kill port mac

#First run this, to get port information (with the port you want to kill)
sudo lsof -i :3000 

#Then run this, with <PID> replaced by the value in the column returned by previous command.
kill -9 <PID>

Park Jiwon 85 points

                                    sudo lsof -i :3000

kill -9 &lt;PID&gt;

3.67 (3 Votes)

                                    kill -9 &lt;PID&gt;


                                    sudo lsof -i :3000

3.67 (3 Votes)
PauloP 105 points

                                    npx kill-port 8080

4.5 (2 Votes)

                                    npx kill-port port_number

npx kill-port 5001

4 (1 Votes)
Naresh 120 points

                                    npx kill-port port_number

npx kill-port 5001

3 (2 Votes)
Erik Hofer 90 points

                                    kill -9 &lt;PID&gt;


                                    npx kill-port 8080

3.7 (10 Votes)
Perez 95 points

                                    sudo lsof -i :3000

4 (1 Votes)
Df86 90 points

                                    sudo lsof -i :3000

kill -9 &lt;PID&gt;

3.75 (4 Votes)
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mac app to kill ports macos kill port 3000 mac kill process in port How to kill the process currently using a port on localhost in mac kill port running mac kill task on port mac kill active port mac how to kill port 8080 on mac port kill in mac how to stop a process on a port in mac kill port pid mac kill programs using a port macOS kill running ports macos kill pelican port mac mac kill port 5000 kill running port mac os via terminal kill port on mac with pid kill process on port mac 8080 how to kill all ruuning port in mac kill port listen mac kill process mac port 8080 mac kill a port kill a port used in mac kill process on port 9000 mac find and kill port mac mac find and kill port mac fuser kill port kill port in macos kill port dont work mac kill port mac 2021 kill a port in mac terminal port doesn't kill mac how to kill a port being used in mac stop port mac forcefully kill a process on 8080 port in mac how to kill port mac terminal macos kill port 19000 macos kill port activity kill the port mac stop process on port 8080 mac how to terminate port connection in mac kill in port mac how to kill a port mac terminal how to stop port running in mac how kill a port in mac kill port already in use mac get and kill port mac mac terminal kill process port find kill app on port 80 mac kill application on port mac os kill mac ports lsof kill port osx kill all processes on a port mac kill processes on port macos how to kill a port mac kill port process in mac cmd kill instance of port macos terminal kill process in port mac os show all port and kill mac kill all process on port 4000 mac close the port in mac find and kill processes on port mac kill localhost port on mac mac close use port kill running ports mac kill listen port mac how to stop a process in a port on mac terminal how to stop a process in a port on mac termina how to stop a process in a port on mac mac command to kill process on port kill process port 5001 macos mac kill port terminal macos stop process on port mac kill processes running on port kill running port in mac kill web port in mac terminal kill process in port 3001 mac kill all on port macos how to kill a port in mac terminal kill everything on port macos kill all running servers mac close port in use mac terminate on port 8080 mac how to kill service running on port mac kill a process on a port mac How to Kill a port on Mac? how to kill the running port in mac kill all server macos mac kill port 3001 mac kill port 443 kill port macos kill all processes on port mac close a port in mac kill port terminal mac 11.4 kill specific port mac kill port 8081 mac kill whatever us running on port 80 mac macOS kill an app using a port kill process cmd on port on mac how to kill a port mac os kill a process at a port mac kill process mac on port kill all processes by port mac kill command network port mac linux kill port 8080 mac kill process on port mac terminal how to kill process in port mac find kill port mac mac os kill 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running in mac kill port use 80 mac exit port process mac find and kill process on port mac mac kill what is listening on port stop proces which use port mac how to kill whats at port 3000 mac kill process in port 8080 mac mac kill process port 3000 kill apache 80 port on mac kill all 80 ports on mac terminate port macos close port in mac check and kill mac on port mac kill process on specific port mac check and kill process on running port mac terminal kill port 3000 stop process on port 3000 mac mac os kill port macos how stop port kill a process running on a port mac kill all running ports mac how to kill a port using terminal in macos how to stop port in mac mac kill task on a port kill port 3000 use mac mac close port kill existing port mac kill server running on port mac kill running port macos how to close port mac port 80 mac kill all mac kill on port kill all 80 port mac how to kill a runniogn port in mac kill something using port mac how to kill a server on a port mac macos stop port kill service on port macos how to kill a port that is in use on mac how to kill 3000 port in mac kill the port listen to 80 mac mac kill pid on port how to kill port 8080 in mac macos kill port 8080 how to kill port in the mac how to kill a process running pn a port in mac terminal macos kill process with specific port in use mac stop port how to kill ports in use mac termianl kill process listening on port mac how to kill port on mac os kill process running on port macos how to stop a process on a specific port on mac kill a running port mac kill process running on port mac in single command kill process on port 443 macos killing process runnins on ports macOS mac port kill localhost kill port in mac terminal kill all port mac how to kill localhost port mac how to kill local host port in mac quit process on port mac mac kill app on port kill process on port docker mac kill a port on mac mac kill process on port 3306 mac find and kill process on port port kill windows command for kill ports mac how to kill port 3000 in mac macbook kill process on port how to kill process in speciafic port in mac kill server on port mac kill every runing port in mac mac kill 3000 port command to kill all processes on port mac killing ports on mac kill port in use mac kill 8080 port mac kill port process mac easy kill brew kill op on port mac how to terminate port in mac how to kill a process on a port mac stop port in mac mac terminal commands kill process port stop process running on port in mac kill port using terminal in mac without sudo kill port using terminal in mac with outsudo kill port using terminal in mac with sudo kill port using terminal in mac kill whats using port 80 mac mac task kill for port commanfd kill port number mac lsof kill port mac how to kill a process on a port in mac how to terminate process on a port mac How to kill a port on mac kill port 3000 mac how to stop process running on port 8080 in mac kill running port mac kill 3000 port mac mac stop process on port 8080 kill specific port mac mac kill port 80 how to kill port 3000 mac kill port 8000 mac kill app on port mac mac kill open port kill port mac command mac kill port 8080 how to kill the running port number in mac how to kill a service running on a port in mac how to kill process running on localhost port mac terminate process on port mac kill a certain port mac how to stop process from listening on port mac how to kill process at port on mac mac kill process on port kill application on port 8080 mac how to stop running port in mac mac port kill kill process on port 8080 on mac macos kill process on port kill ports from running mac kill ports mac stop application running on port mac how to kill process macos on 80 port localhost macos kill port kill pid port mac killall port mac mac terminate a port kill service on port mac terminate port mac kill a process in mac on a port kill service by port mac kill already running port mac close port mac kill port mac kill already used port in mac close process on port mac find running port mac kill ports on mac kill port process mac kill process on port 8000 mac kill server on port 5000 mac mac kill server on port kill a process using a port mac mac kill port 3000 stop port running mac cmd for kill port on mac how to kill port 8080 mac mac kill process by port kill process port mac mac kill process using port mac kill service on port kill port on mac kill 5000 port mac how to find and kill open port in mac kill all localhost ports. mac find port 3000 how to kill whats on port 8080 mac to see what is running on port 5000 mac kill node port stop port lsof stop port in use mac kill all running on port mac find and kill port in mac kill port 4000 mac kill angular port 4200 kill all civilization 6 mac terminal kill a broken program mac terminal kill sound mac mac stop the port 80 process kill port 9000 mac 8 port switch see whats running on port mac kill port macbook mac kill port 3500 kill port 5432 kill process on port 5000 kill process in port macos mac find what is using port mac kill server 3000 kill port server mac how to kill port 7777 mac check if a service running on a port mac check a service running on a port mac free port macos kill all on port 4000 check my port 9000 on mac kill process by port mac mac stop process on port how to free port in mac clear ports mac report crash port 80 taken on mac how to kill the port in mac mac check port running kill running server mac how to free port no in mac mac serch and kill port how to kill all localhost mac how to see what is running on a port mac macos kill app onport macos x kill on port kill a process on port mac kill service on 3000 kill process at 3001 mac killa port kill ports in mac kill all processes on localhost mac kill proces on port mac who is using port mac check processes running on a port mac mac terminal check what is running on port how to kill ports on mac mac book find port and kill it osx kill port who is using localhost 3002 macOS kill a process running on port in mac killl port in mac kill server on mac address already in use for every port macOs close 8081 mac how to check which process is using a port in mac find process runnin on port on mac kill pport on mac how to free mac port 3000 stop running process in localhost:3000 mac check process running on port mac kill 3000 port check port usage mac kill process terminal mac macbook list processes on port free port 8000 mac kill port 80 in mac How to kill the process currently using a port on localhost mac show process using port mac mac how to kill port how to stop all servers is running in mac mac see who is using port kill process on port 3001 mac kill port not working mac this port is already in use mac mac kill all ports running on port ] mac clear port mac kill process on a port how to kill port 5000 mac stop service on port terminal what is running on port mac check process using port find pid running on port mac mac find what is running on port 5000 how to stop port 3000 in mac how to kill all localhost server on a mac kill process port 3500 mac kill a specific port mac check application running on port mac close port 3001 from terminal free port on macos find app running on port mac mac kill port 8000 kill port 3001 kill local host 3000 kill local host lsof kill all servers mac how to kill localhost on mac kill terminal mac kill all port 80 mac CP210xon mac check port something is already running on port 3000 mac kill processes running on port mac ps -ef | grep 3000 lsof find port 3000 not working &quot;mac&quot; terminal kill port macos address already in use kill whatever is running on port 3000 kill 80 failed mac Stopping Whatever Is Listening On Port 80 mac find open port and kill onmacos mac who is using port how to kill a process in mac port 3000 not working osx mac os free ports terminal kill process on port kill a process on 8080 in mac macbook how to kill process by port free port 8080 mac terminal stop port 8080 mac terminal kill process on port 3000 how to stop a running port macos kill process mac terminal kill a port in ma kill sserver mac Address already in use kill port bind: address already in use mac Kill whatever is on port 5000 mac how to find out what is running on port 7165 mac and how to stop it close opened servers on mac macbook pro kill process on port 3030 kill on port 3000 kill port getting used mac macos kill on port how to kill process using port 8080 on mac release port mac mac check port in use how to get my running localhost pid in mac stop port 8080 mac how to abort port in mac how to check which port is running in mac mac find which application uses the port free ports on mac mac force kill port mac see what is running on port mac clear port 3000 killing port in mac lsof | grep 3000 how to kill running port in mac lsof kill all ports close process in a port mac stop process on specific port mac mac kill prrocess on port &quot;killall&quot; port 80 mac mac how to kill whats on port 80 &quot;killall&quot; mac how to kill whats on port 80 killall mac how to kill whats on port 80 command to kill an open port mac how to kill a port on mac ? mac get process by port kill everything on port 3000 mac kill command npx kill port see if something is running on a port mac terminal kill a port terminal find process on port kill the port in mac lsof 3000 How to Kill a port in Mac? command to kill port in mac how to check what is running on port mac stop items on port mac mac kill specific port how to stop a process of port in macos kill process that using port macos how to kill all ports mac how to kill a port in mac kill process mac terminal port kill process mac kill port 300 terminate localhost mac find process running on port mac Kill prot 5000 kill command on mac terminal kill all localhost ports mac how to kill app on port 3000 mac kill process on port 3000 mac mac terminal kill process on port mac port in use show process running on port mac mac port is already in use macOS find and close processes holding open ports brew kill port kill everything running on port mac kill server mac kill program on mac find pid of process running on port mac find process running on port osx port is already in use mac how to kill whatever is running on port 3000 kill all process running on a port mac how to stop a port in mac how to kill port in mac kill post mac kill redis port in mac kill port 5000 find port in use mac osx kill process on port find out what server is running on port mac mac kill all local ports mac list process on port stop working process on port 300 how to stop whatever is running on port 3000 close localhost 5000 mac how to kill port in use mac stop localhost mac how to check which application is using port mac stop localhost 3000 mac osx how to kill a process on a specific port kill what's on port 3000 mac terminal find process on port netstat -ano | findstr :3001 on mac mac os find node process port how to check if something is running on a port mac how to find what process is using a port mac kill app on port 4000 kill all on 3000 get process on port 300 mac macport already in use kill process how to destroy all open ports how to free ports on mac command line stop all ports mac find pid running on port 8080 mac mac chek process on port find and kill port which process use port mac mac check what process is using a port see process using port mac kill localhost 3000 port 3000 is already in use mac how to stop running port on mac process on port mac kill localhost server mac stop port process lsof mac check app running on port see process running on port mac mac os kill process on port how to kill port 4000 mac find process port find app runnin on port mac kill mac prort kill a server port 4000 fcp user port kill found service with port amcos osx terminal stop process at a specific ip how to check if something is runnin on a port mac kill all process on port 3000 mac port Address already in use mac find app using port kill port mzc see process on port mac kill server on port 4000 kill something on port 3000 macosx mac see process running on port Address already in use mac how to check all process running in port 8080 on mac terminate process running on port mac terminate port activity kill pid using port mac clear listening server port 3000 check whats running on port 5000 mac find item running on port terminal mac service running on port find app using port mac kill port mac all ports find and kill all ports how to free 3000 port localhost 3000 kill mac search process by port find process runnino on. port in mac how list process running on port in mac mac address already in use kill all on port 3001 get port process mac kill the port on mac find services active on port 3000 lsof mac kill all process on port find the process running on a port mac kill local server mac stop process on port mac port address already in use mac mac free a port mac how to stop a port kill server in mac view process on poprt mac kill localhost 3000 mac how to stop all port 8000 mac killall port 3000 something is already running on port 3000 mac mac stop listneing to address on port how to kill something running on a port mac lsof port 3000 how to find process running on port mac find localhost 3000 and kill mac kill server process mac mac process running on port stop listening on port mac killing a process on a port on mac check running on port how to kill server running on port mac mac terminal kill process on port localhost port in use mac kill used port mac mac kill port stack overflow kill what is running on port mac kill [ort in mac kill port 300 in mac mac port already in use kill port mac ox mac close port 3000 see which app is using port 8081 on terminal macos get process running on port in mac delete process on port mac kill service on port 5432 mac get service by port mac mac find app running on port free port 3000 mac stop 3000 port free up a port in mac show ports in usage and kill sudo kill port mac how to close a local port 3000 mac release a port in mac port already in use kill remove tcp port in mac mac kill process on port mac how to kill all your ports mac how to close localhost port mac kill app running on port mac lsof kill server kill port 3000 terminal mac kill prcess on port mac mac find process using port mac find out what is using port kill server is listening on port 45690 mac Port already in use: kill process mac piport alreaydb in use kill how to kill a server running on a port mac find pid using port mac kill running process on port mac kill localhost 4000 find pid by port mac check ports mac terminal delete find port and kill kill task in mac running on port check if port is being used mac kill process using port mac find and kill process on port kill all processes on port 3001 how to force close port 3000 in mac end a port being used mac mac kill process on port 8080 mac awk killing port kill port 5000 mac empy port mac how to kill a mac port find process using port mac mac find and kill process using port how to find process on port terminal find out what's using port 8081 mac kill a port in mac mac kill application run at port mac kill process on port 8080 cannot kill 80 port mac kill terminal process mac port kill on port mac check what is running on port mac npx kill-port 3000 check services running on port mac stop server port mac pid kill port mac terminal close localhost port mac hkill port mac mac check process on port close a port mac process running on port mac kill port 3000 kill port in mac kill process on a port mac port in use mac how to kill local host port on mac kill servers mac how to kill port mac kill all server 5000 mac kill process at port mac empty port mac free port mac os kill server 3000 macos command to kill port mac mac unable to kill the port being listend mac view process running on port how to kill port on mac lkil port process ma kill node port 3000 mac how to close a running port mac kill port 8080 mac kill process on port mac npx kill port 3000 mac kill on port kill the process using the port mac port already in use mac mac get service running on port kill localhost port mac mac check port usage kill process running on port mac kill process on localhost 3000 kill port 5432 mac kill a port mac stop a process on port mac close port 3000 mac kill server on port 3000 mac mac kill process on port kill process on port 8080 mac lsof kill port terminal see what's running on a port how to clear a port mac mac termal list everything running on ports kill mac port how to close port 8888 mac disable port in use mac mac kill port how to kill runnig ports on mac stop port processes mac free port 8080 mac kill process on port 8081 mac mac free port by kill command kill process on port mac os kill all ports mac find process using port in mac macos close port 3000 macos close port 300 check process on port mac check the process running on a port mac mac os kill port 8080 killing port in macos mac find port in use kill ports in use terminal kill port mac kill all servers mac kill port in ubuntu sudo lsof-i :4000 mac
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