Top 10 System Design Courses to Take in 2023 – IQCode

Best System Design Courses

System design is a crucial aspect of software development. It involves designing and implementing large scale systems that are scalable, reliable, and efficient. It is important to have a solid understanding of system design principles to build successful software systems. Here are some of the best system design courses available online:

  1. IQCode Academy’s System Design Course: This course covers the essential aspects of system design, such as scalability, fault tolerance, and distributed systems. It is suitable for both beginners and experienced developers.
  2. Software Design and Architecture Specialization by University of Alberta: This four-part specialization covers the fundamentals of software architecture, design patterns, and component-based software development.
  3. Data Structures and Software Design by edX: This course teaches the use of data structures and algorithms to solve software design problems. It covers fundamental concepts such as recursion, sorting, and search algorithms.
  4. Master Object-Oriented Design in Java – Homework + Solutions by Udemy: This course focuses on object-oriented design principles and their implementation using Java. It includes homework assignments and solutions.
  5. SystemsExpert by This is a comprehensive system design course that covers topics such as system architecture, database design, and API design. It includes practice questions and solutions.
  6. Secure Software Design Specialization by the University of Colorado: This specialization covers secure software design principles and techniques. It includes topics such as threat modeling, cryptography, and secure coding practices.
  7. Java Programming: Principles of Software Design by Duke University: This course covers fundamental concepts of software design such as modularity, abstraction, and encapsulation. It is suitable for beginners.
  8. Grokking the System Design Interview by Educative: This course focuses on preparing for system design interviews. It covers key system design concepts and provides practice questions and solutions.
  9. Object-Oriented Analysis, Design & Programming with UML by Udemy: This course covers object-oriented design principles and their implementation using UML. It includes topics such as use case modeling and class diagrams.
  10. Software Architecture & Design by Georgia Tech: This course covers software architecture and design principles, techniques, and patterns. It includes topics such as architectural styles, software quality attributes, and system integration.

System design is important because it helps in building software systems that are scalable, reliable, and efficient. A strong system design is critical in ensuring that software systems are able to meet the needs of users and stakeholders.

In conclusion, there are many great online courses available for learning system design principles and techniques. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, there is a course that can help you enhance your skills in system design.

Useful Resources:

What is System Design?

System design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules, and interfaces of a system along with data based on specific requirements. It involves identifying, developing, and designing systems to meet the aims and expectations of an organization. System design focuses on system analysis, architectural patterns, APIs, design patterns, and integration to provide a better user experience and reduce maintenance costs. System design concepts, such as scalability, load balancing, and caching, are crucial for tech interviews at product-based companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google.


If you want to master system design and excel in coding interviews, check out these top online courses.


Learn how to turn abstract statements into practical software designs with IQCODE Academy’s System Design Course. Discover how to implement database systems, caches, message queues, and load balancers in the most optimal way possible. The course provides a deep dive into both low-level and schema design for real-world apps and games with extensive usage by millions of users.

No matter the level of programming experience, the course is suitable for all types of programmers, with a beginner’s course lasting 44 weeks, intermediate programmers for 37 weeks, and advanced programmers for 30 weeks.

The course covers an introduction to programming modules for beginners, programming constructs, problem-solving and CS fundamentals, and core subjects such as database management systems (DBMS), operating systems (OS), and computer networks (CN). Further, advanced modules offer specialization in backend or full-stack, with options to choose from advanced DSA, concurrent programming, and product management as the last module. This course is recommended only for working professionals who graduated on or before 2022.

Software Design and Architecture Specialization by University of Alberta

The Software Design and Architecture Specialization teaches you how to use design ideas, patterns, and architectures to create reusable and flexible software. You’ll learn to use visual notation, like the UML, to express and document the design and architecture of a software system.

This specialization has four courses, including Object-Oriented Design, Design patterns, Software Architecture, and Service-Oriented Architecture.

The first course teaches you how to construct modular, adaptable, and reusable software using object-oriented design with Java programming language. You’ll also learn to use UML to communicate your designs.

The second course builds upon the first by introducing design patterns for interactive applications, and identifying bad software designs.

The third course focuses on modeling complex architectures using UML and other visual tools. You’ll learn about prevalent architectures, their benefits and drawbacks, what makes good architecture, and how to enhance architecture.

The fourth course covers analyzing web application designs based on your understanding of architectural styles and the basics of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), such as Web Services (WS*) and Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture.

Associate Professor Kenny Wong teaches this course for beginner-level coders with basic Java programming language knowledge. The specialization comprises four courses and takes approximately four months to complete with a suggested pace of three hours per week.

Course Review: Data Structures and Software Design by EdX

Data Structures and Software Design is a four-week course that is part of the CS Essentials for Software Development Professional Certificate program offered by the University of Pennsylvania. This course will teach you how to store and retrieve data in any Java program efficiently. Furthermore, you will learn to identify the most excellent data structures to solve a problem statement, as well as leveraging inbuilt Java Collections.

It will also help you to enhance your understanding of software design quality by offering object-oriented design principles and teach you how to convert requirements to high-quality software design. Chris Murphy, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at Bryn Mawr College, is teaching this course.

The course covers four chapters per week, which includes core Data Structures, Advanced Data Structures, Software Design, and Implementing/Improving Software. The course is best suited for intermediate-level programmers who have knowledge of Java syntax, keywords, and Object-Oriented Programming principles such as polymorphism, inheritance, and abstraction in Java.

Master Object-Oriented Design in Java – Udemy Course

Learn Java’s core object-oriented design principles with this Udemy course that follows a Learning-by-Doing approach.

Discover the SOLID design principles – Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion.

In addition, learn about design patterns that are widely used in today’s professional software development industries, including Strategy Patterns, Observer Patterns, Builder Patterns, Factory Method Patterns, Template Method Patterns, and Singleton Patterns.

This course is suitable for beginners who have knowledge of basic language constructs like classes, methods, and interfaces. An optional module is available for absolute beginners who want to learn more about object-oriented programming.

The course has 5.5 hours of on-demand video lessons.

//No code changes required

System Design Course by

This video course is tailored for intermediate and advanced-level programmers who want to learn system design. With 25 learning modules, it covers topics like Client-Server Model, Network Protocols, and API design.

The course offers hours of video tutorials, quizzes, mock interview problems, real-life coding examples, and a glossary. It’s regularly updated to keep learners informed and engaged.

Note that this course is not suitable for beginners.

Secure Software Design Specialization by University of Colorado

This specialization teaches students how to design and maintain secure software. It is made up of four courses: Software Design as an Element of the Software Development Lifecycle, Software Design as an Abstraction, Software Design Methods and Tools, and Software Design Threats and Mitigations. Students will learn various skills such as UML, Unit Testing and Ethics, User Interfaces, and Database Design. This course is beginner-friendly and has a flexible schedule, and can be completed in approximately 7 months.

Java Programming: Principles of Software Design by Duke University

This course is part of the Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals Specialization offered by Duke University. It covers Java programming and software design principles. Upon completion, you will learn how to use sorting effectively in problem-solving, create classes with a comparable interface, analyze empirical performance using time data, and more. The course is ideal for beginner-level programmers and takes approximately 13 hours to complete.

System Design Interview Mastery Course by Educative

This course covers everything about System Design Interviews (SDIs) and is created by hiring managers of top companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Amazon. It includes a set of frequently asked questions, such as designing Instagram, Dropbox, or Twitter, and associated concepts like Characteristics of Distributed Systems or Load Balancing.

The course offers text-based learning and hands-on coding exercises without any setup requirement. It’s recommended for intermediate coders who have basic programming knowledge and takes only 20 hours to complete. After finishing, you’ll receive a course completion certificate.

Object-Oriented Analysis, Design & Programming with UML by Udemy

Looking to create software using object-oriented methodologies? This course is perfect for beginner programmers who want to learn UML and its application. From gathering requirements to implementation, you’ll learn to evaluate and design classes, use UML diagrams, and more. The course is taught by Umar Lone, a trainer, developer & founder at Poash Technologies and includes 10.5 hours of on-demand video, 4 articles, and 12 downloadable resources. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to implement concepts in Java, C#, and C++. Enroll now to take advantage of this one-of-a-kind opportunity!

Software Architecture & Design by Georgia Tech

This course teaches principles and concepts for analyzing and designing large software systems using UML. Topics covered include browser exercise, UML and Analysis, software architecture and software design. The course is led by instructors Spencer Rugaber, Eric Feron, and Jarrod Parkes on the Udacity platform. By the end of the course, students will learn to specify and evaluate software architectures, use object-oriented design principles, and apply software design patterns. The course requires an intermediate skill level and takes approximately 2 months to complete.

Importance of System Design

Proficient software engineers in high-level and low-level design can improve the efficiency and scalability of software systems, reduce long-term costs, and handle large-scale operations. Proper understanding of product requirements, documenting software and system designs, and evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of each software system are essential for creating high-quality software systems.

Courses in data structures, algorithms, and core subjects such as object-oriented programming, operating systems, database management systems, and computer networks are prerequisites to an effective system design course. Below is a list of highly rated system design courses that cover every concept in-depth.

Recommended Courses for System Design Interview Preparation

If you want to ace your system design interview for product-based companies, it’s crucial to choose the right course. Our top picks are the ones that provide the most comprehensive content; and that strike a balance between low-level and high-level design concepts that could apply to real-life scenarios.

After reviewing the available options, we have determined that these are the courses that will prepare you the best. Now it’s up to you to decide which one fits your learning style and needs. Start your journey towards your dream job today!

Recommended Learning Resources

Aspiring developers can benefit from the following:

- System Design Books
- Top Courses for Data Structures and Algorithms
- Best Machine Learning Courses
- Top Data Science Courses

These resources are useful for improving coding skills and gaining proficiency in the latest technologies.

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