vault hashicorp cheat sheet

#Enabling and Disabling Auth Methods

  $ vault auth enable userpass
  $ vault auth list
  $ vault auth list -detailed
  $ vault auth enable -path=my-login userpass
  $ vault write sys/auth/my-auth type=userpass
  $ vault read sys/auth/
  $ vault read sys/mounts/auth/token/tune
  $ vault path-help auth/my-auth

#Creation/Lookup a token

  $ vault token create
  $ vault token create -format=json -policy="admin"
  $ vault token lookup <TOKEN-ID>

#Create a token with use limit 
  $ vault token create -policy=default -use-limit=2
#Create periodic token with period of 24h
  $ vault write auth/token/roles/zabbix allowed_policies="default" period="24h"
  $ vault token create -role=zabbix

#Accessor token check
  $ vault list auth/token/accessors
  $ vault token lookup -accessor <TOKEN-ID>

#Login/Revoke/Renew with the new token

  $ vault login <TOKENID>
  $ vault login $VAULT_TOKEN
  $ vault token revoke <TOKENID>
  $ vault token renew <token>
  $ vault token renew -increment=<EXTENSION> <TOKEN>

#Token Capabilities
  $ vault token capabilities <TOKEN_ID> <PATH>

#login using the different auth method
  $ vault login -method=<auth-method> token=<TOKEN_ID>
#Write Policy for different auth-Methods.


#List all enabled policies:

  $ vault policy list
#Delete the policy named my-policy:

  $ vault policy delete my-policy

#Read the policy
  $ vault policy read <POLICY_NAME>

#Wrapping the password like secret-id in approle method
  $ vault write -wrap-ttl=60s -f auth/approle/role/jenkins/secret-id

#Generating Orphan Tokens
  $  vault token create -orphan

/*Creation of the batch tokens. Notice that the token value is much longer than the service tokens. 
This is because batch tokens are encrypted by the Vault's barrier*/
  $  vault token create -type=batch -policy="test"

SemperMelior 100 points

                                    #Change Default and Max TTL's in system which is 32 days
  $ vault write sys/mounts/auth/token/tune default_lease_ttl=6m max_lease_ttl=24h

3.5 (4 Votes)

                                    Vault sheet

4 (9 Votes)
Slobster 115 points

                                    #Get the Token Count
  $ vault read sys/internal/counters/tokens

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