add remote in git

$ git remote add origin
# Set a new remote

$ git remote -v
# Verify new remote
> origin (fetch)
> origin (push)


                                    git remote add heroku
git remote -v
-> heroku (fetch)
-> heroku (push)

git remote remove heroku
git remote -v

5 (3 Votes)

                                    git remote add new_repo_name ssh://[email protected]:foo/bar/baz.git
# Note the new_repo_name. This doesn't replace your origin.
git remote -v
# The above will display
new_repo_name (fetch)
new_repo_name (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

3.43 (7 Votes)
GoldenAge 110 points

                                    git remote add origin

4.67 (3 Votes)
Tbw 110 points

                                    git remote add origin <link>

3.5 (4 Votes)

                                    git remote add origin [email protected]:portfolio/space.space_name.git#set a new remotegit remote -v#Verify new remoteorigin  [email protected]:portfolio/space.space_name.git (fetch)origin  [email protected]:portfolio/space.space_name.git (push)

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how to add to a remote repository in github git remote add co git add remote path add remote directory git git add remote origin main how to add another remote to git add remote repository git to local git ADD REMOTE COMMEND remote add origin git git add orign remote meaning of git remote add origin add remote repo to git project addint git remote git add remote repository ssh add local repository as remote in git git remote add new project to remote add a repository git git add remote project git command for adding origin git commit t git remote add origin how to add remote to existing git repo adding git remote git remote add origin steps git how to add remote hgit remote add gir remote add origin git command to add remote oriigin adding remote repo to git how to add remote repository git git remote add origin with username add new remote git add new remote url add git remote repo what does git remote add origin do how to add remote git to local existing git add a new remote repository to git git add remote# git addd remote gitt add remote remote add repo git git add remote como usar how to add remote git via command line git add remote new git add new remote github git remote add syntax git to add remote url git add new remote to existing repo add remote origin in git git add github as remote origin add git remote ssh git add remote rep git + add remote repositor how to add remote repo git add ing git remote addinf git remote how to add remote repo to local git github add to remote repo how to add a git remote to the original repositary git remote add origin remote repository url example how to add new remote repo in git add a new git remote create repository and add to remote command line remote add origin github add local git to remote how to add a remote repository on github git add a new remote what is git remote add origin do git remote url add git add origin and push git add remote address adding repository as a remote how add git remote github add 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remote origin in git git remote add oriign git add existing remote repo Add a Git remote for the original repository. git add remotre origin how to add remote origin in github add remote to local git git hub add remote repo how add a remote repository to local git repository how to add remote repository how to add a git remote repository git add another remote url how to add new git remote how to add a remote origin in git how to add a remote repository on git git add other remote how to add new git origin git add remote add github git add remote for existing add remote remote origin in git git add remote -v git add remote main git remote add github link add remote git ssh how to add new remote git remotea add origin add new remote for github add remote git in github add remote git command git add ssh remote how does remote adding of git work github add new remote adding a remote repository git git add remote repository github git add remote origin -f remote add repository git git add 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to remote git remote add origin master git remote add origin url git add remote. origin git add url origin remote git add remote and push git adding a remote repository add remote git and push git add local to remote repository what does git remote add origin git add remote origin url git add . git remote how to add remote git repository url command to add remote in git github add to remote repository git add remote to repo add remote origin git command git remote add? how to add local git to remote how to remote add git hgithub add remote repo adding a remote git repository adding origin git how to add Add a Git remote git remote add b git add remote url\ add remote orgin git remote add cli command to add remote git repository git remote add origin meaning git command remote add origin git remote add origin repository git remote add another origin how to add remote add remote repo to local git how to add a remote to git git command to add remote repository remote add git repo add a a git remote how to remote add a repository to my github add a remote git repo git create repo and add remote git remote add origin how to add remote to git git command to add remote url remote add github add remote repository ssh gite remote add add local git repo to remote how to add a remote rpo git Add github repo to remote git origin add remote how to add remote repository in git youtube add git origin remote add remote git adding a remote repository how to add remote from git bash git add remote add origin git how to add remote repository Add a remote repository in Git git add remote private repo add local repo to remote git git add remote origin ssh command to git remote add how to add remote url to a git project git remote add -m origin remote repository how to add a git remote url git remote add origin? what is git add remote origin git push remote add origin git remote add git add new repository to remote add another remote url in git command to add remote repository to local repository add new remote github git remote add main git origin add git add remote with git add remote git address adding remote origin git ssh git add remote github repo git remote add origin master url git remote add origin user git adding remote git repo add remote how to add remote origin git add new remote git how to add a remote origin git git add remote origin from local what is the use of git remote add origin git add to remote git remote add guide git add remote repository to existing project adding remote to github what is remote add in git git adding remote origin remote url git add git add remote with name add remote to existing git repo add origin git remote why we use git add remote how to add remote repository in git how to add new remote location in git add git remote terminal add remote command git git add repository as remote how to add a remote to git repository git add remote origin meaning add a repo in git remote hoe to add git remote remote git add how to add remote for repository git remote add origin [email protected] adding new remote git git remote add master adding remote in git add repository git remote add serber remote git add existing remote git and push git add remote repo add remote repository to local what does git remote add git how to add remote link add git remote server adding remote github how to adda remote in git git add remote add git add to remote repository how to add a remote gi git remote add origin ssh git add remote repository to local to add a remote on git add remote url to git git add local repository to remote git add remote add origin to git how to add git remote add origin git add remote oringin git remote add main add origin in git add a new remote git adding origin to git add remote gitl how to add a remote in a git remote add origin add new remote to git git add remote name how to add remote repo in git\ git remote addd gilab setup origin master git add source git add repository git remote add pre existing repo git add remote origin ip git remote add prod git add remote command prompt remote add git command remote server git git add remote v how to remote git remote o add remote repo to github add a remote in git how to set remote repository get git remote origin url setting remote for local repo git remote add how to set up remote git remote into github repo how to add a particular remote location in git origin how to add remote location with the name origin how to setup git remote repository git remote add user adding a remote link to local repo include git origin to project git add remote to existing repo git add remote add push git fetch remote url how to add new remote to git git a remote rep link git add remote without remote name how to add remote github repository git remote add origin /path/to/origin.git git remote add origin repo_url git add remotes git add remote in terminal ajouter un remote git remote access in git how to connect to remote git repo git remote add base how to add an origin to a git repo how to remote using git git get remote repository git remote add origi adding git remote origin how to see remotes git git add emote how to add git remote repository link how to add remote to local git init and link to remote cli commang to add remote github git sho remote when there are two remote repo i.s TanimuRa and origin. How can i push local repo 1 to TanimuSaadu/repo1 create new remote repo git how to get remote add origin git add git remote link assign a remote github git remote name git add remote remote_name url git link remote repository git remote add origin url_git remote add in github command line git remote add to branch git add master remote repo how to get primary remote orgin of github how to create remote repo ad push github git remote view origin setting up remote repository git reconfig remote git git remote add origin get link git link repository to remote github add extra remote repository get remote github add another git remote git cli add origin git remoteadd url add remote repository git link with remote git add origin main how to add origin set git originn adding a remote repo add remote github to computer git origin url check git add get remote add a repo as remote in local add a repo as remote add remote repo in git git remote url from a repo git remote add https git add remote to local repository add remote to repo git add remote ssh git add remote url to existing repo how to create a new remote repository in git what's a remote on github git remote add <remote_name> <remote_url> how to set up reomote repo git add branch from remote add remote to local repo adding a remote repo to git how to remote repository git git remote add cli git add remote* use another remote origin git how to add a git repository as a remote how to remote a remote in git tortoise git add remote git see what remote is how do i Add the remote repo location to our local git git default remote how to setup remote in github add remote repo with ssh command to add git remote fgit add remote connect git repo to remote git add remote to local repo get git master url command line connect to a remote git repository add changes to remote git how to create a remote with git how to add a new remote repo git remote add origin mater git remote add origin git add hook to remote repository how to create a remote for a git repo add remote origin to git directory git add branch to remote git remote github repo <remote> git git remote add origin v git remotre add how to add a remote repository git bash remote add upstream add git remote origin add remote origin issue git remote add dev how to add url to git what is the meaning of git remote add origin what does it means by git remote add origin git remote add -A git addremote git remote repository new remote repository git git remote add-url example add remote.origin to user example add remote.origin what is origin in git remote git remote add origin private repo git add rempotre git remote add git push git assign remote remote remote git origin add git init and remote url how to add remote origin ssh how to add remote repository to local git git set remnote git remote setup how to define remote git origin add git add ne git remote git command add origin git origin set rmote push new remote origin from local version how to start git remote in terminal git set a remote git bash show repositories how to add url in git bash github git remote add how to open the remote repository from cmd git hub remote server name how to add remote to a github repo how to know the name of the git remote add another origin git my git remote name find origin in git git remote example add remote location in git git remote add origin for local repo ehy add remote repository git remote -depth what is the git remote git to remote repository git setup local repository from remote setup git remote how to get access git repo git set new remote how to add origin in git bash how to add a remote github add remote to git local git add remote link how to create a remote in git git add remote on server new remote link git how to add origin to git get creacte new remote git register remote repository create a remote url set a git remote git add new remote repo how to create new remote repository in git bash how to view remote origin git how do i connect a new remote on github local how to set up a git remote git remote add and clone git add remote to github repo git origin remote git remote add -f git init new remote to add new remote to repo git remote add origin gitlab adding a git remote how to add different git origin git add 2nd origin git command to add remote how to set remote origin git configure a remote repository git example of git remote add origin how to add another git origin set git remote origin repository remote name how to add git remote repository url in command line git remote add url example git set remote push and fetch git check all remote added git add remote repo url add a remote path git how to add new remote origin connect github remote git add remote rpo add a new remote to git my git remote add url how to set remote repo git git init add remote origin ungit add remote add new origin to git add new remote origin git set remote origin in git github add remote branch connect to remote git repository new git remote add origin git origin git push add remore link git repo to remote git remote add url origin add existingemote git create a new url remote git git view url of remote add new remote origin new origin git git remote add orgin set remote git origin git remote add <url> origin git add remote add ssh git add remote .git git how to add a remote branch how to set remote in git how to add a remote git repository add remote to git repo how do i get remote github repository git remote add help git connect to remote githubg repo git set remote repo and push git check origin push url add a git remote branch adding a remote git git remote origin to repo git add remote repo authorise what is remote name in git set up remote server git add remote server git how to add a fetch remote upstream in git how to remote git remote repository git remote example git git add url repo git remote add . git what is a remote git add remote ddh git list remote github how add remote git remote add example repo link setting github repo remote hot to add an url to a git repository origin git add origin url git git origin url command how to add a new git remote add second remote git git remote access show git remote origin git connect remote add remote github repo to git git remote add url command setting remote origin git get the remote url git add a new remote git cmd git add remote branch and push github add remote command add git origin show remote url add remote to git repository how to get remote repo list git remotes git add remote to server git how to add a remote add remote origin url git how to open remote repository with git git origin default remote name git git remoete add adding git remote url how to know where is your git remote how to make a git remote add repo as remote git add repo as remote gi view git origin git remote add <name> <url> git set remote master git add new origin adding new remote git and push git remotea dd origin create a new remote git add as remote how to ad remote to my local repo show all remotes git git how to add remote main add remote origin how to add remote location in git git set another remote git remote origin add another remote git how to use git remote add origin adding remote to repository git commands for adding a remote git show host add extra remote git fetch url git set remote push git config push origin remote remote add origin github form terminal remote add origin github form termina; how to add link with remote in git add git remote in cmd git show remote what is git remote add <name> <url> upload repo to new remote remote git repo how to show remote url git git remote login how to re-add my git repo remote add url git remote git add repository url on a branch how to add a different origin git how to add a new origin git github add remote origin how to add new ewmote how to add remote url github git remote origin add remote url git url create a remote origin in the git terminal list remotes how to set remote add remote to github create new remomote from command line add remote gi add remote url how to set remote origin in git how to add remote git in local code git remote access all branch git add orign add origin remote add a remote to a repo set remote origin git git command after adding remote origin how to read remote origin git git add repository to local remote add git remote add <name> <url> git hub how to get remote repository git setup github remote how to add remote of an existing repo git add remote description check for git origin git add git remote adding git reomte repo git add remote host set up a remote for github repository git add remote server local git add remote server add remote origin to git project git remote add nmae url git add remote repository example add a remote origin to git add a remote to git set a remote to a local git repo git remote add url git show repostory info adding remote repository linux git where is remote repository git add remote origin github http git remote add -f b usage: git remote add [<options>] <name> <url> git add existing remote git init git add remote add remote origin from branch git how to add remote origin in new git git get remote origin how to add a remote connection to git how to add a remote connection in git git command to see list of remote configured in repositories remote remote git how to aDD remote url to git how to add remote git repository git add pull remote giut origin add how to add new remote git url how to setup a remote repository in git add git init and set remote url to project git add second remote how set remote to git git remote add origin <repo link> add remote git bash git set github remote remote add in git example how to do git remote add how to add a remote add remote repo to local repo git list remotes git add url origin how to add remote repos how to add a remot for a git brahcm set up git remote how to add a new remote to your git repo github remote add command git aad remote origin set remote repository github git adding remote repository add a remote repository how to add remote repo url git remote list add origin git command add remote to local git repo how to add remote origin repo in git how to add remote origin github add repository as a remote in your local git repository. how to add a new remote origin in git git remote add git remote to git repo how to add a git remote git set new project remote how to get command in github for adding remote origin git remote how to check how add remote git git remote add remote origin how to connect to remote git repository github add remote link add remote git repository to local git add remote locaation to new directory add a remote to git repo git add remmote repo how to add git remote url add origin remote git github add new remote origin add new remote url git git remote origin new repo how to add a remote origin using git how to give git remote name adding remote prigin url in terminal adding remote origin in git terminal git see remote url list connect remote repository git git remote add <name> <url> github git remote set remote git remote add remote how to add remote link to git how to create a remote repository in git add remote user git how to add git origin goit add remote url goit add remote add how to show remote origin in git git add remote upstream url git point to remote directory git point to remote repository set up github remote how to add remote branch in git git add remote for brancj how to add a remote url in git adding a remote origin git git add rmote origin git hub remote git remote add origin git hub github remote origin how to add remote url in git in cmd how to view current git remote adicionar remote git git add url git link remote repository to local git rempte how can i see git origin set remote repository git ADD A ermorte to git github cli set remote how to create git remote how to set git remote on git ? the purpose of git remote git see rmeote url add another origin to git project configure remote repository git git remote brashing add git remote to local repo how to show git repository url how to add remote in git for github git branch remote add git add new remote branch git set different remote git branch add remote how to make an remote git repo em how to add a remote repo in git git bash check origin github remote origin add git add origin remote url how would you add the remote repository to your local git? git set up remote repository git add remo create a remote git initialize git and add the remote origin git remote add origin utl how to use a new location on github remote git connect git to remote git remote add to a repository how to remote remote git how to set remote git add remote repo git git config add remote git remote add ssh origin add a remote from git configure remote to git repository gitbash set user remote git set remote origin in git init git remote fetch git remote origin git how to check the remote origin how to add a git remote origin in terminal add remote origin to git how to add remote origin in git terminal how to add git remote origin how to define origin in git git ad remote repo adding remotes in git adding remote repository git git remot add remote branch how to connect to remote repository git how to see remote url in git git add remote\ add remote branch git how to list git remotes how to list all remotes git git add secondary remote how to link to another remote repository git git remote servers how to add remote from git git remotes list how to set new remote git git remote add orogin git remote 'i git add orogin remote add url git add new origin + git git add a remote repository how to git remote orgins git add remote branch to local repo how to add url for branch in git connect local git repo to remote git remote from from origin how to use git remote add how to connect remote git repository github remote set master git command to see the remote url check git connection to remote command adding a new remote to git get git remote git set origin or master remote add git new remote check git origin url git configure remote repository setting git repo to remote show origin master in git how to define a remote in git github add remote dependancy how to know remote repository git git remote add through http how to check git remote what is complete command git add remote what is git add remote add new remote repository git set git remote git add remote automatically add remote git to folder git remote command add github remote to existing repo git connect remote repository to local how to view remote in git git to sign in to new remote explain git remote git connect to remote repository git connect to remote how to view all remote in git git add remote url command https git add remote url command check git origin command git check which remote git remote add [<options>] <name> <url> navigate to diffrent git remote how to add new remote to push git how to add new remote git git how to remote to new repository git remote adsd how to see origin in git add git to remote can i add another remote to a github repo check the remote of git git configure remote setting up a remote repository git see origin url git how to git remote how to add new remote in git git create remote how to check git remote operations git remote add what url should i use git get remote url git remore add do in git git add remote cmd git add remot g=create remote git repo git add other git git add other repo git remote add origin example git add origin remote git add romote orign add git origin master git init with remote url what does git remote add . do create remote issue git git add repository url git add remote url ssh git add remote to local git add remopte add remote from git git add origin master command add origin master git configure remote git how to set a remote repository git There is a remote repository location /s/remote-repo. Using git remote, add this remote location with the name origin. git ad remote git remote add o how to remote git git add a new remote repository git remote add origin https://repository.remote.url git add other origin git remote config git remote add origin remote git add remote in bash git remoe add what is git remote add - git remote add origin git remote add name url how to add a remote repository git git remote add origin git set remotee git remote add origin git add remote to git git add repository remote how to assign git origin to project git link to remote repository git link to remote git push add remote add a remote origin git git set remote to existing repo how to set git remote github set remote repository git remote add another repository where do I find git remote add origin remote repository URL in github create remote git github remot github remote git add remote master to local git add remote master git init add remote git init and add remote set remo git setup rmote github git set orgin git add rmote git add upstream remote url git setup remote add github as remote github create remote add a remote git giot remote add add git repository url git add host git configure default remote github git remote add origin command git remote .add create new remote origin git add remote command line make git remote add git remote repository git add different remote git add master git command to add origin git remote add <name> <url> how to git add remote git remote add command git remote add new repo force git remote add origin master add origin to local git remote name github adding remote to git git add remote url priavate rep git add github remote git add remote repository set removte git git add additional remote command to create remote for git hub create an orgin git git remote add origin link git remote add origin how to add new origin in git add remote git remote add name url example set the remote git git remote add origin syntax how to use a remote github repository how to set a remote origin in git git remote add [a-remote] create git remote set remote on git git remote add new git addorigin git remote add to origin remote add github remote login git add origin url add repository as remote git set remote repository what is git and github remote how to add origin in git how to add a remote in git setting a remote git set up remote origin git set git re,ote adding help repo remote github git remote add remote url how to add remote partner git how to reset pull request in git convert mercurial bitbucket to git on github git add --a git add remote branch git remote add branch git remote to github set remote git git remote check how to add remote in git how to setup remote repo in git setup remote origin git how to add remote url in git git ladd remote grom github how to add a new remote github github add remote git init add origin how to configure a remote to github repository adding a remote in git git define remote git add remote command how to get remote origin repo in git git add orgin new remote git repository add remote access to repository git how to add a remote git git add remote repository command git remove add url how to git remote add git repo remote git remote origin add before adding remote repository git git remote add origin remote repository url how to add a new romote git git specify remote how to add a remote repository in git git add femote how to add origin in github remote add git repository git add origin command git remote ad how to add remote origin in git how to add git url how add remote to local git add git remote url add remote url in git add a remote repository github connecting to a remote git git adding remote repo git remote url git remote add origin master github how to setup git remote git setup remote url add https git remote git remote add http how to set up remote to my git repository git remote and git add add to remote repository git git remote add origin git connect to origin git add reomte via http adding an origin git how to make a new remote git add github remote add remote origin git how to create new git remote git add remote and link master adding remote git how to add origin git connect to remote repo git how to add a new github remote to repository git add remote origin github how to add url in git git how to add remote origin git add origin master remote git repository git add remote after init adding remote url in git how to connect git to remote repo git add remote terminal git add new origin remote set a remote git additional git remote git remote add origin YOUR_REPO_URL connect github remotely connect git hub remotely git remote add github git remote add origin github command git remote add origin https set git repo as remote origin git remote add repository github how to add remote git remote in to github git add repository to remote git add url git add remote push url git add new github remote repository git add new remote repository git remote add remote_name remote repo url git set remote github how to add remote to git repo git local add remote git remote add through commands how to add origin master git adding remote origin git add remote url git add remote git how to set remote repository git add a remote repository git git set another remote repository add new remote url github git add remte add origin git git new remote add remote github how to set a git origin github remote add adding another origin git set up remote github git remote add <name> <url> git remote repo git add origin git addremote repository pygit add remote add new git remote : git remote add [<options>] <name> <url> add new origin git how to add git remote git add remote origin master git set remote remote origin github git bash add remote repository git add remote origin add git remote git add remote url add remote git repository git add new remote git remote github git remote add new origin add a git remote git remote add example git remote add origin github git remote giyhub add remote repository git git attach to remote git add remote git remot add git remote add git addurl git remote add origin add remote in git
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