node install specific version

Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    //lists all versions
nvm ls-remote

//installs the version you want (in this case version 14.0.0)
nvm install v14.0.0

//use the version that you installed as the default
nvm use v14.0.0

3.67 (3 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    curl -o- | bash

Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    nvm install v14.16.0 

3.2 (5 Votes)
Krish 100200 points

                                    nvm install v10.15 //v10.15 is a version i want.

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new version of node n add a specific version of nodejs linux add a specific version of nodejs HOW TO NPM WITH VERSION node js install specific version change version nodejs how to install a specific version run specific node version mac npm insttall a version npm install react native specific version linux change node version node change version how to use a specific version of node convert project to lower version javascript node js npm isnstall version of librari how to install specific version of npm in mac how to install perticular verion npm install different version of node npm install specify version of module how to update node version to earlier version install a specific npm package install earlier version of node .repalce ndoe js version install specific version of node mac install node of specific version npm install packeage with version how to install a secific version of a library npm install npm module with version npm install version install node module with version how to change node version 15 to 14 in ubuntu change node version npm how to install node specific version install specific node package version changing node versions how to install node js specific version changing node version how to install a specific version of node via npm install certain version of node run older version of node how to install particular version ov node npm install specific version change node version terminal make node version 10 or highier how to change node version using npm npm install for a certain node version uninstall and install previous version of node how to install another version of Node js alongside node js new nvm install previous version how to downgrade to a lower version of node change node version using npm npm install specific version node-s revert node version to previous node specific version install change node version to 8.11.3 change node version to 8.11.3 in ubuntu change node version to 8.11 go back to node 12 installing a specific 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specific version select other version nodejs how to install previous node version when you already have latest one ? node version change use specific node version how to install a concrete version of node install specific version node node install version install specific version of nodejs install node at specific version npm install node specific version how to install a specific version of node node reverts to older version node revert to older version install specific node version how to install specific node version install a certain version of node change to previous node version install node specific version node install a specific version how to point to node version from previous version change nodejs change the version of node js install a specific version of node.js change version of nodejs nvm downgrade node install a specific verison how to change the node version using npm use old version of node locally go to older version of node how to change node js version in mac how to install node based on version number installing a specfic version of node install a specific version of node how to run a node project on an older nod eversion change node to version 6 install specific nodejs version npm install particular version of nodee how to change node version node particular version choose node version install older version of node how to install a particular version of node how to install lower version of node how to use specific version of node how to install specific version of node in windows how to install particular version of node install specific version of node How do I install a specific version of node? node install specific version install node js specific version how to a specific version of node on npm install how to install specific version of node
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