store result of command in variable bash

variable=$(command [option…] argument1 arguments2 …)


                                    #Just use following structure to store output of command into a variable:
#For example:
var=$(echo 'hi')	#store hi into var
var=$(ls)	#store list of files into var

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save results of command in variable bash bash get command output into variable bash store exec output in var assign output of a command to a variable in shell script bash assign output of a command to variable how to store output of command in variable bash shell script result of command to variable store output of command into a variable in linux how to store output of a command in a variable in linux output of bash command to variable bash store text output of command in variable shell script store output in variable bash get output of command to variable assign shell command output to a variable in shell script command output to variable shell execute a command and save output in variable bash how to store output of command into a variable assign output to a variable in shell script variable for output of command bash assign the output of a command to a variable bash i want to terminal command output in a variable using shell script bash variable from command output command result in variable bash bash store output of find command in variable bash store output of command in variable shell script assign output to variable and use again shell script assign command output to variable string shell script store output in variable and use variable save command result in variable bash put command output in a variable shell set variable as command output bash how to store a command output in a variable bash output of command as variable shell store a command in a variable bash bash store output command in variabvle bash store command output to variable bash run command and set output to variable shelljs store output from the command how to store output of one command to variable inside shell script store command result in variable bash how to assign the output of a command to a variable in shell script how to store linux command output in variable in shell script command output to bash var variable from command output bash shell script read output of command into 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from cli to variable bash bash result of command to variable bash save result of command to variable variable result of command bash bash store which command output in a variable without output bash which command store in variable run shell and save output to variable store command output in variable linux shell how to save the output of a command in a variable bash bash get output of command into variable run shell script and save value in varaible how to store a command in variable bash shell how to write command line outputs with extendables store a command output in /bin/sh store a command output in variable bash assigning commandline result to a variable bash script get value of command output to variable assign command output to variable in shell script assign command output to var bash bash script output how to set sh command output as variable in bash assign command to variable linux bash echo command result set variable to output of command set variable equal to command output 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bash bash get result of command execution bash export command result put output from console command into variable bash script store output of script bash echo as input of comman shell command output to variable how to store command output in variable in shell script get out put of a command in bashscript and put it in a var how to save results to a variable bash command result in variable bash save output of command to variable shell store command in variable bash script store output of command in variable bash ouput execute output bash script output how to apply -e to a variable bash access shell variable in file bash script get output bash saving command output o variable how to store result of a command in a variable pass command output to variable bash save into a variable bash assign output of command to variable save command to variable shell store echo output in variable bash output a command in a variable bash shell script store command output in variable bash script get output from command store printed output in variable bash bash echo result of command bash script capture output bash command as variable command into variable bash bash writing command to a variable bash put result of command in variable how to store output of a command in a variable in bash bash save output of script to variable echo command result bash how to store the output of a command to a variable in shell script how to save a variable value in bash shell script to read command output bash set command as variable different result bash command in variable get a value from output of command bash response to variable linux bash save output to variable store output of a command in variable bbash bash variable as result of command bash store script output in variable bash run command and store output in variable ubuntu save output form command in var output of shell command to variable linux scripting var = result from command bash how to assign a command out to a variable linux shell script store command result in variable running a command and storing the result in a variable in bash how to set a variable to the output of a command bash linux bash assign output of command to a variable linux shell set variable from command output how to output the command result in bash script get output of command bash bash include results of command output shell bash to varibale how to store the output in a variabel on bash "--output" bash linux output of command to variable what is the output of bash commands save output to variable in shell command output as variable bash bash script assign variable to command output bash assigning command output to variable bash script get current command output bash command output to variable bash shell command to variable bash declare variable output of command linux result bash run command in string and save output to variable ubuntu command output as parameter put command value in variable unix assign command output to variable bash 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a variable bash echo output to variable bash sh output to variable how to store commands oputput into varibale in bash bash variable equals output of command store output of a shell command in a variable how to store response of command in variable bash selt varaible = result of shell how to print a command result in bash read shell output shell script how to store output of command in variable in shell script put output of command in variable bash put a command on bash variable bash script save command output to variable bash scrim run a command store the output command result into variable bash --output in bash shell script put result in a variable\ get bash return into variable get command return into variable bash bash write output to variable shell script put result of a command in variable bash script store a ouput shell variable result of command assign a variable to the output of a command bash linux ouput command to variable bash save command output to environmernt variable bash set bash output to variable bash output variable bash output text to command output result in variable bash bash variable output save output of command into variable bash output of a command into a variable bash bash get output into variable assign the output of a command to a variable in bash set variable to output of command bash bash variable as command output bash assign command to variable shell set variable from command output how to store some command result in some variable in shell make variable from bash result command result to a variable bash script set variable to command output bash set entire output to variable bash set output of command to variable output of command into bahs variable bash run command and save output to variable bash set variable to output of command bash pass result to variable bash script set output of command equal to vraiable save result of command to variable bash bash command in variable bash capture output can we store result of a command in 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command in a variable how to assign command output to variable in linux take sh script output in variable bash get stdout of command bash store output of command store output in variable bash bash store command output in variable bash how to set a variable to another comands output shell script get output of command how to get the output of a command in shell script store result of a command in a variable command save output to variable bash set result of command to environment variable bash pass output of cmd to variable how to take command output in bash bash set variable to command output bash set output to variable bash put command output in var return code of previous command bash bash assign a variable the result of a series of commands bash variable to output of command how to print a command that is storeed in variable linux shell command return to variable bash export result of command to variable how to read bash output into a variable shell script command output to variable how to write output of to a variable bash bash set variable as output of command how to save output of command to variable bash set command output to variable bash store command output in variable bash store shell command output in variable shell script get the output from command how to store output in variable in shell script save output of command to variable bash bash copy command output to variable assign result of command to variable bash bash assign result of command to variable save the result of a command in a variable bash bash output to variable bash script output in variable command output to variable bash how do I capture the result of a bash command into a variable shell assign output to variable get output of command in variable bash bash save output to variable bash output of a command to variable shell script set variable to command output bash put command output into variable bash return command output to variable write in variable output comand bash get command output in variable bash bash store output in variable save command output to a variable bash bash script set variable to output of command store result of command in variable bash
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