update npm with nvm

npm install -g npm@latest

Q... 145 points

                                    // to see which versions of node you have run:
nvm ls

// example:
// nvm ls
//         v8.10.0
// ->      v8.16.0
//       v10.21.0
//         system
// default -> 8.16.0 (-> v8.16.0)

// in this case use
nvm use 10.21.0

// you can also uninstall and reinstall if you are having issues
// by following the steps in:
// https://stackabuse.com/how-to-uninstall-node-js-from-mac-osx/

4 (2 Votes)
Jonsca 80 points

                                    nvm install latest

3.43 (7 Votes)
Lax_me 90 points

                                    nvm install-latest-npm

4.43 (7 Votes)

                                    nvm install-latest-npm

4.67 (3 Votes)
Mat T 100 points

                                    // to see which versions of node you have run:
nvm ls

// example:
// nvm ls
//         v8.10.0
// ->      v8.16.0
//       v10.21.0
//         system
// default -> 8.16.0 (-> v8.16.0)

// in this case use
nvm use 10.21.0

// you can also uninstall and reinstall if you are having issues
// by following the steps in:
// https://stackabuse.com/how-to-uninstall-node-js-from-mac-osx/

4 (3 Votes)

                                    nvm install latest

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