git change origin

git remote set-url origin new.git.url/here

NSGoat 85 points

                                    $ git remote -v
> origin (fetch)
> origin (push)

Change your remote\'s URL from HTTPS to SSH with the git remote set-url command.
$ git remote set-url origin [email protected]:USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git

Verify that the remote URL has changed.
$ git remote -v
# Verify new remote URL
> origin  [email protected]:USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git (fetch)
> origin  [email protected]:USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git (push)

4 (1 Votes)

                                    $ git remote -v
> origin (fetch)
> origin (push)

Change your remote\'s URL from HTTPS to SSH with the git remote set-url command.
$ git remote set-url origin [email protected]:USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git

Verify that the remote URL has changed.
$ git remote -v
# Verify new remote URL
> origin  [email protected]:USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git (fetch)
> origin  [email protected]:USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git (push)

4.29 (7 Votes)

                                    # change remote url
git remote set-url origin

4.57 (7 Votes)
Anu 85 points

                                     git remote -v
 git remote set-url origin

4.67 (3 Votes)

                                    git remote set-url origin [email protected]:user/repository2.git

4 (7 Votes)
Robin Gibson 100 points

                                    # Overwriting an existing git url:
git remote set-url origin <git_url>

4 (1 Votes)

                                    # change remote url
git remote set-url origin

4 (6 Votes)
Kake_Fisk 115 points

                                    git remote set-url origin [email protected]:user/repository2.git

3.75 (4 Votes)
233A 110 points

                                     git remote -v
 git remote set-url origin

3 (3 Votes)
Ppau2004 85 points

                                    # Overwriting an existing git url:
git remote set-url origin <git_url>

4 (10 Votes)
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remote path command update git remote origin terminal how to set an origin for a repo setup origin to local git remote url git change git cli update origin remote change origin git git update uri remote update git local repo from remote git change origin head modify remote .git change the remote git how to update origin url for git how to change the url for a remote git repository how to set a origin git how to change git remote add origin git config change origin url git config remote origin url how to edit git remote url how to change origin master in github how to change my git remote origin got change origin git config change origin how to change local repo remote repo how to update remote repository change repo remote origin set new url origin git git config --get remote. origin.url how to change your github remote repository how to change your origin on github git change repo origin git command change remote how to change the remote origin url in git git chane origine change user for a git remote git change repo originž git command to change the remote origin change the remote URL to use the "git" user. update remote to local git new update remote on github git change remote orogin set origin git repository replace git remote origin modify remote origin git set remote origin for local git repo set remote git origin switch remote git switch remote origin git can i change git remote git remote set origin command change git remote user how to set an origin set new git origin how to switch git remote url how to change github repository origin git modify origin change github remote how to change git origin using terminal how to switch remote git change git remoteurl change remot in git how to change remote origiin git how to set the origin in git git config --get remote.origin.url of folder git config --get remote.origin.url of each local repo git config -- remote.origin.url git config -- remote.origin.url of folder how to change remote origin on git cli changing remote git replace git remote origin github change remote repository how to change origin git url how to change the remote repository setting git origin git command to update remote repository git repo change remote origin\ how to change remote repo url in git replace remote with local git update origin link github how to modify remote git repository remote changing in git how to change git remote url git change remote url git\ git repository change remote url change remote git url to ssh url change your remote in git how to set origin set how to change the remote.origin.url in git how to update a remote repository github how to change the remote in git command for projects update local git repository with remote git set remote origin -site:pinterest.* git remote set-url origin https://git-repo/new-repository.git how to change the git remote url when push change remote origin git of project git config set remote origin url how to replace remote url in git git how to change the remote origin updating my remote to git set origin repository git how to change origin of a git repo how to set origin of git how to change remot in git update origin in git change remote origin for git repositoty change url git remote git change origin url command line git changing remote origin url [remote "origin"] url = example git config git update remote master git remote set-url origin https command to change remote in githb change the remote url git how to change to origin master in git how to change origin main in git remote origin change github git change remote from git to https how to modify origin git how to change the origin url in git git set-url origin change repository origin hoe to set origin in git config file how to set origin git remote to a url git repo change remote origin how to change git hub origin git repo change origin how to change a git remote git url set origin what is git remote set-url origin $ git remote set-url origin git remote origin update ho to set 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origin url setting up git origin how to change origin in github how to change origin with git - git remote set-url origin replace current remote repository git git change remote and repete git change url remote re git update remote download git origin set-url alter remote git how to set git remote url git command to set origin url change remote url github edit a remote git git remot set-url git replace with origin git change remote repository origin git remote -v how to change this changing repo origin in git git remote set-url origin github git chnage remote url git remote set-url new origin change origin master in git set origin git github repo git how to change remote repository url git how change remote how to set origin in git as default remote changing git origin change origin in github git remote set-url origin under root git config get origin url change the origin of git repo git how to switch to new origin git remote modify how to set the git origin master how to replace remote origin git git changr remote set url origin git to change git origin git set origin of new repository update from remote repository git changing remote repo in command line chane origin git change origin and push git origin set user alter remote origin git switch remote git how to change remote origin of a git project git config change origin remote url change remote location git how to set new origin in git git set remote orgin git how change remote user change .git remote how to update the remote repo head to local repo set-url git remote git bash change remote git Change a remote Git repository git modify remote git change url remote git change default remote how to change remote repository github how to edit remote origin git change origin of git update git remoteorigin how to change a remote origin in git update the git remote url git modify remote url how to change remote address git git origin set url how to set origin git terminal how to set origin and remote in git git 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how to change origin in git bash git change remote repository ssh git update origin link updating remote github repos git how to set origin git update remote repository set a repo origin git how to change remote origin in git git update local repo from remote master git config --get remote url git command change remote url changing the origin in git git remote set-url origin example set git url origin remote set url git how to change origin on github git set origin repository update local repository with remote git how to change origin repository github update origin url github git change remote url origin how to set origin to anotehr repository git change git repo origin update local git from remote change git remote push url git change the remote repository git change remote add origin how to change remote repo git modify the remote url git github set origin repository git set remote origin for local repo how to update remote origin git how to change remote repository git modify 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how to change origin url in git how to change remote github git remote change origin name set remote orgin url in git change remote origin git with ss set origin of repo edit a git remote git set remot set origin for github git set default origin git how to update local repository from remote git how to update local repo from remote git ssh set origin master change remote git repository git config set origin how to update git remote origin update git origin remote git change remote\ how to change repo origin of remote repo change remote url for git repo how to change local git remote url how to change git remote origin how to change origin master git command to set origin git update remote set remote url git git change remote to other repo change existing git remote git change origin uri git set origin comm git update git remote git replacing origin url git replace origin url git change project remote url git set url origin remote git remote set-url origin github update remote 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repository how to change origin git to ssh set origin to existing git replace git origin git origin update git set remote url origin git chnage origin git changing remote origin how to update origin url in git change a remote git repository how to update git origin how to change git remote how to change default remote in git how to update git remote git switch remote repository update git remote origin url change github account origin github change remote changing remote origin in git git edit remote origin url git change url origin change git remote path update remote repository git update local repository from remote git how to update the origin in git how to set origin of repo on git how to set the origin of a git repo git change your remote git config --add remote.origin.url how to change git origin url git bash set origin setting a new remote for your git repo what does git remote set-url do change github remote origin url how to update git remote links set git origin remote how to change git remote origin url git replace remote git remote change url origin set origin master git update origin change remote git repo change git remote add how to change remote git repository git bash change remote origin set origin url git command git origin url set how to modify git remote url setting origin git git remote url change how to set origin git remote set new origin how to set origin/develop in git replace git remote set remote origin change origin url git change git remote repository git update remote origin change git remote username how to chnage a git remote origin git set origin master command to change remote repository url changing git remote git update repo origin how to set git origin url set origin to git change git remote url how to change your git remote change git url git change remote origin ur git remote change remote url change git origin url how to switch to origin git change url on git remote git set upsteram origin git change remotes set new origin in local repo update remote origin git how to update remote repository git from local git set url for push how to change remote url in git git remote origin set change remote repository git replace git origin repository with local git remote change remote.origin.url set git remote set origin url git change origin account git set-remote origin git change remotename change github remote origin github change origin from commandline how to replace git remote origin git change remote repository git remote change url how to change github remote origin how to update remote origin main github how to replace origin how to modify origin git command git update from remote change remote url git change git remote origin url how to change the remote origin git git convert https to ssh how to change remote repository git how to set up my git origin how to change git remote url how to update origin git git command to change remote repository git change origin url git switch remote set github origin git remote change origin git update local repository from remote git change remote url git change remote origin url git how to change remote origin git change url of remote set local origin git how to set remote origin git git change origins update git remote set origin in git git remote set-url change git set origin main git update repo from remote change remote origin git pull change remote repository how to change the git origin changing a remote git repo location in git command and point to other github switch upstream repositories github change remote origin setting remote origin git how to set remote with url in git add origin git change source repository github chabge urls on push how to change origin in git git change to ssh how to change repo url in git git config origin remote git remote set-url github git change remote origine git remote set fetch url change origin branch git change git add origin change git origin directory change git origin location git chenge repositoriy git https to ssh set remote origin url change git to ssh how to change git link set the origin url git git change from local to remote bash change git remote bash git bash change remote repository how to switch git origin how to change repository link github project git change origin to push to another repo how to set origin in git how to set git remote chnage git url git bash windows update git remote add mirror set origin set url git add remote git git change remote origin upstream git remote update repo update repo git change origin branch how to set new git url git check remote url git remote origin url git seturl i git add remote url git change to repo git remite set url git update from master update remote git with local git set remote url how to change remote origin git in local git remote set-url ssh set origin remote switch origin github set remote link git remove remote origin git show local branch how change git url edit git remote origin git modiffy origine url git how to change git origin name git change default origin how to change git remote url in terminal change git origin master git add origin or set-url updating git remote origin how to change remote in github how to change git lab remote orgin change the github link associated with repo how to set remote.origin.url switch repo git how to set git origin url to new repositry git config update remote origin url git remote url change master github change git remote cchange git config url git change origin remote url change project git repository git remote set-url --fetch git command to set remote url how to change git projects remote origin set a git origin git update reporsitory path update remote url setup remote url git git change orinigin replace github remote repo set remote upstream url git branch set remote upstream url git git set url remote origin how to change the remote repo of a github rename git remote url how to change remote for a repository change origin bash git url change change remote url from http to https update the git repo address chnage the git repo address how to change the remote of a repo git specify url for gitlab origin how to change upstream repo url how to change upstream repo git set origin ssh rename remote url git change git http url to https change remote git ubunutu changing remote branch of existing repo github update gith url change github address remote set-url git change remote url git switch github remote change remote origin git command set origin for git repository change repository origin git setting origin in git update remote origin url git git add remote origin command add remote orgin git hub how to replace git origin git remote set-url force change git origin repository how to change origins git git remote seturl change the origin of a git repo git seturl how to change git repo from https to ssh git how to set new origin git change connection from ssh to https git add new origin git origin add git remote origin fetch change change origin git repository how to change url for git remote add change access git repo git remote set url name git remote set-url name how to set upstream url in git change my git to remote git change origin to gitlab git change https to ssh change git origin to ssh define remote url git command line change remote url set-url origin ssh git edit origin github how to change the remote for a repo github change the repository reset origin github how to set git remore url set remote url cahnge git url name git reset origin url ssh to https git change git project github update remote url git changing origin change repository git local update remote git repository change origin from https to ssh changing remote url github remote change change origin remote url in git how to switch to another repository git change git master url change repo address git git change origin to ssh changing git repo on terminal changing git url on terminal how to change repo url git git set origin url remote change repository url git how to set git url with git git command for remote url git add remote edit switch remote repository git from http to ssh new url set in git how to update remote origin url set origin in git bash git update orogin git set repository url chagne git remote git repo change set git url in local how to re get the repo url from git to put in terminal git set remote origin git command to change repository url git command to change repository url\ git update remotes git add url origin git change rewmote git replace current remote origin how to change git origin master git replace upstream git remote set url origin master how to change github origin in command line update destination of repository github add remote origin in git change git repo dource git set url for all conmtibutors git remote set url origin https instead of git address reset remote origin in git change repository destination github git change url of repository git remote change origin url git change repository url git create new origin git set remove git: 'remote set-url' is not a git command. git remote add-url git set-url remote git remote add <remote_name> <remote_url> how to change remote origin branch git replace remote git git change view remote url git remote set url no such remote origin git get remote origin url how to update remote url in git set git remote git remote add origin master modify remote git changer de remote git how to change remote origin github add git remote update trên remote git how to change git repository stack overflow update git remote url git overwrite git ser remote url remote add in git how to add remote in git Failed to get remote.origin.url change remote git origin git change current branch remote set git remote url how to change the git remote url set remote url git command change git origin repo git change origin and name how to change the origin in git to new repo git change orgin git add origin main change origin git and push git change branch remote how to add new remote git change github repo link git add origin remote url change remote git git remote origin change change origin repository git git addremote change repo in git how to change branch origin in git git remoe set ssh origin git remote add git push how to change remote in git git remote set url command how to set origin git git how to replace origin git remote add name url how to change remote origin url git www_root git remote add origin remote repository git config add remote.origin.url change git remote upstream how to add git remote git set url how to update git from remote git remote origin add how to add url in git bash chnager my repository in git how to change remote url git how to add a remote repository in git how to change remote origin url change url of origin git git rename remote url set git origin how to change repo url set upstream url git change git orgin Point your remote to the URL of the old repo how to add origin to git remote add origin change in github git remote add <name> <url> set use remote git git remote add [<options>] <name> <url> git remote add origin set new origin git git rewrite url switch git to ssh git add remote repository git update origin with remote git how to change git remote repository git set repository url for branch change repo url of github how to change repo origin git add origin remote update git repository url set repo url git reset git remote url git change remote ogrigin change origin to origin master terminal how to switch origin in git git edit origin url set origin git url how to change the git remote url for a local folder git set remote url to ssh origin url change git git change the url git change origin remote change git url command git change remote address change git push url git change to remote.origin.url change origin of the git change git source url git remote set-url origin https://hostname/USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git git how to change origin how to update git repository url git config update origin url how to change the push location git change remote on git git how to update link change git user remote how to change git origin path switch git remote upstream to origin update remote address git how to change git url how to change my git remote git change remote origin update git repository location change url of repository git how to change remote origin git change remote origin git add new remote url git Command failed: git config --get remote.origin.url how to set remote origin url how to reset origin url in git git remote set-url origin <newurl> how to change url of git repository replace old orgin of git change git remote origin git change link to repository git repo change remote url how to change url using git github switch repository git remote replace origin url when reset the git origin url how to upload the git config --get remote.origin.url set git repo url git change remote git change in remote to change in local how to change origin on git user origin/user git git overwrite origin remote changing remote of a repo to another repo git set new origin url git remote set-url origin [email protected]:username/repo.git change the current remotr repot git change origin in git git modifeir remote origin change remote upstream git how to set a remote origin gith check git change origin how to change git repository repo set git origin git change origin to upstream set up origin git setting remote url in git change remote url in git git remote add origin ssh git set new origin change origin of a git repo how to swich source git change the git remote version git change repo url name git change origin repo url how to check the addresss of git remote set on terminal reassign to git repository chnage origin in git override origin git how to change to cuurrent repository can we replace origin master with https git change remote url to new repo change remote origin url of a folder how to switch git hub remote origin set url change git url from ssh to https git change push repo git change main remote git change remote after git switch origin git update upstream url CHANGE the url git how to change git remote server how to change the repository distant how to set new remote origin overwrite origin github set new origin url git reset url git reset remote orgin github how to change upstream url in git github change origin url change url repository git how to change repository terminal changing git remote url how to set remote url to git how to update new remote git url how to change origin in github in terminal git remote change fetch url how to change remote from local remote.origin.url git config github replace origin changing the remote origin git change upstream repo git replace orgin command to change origin of local repo git add origin command how to change repository in git change git server how to switch repository how to change git origin local repository git set remote ssh git chang remote git remote set-url branch git remote set-url origin change use remote git how to set orifgin in git change git remote url remote change the origin git remote how set origin in cmd git change repository change repository of git project how to change the url git command to set origin in git change git repository location git switch repository url change repo origin url change repo origin git remote add origin github git add origin master Set your remote's URL for SSH git change remote path name git remote set chage git origin change repository how to switch remote in github git change project url git config remote.origin.url= changing the url origin points too change remote repository url git change current git change current repository git switch from a repo how to change repo with git commands change ssh connection to https in git change origin url gitlab change remote origin to ssh change repo about github set remote to existing change the remote origin url git how to generate url for existing repository git how to make a url for existing repository git how to change the repo master get remote set url how to override git remote origin how to change git remote partner how to change remote repo in git change remote origin github cli change remote git hub how to change your git origin how to set remote git push origin link git command set origin github set remote origin edit remote origin set remote url to ssh cambiar origin de git repository switch the git repository switch repository git how to change git repro url change local repository to point to another repository in github how to set a repository as the origin in git how to change upstream repo git git remote address git set project origin git change remoe HOW TO set origin remote in github how to view the git name and url of existing repo how to change git remote v windows how to change git remote v guithub changes local repo from gitub how to get origin url again in github how to change a repo in git how to change your git rep how to see the repository in git remote is changed your remote repository URL from GitHub your remote repository's URL from GitHub git remote set-url upstream github connect to repository switch to ssh git update repo url change remote repo git command line git rewrite origin change url upstream git change remote path git git overwrite url git change config origin not wrok git command to change the remote url change github cli ssh set new remote url git git set url orign git rename remote url name change git remote url command line github changing remote origin git set now origir github create new url set-url git github cli change protocol git remote add name ssh how to change the remote origin in git change github repository to use ssh locally git remote set-url push origin convert github to https http to ssh git change repo url git edit git repository change upstream origin git change repository git bash set:url git how to change github master repository cli git origin to ssh git how to change repository url git change from ssh to https git remote chang url git repo changing remote how to set origin with git github reset remote origin modify origin git how to add origin in git how do i change a git origin change git pull to ssh github remote url repository change the github remote ur git reset remote url change upstream repo git git remote set-url origin https // git remote set ssh origin switch from http to ssh git git change origin destination setting git remote origin git setting the remote originc change github repo url set new git url origin m git set remote origin to ssh git chnage origin url how to change git remote on terminal how to access git remote address on github how to add origin to git repo how to change the url of the master git git change remore url change git from https to ssh git how to set url how to rename git remote url set new remote origin git git set url repo github how to set origin how to change git repo url from terminal git remote set-url origin [email protected]:username/repository remote "origin" ssh git set-url remote origin how to switch my account on github to pull an update remote repo git how to set origin to git repo --set-origin githu git origin change git update remote origin url git update github remote change url for repository github git change remote from http to ssh git remote set-url <remote name, e.g. origin> <new SSH URL> change remote url to ssh git git remote set-url example add new origin + git convert https to ssh git github set origin for ssh git rmeote modify remote where is git remote origin url github how to get git remote origin url github ssh git set origin as new url change master origin git git change remote url and push set url for git repository how to change the git origin url how to change the remote origin git to ssh alter origin git github changing a repository to ssh change git url origin how to set a new upstream to a github repo gitbash git remote reset origin 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the local git repo url how to change git origin branch git remote set-url --push how to changepush url git how to reset push url git update url git how to change the origin in git change git repo link on terminal replace upstream git git change url from http to ssh set remote origin in git how to set new remote url in git how to edit git origin url git set origin http to ssh how to add remote git git remote upstream change from ssh to http git remote upstream change to http how to change origin master in git what is the orgin url for github change git master to adifferant url git push change origin change location of git repository from command line can't access after undating remote url ssh github set remote url git update repository url set origin for https in github set origin for https in git github how tochange git url tmerinal git change repo change the git origin how to change git repo path git remote set-url origin new.git.url/here how to change the repasortory in git git 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