git remote chage url

git remote set-url origin https://hostname/USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git

Trina 105 points

                                    git remote -v
# View existing remotes
# origin (fetch)
# origin (push)

git remote set-url origin
# Change the 'origin' remote's URL

git remote -v
# Verify new remote URL
# origin (fetch)
# origin (push)

4.2 (5 Votes)
Joffan 90 points

                                    git remote set-url origin [email protected]:/your-repository.git

4.6 (5 Votes)
Finn green 100 points

                                    $ git remote set-url <remote_name> <remote_url>

5 (1 Votes)
Klaoha06 105 points

                                    $ git remote set-url <remote_name> <remote_url>

4.17 (6 Votes)
LPT 105 points

                                    git remote set-url origin [email protected]:/your-repository.git

4.13 (8 Votes)

                                    git remote -v
# View existing remotes
# origin (fetch)
# origin (push)

git remote set-url origin
# Change the 'origin' remote's URL

git remote -v
# Verify new remote URL
# origin (fetch)
# origin (push)

4.5 (2 Votes)
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switch github remote origin to new repository with ssh how to switch github remote origin to new repository how to switch git hub remote origin how to set origin url in git git update url repo git url set set url change origin to another origin github change remore repo convert git url from ssh to https change git url from ssh to https change the git remote url how to set new git remote git command to set origin git update re\mote git change main remote chnage remote origin git how to change remote git git change remote fetch url git change remote after how to change git repo command line git rewrite remote origin reset remote origin git git update upstream url git modify remote origin git modifiy remote origin change the remote repo from github git how to update repository url update the remote git url update the remote git CHANGE the url git how to change github repository in local how to change git remote server change push url set git remote urls git new remote orign remote set origin git how to update git remotes git remote set-url REMOTE_NAME NEW_URL why is my git repo not setting remote url git change remote origin config set url git repo set remote origin url git change orign remote name how to change the remote url in git change git remote urls how to set origin master in git change from http to ssh git changer url remote git git rename remote url name how to reset git remote url git change remote url and push git remote change remote url how to change git repository url git update url git remote remove access token url git replace origin url how to change git remort set git remote url set git origin url change https to ssh git change the origin of a git repo git changer de repository git set-upstream url set origin git repository change url git remote change repository url git set remote origin url git git push origin url change git set new origin url set the github repo url how to change git remote add origin git chaange remote git set url remote git remote change ssh change git push url github check remote origin address how to change a git remote set the origin git remote to this url git remote url how do i change my remote repository git set url command how to manually set you local repo to a new remote repo change remote url of git projet for ssh git update remote git set remote origin url git change upstream url git set new url git remote add origin [email protected]:username/project.git git change repository git how to change origin git reset remote url change repo url git update remote origin url git change remote origin git url git origin change url github terminal update remote git change upstream gitlab git change upstream git switch to repo i cloned a project and want ot change url and poush github change connection from ssh to https git remote change repository change git url git fix remote origin update remote url git change remote origin git push change from https to ssh github repository change change remote git url 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git update remote git update git remote "origin" set-url how to change remote repository url in git how to change the remote origin git how to switch git repository git remot change url change remote for repository remote: Please update your Git remote: git set remove change repository git change remote ssh how to changegit remote git change url how to edit existing origin git how to change git url from http to ssh how to change the url of git git command to open repository origin git how to switch to another repository how to reset remote origin git update github remote url change http to ssh git git modify remote url git terminal for changing origin replace origin url git change remote origin gitlab git set url origin git change git remote how to update git remote url how to change the url for a remote git repository change git repository url git remote change update git remote origin git switch origin and upstream github change remote change target host on git bash git change a remote origin git replace remote change git from http to ssh on cloned rep git change http to ssh change raote origin git git remote origin reset change git remote repository from git to https change git origin git set upstream url git change remote url to https git change remote origin url git reset url git remote set-url global how to change last modif to another origin git git chnage remote origin change git remote url git rename remote url change remote repository git how to change the git repo url git change remote repository url git how to set remote url git set remote origihn how to change github remote origin git seturl git set origin url replace origin git reconfigure remote git update origin url git git change upstream repo how change project local for ssh github how to change git remote git replace remote origin git set ulr swithc remote git how to change remote origin git git change remote to ssh change origin repository git set remote origin git change git url from https to ssh git set remote origin git modify origin git remote set url github set remote url git set-remote origin change the remote repository git git + switch origin url how to change remote repository git git set repository url set url git remote setting set-url to git bash default git remote set origin how to change origin github how to change origin git git set push location git change remote git bash change remote url update remote origin git git change remote origin git change remote address git switch origin git change origin master set remote url git set git origin git change origin git remote set-url change remote git git set url how to change git remote origin changing git remote origin push git remote change origin git change remote repository how to change git origin git change origin url git set origin change origin git github change remote origin change a git remote git how to change remote origin set url origin git change git remote change remote origin git git change remote url github change remote url git set remote url
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