merging branches in git

//Make sure you are in your branch. Develop is a a branch in this case

git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'

git pull
To pull changes of team members to your master

git checkout develop
git merge master
Resolve Conflicts in develop

git checkout master
git merge develop
To merge your final changes along with other changes to your master

git pull
If there were any additional changes made meanwhile

git push
To push the final master to the master repository

git checkout develop
//Move to branch again to work

Jun Czyrka 95 points

                                    $ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
$ git merge iss53

3.86 (7 Votes)

                                    $ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
$ git merge iss53
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
index.html |    1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

4.17 (6 Votes)
Karah E 70 points

                                    1. //pull the latest changes of current development branch if any        
git pull (current development branch)

2. //switch to master branch
git checkout master 

3. //pull all the changes if any
git pull

4. //Now merge development into master    
git merge development

5. //push the master branch
git push origin master

4 (6 Votes)

-> we have two branches 'dev' and 'master'
-> we want marge or sync branch 'dev' to branch 'master'
// select all changes
$ git add .
// commit changes
$ git commit –m "fix bug ..."
// switch to master
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
// start merge 
$ git merge dev

4.25 (8 Votes)

                                    //this is for merging into a local branch//

// checkout the branch to merge INTO
git checkout master
// merge local feature branch into master branch
git merge feature_branch_name

4 (5 Votes)
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git branch merge syntax merge two branches using git bash git branch merging branch what is merging branches in git called what is merging branches in git merge branchs in git merge de branch git merge master into local branch how to merge branches on local create merge to branch git merge branches with git command line git merge brancehs how to merge branch into merge branch git git merge two branch in local merging branches through git bash how to merge git branch locally git branch merged into master how to merge a branch to master in git can I merge two branches to the master branch githib merge branches merge git branch to master git merge braches git merge master to develop HOW TO MERGER TWO BRANCHES IN GIT merge master with branch how to merge current branch with master how to git merge a branch merge do git how to merge one branch to master git merge master into branch what is git merge for git local merge two branches merge master into branch git how do you merge branches git how to merge somebody branch into master merge develop branch into master merge git branches locally how to merge two brancher in git branch merge in git how to merge two branches locally git how to merge a branch to master github git how to merge a branch how to merge branches command line git branch &merge how merge master git merging two git branches git cli merge branches merge local git branches how does git merge branches how to merge branch to branch in git how to merge branch git cli Git merge master into current branch git repository merge branch manual git merge merge a branch with master How do I merge two branches? merge with branch merge branchs git git merge master ours merge branch in local git git merging with a branch step merging branch git merge# merge two branches git locally how to merge two branch in git hoe to merge git branch git merging master into branch how to merge the branch into master in github git merge branches command line steps to merge branche git git merge] git branch with merging git marge branch merging two git branchs merge branch localy in git merge branche ways to merge two branches git how to merge the branch to master in git git merge branch in merge two git branch git branch|MERGING git merge to branches locally how to merge master into branch git merge là gì how to merge branges in git git mergella what does merging a branch do merge two branches locally in git merge new branch to master how merge two branch git git merge to branchs branch merging local merge a branch into master create merge branch git merge one bran merge master to branch git locally merge branch how to merge two branches with git git merge branch into branch command git merge branche MERGEAR BRANCH git merging 2 branches merge master branch into local how to merge an branches gir merge branch how to merge branch with master in git merge branches locally in git merge master to local branch do a git merge how to merge 2 branches git can i merge two branches git gitn merge merge branch in master git merge on local branch git merge branh locally how to do git merge in branch steps of merging branch with master git merge 2 local branches git merge brances merge two branches git command how to merge a branch git how to branch and merge in git how merge branche git merge branches locally git merge two branches locally git merge git how to merge branch how to make git branch and merge how to merge git branches locally how do you merge two branches how do you merge two branches in git git how to merge branch merge with branch git git command for merging two branches whats git merge how merge branch git branch merging in git merge git branches together Git Merging a branch merge branc merge branch from command line in git merge branch command gir merge git merge command] git branches merge merging 2 git branches merge branches git command line merge branch git commands git merge .. how to merge a branch on git merge two local git branches merge to branches how to merge local branch merge branche git how to merge two local branches in git |MERGING git git merge branch\ merge to branch how to merge with branch git merge branch meaning git merge branch to my branch git merge i how to merge two git branches locally how to merge branches created in git how to merge two branches in git locally git branch to branch merge merge from a branch git merge branch locally in git git merge two branches manually script to merge git branches how to merge branche how to merge branches with git git merge 2 branches locally git merge two branches command mergear git merging a git branch merge a branch git how to merge two branches git how to merge to a branch in git git merge branc merge git branche hot to merge branches in git merge branch command line git branch merge tutorial how to merge branches in git command line merge two branch git branch and merge merge git git merge two branch git git merge branch local how to merge branches locally in git how to merge the two branches in git git merge how? git merging branch. how ot merge two branches on git merge a branch using git cli how to merge branch into git merging branches on my local .git git merge branch branch how to merge in git branch git merge two local branches merge local branches in git git merge A merging two local branches git create and merge branch git how to merge local branches branch and merge git git merge branch to git merge new branch merge 2 branches in git merging in git create and merge branches in git git merging branch with current branch what does merging two branches together to git what does merging two branches toghether do git git merget git merge local branch merge branchs how to merger git branches merge git i git merge two branches locally git merge bracnhes how to merge two git branch git branch merge command git locally merge branches merge branches locally what is a git merge git bach merge branch\ what does merge branch do merge branch com branch git how to merge braches merge local branch with branch git merge branches locally create and merge branch in git merge branch nedir git merge my branches git branch merge branch branch i merging git git how to merge branchs merging branches git bash git merge branch in develop merge i git git merge two brances merge tewo branches how to merge branch git merge local branches git merge local brances git como merge merge to branch git merge two branches merge 2 local branches git git merge local how to merge development to main branch git merge local branch how to merge the branch in git merge two local branches git merge a online branch git merge branch cli merge branch locally merge branch on gi git how to merge branch to branch locally git how to merge branch to branch what is merge git how to have 2 main branches in git how merge git branch git merge bracnh merging the branch git merge two git branches git merge -no-ff merge branch into into another branch merge into a branch merge branches command line gi merge what does it do merge a branch git merge a branch how to merge in a branch merge git branch into other gitr merge git merge command use git merge branch with message git batcg combine merge branch to master not from master merge master to main github git merge staging to master as release git merge - merge from into merging branches with github merge commit in branch git merge a checkout branches commits on master branch apply changes to both working branch and main git git merging explained whaxt is git merge git merge '@{u}' git cli shortcuts command for merge what is head branch and base branch in git merg git mert into branch git branch merge to another branch vs proffessional how to merge branch to master branch in git git scm merging what does git merge into current branch mean how to merge dev to master remotly create a branch github merging changes in git merge branch using git command git branch merge cmd murge in git best way to merge a branch to master how to mege branch with master git mershe github merge 2 branches What is branching and merge in git? merge command in git cli how merge branches local merge git what is 3 way merge in git what is best way to merge code from 2 developers how to merge the code in git how to to do merge in git git how to make merge into non master branch merging master into branch git merge with branch commit 3 way merge git merge branches ithub terminal what is head in git merge merge commit with master git merge branch with current merge ticket branch in dev branch git one way merge branched git how merge branch to master merging branch locally git merge two branches terminal how to merge brancg merging into master branch git commands to merge into current branch merge branch into current branch git git Models|MERGING) umerge How to merge changes in git git about merge merge changes git merge all branches to master force new changes git branch merge code select merge sections from git terminal git how to merge from main how to merge to branch in git how to merge to a branch on github git merge use how to add a branch cli merge branch to your branch giy merge git branch merged how to merge changes to your master in git merge branch into master command line git merge two bbbranches how to pull code if i have two branches in git adding a branch in git after commit merge branchs from cli git merge commit git mergecommit merge basics with git git merge to merge beanches git merge all branches into master how to mergee branch how merging git git regret merge merge su master git hwo to merge branches git git merge how to whats is git merge (git)-[feature/display-bookmarked|merge]- git bash get master how to merge branch to master in git is mergin staging into master a good idea how to merge two feature branches into develop what is a merge git command merge branch into your branch git merge branch with develop how to merge branch into master git git merges branchs how to merge feature branch to masterr merge a branchs in git git merge from to git merge with main create branch git from master how to do a merge git new functionality merge branch into an other git git merge branch in to master merge branch with master command line how to merge branch back into main github merge to main merge current branch into main branch merge branch I want into main branch how to merge branges merge branches in github git merge two branch git merge branch in branch when merge with master git merge how to merge one branch into another in git "unterschiedliche project" git mergen "2 unterschiedliche project" git mergen how to commit in merge console in git main merging git git merge branch into another branch git create a branch from master does git merge also add and commit? git commit as new branch merge code in git merge one branch data to another git how to merge from one branch to another in git create commit while merging in git git merge by applying branche changes how to merge 2 branch in git git merge in branch how to merge git branches in command line terminal how to merge branch to master command line what happens on git merge how can I merge brange to main branch in github? how to merge with branch git git remote merge branch to master git merge local and remote merge guide git for merge branch into master merge two brances git merge changes with master merge other branch git merge a branch into another branch git create git brach git add by ticktcode git merge into how to merge changesges git how to merge another branch into master merge branch into another branch github git two branches merge how to merge with master git git brance merge how to merge from master to branch merge a branch into main (dev|MERGING) git (dev|MERGING) fgit merge branch to main github add merge to different branch how does git merge work merge on git command line which git command will you use to merge branch to the main branch? how merge in git merge command line git merge branche into master git merge production to master how to merge local branch to master how to merge master branch to main branch git command merge branches git abort merge merge a feature to master gitflow merge develop into master how to merge branches in github git merge master branch to local merge master into branch merge a branch into develop merge a branch into another merge branch github how to merge current branch to master master branch merge command merging two branchs git git merge branch to master locally git branch wechseln zu master git branch wechseln merge feature to develop how to merge master and main branch in git how to merge two git branches on website merge all branches to master git merge explained how to merge into branch git merge branch meaning how to properly merge branches in git git merge dev to master git merge creates merge commit merge branch into meaning into and with git merge git merge branches from command line command to merge the branches github merge branch to main merge two branch git hub merge git how to merge branch into another branch in git command how to merge main branch into other branch github command line merge merge branch into another git bash how to merge merge to branches git how to merge working branch to master should i merge two branch or first mersge to master then merge anothe merge branch git bash git marge two branches how to do git merge from one branch to another git marget to master command to merge two branches in git how to set main branch for merfing code and developer can work on sepratebranch git checkout commit and merge master merge changes from to local to server how to merge branches github bash git merge --f git merge -F branch to master what is mean by git merge merge changes in git how to code merge from one branch to another git merge from master git bash (master|MERGING git merge to branch how to merge ingit merge branch in git meaning git merge master to main git checkout branch and merge to master command line command line for merge git push merge branch to master how to merge git in terminal how to open a branch and to merge in git master merge branch Git branch—merged how to merge git between the two of us how to merge git with partner on a branch how to merge two branches git turn branch into master how to merge branch to master github merge updated master branch into another branch git merge branch into master and push git merge to local branch merge branch git how to user git merge merge branch up to commit git force merge branch to master merge branch to branch merge branch with another branch how to merge a current branch with master what is merge !id in git what is merge id in git meerge git git code merge git commit merged branch merge all development branches to master how to merge changes git git to create and checkout a new branch git merged merge branch to master github git merge branch command example merging git why does merging appears in git |merging next to my branch name github merge branches git merge staging to master force how to merge properly git github merge local branch to master merge branmch to main commit branch to master merge git locally command git branch with | git merge ? ^in git what does merge from do merge 2 branches in github how to merge release branch to master how to mege git branch to another branch how to merge in github git bash how merge works HEAD is now at a080310 Merge branch 'develop' into 'master' how to merge from another branch in git how to merge another branch onto branch how to merge a branch in git bash merge git bash git merge branch a into branch b commit into master branch git merge origin to master how to merge my branch to master git merge master branch git create new branch merge all file to new branch push to master or merge with master merging branch git merger branch merge your work to the master branch. merge changes from branch to master how to merge branches to master merge branch into merge another branch into master how to merge branchs git merge branch to other Merging branches on Git git merge with commit code merging the branches in git merge master and main merge in merge out git get merge github merge branch to another branch branch merge git merge with master branch merging into main merge sub branch to master merge branch master how to merge one branch into master when you git merge do you need to commit after how to merge into master git merge a branch in git how to merge branch to another branch Merge into develop how to git merge two branches how to merge branch in terminal how to merge master and main merging in git bash git command make merge how to merge the branches in git merge master with main branch git merging how to merge other branch to master branch in local git change merge statement how to merge one branch into another git git command to merge two branches merge branch into current branch how to merge your branch to other branch merge in git command how to commit a merge from main to branch git merge staging git merge comanf merge into another branch git git merge local branch into master local merging code diterctly to develop branch github merge branch into master merge lower branch to main how to merge a bracnh to a master git add . for merging commit to branch git git merge branch into main merge to master command line merge a branch in another git merge git merge Creating a branch just before merge merge code in a branch git merge on command line combine master to main git git how to merge a branch into master git merge to another branch git how to merge a branch into my branch git merge ours git bash master merging code for git to merge branch merge new branch to master branch merge with the main branch in git merge from master to branch git command On branch master git join branch what is git merge what does git merge target what does git merge do window merge git git branch --merge git keep separate verion when merging develop/mater how to get the master branch from git how to merge master into your branch branch merge merge branch into master branch merging changes to main branch git merge all to master merging branches in terminal git each part new branch? github how to merge branch to master git command line merge branch have you merge your branch i need to make a second branch my main branch git merge local branches command for merge in git add and commit on master branch git git branch from branch how to merge main git merging branches how to merge my branch into main git git fast forward merge git mergew how to make and merge a git branch git merge branch complete command to merge branch to master merge release branch to master how to merge your local branch with master git how to check in a branch how to merge two git branches git command to merge master to branch git merge in the terminal merge all branches merge into branch merge one branch with master git merge branch to master keep branch merge in git merge my branch to master when should i merge my branch merge master into branch' git merge benaches git megre into master why merging branches git work on a branch of another member git how to merge a branch to another branch git merge inrgo git merge from another branch to master how to merge in git command line create a branch from master git how to merge in git linux terminal git merge main and master git merge commang merge staging to master git merge from master to breach git merge main git branch merge page how to merge your branch with a new master branch how to make a new branch for master how to merge branch to master github command line git mergre git 'merge branches' merge a branch to another branch git merge branch to another branch merge with master git merge all git merge example command line push branch changes to master merge from master command Merge branch 'development' how to merge branch and create a new brach in git merge local branches git merging a branch to master create branges and merge how to merge branches in terminal how do i merge two branches in git git merge branch to other branch git merge master main merge a branch to master how to merge a branch of git how to merge local changes to master how to merge in a new feature branch when the master branch has already moved on merge to mainline merge to main branch git how to merge back to master merge brunch to main git how to use git merge how to merge main and master branch in git how to merge branch into master how to merge git branch merger branch in git merge branch git command why merging my branch with master is not working? git repair merge branch into branch how to merge branch git merge develop into master command line mereg branch git how to merge a branch git merge with main branch what is merge command in git how to merge branches on terminal how to merge feature branch into master git marge git merge example git merge mege with master merge with develop branch git branch --merged git merge to main which branch should i be into merge git merge feature branch into develop git merge 2 merge revisions git how to merge all branch at once how tto merge using gitbash git merge my code git merge about merge branches in git bash how to merge your branch into master merge git branch with master git merge with a branch what does merge branches do git merging my changing to master git merge brach exmaple git merge. branch how to merge branch into main git merge branch' how merge branch to master merge a brnch to mster merge branch into master and develop at the same time git merge shell script I have 2 branches one is main branch and other is master branch , how to merg these 2 branches merge with git how to merge at git website git merge branches into another branch create a branch and commit nad merge git how to get to master branch in git git command merge git merge branch cmd merge branh git git merge new commit merge into develop git git how to merge branches merge git merge branch into another branch combine command git Merging via command line create a new branch from master merge feature branch into master commit to git branch what is the next step after merge branch into master how to merge a branch into master merge changes to master merge local branch with local master git merge feature branch to develop git how to merge branch into master how to merge you code head at some branch adding branch in git merging git branches console merge one branch into another what does compile from a branch means in git git merge example branch how to create a brance git how to commit git branch git merge branche terminal merge dev branch to master join master branch git to create a new branch in git how to do git merge how to merge branche ofgit in cmd merge a branch into master merge remote branch into master merge master and main branches git merge branch with head how to merge a branch in git git command to merge branch with master vcfeate new branch merge github merge main and master how to merge code in git git merging with master git new branch changes automatically merging to develop how to merge bracnh that both have changes git merging changes to master how to merge branch to master with conf how to do merge branch to master git git brotech branch master making git branches create anew release to masterbranch git terminal how to remerge git how to merge a branch to my branch merge my branch with main how to merge 2 git branches merging a branch git git + merge branch how to merge changes using git git merge my branch to master how to murge back to main github git command merge from master to branch merge to master git branch -l github merge how to merge one branch to another branch in git merge feature branch with master gith make new branch git create branch from master build from a branch git how to merge git branch to another git how to merge two branches git clone then create and switch to a new branch merge from a branch git make branch git merge to two branches git merge a local branch to master what do when branch has merging in terminal how to merge a branch into master git bash git create a new branch merge branch into develop git hwo to merge a to b git hwo to merge git branch merge to another branch how to merge one branch with another merge branch back into master git command to merge branch to master git create branch from another branch merge branches create a branch with git how to merge branch with my commit vs how to merge branch with my commit how to create a new branch from the master git merge current branch into master git merging branches to master gitmerged branch git merge terminal git merge from feature branch into develop create new branch from master git create new branch based on master merge branch to current branch git merge master with main merge 2 branch in git how to merge child branch to master branch how to do merge git bash branch merge to master git merging branches using git merging 2 branches in git add code to another branch git merge current branch with master create a new branch git merge another branch into current branch merge command in git git enw branch git bash merge branchs how to merge branch to main git merge branch command line how to merge branches how to merge to branches how to merge branch into another branch commit to new branch merge into git git combine commit across branches git master|merging branch merging git git merge dev git merge two branches to the master git merge to master branch how to merge my branch with master how to merge branch with master mgit merge branc to another git create master git master commit git new branch from command merge a branch safely github branching and merging scenarios merge brnaches git commit branch merge development branch to master using command line git branching and merging our git merges local merging branch to master on branch starter git git merge guide how merging branch master works git merge in dev how to merge gitbash how to merge in hg using commmand git create banch merge two branch in git git committing a branch git merge synta simple to do git merge merge all branches git git create branch and move to it git merge cli git upmerge from branch add to branch git git bash merging git merge feature to develo[ how to git merge from another branch create a branch from branch git bash git merge a branch into develop git merge a branch on develop git merge with another branch github make a new branch and switch to it using git merge how to build a branch git committing to a branch git git merge branch how to branch from master in git merge with another branch git example git branch git how merge two branches how to merge github command line git how to merge a branch into an other git bash merge branch to master git how to merge git branching git git merge b] merge into branch git git merge [source branch] [target branch] git merge back to develop how to merge a branch into another branch git git merge version to branch git merge into develop go into my branch on git git local merge syntax to merge a branch in git git down merge git merge go out github merge in terminal git merge master command how to merge your branch to master in github develop merging git git how to merge to merge into master git git branch from master git merhe git merge branch to develop git merge brach merge brance to master git git make a new branch git merge -X git commands merge in dev run "git merge master" Checkout to the master branch and run "git merge master" pull changes from branch into master git git branch -v command git merge a bransch merging git branch git how to merge to branches git commit on branch merge branches into master git merge git branch into another git merge a branch into another git command for merge braches git merhge how to merge to master branch in git git process to merge into master git how to merge to master how to make a seprate branch master in git git merge onto how to create two branches in git git merge via command line git add to branch switch from master to branch git git marge branch to master git merbe command merge to master git git branch he git merge local branch into master git merge down merge git branches command line git merge branch into dev how to connect to a git branch git create branch off master how to merge bgit branch git swtiching to master branch git add to a branch git merge 2 branch git merge branch commit to master how to down merge in git fgit merge merge branch git guide git merge master to branch command git update and mergecommand git merge branch to main Commit to a branch git git merge a branch into master git terminal merge how to down merge the code rovoke today's all commits and merge in git merge to local master git merge steps git git merge from branch github merge with branch git merge one branch into another how to safely merge a git branch github merge branch github merge branch command line git merge masterto branch command branch git making a new branch on git merge brach git git merging into master git merg branch to master how to merge to master git git merge master git merge branch back what is merging of branches in git git command to merge branch to develop git if i merge 2 different branche with features merge branch to master git command git merge basics how to git merge from command line git branch verify merged branch git merge specific branch git branch -f git commands to merge two branches switch to master branch git after merging what next git git merge CLI command to commit git CLI merge branch merge new code from one master to another merge branches github cli git merge into current branch merge a branch into master git merge branch in git git merge from another branch git merge tutorial source and target branches git merge merging with git merge 2 branches git git merge in terminal github merge by terminal git merge branch in current git merge branch to mainline merge from terminal git git merge choose other branch how to commit to a branch in git git command master to branch git down merge command line git merge usage create a branch in git what happens when you merge git branches merge two different version of the feature branch merge in git git merge target source git merge current to master git merge to local master git merge branch to develop command line git command to merge current branch with master can git branches be used after merging git create branch merge branches git command merge fro another branch git git merge a branchinto master git merge from to or to from git merge branch locally creating new branch git make anew branch of branch git merge command git it bash merge branch master prompt it bash merge branch master github branching & merging just completely use master instead of production when merging? git merging branches git how to merge branch to master git create a new branch in git and checkout git merge branch to master command git merge feature branch into master git new branch work on different branch git git branch -v work on a git branch downmerge git brnach git fast-forward git merge current to dev git ahead merging one brach into another git branches tutorial git bash merge 2 branches git bash merge git merge develop into master merge 2 branch git tutorial git branching git branch merging git merge with branch merge to branches git bash git merge command example merge two branches in git command git merge branch to remote master git merge branch master merge with master branch git merge branch to my branch git how to git merge branch into master git basic branching git merge from terminal git command to merge merge branch to brash in git git merge from merge command in git git merge branch with master git merge two branches git merge a branch to another git merge sintax git how to merge branch to master what i smeant by git branching and merging how to merge git bash working with branches in git git merge master to branch how to merge branchs in git github create new branch from merge of two branches git merge changes into master change code in develop branch by merging with another branch git bash merging branch into master with git how to merge branch and master git git create merge merge branch into master git git merge this how to mergebranch to master on bash git branch to master git branch merge git merge branchs git create a merged branch how to merge git branches open branch with git git merege branchs git commands to merge code from one branch to another branch how to merge branch to another branch git git merge to new branch git terminal how to get into branch git emrge barnach to master git merge branch master to develop git merge destination branch git master to branch git commit to a branch command how to merge code in git command line git merge local branch to local master git merge from master git merge develop how to merge branches in git bash git create local branch before merge git emrge git merge from master to branch git marge all braches to the same point merge two branches in git git merge branch to another git merge vs terminal command line git merge how to merge branch into master with github git command for merge into current git command for mergeinto current git merge branch to another command git merge local branch to master git merge syntax git fast forward git merge branch into another git branch of a branch git how to merge branch to branch y merge branch to master git git merge branch into branch git merge branches how to merge in git bash git merge to dev git merge process go tp master branch in cli git merge on master git how to merge from master what is branching and merging in git git commands how to merge branch to master on github git create branch get updates from master how to git merge branch git add branch git create new branch and merge git merge branc dev how do I merge my local git version git branch based off of master branch of a branch git git merge from command line i want to got from branch to master git git merge command line github merge to current branch git bash merge master in local branch how to merge in git command merge branches git cli git merge and git commit how to git branch git merge master is used for? how merging work git gitlab merge branch to master how to merge a branch with another branch in git how to merge git commit to a branch in git merge one branch into another git merge git branches git branch out from master which branch to merge from merge a local branch to master git merge branch to current branch branch|MERGING how to merge to master branch how to merge a branch to master how to make merge on git bash git branch merge to master how to git merge merge branch to another branch git how to merge from branch to master git cli merge merge with master git how to add branch to master in git how to merge new branch into master merge local branch with master bit merge git create new branch and switch to it git command to merge branch git merge example git commit to branch git merge into branch merge branch with master merge branch with master git git merge branch to head how to merge in git my branch got merged how to work from git branch locally branches merge git branch a branch merge to develop merge git command workingbranch git command to merge to master git create new branch from master branch merge dev to branch git merger git branching how to merge from different branches source control git merge branch into master git merge one branch to another git git merge 2 branches how to merge a branch with git git commit branch to master git merge in console force merge from dev into master git how to merge git branch to master git command line merge merge a brnach to master github merge branch to master how to merge 2 branches in git merg branch in git merge two branches git git add to master merge bracnh es git how to git merge branch to master how to merge into master git switch to master branch command to merge the branch with master merge branch to master branch git branching tutorial git merge trunk to branch how to merge to merge branches git cli merge branches github create and switch to new branch git how to merge two branches in git mearge git what do i do in console? 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