How to upload a files to a repository on github using gitbash

git init
git add .
git commit -m "message for the commit"
git remote add origin https://url-of-github-repo
git push origin master or git push -f origin master

Ayrix 125 points

                                    git add .
git commit -m "message for the commit"
git remote add origin https://url-of-github-repo
git push origin master

3.67 (3 Votes)
Tomas By 95 points

                                    git add .
git commit -m "message for the commit"
git remote add origin https://url-of-github-repo
git push origin master

4 (7 Votes)
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how to push code to git using command line how to push to github from terminal how to push local code on github pushing a code to github How to push to github through cmd push code to github from terminal how to push code on github commands to push to github github command to push upload files to github using git bash how to upload a file to github repo using command line github commands to push how to push existing code to github how to push repo to github push new project to github upload local repository to github github push code to repository steps to push to github how can push to github push code in github how to upload to github repository how to upload a folder to github repository upload git repository to githu how to commit and push to github git upload project to github push project to github how to upload files to github github push code upload folder to github command line how to put files on github repository push a code to github repository how to push code to github terminal push on github vs code how to upload files to a github repository hot to push to github git command line how to push your branch to github push into github tortoise git push to github github cli push how to push my code to github repository git bash push to branch github how to push a project to github push my project to github vs code push to github what if you can't push your code to github how to create a repository in github and upload files how to push code in git hub push file to github command line how to push code to github repository how to create a repository in github and upload files with git commands how to initially push code to github push changes to github command line how to push code into github push code github how to push repo to github from command line how to push code in github repository git command to push project into github push code to repository github github push command how to push a code in gihub push the code to github push a command github 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command line gonnect github repo to local git ubuntu git push github how to find github origin repo git ubuntu git push github how to find github repo git ubuntu git push github git init and push to github how to add repository to github git commit and push syntax how to push code to git la4 push a project to github git push to a new repository how to create new repository in github command line git commands to push code to github how to upload a folder to github using git bash import local git repo to github push code from local to github by command line github push repository create github repository from git bash how to push code to git repository how to connect a local repository to github how to connect git to github repository how to push code from local to github using cmd how to upload files in github using ubntu git push changes to github repository push files to github development branch add file to github using git bash git push existing code to new repository git hub commad line uploading how to upload a git repo to github push files to github git bash upload all files into repository adding files to existing repository in github how to push changes to github from terminal how to add local repository to github add git to github how to upload files to github from terminal push a new file to github how to push files through github how to use git to push to github how to push my new code in github how to add a github push existing repo to github how to commit our first code to github move code to existing github repo add project to existing git repository first commit to github git hub initial commit git push to new local repository push changes to github terminal create a new repository in github command line how to push files to github adding python project to github using terminal push a folder to github publish git repository to github how do push file github push git to github from cli git add project to remote repository how to push files into remote 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project files to git hub using git bash push code from local to github push files to remote git how to push local repository to github commit changes to github repository how to upload code from ubuntu into Github at the first initial how to upload code from ubuntu into Github git bash upload to github linux git existing folder to a git repo add new repositry to github git uplaod files using command line how to upload git repo files using cmd push to github terminal create github repo from command line how to push a local repo to github how to push to a github repo from terminal how to push code to github using cmd github push to repository git push to new repository how to push new project to github commands to push to new repository github add repository to github command line how to change code to new repository in github push to a repository github git push to github git push origin master git create new remote from command line create a repo in github from command line how to check github repo name with command line delete github repository without browser delete a github repository using bash delete a github repository using curl upload repo to github how to delete a repository on github integrating files from github push local repo to github pushing a local project to github how to upload files to github repository command line commit code to github how to upload git repo to github push code to github repository how to upload the project in githubusing mac terminal push new git repo to github push git repo to github pushing project to github push to github repository push new repo to github github push repo from local github commands to push code how to upload local repo to github upload local repo to github local project to github connect project to github push a repository to github how to push repo to git hub upload git repository to github how to add files to github repository using git bash how to push on github using terminal upload file to github using git create repository from existing directory github pushing a repository to github how to upload my project in github uploading a project to github how to push project to github git cmd upload push to github repo upload git repo to github git hub bash how to upload files on git hub upload project to github move local repository to github how to add a project to github load my git project to github git push to github new repo add repo to github upload to github using git upload to github using terminal how to add change to your repository github from the ommand line push to new repository github git push project to github git commit to github git push existing repo to github how to upload a project on github git command to upload to github how to upload code from local to github how to push code to github git upload push a file to new git repo how do i savemy project to git git upload to github git push a project to github How to upload a files to a repository on github using gitbash how to push file to github upload git commits to a github repo github create repository and upload project how to push my code to github how to push to github local projects how to upload files to github using terminal how to push code into new git repository commit to github push to github how to push to github how to upload project on github push repo to github push your repository to github add to github push code to github command line
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