linux commands

ls - list everything in current dirrectory
cd directoryname - change directory to given directory
cp directorynameofcopied directorynamewheretocopy - copes a file or folder
mv directoryoffiletobemoved directrynameofdestinationtomove - moves a file
pwd - print current location
touch filename - create a file
cat > filename - createa a file name and write into it
| - pipe command, lets you combine commands


                                    The 'mv' (move) command can also be used for renaming directories. Use the below-given format:
mv directoryname newdirectoryname

4 (5 Votes)
Meisterluk 90 points

                                    Linux Commands (case-sensitive)
reboot ==> reboots system
man ==> gives you instruction of the command - Ex:
"man reboot"
mikdir ==> Creates directory(folder)
cd ==> Change directory
Ls ==> List directory content
pwd ==> Print name of the current working directory. It
gives you the exact location; Ex: /home/Andy/Desktop
ll ==> Long list format
ls-la ==> Prints files and hidden file
clear ==> Clear screen
cd.. ==> Goes to the parent file (not the root file)
cd/ ==> Goes to the parent root file
cd~ ==> Goes to the home of the user file
grep ==> Prints a line matching a pattern
df-h ==> Prints the disk space usage top ==> Displays
linux tasks (like task manager)

4.33 (3 Votes)
Jammypeach 95 points

                                    To view a file, use the command -
cat filename

3.88 (8 Votes)
Taylor yohe 120 points

                                    Linux Commands (Case Sensitive):

pwd                ==> print the name of current directory   || Ex: pwd
whoami             ==> print the current user                || Ex: whoami
cd [directoryName] ==> enter a directory               		 || Ex: cd Music
cd ..              ==> go back to the parent directory       || Ex: cd ..
cp [file]          ==> copy file                             || Ex: cp music.mp3
ls                 ==> list all items in the current folder  || Ex: ls
clear              ==> clears the terminal                   || Ex: clear
mkdir [foldername] ==> makes folder with the specified name  || Ex: mkdir Songs
rmdir [foldername] ==> removes the specified folder          || Ex: rmdir Songs
echo "text"        ==> outputs to stdout		         || Ex: echo "Hi"

For sorting files:
mv [file] [newname]==> rename a file or folder  			 || Ex: mv exe txt
cat [filename]     ==> reads the specified file              || Ex: cat cmds.txt
tac [filename]     ==> reads the specified file in reverse   || Ex: tac cmds.txt
tail [file, file]  ==> reads first 10 lines of the files     || Ex: tail cmds.txt
zip [file, file]   ==> compresses the specified files        || Ex: zip files
vi [file]          ==> edit file in the terminal             || Ex: vi cmds.txt
gedit [file]       ==> edits the file in text editor         || Ex: gedit cm.txt
nano [file]        ==> edit file in nano editor              || Ex: nano cmds.txt
tar                ==> same as bzip2 						 || Ex: tar file
bzip2 -z / -d      ==> compress and decompress files with    || Ex: bzip2 -z cmds
                       the extension "bz2" respectively  
gzip               ==> same as bzip2 but compresses files    || Ex: gzip file
						with a gz extension.

Getting help:
man [command]      ==> show the manual of the command        || Ex: ls man
[command] --help   ==> similar to man but ouputs in terminal || Ex: pwd --help
apropos [word]     ==> search for the word in description    || Ex: aprpos list
					   of all commands

More advanced: 
reboot             ==> reboot the system                     || Ex: reboot
which [command]    ==> ouputs the location of the command    || Ex: which ls
su [username]      ==> impersonate as the specified user     || Ex: su root
exit               ==> exit the current user or the terminal || Ex: exit
shutdown -P +min   ==> shutdowns the system        			 || Ex: shutdown -P

ifconfig           ==> lists all the network interfaces on   || Ex: ifconfig
					   your machine 
netstat            ==> displays network connections for TCP, || Ex: netstat
					   routing tables, and a number of 
                       network interface and network 
                       protocol statistic

For listing hardware:
lscpu             ==> list CPU architecture information      || Ex: lscpu
lsusb             ==> list information about usbs            || Ex: lsusb
lsblk 			  ==> list block devices					 || Ex: lsblk
lsof			  ==> list opened files						 || Ex: lsof
lspci       	  ==> list PCI devices  	 				 || Ex: lscpi

System Administration: 
users              ==> shows names of users logged in        || Ex: users
adduser            ==> adds another user                     || Ex: adduser David
deluser            ==> deletes a user                        || Ex: deluser David
passwd             ==> change the password of current user   || Ex: passwd
uptime             ==> shows how long the system has been    || Ex: uptime
                       running, number logged on users and 
                       the system load averages
uname -a          ==> show  all the information of the OS    || Ex: uname -a
ps(Process Status) ==> displays currently-running processes  || Ex: ps

3.25 (4 Votes)
Dvelopp 105 points

                                    ls	ls       -   Lists files in current directory
ls -alF	     -   List in long format
cd	         - change directory
cd tempdir   - Change directory to tempdir
cd..         - Move back one directory
mkdir        - Make a directory
rmdir        - Remove directory(Must be empty)
cp           - Copy File into Directory
rm           - Remove or Delete File
rm *.tmp     - Remove all file
mv           - Move or rename files
more         - Look at file, one page at a time
lpr          - Send file to printer
man          - Online help about command
passwd       - Change password
gzip         - Compress file
grep<str><files> - Find which files contain certain word
who          - Lists who is logged on your machine
history      - Lists command history
date         - Print out current date
whoami       - returns your username
pwd          - tell where currently you are

3.67 (6 Votes)
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