kubectl to show label of pod

kubectl get pods --show-labels

Y. Pan 120 points

                                    NAME       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE    LABELS
labelex    1/1       Running   0          10m    env=development

4.13 (8 Votes)

                                    NAME        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE    LABELS
labelex     1/1       Running   0          16m    env=development,owner=michael

4 (1 Votes)
Za Ah 90 points

                                    kubectl label pods labelex owner=michael

4.2 (5 Votes)
Bryce 80 points

                                    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift-evangelists/kbe/main/specs/labels/pod.yaml

5 (1 Votes)

                                    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift-evangelists/kbe/main/specs/labels/pod.yaml

4.2 (5 Votes)
Catidew 125 points

                                    NAME        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE    LABELS
labelex     1/1       Running   0          16m    env=development,owner=michael

4.11 (9 Votes)

                                    # Get pods in default namespace
kubectl get pods

#Get Pods in my-namespace
kubectl get pods -n my-namespace

#Get Pods in all namespaces
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Louel 110 points

                                    # Get pods in default namespace
kubectl get pods

#Get Pods in my-namespace
kubectl get pods -n my-namespace

#Get Pods in all namespaces
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

3.71 (7 Votes)
Adam 90 points

                                    NAME       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE    LABELS
labelex    1/1       Running   0          10m    env=development

4.44 (9 Votes)

                                    kubectl label pods labelex owner=michael

4.13 (8 Votes)
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all all-namespaces kubernetes logs butons get clusters kubectl check status of kubernetes pod how to get a name where kubernate instance is running kubernetes get all containers on pod in nodejs code kubernetes get all containers on pod in node kubernetes get all containers on pod kubectl get yaml output kubectl get-context get contexts kubectl kubectl config get-contexts get services kubernetes kubectl get all pods kubectl deploy-pod podname kubectl ---o yaml kubectl get pods --all-namespaces find kubernetes apps find kubernetes apps with pods kubernetes get instances available kubernetes get instances name search past pods kubernete kubectl get command to identify which Node each Pod is running kubernetes get services kubectl get pods
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