Permission denied (publickey) git clone

Connect local git to remote step by step please not not skip any step and checkt the attach link for source

$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
press enter 3 times
1st > Enter a file in which to save the key (/Users/you/.ssh/id_ed25519): [Press enter]
2nd > Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): [Type a passphrase]
3rd> Enter same passphrase again: [Type passphrase again]
=================== done with key genrate process==================
your key is stored the (1st step) path when your enter first time

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Adding your SSH key to the ssh-agent °°°°°°°°°°°°
Step 1)))))))))))
check the key id by run this
==) > eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" it will return you a key exmple:  
Agent pid 59566

Step 2))))))))))))
First, check to see if your ~/.ssh/config file exists in the default location.

====>  open ~/.ssh/config 
if yes it will open the textEditor for your
Else throw this error (The file /Users/you/.ssh/config does not exist.))
######## if its error then create new ./config like this

>  touch ~/.ssh/config

Now again run this command 

====>  open ~/.ssh/config 
Step 3))))))))))))
you must have open texteditor when you run this command 

====>  open ~/.ssh/config 

Now add this code 
Host *
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  UseKeychain yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

keep in mind the (IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 )
the id must be (exp : id_ed25519)  same as when you run this command

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" THISID

Now save and close the terminal
Last step)============  ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_ed25519  //your id 

Done on local now lets add this key to ( GITHUB )

Runt this command 
> pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
this will copy the key in your clipboard 

try to paste any where to check Ctrl + V

========================Open Git account =========================
click Settings >  SSH and GPG keys >  New SSH key or Add SSH key. 

Now add any title and press Ctrl+ V  
the key is in you clipboard 

now save  the key and 

>.   git remote add origin 
PAth copy the ssh repo path and add after 
git remote add (path to your repo)

ALL done now try to run git pull on you local

you will get the the repo content on lcoal

Or git push if you want to push to remote repo

°°°°°°°°°°°        THanks happy Coding     °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

Matifou 85 points

                                    #First start by setting up your own public/private key pair set. This can use either DSA or RSA, so basically any key you setup will work. On most systems you can use ssh-keygen.

#cd into your .ssh directory. Open up the terminal and run:
cd ~/.ssh &amp;&amp; ssh-keygen

#copy this to your clipboard.
On OS X run: cat | pbcopy
On Linux run: cat | xclip
On Windows (via Cygwin/Git Bash) run: cat | clip
On Windows (Powershell) run: Get-Content | Set-Clipboard (Thx to @orion elenzil)

#Add your key to your account via the website.

#Finally setup your .gitconfig.
git config --global &quot;bob&quot;
git config --global bob@... (don't forget to restart your command line to make sure the config is reloaded)

#That's it you should be good to clone and checkout.

3 (1 Votes)

                                    #First start by setting up your own public/private key pair set. This can use either DSA or RSA, so basically any key you setup will work. On most systems you can use ssh-keygen.

#cd into your .ssh directory. Open up the terminal and run:
cd ~/.ssh &amp;&amp; ssh-keygen

#copy this to your clipboard.
On OS X run: cat | pbcopy
On Linux run: cat | xclip
On Windows (via Cygwin/Git Bash) run: cat | clip
On Windows (Powershell) run: Get-Content | Set-Clipboard (Thx to @orion elenzil)

#Add your key to your account via the website.

#Finally setup your .gitconfig.
git config --global &quot;bob&quot;
git config --global bob@... (don't forget to restart your command line to make sure the config is reloaded)

#That's it you should be good to clone and checkout.

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[email protected]: Permission denied (public key) ubuntu git clone permission denied (publickey) ubuntu git permission denied (publickey) gitlab permission denied (publickey) git bash permission denied (publickey) permission denied (publickey) git windows Git permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive) ssh git clone permission denied (publickey) git push permission denied publickey permission denied (publickey). github git clone permission denied (publickey) ubuntu git clone permission denied (publickey) vps permission denied publickey password clone repo Permission denied (publickey) git Permission denied (password,publickey). permission denied public key [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). in win Git: [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). github permission denied publickey windows permission denied public key error permission denied (publickey) git clone github permission denied (publickey) in server ssh permission denied publickey mac in github Permission denied (publickey). git git push fatal permission denied publickey [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository Permission denied (publickey git@github permission denied public key [email protected] permission denied publickey ssh command permission denied (publickey) [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). github permission denied (publickey) windows github permission denied (publickey) [email protected] permission denied (publickey) public key permission denied git@github permission denied (publickey) git bash [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). github error permission denied (publickey) ssh Permission denied (publickey,password) ssh git clone permission denied (publickey) permission denied publickey git : Permission denied (publickey,password) ssh login error Permission denied (publickey). ssh permission denied (publickey password) : Permission denied (publickey). [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). pushing to private reop github Permission denied (publickey). git clone Permission denied (publickey). Permission denied (publickey,password) Permission denied (publickey,password Permission denied (publickey ssh) git Permission denied (publickey). windows ssh permission denied (publickey) Permission denied (publickey). permission denied (public key) Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive) ssh gitlab git github com permission denied publickey windows permission denied (publickey) git github permission denied publickey ssh Permission denied (publickey). [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). ssh Permission denied (publickey) permission denied (publickey). ssh [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey) rails ubuntu@ Permission denied (publickey). permission denied (publickey) [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). private [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey) Permission denied (publickey). permission denied public key ssh permission denied publickey ssh permission denied publickey linux ssh permission denied (publickey) git push ssh permission denied (publickey) [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. [email protected]: Permission denied (publickey). git permission denied (publickey)
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