how to host a discord bot on a raspberry pi

#how to create and host a Discord Bot on a rasberry pi

1. Navigate to the Discord Developer Console
2. Click "New App"
3. Give it a name, and then click "Create App"
4. Click "Create a Bot User"
5. Keep note of the Token, as you'll need that later.
6. Invite the bot to your server

7. You should now see the bot in your server (offline)

First you'll want to ensure your Raspbian installation is up to date. To do this, run the following commands:

1. Update package lists

sudo apt-get update

2. Upgrade packages
sudo apt-get upgrade

3. Clean things up

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

4. Reboot your Pi!


The latest version of Raspbian (10.x/Buster) ships with Python 3.7.x (which should work great with 

If you'd like to upgrade your OS to Buster, follow this article.

To check which version you have, run:

cat /etc/os-release
If you are running Buster (or Stretch), great! Click here to skip to the next step. Otherwise, continue below.

1. Install libssl-dev (to ensure we can use pip when we install the newest version of Python)

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
2. Install libffi-dev (to ensure audio works with the Discord bot)

sudo apt-get install libffi-dev

3. Install libsqlite3-dev (this will be handy, as it installs libraries needed to install sqlite3 support)

sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

1. Grab the latest version of Python 3.x from


2. Extract the files, and enter the directory

tar xzvf Python-3.6.0.tgz
cd Python-3.6.0/

3. Run configure to check for dependencies, and get ready to build the Python installation
(This will take 2-5 minutes)


4. Run make to start compiling the software
(This will take 15-30 minutes)


5. Install Python 3.6.x
(This will take 10-15 minutes)

sudo make install

6. Reboot your Pi!

NOTE: If you are on a fresh Buster install, you may need to install the following before continuing:

sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install python3-cffi
sudo pip3 install[voice] 

1. Install latest version of the Discord library for Python (Discord.Py)

sudo python3 -m pip install -U[voice]

2. Create a bot to test it out

    a. Create directory 

mkdir ~/pipy_bot

    b. Move to that directory

cd ~/pipy_bot

    c. Create an empty file


    d. Edit the file


    e. Copy/Paste the following content in the editor (be sure to change your_token_here to your bot's token):

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

TOKEN = ''

description = '''ninjaBot in Python'''
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='?', description=description)

async def on_ready():
    print('Logged in as')

async def hello(ctx):
    """Says world"""
    await ctx.send("world")

async def add(ctx, left : int, right : int):
    """Adds two numbers together."""
    await ctx.send(left + right)
    f. Save the file using CTRL+X, and "y"

    g. Run your bot!


1. Go to the Discord server where you've invited your bot to , and try issuing the ?help command

2. Once you verified that works, try the other ones as well!


                                    # how to host a Discord Bot whith Javascript (node.js) on Linux
# i used the Raspberry pi whith Raspian

#1. Navigate to the Discord Developer Console
#2. Click "New App"
#3. Give it a name, and then click "Create App"
#4. Click "Create a Bot User"
#5. Keep note of the Token, as you'll need that later.
#6. Invite the bot to your server

#7. You should now see the bot in your server (offline)

#create a new folder
mkdir Bot
#move into the Folder
cd Bot/

#install Discord.js
npm install discord.js

#if thats not working you need to install Npm
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

#you get some warn messages but thats ok
#create a new javasript
pico my_bot.js
#paste this in:
const Discord = require('discord.js')
const client = new Discord.Client()

client.on('message', (receivedMessage) => {
    // Prevent bot from responding to its own messages
    if ( == client.user) {
    }"Message received: " + receivedMessage.content)

#replace xxxxxxxxxxxxx whith your Bot Token
#start the bot 
node my_bot.js
#it should work

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