how to open terminal in sublime text ubuntu

# how to open terminal in sublime text ubuntu
>> open sublime text 3 editor
>> Ctrl+Shift+P <-- it will open package manager
>> Type install package and Select it.
>> Type terminus 
>> install it. once complete installation Ctrl+Shift+P and search for Terminus init then it will open terminal.

Krish 100200 points

        &quot;keys&quot;: [&quot;alt+`&quot;], &quot;command&quot;: &quot;toggle_terminus_panel&quot;

4 (5 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    //create new folder using terminal or open any existing
npx create-react-app newapp
//newapp is new folder. now open it
cd newapp
//now run following code
sublime .
//your folder will open in visual studio code. for sublime enter follwing code
code .

4.44 (9 Votes)
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with terminal on sublime show open with sublime text 3 terminus sublime text doc sublime text terminus plugin how to open sublime in terminal how to open sublime text from terminal ubuntu command line commands of sublime text open sublime text through terminal what is the shortcut to open sublime text 3 from cmd sublime text how to open terminal here run command line from sublime text 3 how to open sublime in to terminal running sublime from command line wiindows running sublime from command line how to run sublime from command line terminal in sublime texct whats the command to open a file in sublime how to get sublime in terminal of ubuntu sublime text 4 open terminal open sublime text from terminal ubuntu what is sublime text open terminal sublime open terminal here open sublime in terminal mac run sublime from command line how to open sublime terminal sublime open from terminal subl open sublime from terminal open sublime text in terminal start sublime text using command line launch cmd from sublime launch terminal sublime open terminal at folder sublime how to run terminus in sublime text how to run terminal in sublime text how to open sublime from bash how to use command line in sublime running sublime from cmd run in cmd through sublime ubuntu code to open sublime text from command line open terminal from sublime text 3 sublime editor open command how to open sublime text with command prompt ubuntu sublime text open command open sublime from cmd windows sublime package terminus how to run command in sublime text terminal open file in sublime text 3 open sublime text editor from command line open in sublime from terminal mac open in sublime from terminal how to use sublime terminal terminus sublime text 3 settings terminus sublime text 3 setup how to run a sublime text file how to use terminus sublime text how to open terminal window in sublime text how to get open with sublime text in windows how to open a terminal on sublime? how to open a terminal on sublime make a sublime text file terminal how to run code in terminus in sublime text 3 how to add terminal in sublime text how to open terminal prompt in sublime text how to open sublime textr from cmd how to get a terminal in sublime text open sublime from terminal mac open sublime text with terminal how to open a file in sublime text using terminal how to open sublime text editor from terminal in ubuntu running sublime text from windows terminal ubuntu install sublime text from terminal use terminal on sublime sublime text on cmd open file with sublime from command line windows open a file in sublime from command line sublime text 3 open terminal with name and code as sublime text in terminal windows open sublime from command line how to install terminus for sublime show command line in sublime text 3 open project in sublime from terminal command sublime text windows command line how to use terminal on sublime text open file using sublime from terminal how to run on sublime text run 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to open project in sublime from terminal how to make sublime open windows terminal how to open a file in sublime from terminal open project in sublime from terminal sublimetext 3 terminus start sublime from terminal open command sublime text open cmd sublime text open terminal sublime text call sublime from terminal sublime text open in browser ubuntu open sublime text via terminal running sublime text from terminal how to run sublime text via terminal linux how to install terminus in sublime text 3 open terminal in sublime how to open sublime text from cmd open terminal in sublime windows linux open sublime text command line for sublime text 3 open terminal sublime open sublime from cmder install sublime text via terminal sublime text command line open file how to open sublime from text editor terminal in sublime text in windows how to open a file in sublime from cmd open terminal with sublime text open terminal in sublime text open a terminal in sublime text opening sublime using cmd in windows after installing terminus in sublime how to run it open a file in sublime from terminal open sublime text terminal open file in sublime how to run sublime text ubuntu windows command to open text with sublime open text with sublime terminal using terminal in sublime text 3 how to open a file with sublime text from terminal how to open sublime console how to open sublime from terminal ubuntu sublime open from command line how to open a terminal in sublime text how to install terminus sublime terminus package sublime how to open command prompt in sublime text how to open command prompt in sublime text 3 open terminal sublime text 3 open sublime from terminal windows sublime text with command prompt use terminal in sublime text open sublime text macos terminal command to open sublime text from cmd how to open sublime from command prompt how to open sublime from run window open sublime textwith terminal windows install terminus in sublime sublime text 3 run in terminal does 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3 tutorial how to open a folder in sublime text 3 using cmd make sublime open in terminal sublime cmd terminal in sublime text sublime text show terminal how to open terminal on sublime text how to open terminal in sublime text sublime text terminal sublime open terminal sublime open terminal window how to open terminal in sublime text 3 pc how to install terminal in sublime text 3 sublime toggle Terminus sublime text termius how to open terminal in sublime text ubuntu open file on sublime from terminal open in sublime text from terminal add sublime to path how to access the terminal in sublime text adding terminal to sublime use windows terminal with sublime text 3 open a file in sublime using terminal terminus sublime text hyper command to start sublimetext3 how to open sublime with terminal open sublime in terminal how to open sublime from cmd sublime how to open terminal open terminus in sublime text 3 install terminus in sublime text 3 terminus sublime text 3 package terminal sublime text how to add terminus to sublime open sublime text from terminal how to open sublime from terminal open sublime text from terminal windows open a file with sublime from terminal open file in sublime from terminal link sublime text with cmd opening sublime text from terminal how to open sublime text from terminal open sublime from terminal terminus sublime text 3 how to open sublime throught terminal bash subl open file open sublime text using terminal sublime text terminus terminus sublime 3 installing Terminus in sublime text how to use terminus sublime
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