debian install node js

# Install Node.js 16
sudo apt install curl -y
curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt install nodejs -y

# If NPM didn't get installed
sudo apt install npm -y

# For another node version use
curl -sL<version>.x | sudo bash -

Pavelpopov 105 points

                                    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
sudo apt update

4.38 (8 Votes)

                                    pacman -S nodejs npm

4.2 (5 Votes)
RonJohn 75 points

                                    pacman -S nodejs npm

3.67 (9 Votes)

                                    //STEP 1:install using curl (PPA)
sudo apt update &amp;&amp; sudo apt install curl -y
//STEP 2:install latest version (replace 14.x with requird one(i.e 15.x))
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
nodejs -v

4.2 (5 Votes)

                                    sudo apt install nodejs

4.33 (3 Votes)
Dfperry 125 points

                                    //STEP 1:install using curl (PPA)
sudo apt update &amp;&amp; sudo apt install curl -y
//STEP 2:install latest version (replace 14.x with requird one(i.e 15.x))
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
nodejs -v

4.56 (9 Votes)
Jfowler 120 points

                                    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
sudo apt update

4.25 (8 Votes)

                                    sudo apt install nodejs

Rian Mostert 110 points

                                    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

Marsan 100 points

                                    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

4.29 (7 Votes)
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8 i have ubuntu installed on windows should i download the node js binary install node.js command line how to install node.js in ubuntu sudo command in node js apt-get nodejs latest version node-gyp install ubuntu install node ubuntu terminal yum install nodejs install nodejs on a linux machine Node 15 install debian 10 nodejs ubutnu latest version with node in devian install latest node js ubuntu mint node terminal in linux how to download node linux how to download node in ubantu node install ubuntu terminal how to install nodejs on debian 9 install nodejs 12 ubuntu 18.04 node install command line how to install node lts on ubuntu check node version ubuntu node install command install node js in linux install npm on unbuntu server how to install latest nodejs on ubuntu server cmd the version of node js i should install and it support all version insta node ubuntu how to install node v8 on ubuntu digital ocean how to install node 8 on ubuntu digital ocean install node npm in ububntu 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install debian linux install nodejd installing node.js on debian install nodejs package manager linux install npm nodejs instlal nodejs package manger install nodejs linux am how to install the latest version of node js in ubuntu how to install node 12 installation nodejs package manager how to install node modul manager apt-get node npm install node from command line how to install and setup node js current version in ubuntu node js install command in ubuntu install nodejs using pip how install nodejs linux install nodejs command line install npm using nvm node bash curl install npm get nodejs linux how to install node js using terminal node.js download package how to install the lastest version of node in ubuntu install nodejs 12 on linux last version nodejs ubuntu nodejs install script how to install node in linux latest version debian installer nodejs latest npm apt-get linux para node install node install node command line install latest node version terminal how to install 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