Understanding the Architecture of Ansible: In-depth Explanation by IQCode

Understanding Ansible: Architecture and Advantages

Ansible by RedHat is an open-source tool for configuration management. It offers idempotent playbooks to configure any resource and can also run ad-hoc scripts. Using Ansible eliminates repetitive manual tasks and replaces them with automated code stored in source control. Unlike other tools like Chef and Puppet, Ansible uses YAML, a simpler markup language. Ansible can be used for container, infrastructure, cloud, application, and software-defined networking automation.

Ansible Architecture

Ansible architecture consists of control nodes and managed nodes. Control nodes are machines that run Ansible and manage other nodes through SSH. Ansible executes tasks on remote nodes asynchronously, connecting to the managed nodes with SSH and Python. Control nodes are also responsible for inventory management, playbooks execution, and reporting.

Advantages of Ansible Architecture

One of the main benefits of Ansible architecture is its simplicity. Developers and IT personnel can quickly understand the code. YAML playbooks are also easily human-readable. Unlike other configuration management tools, Ansible does not require agents on managed nodes, making it easy to set up and maintain. Additionally, Ansible can be integrated with other tools, like Jenkins and Git.

In conclusion, Ansible is a powerful and simple configuration management tool that offers automation solutions for various scenarios. Its architecture is easy to understand and set up, making it a popular choice for IT professionals and DevOps teams.

Ansible Overview

Ansible is a configuration management tool written by Michael DeHaan and maintained by Ansible Community, Ansible Inc., and Red Hat Inc. It was designed to have a minimal and consistent approach, ensuring high reliability and security while requiring minimal learning.

Unlike other tools, Ansible doesn’t require agents to be installed on network devices, thus allowing for easy scaling and full integration with other systems like Git. Through SSH, Ansible executes commands on the devices, allowing for easy network configuration and standardization.

Red Hat Ansible Engine is an open-source, enterprise-grade configuration management tool widely used in the financial, telecommunications, and government sectors. It enables centralized management of inventory, roles, plays, reports, dashboards, and alerts. It can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud.Why Use Ansible?

Ansible simplifies the deployment and configuration of systems like servers, VMs, and applications through automation. It facilitates tasks such as configuring networking settings, updating system configurations, and testing the deployment process. Its ease of use and scalability make it ideal for infrastructure deployments, both small and large. Ansible is based on the idempotent principle and requires only a box with Python installed and accessible via SSH. Unlike other configuration tools, it gives a state description to achieve the desired machine state. Using Ansible is straightforward and requires no extra knowledge.



The Ansible architecture is straightforward and can be explained as:

Ansible Architecture

  • Everything, from servers to network configurations and applications, can be stored in a Public/Private Cloud.
  • User communication with all modules and API is possible, along with security measures.
  • The inventory file holds devices, groups, host variables, templates, and tasks.
  • Playbooks must be created with descriptions for handling all devices, groups, host variables, and templates.
  • An inventory of hosts needs to be created to run tasks. Ansible uses “inventories” that contains lists of hosts to perform actions stored as YAML files.
  • Modules are reusable scripts that interact with cloud resources such as Azure or on-prem resources like Hyper-V. Ansible playbooks use modules.
  • The Ansible core provides cache, logging, and other functions, resulting in various agentless frameworks that can work in multiple automated networks.
  • A single repository can contain all the computers in an operational or IT infrastructure network, and Ansible is being used to make Linux and Unix machines automated.
  • Ansible provides the necessary APIs for end-to-end module interaction.

Advantages of Ansible Architecture

Here are some advantages of Ansible:

  • Ansible is very easy to learn and use, making it ideal for beginners.
  • Ansible infrastructure security is strong, preventing security breaches effectively.
  • The tool is versatile and powerful and can be used to manage several different applications and environments.
  • Ansible is an excellent choice for implementing cloud-native platforms like ONAP orchestration.
  • With playbook modules and configurations, Ansible can be customized to suit any specific needs.
  • Team management of the entire application lifecycle, from development to deployment, is easy with Ansible.
  • Ansible is an agentless tool, and no third-party vendor software or agents are required.
  • For provisioning orchestration-needing apps, Ansible provides the necessary resources as needed by the project.

Ansible for IT Automation and Configuration Management

Ansible is a versatile and secure open source tool for automating and managing diverse IT systems including networks, servers, databases and desktops. Its scalability and flexibility make it ideal for dynamic application environments. This article highlights how Ansible as a central controller can be used to manage IT systems. It also covers the various Ansible components like playbooks, modules, facts, templates, and roles. Furthermore, the article explores the YAML-based structure used in the Ansible architecture to manage IT.

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