linux give full permission to directory

# Change permissions for the root file/dir only
chmod 777 path/to/directory/
# Or
chmod 777 path/to/file
# Change permission for root dir and all files/dirs within
chmod -R 777 path/to/directory/

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linux give full permission to user give full permissions to folder linux how can access to full permission folder in linux how to give full permission to file in linux how to give full permission to current files and folders in linux linux directory with full permissions give full permission to all files in folder linux give permission to entire directory linux give full permission to a user in linux linux how to give permission to folder give full permission to file in linux linux give full permissions to shell script give full permision to a directory in linux linux give whole directory permission how to give user full permission in linux how to give permission to entire folder in linux grant full permission to folder in linux give user full permission to folder linux linux new folder full permissions Linux getting full permission over a folder for a single user Linux getting full permission over a folder how to give permission to directory in ubuntu how to give a permission to 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