copy folders linux

cp -R source_dir destination_dir
cp -R /etc /etc_backup

Kortleeu 90 points

                                    cp -R dir1 dir2

3.86 (7 Votes)
123iamking 80 points

                                    cp -R dir1 dir2

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folder command line linux copy directory contents how to copy folder in bash copy folder contents in linux cp folders to folders terminal copy folder with files in linux linux copy directory recursively make a copy of linux to take around duplicate directory command line copy folders terminal copy paste folder linux terminal debian copy folder shell script cp folder to folder example linux copy foldrrt safety copy catalog linux cp. with folders ubuntu copy directory and contents to another directory how to copy a folder command line copy all from a path to another path compy all from a path to another path copy contents of folder to another folder linux best way to distribute folders on url linux copy dir in shell how cp a direcrotry copy folder to another folder linux command does linux cp copy recursive direcotry copy recursively linux cli copy directory linux copy folder to folder how to copy and paste directory in linux using terminal terminal cp a dir top another dit cp dir terminal unix script program to copy all files from a folder to another directory copy folder to new directory linux copy directory into another unix linux copy directory and all contents how to copy a folder from one place to another in kali linux how to copy folder from one directory to another in linux cp sub folders into different folder copy path linux linux opy recursively folder how can i recursively copy a folder copy folder in linux using terminal copy folder linux teminal how to copy paste a folder in linux copy everything from directory linux unix cp directory create a copy of the folder linux temrinal cp folder and contents cp a fouder copy directory and all files linux copy a folder with contents linux linus copy folder linux copy folder to another one linux create duplicate folder cp directory command linux cp whole folder linux copy whole folder to another copying a directory in linux copy all directory linux cp recursive directory linux cp a directory copy linux directory copy a folder ubuntu terminal how to copy whole folder in terminal linux cp recursive directory cp dir command to compy all directory in directory into another directory linux ubuntu copy paste dirs terminal linux copy folder to another folder linux all recursivly copy directory to another director ubuntu linux copu folder ubuntu copy directory recursive cp directories copy folder content to another folder linux cp bash command to different directory linux copy folder with content copying directory copy directory to other directory ubuntu copy directory cp content of folder to another copy directory into another directory unix clone directory linux copy entire directory to another directory copy folder bash how to copy and paste directory in linux copy folder path using terminal linux copy path using terminal linux linux command copy folder to a directory copy all folder content in other fodler linux how to copy a whole directory commandline copy the directory to another directory in linux copy folder in terminal copy folder to another folder location linux copy directory to a tmp in linux how to copy a folder from one location to anothe in linux cp directory to another directory copy folders in linux using cp copy folder linux command cp folder how to copy folder in linux using terminal copy a folder linux terminal copy contents of folder linux copy folder contents to another folder linux cope linux make a copy of a folder cp directory in linux linux copy directory and subdirectories "shell" folder copy "bash" folder copy "bash" copy folder bash copy folder how to copy and paste folder in linux linux cp make backup dirrectory copy folder into same location copy a folder linux command copy paste folder linux create copy of folder in linux copy directory linux to another directory cp a directory linux cp full directory linux ubuntu copy with subfolders cp folder to another folder cp folder to another folder linux bash copy directory copy everything in a directory linux command copy folder in linux copy folders and subfolders in linux copy paste folder command in linux copy folder command in linux copy directory to linux copy one dir to another linux copy in linux directory linux cp folder and all contents linux cp from folder how to copy folder in linux command line linux how to make copy of directory copying a folder terminal linux bash copy directory recursively linux make a copy of a directory how to take a backup of a directory in linux copy folder from one directory to another directory + ubuntu copy folder and all contents linux copy directory linux does cp directory linux copy all folders in a directory linux bash copy folder files in another directory how to copy the content of a folder in linux unix duplicate dir in same dir copy command in linux for directory backup entire folder linux copy linux directory to another location how to copy a folder with linux how to copy one folder to another folder in linux ubuntu copy folder recursively copy an entire folder linux transfer folder folder linux cmd copy one directory to another linux linux cp from one directory to another how to copy one folder in another folder linux copy a folder linux linux copy directory recursive copy folder in ubuntu how to make a copy of directory in linux how to copy and paste folder in linux using terminal copy command to copy folder in linux copy folde linux copy folder contents to another linux copy folder linux centos command copy a directory linux copy folder contents to another folder linux cope directory linux bash copy entire directory (with file) ubuntu copy folder with files copy folder content linux ubuntu copy folder recosive to another directory copy folder linux terminal copy folder to another location in linux shell script copy directory linux copy filder copy directory from one location to another in linux copy a folder along with files linux how to copy whole directory in linux shell copy directory linux copy folder 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linux command for copy and paste folder linux copy a folder command line copy the contents of a folder to another linux copy content of directory to another linux copy a whole directory linux copy one folder to another in linux how to copy a directory in linux linux cp command directory how to copy directories in linux copy a directory with files in ubuntu copy and clreat directory linux -p copy directory command linux copy recursive directory linux copy directory linux command how to copy folder from one place to another in linux copy folder including subfolders in linux linux copy all files and folders copy a directory to another directory linux copy folder linux command line how to copy a dir to another dir in linux cp folder linux linux command line copy directory verbose linux command line copy directory how to copy directory on linux how to copy one folder content to another folder in ubuntu copy folder to another folder linux copy folders inside foler linux copy folder command in linux copy a directory content into another linux comand copy file in a folder linux clone folder linux linux cp folder contents linux copy a directory linux command copy directory how to make a copy of a directory in linux copy folder with subfolders linux command copy folder linux linux copy directory to another directory linux copy to a directory linux copy all file and folders ubuntu make copy of directory cp folder ans subfolder linux copy directory to another directory linux how to copy folder in linux copy everything from one folder to another linux copy folder and contents linux cp directory to directory linux create a copy of folder in linux copy folder in ubuntu terminal copy directory and all contents linux ubuntu copy directory and contents copy folder including contents linux copy all files and folders linux linux command line to copy folder linux command to copy directory copy directroy linux copying entire directory in linux copy from one folder to another in linux copy directory linux command line linux copy folders copy director command in linux copy over directory linux ubuntu copy folder copy the directory in linux copy folder in linux command copy directory linux recursive copy a folder recursivley in linux linux copy directory and contents copy recursively linux folder copy dir in linux\ copy a folder in the same place linux command linux copy all copy a folder in linux command copy and paste directory in linux copy directory linux terminal copy one directory into another linux copy folder from one to another linux cp folder and subfolders linux copy folder with contents linux copy all directories and subdirectories linux Linux cp dir copy folder using linux cmd copy the content of a folder linux in the same directory in the same path copy folder from one directory to another in linux copy all folders and files linux cp directory copy directory cp copy folder cp bash copy directory contents recursively linux how to copy one folder to another in linux cp with directory how to copy directory in linux copy folder using cp command how to copy direcories into another directory in unix how to copy the whole directory in linux linux copy recursive copy a folder from one directory to another in linux ubuntu copy a folder to another folder bash command to copy all folders from a directory to other folder bash command to copy all folders from a directory to other folders copy whole folder contents to different path linux copy directory to another directory cp directory unix copy folder from one directory to another linux linux copy recursive directory how to copy a directory to a directory in unix copy directory linux bash copy folder to another location linux copy folder linux copy directory from one directory to another linux cp folder how to copy a whole folder kali linux linux command to cp folder from one directory to another cp folder in linux linux copy directory content to another directory copy a directory in linux to another directory linux how to copy directory into another directory in linux how to copy director to another linux how to copy directory linux linux cp directory and contents copy folder cp linux cp directory copy directory linux copy fodler copy directory files to another cir kali copy a directory in linux linux copy dir copy folder in linux copy folders linux copy all contents of a directory linux how to copy folder in linux terminal linux copy folder with subfolders copy directory and contents linux copy directory in linux how to copy a folder to another directory in linux how to copy a folder to another folder linux linux copy folder and contents cp folder command in linux linux copy directory copy folder linux
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