Detailed Explanation of Angular Architecture – IQCode

Introduction to Angular Architecture

Angular is a widely used framework for web and mobile app development, providing a seamless user experience. In this post, we will explore the key components of Angular architecture, starting with its features and versions.

What is Angular?

Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source framework used for building web applications and dynamic user interfaces. It was developed by Google in 2010.

Why Do You Need Angular?

Angular allows for the creation of scalable and maintainable web applications through its powerful set of features and tools. It provides robust support to developers, making app development easier and faster.

What are the Different Angular Versions?

Angular offers three different versions: AngularJS (1.x), Angular (2+), and AngularJS (1.x) – a legacy version.

Key Features of Angular

Some of the key features of Angular include:

  • Dependency Injection
  • Templates
  • Directives
  • Services
  • Routing

Angular Architecture Components

Angular Architecture is comprised of several key components, including:

  • Modules
  • Components
  • Templates
  • Metadata
  • Services

Advantages of Angular Architecture

The Angular Architecture provides several advantages, including:

  • Reusable code
  • Improved Performance
  • Robustness and Maintainability

Disadvantages of Angular Architecture

Some disadvantages of the Angular Architecture include:

  • Steep learning curve
  • Complexity
  • Large file sizes


Angular is a powerful framework for web and mobile app development, offering several tools and features to make app development easier and faster. Understanding the Angular Architecture components is essential to building scalable and maintainable applications.

Additional Resources

For additional resources on Angular, visit:

Angular Framework Overview

Angular is a TypeScript-based, single-page application framework developed by Google. It provides a standard architecture for creating maintainable large-scale applications. Angular applications are composed of NgModules, which are grouped for practical purposes. Typically, an Angular application consists of a root module and many feature modules.

Angular has several features that improve user experience, such as adaptive component rendering. Components are modular, reusable, and efficient, with nonessential functionality added as service providers. The metadata associated with Angular directives, binding markup, and components allows Angular to manipulate the HTML before displaying it.

Angular Router facilitates browser-based navigation among app components. Overall, Angular is a powerful framework with many capabilities for building robust applications.

Benefits of Using the Angular Framework

Using a framework like Angular saves developers time and effort by providing a standardized structure and extra features. Angular offers two-way data binding, resolves issues in version 6, and provides a cohesive development environment through Angular CLI and style guide. The new Angular engine makes the framework more versatile and accessible, while the simplified HTML makes for easier programming. The skilled Angular development team at Google offers Long-Term Support, and many big enterprises use the Angular framework.

Different Versions of Angular

Angular has been continuously updated since it was created in 2009. The first version, originally called Angular 1, was released in November 2010 and later renamed AngularJS. As of now, there have been eight versions of Angular, with each one improving upon the previous versions. However, there are still some issues and concerns that need to be addressed. Upgrading to the latest version can help in developing better mobile and complex apps.

Angular Features

Angular offers the following features:

  • Build app-like experiences with modern web technologies that ensure high performance, offline usage, and easy installation.
  • Create mobile apps for Cordova, Ionic, and NativeScript.
  • Develop desktop-installed applications for Windows, Mac, and Linux with native functionalities and APIs.
  • Write efficient and productive code using Angular’s advanced JavaScript virtual machine optimizations.
  • Enable servers to send the first view of your application quickly, improve SEO, and create optimized sites.
  • Load only the necessary code of the requested page with the new Component Router.
  • Develop UI views using a simple and powerful template syntax.
  • Quickly build and deploy modules and tests using Command Line Tools.
  • Get instant feedback, intelligent code completion, and error detection from popular editors and IDEs.
  • Ensure code compliance with Karma for unit tests.
  • Build animations and choreography timelines with minimal code using Angular.
  • Create accessible applications with ARIA-compliant components, developer guides, and built-in a11y test infrastructure.

Angular Architecture

Angular is a popular MVC framework that offers detailed guidelines for building an application and exchanging information between the view and controller. It enables bi-directional data flow while maintaining the integrity of the markup.

There are eight key components that make up an Angular application, including:

Angular Modules

Angular Modules group components or services together within a context. For example, animation-related functionality can be split into multiple modules, with Angular’s Browser Animation Module already available. An application can have any number of modules, but only one core module. The core module bootstraps the application and then calls other modules as necessary. Components and services can also be accessed across modules. The diagram below shows how a module affects its components and vice versa:

Module A
- Component A1
- Component A2
- Service A3

Module B
- Component B1
- Component B2
- Service B3

App Module (core)
- Module A
- Module B

With this structure, components within a module can access that module’s services, as well as services and components from other modules registered within the app module.

Angular Components

Angular applications are built using one or multiple Angular Components, which are basic JavaScript/Typescript classes that have HTML templates and names. The HTML template of a component can retrieve data from its corresponding class or any other component through the selector’s value. Additionally, Angular components may have CSS styles associated with them that can be accessed by the HTML template.

HTML Templates in Angular

HTML Templates in Angular provide additional functionality, binding component data to HTML and generating DOM elements dynamically. This includes event binding for updating data based on user input, and property binding for using interpolated values computed from the application data in HTML.

Use metadata in Angular

In Angular, metadata is used to specify how a class should be handled by the framework. It provides instructions on the usage of the class.


In software development, services are designed to provide specific functionality to the application. They perform distinct tasks efficiently, avoiding duplication of code. Using a service instead of a utility function in a component helps reduce repetition and can be used across multiple components.

Services can be used to manage the application’s business logic by initializing component dependencies through Dependency Injection. This enables components to easily access services without any additional setup.

Advantages of Angular Architecture

Angular has several advantages that make it a strong framework for web application development:

– Angular’s model-view-controller (MVC) architecture enables separation between the app and the UI layer, providing a modular design that simplifies data binding and scope management.
– Large web applications can be developed with ease using Angular, offering an efficient and convenient platform for managing components.
– Angular allows grouping of directives, components, pipes, and services into modules, ensuring module scopes limit function access to only where they were defined and used.
– Dependency injection design pattern is used to resolve dependencies, with services grouped for achieving common objectives.
– Custom directives can be written using Angular’s ng casing, offering dynamic and flexible client-side application design.
– Angular provides NgModel for data binding, NgClass for adding and removing CSS classes, and NgStyle for adding and removing HTML style tags for HTML form elements.
– TypeScript is used to write Angular code, reducing errors and improving code quality in large JavaScript projects.

Issues with Angular Architecture

Angular is a useful framework, but it has some downsides to consider:

– SEO and accessibility for search engines can be problematic with Angular.
– Angular’s verbosity can be an issue, and it has not changed since AngularJS.
– Compared to React and Vue, Angular has a steeper learning curve and covers more ground.
– CLI documentation can be lacking.
– It takes a lot of code to create a simple Angular app, even if StackBlitz makes experimentation straightforward.
– As with other single-page sites, Angular-created websites can have poor search engine optimization.
– Angular has grown significantly, and the different versions can be confusing and cause compatibility issues.
– Angular has lost some popularity in recent years to VueJS.

Although Angular has its own set of rules to follow, it can be a challenge for beginners. While there are documents available on how to set up Angular universal, it is still important to be aware of potential issues. Despite these concerns, Angular can still be an excellent choice for building powerful single-page websites.

Understanding Angular Architecture

This article introduces the fundamental components of an Angular application, which includes components, directives, templates, metadata, services, and dependency injection. These components constitute the Angular Architecture, a popular structure for web applications. The Angular Architecture facilitates the writing of scalable, understandable, and maintainable code. It has been embraced by global companies such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

Additional Angular Resources

For those seeking additional information about Angular, here are some helpful resources:

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