15 Best Data Science Projects with Source Code – IQCode

Data Science Project Ideas

Explore a list of project ideas to get you started on your data science journey.

Best Data Science Projects for Beginners

Discover some easy-to-implement data science projects that are perfect for beginners.

Intermediate Data Science Projects with Source Code

Take your data science skills to the next level with these intermediate level projects.

Advanced Data Science Projects with Source Code

Challenge yourself with these advanced data science projects that come with source code.


Summarize the key takeaways from this article and encourage readers to start working on their data science projects.


Answer some frequently asked questions about data science projects.

Additional Resources

Provide links to additional resources that readers can use to learn more about data science and find inspiration for their projects.

Note: This article is intended to act like an API for data science project ideas, providing user-friendly access to information on project ideas for data science enthusiasts of all levels.

Project Ideas for Data Science

Data Science is a rapidly growing career path in demand in multiple industries. If you’re interested in becoming a Data Scientist, it’s important to apply your skills with actual projects. Working on live Data Science projects will enhance your technical expertise and confidence while also making it easier to find a job. Here are some project ideas appropriate for different levels of learners.


If you are new to Python or data science, these project ideas will help you get started. They are designed to equip you with the necessary tools to succeed as a data science developer. Check out these beginner-friendly data science projects with source code.

Fake News Detection with Python

Fake news has become a significant problem in today’s globally connected internet world. False information can be spread quickly, causing panic and even violence without proper fact-checking. This project focuses on detecting fake news using Python. We will create a model using TfidfVectorizer and implement PassiveAggressiveClassifier to distinguish between real and fake news. The dataset we will use is News.csv, and we will utilize popular Python packages such as Pandas, NumPy, and sci-kit-learn.

Check out the source code for this project at:


Detecting Forest Fires

In this data science project, we aim to identify forest fires and develop a system to predict and regulate them. Forest fires cause significant damage to animal habitats, the environment, and human property. Utilizing k-means clustering, we can identify crucial hotspots during forest fires and allocate resources accordingly to lessen their severity. By incorporating climatological data, we can enhance the accuracy of the model by discovering commonly occurring periods and seasons for wildfires. Check out our source code on GitHub.

Detection of Road Lane Lines

This project focuses on building a live lane-line detection system using Python. It is a crucial application for developing self-driving cars. Lane detecting instructions are received by human drivers from lines placed on the road. These lines indicate where the lanes are located and the vehicle’s steering direction. The project is ideal for beginners in data science.

Here is the source code for the project:

Sentiment Analysis Project

Sentiment analysis is the process of determining the polarity (positive or negative) of words to evaluate opinions and emotions. This categorization can be binary or multiple (happy, angry, sad, etc.). In this project, we used R Language and the Janeausten R package dataset. We performed an inner join using general-purpose lexicons like AFINN, Bing, and Loughran. The results were presented using a word cloud.

# Check if required packages are installed
if(!require(dplyr)) {

# Load Janeausten R package dataset

# Load general-purpose lexicons
afinn <- read.table("AFINN-111.txt", header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(afinn) <- c("term", "score") bing <- read.table("Bing_Liu.txt", header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(bing) <- c("term", "score") loughran <- read.table("LoughranMcDonald_SentimentWordLists_2018.xlsx", header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(loughran) <- c("term", "score") # Merge datasets lexicons <- list(afinn, bing, loughran) lexicons_merged <- Reduce(function(x, y) {merge(x, y, by = "term", all = TRUE)}, lexicons) # Create word cloud library(wordcloud) wordcloud(lexicons_merged$term, lexicons_merged$score, scale=c(4,0.5), colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))

Impact of Climatic Patterns on Global Food Supply Chain

Climate irregularities and alterations pose significant challenges to the environment that require our attention. The changes in climate patterns have a direct impact on global food production, which affects human beings on earth. In this data science project, we aim to analyze the influence of climatic changes on primary agricultural yields. The purpose of the study is to assess the implications of changes in temperature and rainfall patterns, as well as the impact of carbon dioxide on plant growth and development. Our analysis will focus on data visualization, productivity differences across various regions and locations.

Intermediate Data Science Projects with Source Code

Here, we will cover data science projects suitable for learners at an intermediate level:

# Code goes here

Speech Recognition Using Emotions

Speech is an essential aspect of communication that conveys various emotions such as happiness, anger, passion, and silence. The objective of this project is to identify and analyze emotions from audio files containing human speech. We can use Python libraries including SoundFile, Librosa, NumPy, and Scikit-learn to implement this. A dataset like the Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS) that contains over 7300 files can be used for training and testing purposes. Sample source code is available at GitHub repositories like Speech Emotion Analyzer and Speech Emotion Recognition.

Gender Detection and Age Prediction Project

This Machine Learning and Computer Vision project involves building a system that can predict a person's age and gender from their photograph. The project uses Python and OpenCV library to implement Convolutional Neural Networks. The Adience dataset can be downloaded for this project. However, cosmetics, lighting, and facial expressions can make it difficult to predict accurately. Check out the source code for this project at:

Developing Chatbots:

Chatbots are essential for businesses because they can quickly answer client queries, reducing customer support workload. This project uses Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science techniques to automate the process. The chatbot maps a response by analyzing customer inputs. Implementation can be done through Python, and the chatbot can be trained with Recurrent Neural Networks using the intentions JSON dataset. Whether the chatbot is domain-specific or open-domain depends on its objective.

Link: [https://github.com/parulnith/Building-a-Simple-Chatbot-in-Python-using-NLTK]

Detection of Drowsiness in Drivers

Drowsy drivers are a common cause of fatal road accidents. To prevent them, a drowsiness detection system can be installed. The system assesses the driver's eyes using a webcam and alerts them through alarms if they close their eyes too often. This Python project requires OpenCV, TensorFlow, Pygame, and Keras packages for a deep learning model. Check out the Driver Drowsiness Detection project on GitHub for source code and more information.
https://github.com/topics/driver-drowsiness-detection and https://github.com/SuperThinking/driver-drowsiness-detection

Project on Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness for individuals with diabetes. To automate screening, a neural network can be trained on retina photographs of both healthy and affected individuals. This project aims to determine the presence of retinopathy in patients.

Check out the code for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection here: https://github.com/rsk97/Diabetic-Retinopathy-Detection and related topics at https://github.com/topics/diabetic-retinopathy-detection.

Advanced Data Science Projects with Source Code

This section covers advanced data science projects for learners looking to enhance their skills.

Credit Card Fraud Detection

Credit card fraud is a growing problem and is projected to increase with the rise of credit card usage. However, advancements in technology such as AI and Machine Learning have made it possible for credit card companies to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions accurately. In this project, we can use Python or R to analyze a customer's spending pattern using decision trees, artificial neural networks, and logistic regression to differentiate between fraudulent and non-fraudulent transactions. Adding more data to the dataset can improve the overall accuracy of the system.

Source Code: https://github.com/curiousily/Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection-using-Autoencoders-in-Keras
Credit Card Fraud Topics: https://github.com/topics/credit-card-fraud

Customer Segmentation Project

Customer segmentation is a crucial process that companies use to group their customers based on shared attributes, such as age, gender, interests, and purchasing patterns. This unsupervised learning project helps companies identify and target specific client groups for successful marketing.

The project involves using clustering techniques to visualize gender and age distributions using K-means clustering and analyzing annual earnings and spending habits. You can find the source code for this project on GitHub: https://github.com/jalajthanaki/Customer_segmentation. Additionally, you can check out the customer segmentation topics on GitHub: https://github.com/topics/customer-segmentation.

# code for customer segmentation project goes here

Traffic Signal Recognition Project

To prevent accidents, observing traffic signs and rules is crucial. Understanding their appearance is necessary. With automated vehicles on the rise, a software can recognize traffic signs from pictures. The Traffic Signs Recognition project uses the GTSRB dataset to train a Deep Neural Network to identify traffic signs. A GUI can be created to communicate with the application using Python.

Code: Traffic Sign Detection
Code: Traffic Sign Detection Using Capsule Networks
Code: Traffic Sign Recognition

Film Recommendation System

This data science project employs R language to create a machine learning recommended film program. The system utilizes a filter approach to suggest films to users based on similar users' interests and browsing history. For instance, if users A and B watch Home Alone and user B likes Mean Girls, it is suggested that user A might like it as well. The film platform will become more engaging to users as a result.

Source Code – Film Recommendation System: [Code]

Breast Cancer Classification Project

Breast cancer is a growing concern and early detection is crucial. Python can help develop a system using the IDC dataset, which has histology images of malignant cells that cause cancer. This project uses Convolutional Neural Networks and libraries such as NumPy, OpenCV, TensorFlow, Keras, scikit-learn, and Matplotlib.

You can find the source code for this project at:
- https://github.com/Jean-njoroge/Breast-cancer-risk-prediction
- https://github.com/abhinavsagar/breast-cancer-classification
- https://github.com/topics/breastcancer-classification


This article provides valuable information on data science, including its significance and beginner-friendly projects. The source code for each project is accessible on Github, allowing readers to begin working on a project immediately. Follow the levels from beginner to advanced, and then explore other opportunities.

Generating Ideas for Data Science Projects

As a data scientist, you can come up with project ideas by:

● Networking at events and conferences.

● Using your hobbies and interests to inspire new ideas.

● Solving problems in your current job.

● Acquainting yourself with the latest data science tools.

● Developing your own data science solutions.

Remember, great ideas can come from anywhere! Stay curious and keep learning to enhance your data science skills.

Projects of Data Scientists

Data scientists work on four types of projects:

- Data cleaning projects
- Exploratory data analysis projects
- Data visualization projects
- Machine learning projects

These projects involve various tasks such as processing and organizing data, analyzing data to identify insights and trends, creating visualizations to communicate findings, and building predictive models using machine learning algorithms.

Projects to do with R

R can be used for various data analysis projects, some popular ones include:

- Sentiment analysis
- Uber data analysis
- Movie recommendation systems
- Customer segmentation
- Credit card fraud detection
- Wine preference prediction

These projects can help develop skills in data manipulation, modeling, and visualization using R.

Contributing to Open-Source Data Science Projects

Contributing to open-source data science projects can be beneficial in various ways. This can help improve the software you use daily, gain mentorship, enhance creativity, showcase your skills, gain more insight into the software you're using, and advance your career.

Starting Data Science from Scratch

To begin your journey in data science, here are some steps to follow:

  • Learn Python
  • Understand the basics of statistics and mathematics
  • Acquire proficiency in data analysis with Python
  • Get familiar with machine learning
  • Start working on projects

Code tip: You can take several online courses and explore various resources that will help you build a strong foundation in data science and machine learning.

Adding Data Science Projects to Your Resume

Data science projects can be added to your resume under different sections such as Projects, Personal Projects, or a specific Projects section. Academic projects should be listed under the education section. Additionally, you can create a CV solely for a particular project.

Additional Resources

Explore these resources about data science:

  • Data Science MCQ
  • Google Data Scientist Salary
  • Spotify Data Scientist Salary
  • Data Scientist Salary
  • Data Scientist Skills
  • Data Science vs Data Analytics
  • Data Science Vs Machine Learning
  • Python Compiler