how to push to github

git init
git add .
git commit -m 'First commit'
git remote add origin <remote repository URL>
git push origin master


                                    echo &quot;# hh&quot; &gt;&gt;
git init
git add
git commit -m &quot;first commit&quot;
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main

4 (1 Votes)

                                    We make a change in one branch, and we want carry that
change to another branch. In order two merge two branches,
we need to
1. Switch to the branch where we want to take the changes to.
git checkout master
2. Run the merge command by mentioning the branch name
where the changes are.
git merge develop
Takes the changes from develop and merges into my current
branch (master)
git branch -d &lt;branch_name&gt; deletes the branch.
If we have unmerged changes, this command gives a warning
and does not delete.
git branch -D &lt;branch_name&gt; deletes the branch even if it has
unmerged changes. Gives no warning.
git push --set-upstream origin &lt;branch_name&gt; it creates a
new branch with given name in the remote and pushes the
changes from local branch to the new branch.

3.56 (9 Votes)

                                    git add .
git commit -m &quot;message for the commit&quot;
git remote add origin https://url-of-github-repo
git push origin master

3.33 (3 Votes)
Malcolm34 95 points

                                    git init
git add .
git commit -m &quot;message for the commit&quot;
git remote add origin https://url-of-github-repo
git push origin master or git push -f origin master


                                    git init
git add .
git commit -m &quot;First commit&quot;
git remote add origin &lt;remote repository URL&gt;
git remote -v
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

1- # Create a new repository on GitHub. To avoid errors, do not initialize the new repository with README, license, or gitignore files. You can add these files after your project has been pushed to GitHub.

2- # Open Terminal.

3- # Change the current working directory to your local project.

4- # Initialize the local directory as a Git repository.
$ git init

5- # Add the files in your new local repository. This stages them for the first commit.
$ git add .
# Adds the files in the local repository and stages them for commit. To unstage a file, use 'git reset HEAD YOUR-FILE'.

6- # Commit the files that you've staged in your local repository.
$ git commit -m &quot;First commit&quot;
# Commits the tracked changes and prepares them to be pushed to a remote repository. To remove this commit and modify the file, use 'git reset --soft HEAD~1' and commit and add the file again.

7- # At the top of your GitHub repository's Quick Setup page, click  to copy the remote repository URL.

8- # In Terminal, add the URL for the remote repository where your local repository will be pushed.
$ git remote add origin &lt;remote repository URL&gt;
# Sets the new remote
$ git remote -v
# Verifies the new remote URL

9- # Push the changes in your local repository to GitHub.
$ git branch -M main
$ git push -u origin main
# Pushes the changes in your local repository up to the remote repository you specified as the origin

4.25 (8 Votes)
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the code to git git github push how to push our code into github how to push github from git how to push code to github repo how to push on git hub github how to push in terminal how to push a github repository push a code in github push the code in git hub how to push code in github repository? how to push git hub steps to push my code to github how to project push in github git push github pushing code to github repository how to push my code from gitpod into github git push to git hub git pushto github when should i push something on github pushing repository to github how to push code to github repository from command line how yto push to github how to push to guthub push git repo to github command line push your git repository to github how to push to github using command line pushing to a github repository git commit and push to github push to github from git push into github repository how to push on gihub local git repository push to github adding a existing project to github 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code on github using command line how to push locl code to githuib add project to github via terminal how to push to git hub pushing into github push to github git how do you push to a new github project how do you push to github github adding an existing project push my code to github using command line How to push code using terminal in github git how to push new code to repository github commands push how to push the code in git hub github push new repository push something to github how to push in github how to push through a github github push by cmd how to push to github git code push to github how to push github with terminal how to push code from command line to github git push github example how to push into git repository github push .command push local git repository to github push to gi hub command push github how to push the code to github repository how to push code to github from command line push from git to github what are the steps to push to github how to push stuff to github how to push your code to github line command push github push code into github push local git to github how often to push to github steps to push code to github git push code to github repository how to push with git to github how to push code to github using git bash how to push commit to github how to push local git repository to github push to github via inte push code on github git push how to push code in repository in github github how to push code push cmd github add existing project to new github repo what is push in github push code to git repository git push command github hhow to push to github how to push a commit to github How to add Existing project to a GitHub how to push code github commands to push code to github pushing your code to github github push tutorial put existing project into github How to push code to a new github repository from the command line how to push to github using command-line hot to push code to github cli pushing a code to github from cli github command to push code into new repo git bash commands to push code to github how to add existing project in github how to push code to github new repository push a code to github how to add new project to existing repository in github github push to new project how to add project in github in existing project push app to github push new code to github push code to github terminal com how to push code to git hub what are the steps to push in github how to add existing project to a github repository how push code to github push to github cmd github push code to new repository how to push code into github repository push your code to github how to push on github git push local to github how to push the code to git repository using git to push to github push code to github repo how to push the code to a created repository in github adding to an existing project in github from command line how to push new code to github hoe to push new code into github how to push my code to a github repository how to push code to new repository in github push command in github how to push your repository to git hubs how to push to my github repository how to push my code to git push to new repo github how to push code to githbu how to push code to github repo from command line how to upload files on github using git bash push code onto github push project to github command line push code in github using terminal how to put an existing project on github git existing project to github how we can push code on github how to push a code on github command add project to github command to push to github push to github from cli$ how to push to github pages hoe to push a code in github git push up to github add existing project to a github repository help github com adding an existing project command line push to github git command to push code into repository github push from command line steps to push codeto github git push to my guthub how to push your work to github git push new 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code into github git commands to push code to repository push git code to github push github command how to push the code to github git command for push project on github push my code to github git push to github command how to push your code on github github: how to push app to github push to repository Github CLI git how to push to github github add existing project to repository github got add project to github from command line push git to github how to add an existing project to github how to push to github from cmd push with github cli push code to github from command line GIT PUSH To github repository git push github command how to push my code in github push code in github repository git push to github cmd pushing to github command line how to push code to git using command line how to push to github from terminal how to push local code on github git push into github pushing a code to github How to push to github through cmd push new repository to github how to push your 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push project to github repository git upload project to github push project to github how to upload files to github how to add project to online repo connecting my local repo to github best way to push to git hub code to push to git =ub git add local repo to remote github pushing to repository github add project to repository github git push git existing repo to github pushing branch to github connect github repo to local how to push new branch to github github push to branch how to push to a repository on github push folder to github repository push to github from terminal github push code how to push my code up to my github add existing project to github using git bash git push command for the existing repo pushing code from the terminal to git upload local files to git upload source code to github how to connect local project to git repository push to new repository how to push file to github repo add a existing project to github add github to project git add new repository to github adding existing project to github git repo to githubb put project on repository github how to upload code to github create github repo using git Add Code to GIT how to push my folder to github initialize repository with github how to create and push to a github repository how to push something to github how to upload github on terminal push proect to git add repo to github repositories push files to existing git repo how to add existing files to github push current folder to github upload project to github tutorial upload project to github tuto how to add code in to github how to enable git repository and push to github how to push your project to github on windows how to push your project to github how to upload code to git repository how to add github repository with local folder existing repo to github how to connect a git repository to github github setup local repository add existing git repo to folder upload code to github how to upload local project to github uploading an existing project to github push a repo to github how to add git repository to github How do you push to HitHub? push a project to an existing repoin github using git push local code to an existing repository how to push a repo to github initialize git repository existing directory push project github how to push a new repo to github how to deploy a initialised project in github hwo to push a folder on github how to git commit to new github connect github repo to local in termianl push to an existing repo add repository github terminal git upload to remote repository commit project to git &quot;github&quot; AND &quot;ADD&quot; &quot;github&quot; AND &quot;[ADD]&quot; github add existing code to new repository how to upload on github add exisiting repo to git hub git create github repo push project to existing repository github put a project on github add existing repo to github upload to a repository github how to add current directory to githab add a new local github repo to existing remote how to save to github from local how to add terminal codes to github repo? github add upload to repo cli how to push to githun how to add repo bash connect to github repository git bash how to push to a github repository how to push folder to github commit to existing repository git turn folder into github repository pushing to git hub how to push up with github app github upload repository github import project from local create github repo in git bash github create repository from my terminal add github repo to existing directory via terminal how to push local project to github how to add your project on github connect giuthub repo with local how to connect file to github url how to push files to existing project github how to push to existing repo github how to commit github terminal connect repository to github create git repository and push to github how to make resposetory with git bash push local repository to github command line push folder to github uploading existing project to github main branch uploading existing project to github create and upload code github repository upload my project to github how to upload your project to github how to push existing reop to a new project git how to push existing project to github github initialize from local repo git add existing project create github repository from existing project how to push a code to github put existing project to git github create remote repository from local github add existing project to repository how to push code to existing github repository how to push a local folder to github how to add existing file to github how to push your work in github new project github add existing project to new repository how to add a one liner to a github project how to add a local repository to github how to push a new project to an existing github repository upload project to repo push existing project to github how to add new project to github git send to github push to existing repo github git push to new github repo how can I push a file in github link project to github how can I add file to github from my local computer? how to connect local repo to git git deploy to github git init local repo from remote how to add to repository github instructions page to connect local repository github how to push file into existing git repo create git repository for existing project push project to git initiate git on current project how to create a new repository in github and upload files What command do you use to upload your project to GitHub? push from local to github post to github upload folder to github command line to push in the master branch force github create new repository how to move present git to githb github push steps how to upload repository on github commit changes to github command line how to push first commit to github how to add a new project to github use git bash to upload to github need repository to add project github how to add my project to my respository on github how to put files on github repository git push to existing remote repository how to push stuff up to github push to an existing respiratory githuv how do i push add my project to github local repository to github push directory to github publish project to github how to push code to github public repository how to push the code in git git add existing local repo to remote how to connect github repository to local file same file git push to existing repo commit code to existing repo how to push to git repository github upload code from computer commit to new repo git import local project to github push a code to github repository adding project in repository git initial push to github push and pull in git git push to remote repository github how to add local project to github how to push code to github terminal push on github vs code create github repo from existing repo commit folder to github how to push a new branch to github upproject to github i have push a file to github push github repo how to push data from terminal to remote github add code to git repo push branch to master how to push into github push existing git repo to new remote push ti github upload project to existing github repository how to add in github about how to add in github push new repo to existing repo how to upload files to a github repository github push repositories make repository on github local how to push project on git hub push to github repo from command line how to push a directory to github hot to push to github git command line how to upload a project to github? how to commit changes to github repository how to push current directory to github how to add a project to github projects how to push your branch to github git how to push how to add project using git bash from computer folder on github github new repository from local push into github handling git push requests how to push the code into github how to push local repository to remote git upload local project to github tortoise git push to github howt o push application into my git reposetory add existing files to git repository git push to repository gitbash how to create a git repo for my local file github cli push git push repository to github how to push my code to github repository how to create a project at github git bash push to branch github how to push a project to github push my project to github vs code push to github how to push to origin main how to create new project from existing project in github github how to upload existing project how to add existing project to github organization what if you can't push your code to github push to master git how to host your project on github create a local git repository and push to remote how to push code from github github upload existing project add git repo to github how to upload git project on github particular link how put project on github how to push your project on github add github repo to local add github repository to local add repo to project github how to create a repository in github and upload files git add project connect local git to github commit to github from terminal add git to current project upload new repository to github how to pull and push the changes in inux how to connect to a repository in git bash how to add files to existing git repository git publish repository how to connect git to github command line github connect to existing repository how to push a folder to git using bash how to push to git repository from console adding local repository to remote repository how to upload your code to git directory how to push a new repo to github from terminal how to connect ubuntu to existing github how to push code in git hub how to push in github step by step how to add a project to git existing repository pushing git to github push change from git to github how to take an existing github project and save it to my own repo github push to new project with git create new repo to github from terminal add github to my local project how to put project on github make a commit to github push folders from command line into github push file to github command line copy local repository to github how to upload a git repo push projects on github how to create github repository from local folder how to push code to github repository git push files to existing repository how to add files to existing repository github pushing new files to github how to push code in git push my code to github from cmd add git to project git push to local repository how to put a repository on github from linux terminal how to add projects to gut hub add github to my git add existing git repo to github pushing new project to github how to connect my git to github using command prompt to upload a project in git hub adding a repository from your local computer to github add exist project to my project how to create a repository in github and upload files with git commands git push new project to github connect another github repo how to link a local repo to github link repository to project github how to create a repository in github from terminal push project to repository github add files to existing github repository set repository to new repos github git push local repo to remote add existing 'folder to a git repository how to initially push code to github git connect local to remote github how to push to github how to link github repository to gi bash connect to github repository how to push code into a folder in github how to push changes to github add to existing repository github github init create a new repo github add files to github git .put github how to initalize your project for pushing on github how to push a new repository to a current how to connect terminal with existing github repository git add github to repo add new project to github push an existing git repository meaning git link existing repository how to push a folder to github using git bash how to commit a file to the existing folder of git repo push changes to github git commit changes to existing project how to put his project on github github new repo instructions how to create repo in linux and push on github github push a new project git push steps git push github push a branch to github how to add an existing project to a git repository how to upload git repository to github move project to github push changes to github command line pushing to new git repo upload project folder to github how to push to github new repos upload newly committed in remote repository git push tonlocal repository how to push site to github from Adding an existing project to GitHub github upload project will pushing an exisiting project to github add the new files ? github create repository from existing folder git push in repository how to externally create a repository in github how to git push to repository set up a github repository how to commit git to github how to push new code to github repository push file to github commit new project to github add existing project to existing git repo github git init how to push site to github from terminal add code to github git to git hub add project to an existing git repo upload code github create local git repository from existing project how to link project on github github see added projects create new github repository from current directory push -u in github how to push a repository in github push project on github git hub add how to add project in github manual adding an existing project to github using command line new project add t git create repository github command line how to put my project on github add local repo to github repo how to upload to github from terminal add repo to git hub from bash how to push repository to github git add github link terminal add a repo to github from command line open repo on github from terminal adding project to github create a git repository from terminal how to push cide on github in ubujntu in termoinal push my code on git push commit to github uploading to github using terminal how to push code to githlab from cmd git push local repository to remote github create repository from existing code linux how to commit changes to github from my terminal how to pull and push new code to existing code in git hub how to pull and push new code to existing code in git add ready project to github adding existing project to git git local repository to github git upload repository to github git commit upload package push my code into github repo push code to github how to commit to github create repo from existing project github add existing project to git github add an existing repository how do i upload my code to github pushing local repo to github add existing files to github repository how to push code into github git push project to new repository git repo push to github how to link github repo to cli folder how to add vs project on github using gitbash how to commit code to github how to add new commits to your projects from gith how to push on githuv how to upload project on github with command line github new repository add project to github repo hwo to push project in github in ubuntu add git to a local project add repository to a local project how to push a branch to github how to get existing github repository git create github repo from existing folder existing folder to github push local git repo to github github add existing project how to connect local project to github how to push connect local project into github using github command line What git command will take a project on Github and put it on your local machine? git push current project to master connect github in terminal how to add project on github how to add things to github from terminal how to upload project to github how to add existing project to github existing project to github how can push add repository in github can i attach my repo to new project how to upload local files to github github how to create repository for existing project git push to new repository terminal create github repository how to create a git repository on github push to git repository github add origin and push git set existing repository add existing project to github repository init git repo and push to github how to push work to github how to push to github into existing repository add remote git to existing project commands to push new code to github how to push a folder to github adding file repository to github to repo in github how to push existing local repo to github push a folder to github repo how to upload a project on github commands? git add code to remote repository how to up push code in github how to push new repo to github push existing project to github repo How to update changes to github repo using cmd push a directory to github how to push code to a new github repository upload to github from terminal upload your project to github push local data to existing git repository how to add project to github git commit code to repo how to link our first repository to github using the git commands how to add a new set of files to existing git repository create github repository from existing code how to add local directory to github push local rept to github pushing to a new repository how to push folder to github in new repository git push local to remote github github create new repo git add remote existing project how to push code after creating repository github how to upload my project to github push code github how to upload project to github via git how to put a project from loacal machine to github how to push repo to github from command line create a github repository from existing directory add local project to github how to push github repository add local repo to github upload repository to github from terminal how to send your code to github create a new github repo and add to local repo how to add new git repository add a git repo to github move a local repository to github how to upload to github via terminal publish a project to github from terminal upload the project to github how to push changes to github using git bash how to create a git repo in git cli github push new project new repository how to connect to github repository from terminal how to commit to repository github how to upload local repository to github github how to initialize a repository push existing rep to your repository github add to github repository github push new repo how to push local code to git repository add repository git bash create a repo in github pushing existing project to github push an existing git repository uploading to github commands how to upload project in github repository publish repo to github how to push my project to github repository how to push my project to github push new repository to blank repo github commit a new repo from terminal git github create from local how to upload a project to github github push project create project on github push how to add file in github using git bash create repo with existing local folder how to push to git hub repository add github project in prodchunt create repo from existing project how to push code in github repository adding a project to github add a project to github push your project to github git command to push project into github push a local rep to github rep how to commit project in git repository how to add new project from github how to a new remote repo for a local directory git create remote repository from existing project how to upload local directory to github how to push git repository to github git add to repository how to put a project on github github local repository to remote initialize github repo with git bash add project to github how to connect git to github cli add client folder to github how to push code to github repository from ubuntu how to add project in github with command line add git repository to existing folder git add local project to github repo adding a respository in git git add remote repository to existing project how ot push up a new repo to github git add github repository add project to github repository git to github push to github account how to connect new project with github add git remote to existing project how to add an existing repo to a project on github how to push files to an existing github repository pushing to git repository how to push existing git project to github push project in github move project from local to github how to add your project to github github initialize repo how to upload whole project on github add existing project to github git add existing project to github git existing project push local project to github existing repository connecting local repo to github add a new project to github create new project on git and push to github how to create respirtory on github using git initialize a repo and push to github connect local repo to github github create a local repository disallow push Adding an existing project to GitHub using the command line push code to repository github github push command how to push a code in gihub push the code to github push a command github push on github terminal how to push a new project to github upload a project to github pushing to github from terminal git push new repo to github push to repo github connect with github and commit the code hot to push to github how to save git to github push to git hub github push code to new repo push local code to github connect project to git repo thorugh terminal initialize git repository terminal create repository in github using command line se2 ubuntu upload project push git terminal to github push existing code to new repo github commit local repository to github add a repository to github push new git repository to github push repository to github how to connect repo to github github commit project push project to github repository push to existing git repo github initial commit setup new project in github upload project to github using git bash steps o upload project to githu.b using cli git push local code to github with initialised gitignore github add command push a local repository to github push local directory to github push code to git git bash to github git how to upload commit and push code into Github repository uploading files on git git bash push to github push to github from command line how to git init github how to load files in git using terminal uploading a git repository on github how to upload an existing project to github git add project to new repository github add local repository how to add my javascript projects to github using git how to add my javascript projects to github by git push to github command hot to put the three commnads to push tu github in one line git send to a repo projects to add to your github how to push our documents to github from command line how to push the code in github how to put local repository on github Push your source code to a Github link local repo to github git bash link repository and push how to upload a file to github using command line pushing a git repo to github make new github repo from command line gonnect github repo to local git ubuntu git push github how to find github origin repo git ubuntu git push github how to find github repo git ubuntu git push github git init and push to github how to add repository to github git commit and push syntax how to push code to git la4 push a project to github git push to a new repository how to create new repository in github command line git commands to push code to github how to upload a folder to github using git bash import local git repo to github push code from local to github by command line github push repository create github repository from git bash how to push code to git repository how to connect a local repository to github how to connect git to github repository how to push code from local to 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from local to github how to push code to github git upload push a file to new git repo how do i savemy project to git git upload to github git push a project to github How to upload a files to a repository on github using gitbash how to push file to github upload git commits to a github repo github create repository and upload project how to push my code to github how to push to github local projects how to upload files to github using terminal how to push code into new git repository commit to github push to github how to push to github how to upload project on github push repo to github push your repository to github add to github push code to github command line
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