio.
// Solidity code for Polling Contract Project
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
contract Poll {
struct PollStruct {
uint256 pollID;
address owner;
uint256 votingPeriod;
uint256 createdOn;
string question;
mapping(string => uint256) choices; // Use a hashmap to store choices and their respective vote counts
bool pollOpen;
PollStruct[] public polls;
// Function to create a new poll
function createPoll(string memory _question, string[] memory _choices, uint256 _votingPeriod) public {
PollStruct memory poll;
poll.pollID = polls.length;
poll.owner = msg.sender;
poll.votingPeriod = _votingPeriod;
poll.createdOn = now;
poll.question = _question;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _choices.length; i++) {
poll.choices[_choices[i]] = 0; // Initialize all choice vote counts to 0
poll.pollOpen = true;
// Function to vote for a choice in a poll
function vote(uint256 _pollID, string memory _choice) public {
PollStruct storage poll = polls[_pollID];
require(poll.pollOpen == true, "Poll is not open for voting."); // Check if poll is still open
require(poll.choices[_choice] != 0, "This choice does not exist."); // Check if choice exists
// Function to end a poll and determine the winning choice
function endPoll(uint256 _pollID) public {
PollStruct storage poll = polls[_pollID];
require(poll.owner == msg.sender, "Only the poll owner can end the poll.");
require(poll.pollOpen == true, "Poll already closed.");
require(now >= poll.createdOn + poll.votingPeriod, “Voting period has not ended yet.”);
uint256 winningVoteCount = 0;
string memory winningChoice;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _choices.length; i++) {
uint256 currentVoteCount = poll.choices[_choices[i]];
if (currentVoteCount > winningVoteCount) {
winningVoteCount = currentVoteCount;
winningChoice = _choices[i];
poll.pollOpen = false;
// Do something with winning choice
Intermediate Blockchain Projects
Here are some blockchain project ideas for your resume or portfolio.
Time Lock Wallet
The Time Lock Smart Contract project idea is a wallet that locks your crypto assets for a designated period, preventing you from withdrawing them even if you desire. Time Lock Wallets offer various applications, but their primary use is to prevent impulsive selling during market crashes. They enable users to hold onto their crypto assets for more extended periods, allowing them to profit more. The source code for this project is available at https://github.com/mattdf/TimeLock.
To-Do List App
The To-Do List App using Ethereum smart contracts is an excellent project to learn about blockchain and blockchain application development. Unlike a regular to-do list web application that uses a web browser and server, this app connects to the blockchain directly using a client-side application. The smart contract has the app’s business logic, and all tasks are stored on the blockchain. The code is available on Github at [https://github.com/dappuniversity/eth-todo-list].
Blockchain Voting System
A blockchain-based voting system can bring transparency and trust to the voting process, making it ideal for use at the organizational or national level. When creating the Mini Voting System, prioritize user privacy by using ethereum addresses as identifiers. Ensure that each person can cast only one eligible vote, abide by voting rules, and accurately record and count votes with no possibility of fraud. Use Solidity to accomplish all of this. Have fun with this project!
Savings and Lending App
A savings and lending application is a decentralized finance solution that enables loans on the blockchain. This application would facilitate the locking of assets and borrowing other cryptocurrencies for a specified period. It can also be useful for cryptocurrency trading, allowing traders to borrow different kinds of assets and make a profit.
Smart contracts are necessary for building this application, where the business logic is written using the Solidity programming language and deployed on the blockchain. It is expected that multiple lending and savings platforms will emerge in the future, creating room for various types of products. Check out the sample source code for a peer-to-peer lending solution on GitHub.
Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange
This intermediate blockchain-based project is a non-custodial cryptocurrency exchange that allows users to own and control the private keys to their cryptocurrency. The exchange consists of smart contracts that handle trading and can trade any type of ethereum assets, including ethereum cryptocurrency, and any ethereum-based tokens. The interface is built using frameworks such as React.js, Node.js, Angular, or Django. To convert the web application into a blockchain application, a library such as web3.js is used to interact with smart contracts inside a regular website.
GitHub Repository:
Advanced Blockchain Projects
Now, we will delve into some high-level blockchain projects.
Blockchain Wallet
Blockchain Wallet is an advanced blockchain project designed to help cryptocurrency users manage their funds easily and efficiently. With blockchain wallets such as Trusted Wallets, Coinbase Wallet, and Argent Wallet, users can hold their funds and transfer them to other wallets seamlessly. These wallets not only hold cryptocurrencies, but also work as dapp browsers with a built-in web browser that lets users access blockchain-based applications.
To sign transactions with the user’s private key, blockchain wallets such as this one use a library called web3.js, which connects the application to the blockchain. This application can be built using React Native or Flutter to create the native application.
You can find the source code for this Blockchain Wallet project at https://github.com/dappuniversity/eth_wallet.
Digital Asset Marketplace (DAM)
The Digital Asset Marketplace (DAM) is a platform for buyers and sellers of digital collectibles. This marketplace provides a framework for transactions between issuers and investors. DAMs are built using Ethereum smart contracts, written in Solidity programming language. To create a blockchain website, a web application and the web3.js library are also needed.
GitHub Links:
• https://github.com/dappuniversity/nft
• https://github.com/dappuniversity/marketplace
Peer-to-Peer Carpooling
P2P carpooling app is an innovative project idea that replaces the traditional approach of carpooling services, run by agencies like Uber or Ola with blockchain technology. These agencies have access to drivers’ and riders’ data that leads to potential privacy concerns. The proposed smart contract allows drivers and riders to connect directly, ensuring a more secure and reliable carpooling ecosystem with privacy as a top priority. Check out the source code for this project on GitHub: https://github.com/jakubrog/car-sharing-blockchain.
Building a Skill Verification System
The skill verification system aims to provide a reliable and objective way of validating people’s skills. On social media platforms, people make claims about themselves, but there’s no guarantee that the claims are true. To address this issue, the system will use decentralized consensus to anonymously judge skills.
For instance, if someone claims to be an expert in React.js, they would need to provide proof such as their GitHub repos. Other users in the same domain would then verify the claim, and they would get rewarded for their work. Based on the consensus of the community, the claim would be either endorsed or flagged.
This application can be built using Ethereum smart contracts. Check out the SkillCheck project on GitHub for more information and code samples.
Fake Product Detection System using Blockchain
This innovative blockchain project idea tackles the issue of counterfeit products prevalent in every industry. By adding a unique QR code to each item, linked to blockchain, customers can use their smartphones to determine if the product is genuine. The QR code will help access the relevant information from the blockchain to authenticate the product. Comparing the scanned QR code with database records will confirm the authenticity of the product instantly. This project has the potential to provide a solution to a widespread problem and can attract the attention of renowned brands in need of a reliable product identification system.
# The code for this project can be found here: https://github.com/kylelobo/AuthentiFi
Why Blockchain Projects Matter
Blockchain is an emerging technology, and with the software industry seeking experienced developers, creating blockchain projects will give you an edge over other candidates. Blockchain development involves taking a regular web or mobile application and enhancing it with blockchain technology, demonstrating proficiency in both web/mobile development and blockchain. The blockchain world offers untapped potential for innovation and countless undiscovered opportunities worth exploring.
Top 15 Blockchain Project Ideas for Your Resume
This post covers 15 blockchain project ideas that you can add to your resume to stand out. The ideas are divided into three categories: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. You’ll use Ethereum smart contracts and an interface to build any blockchain application. The Web3.js library is essential in building any blockchain application.
Frequently Asked Questions
Examples of Blockchains
Blockchain technology powers various applications such as Bitcoin, Solana, FollowMyVote, Indorse, and many more.
//No optimization or code needed for this question as it is a simple answer to a question.
Steps to Create a Blockchain Project
To create a blockchain project, follow these steps:
- Download and install a personal blockchain like Ganache.
- Install Truffle framework to write smart contracts.
- You can use the Remix IDE instead if you don’t want to install anything.
- Install the MetaMask chrome extension to connect to the blockchain with your personal account and interact with the smart contracts.
Note: Using these tools, you can easily create and test blockchain projects on your local system.
According to research, blockchain developers in India earn an annual salary ranging from Rs 5,00,000 to Rs 30,00,000, with an average of Rs 8,01,938 per year.
• Blockchain Applications
• Features of Blockchain