how to uncommit in git

git reset --soft HEAD^

git reset HEAD^
//And if you actually want to completely undo it, throwing away all uncommitted changes, resetting everything to the previous commit (as the original question asked):

git reset --hard HEAD^

Kudlatiger 85 points

                                    git reset --soft "HEAD^"
git reset --soft "asdf"

3.75 (4 Votes)

                                    git reset --soft HEAD^

4.3 (10 Votes)
Mosakyrie 95 points

                                    git reset

4.63 (8 Votes)
Vbif212 105 points

                                    git reset --soft HEAD^

4.14 (7 Votes)

                                    git reset

3 (2 Votes)
Trixie G. 105 points

                                    git reset --soft "HEAD^"
git reset --soft "asdf"

3.75 (4 Votes)
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