python list max value

>>> list = [1, 3, 2, 0]
>>> max(list)

L Yosef 90 points

                                    def Max_min(list_of_number):
    largest_number = 0
    smallest_number = 0
    for num in list_of_number:
        if num > largest_number:
            largest_number = num
        elif num < smallest_number:
            smallest_number = num
    return "Largest number ="+ str(largest_number) + "Smallest Number="+str(smallest_number)

4.13 (8 Votes)
Hi-Angel 95 points

                                    >>> L=[2,-7,3,3,6,2,5]
>>> max(L)

3.7 (10 Votes)
Fraggles 110 points

                                    # Python program to find largest 
# number in a list 

# list of numbers 
list1 = [10, 20, 4, 45, 99] 

# printing the maximum element 
print("Largest element is:", max(list1)) 

4.17 (6 Votes)
Math 90 points


list1, list2 = [123, 'xyz', 'zara', 'abc'], [456, 700, 200]
print "Max value element : ", max(list1)
print "Max value element : ", max(list2)

4 (7 Votes)
Nit 80 points

                                    number_list = [1, 2, 3]
max_value = max(number_list)
# Return the max value of the list
max_index = number_list.index(max_value)
# Find the index of the max value

4.5 (6 Votes)
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list create largest number from list python finding max length string from a list in python finding max leng from a list in python highest value of list paython find max value in range of a list how to get max num in python list get largest value in a list Python program to find largest number in a list how to find highest value in list how to store the biggest number in a list how to get the largest number in a list python how to use max function in the list how to find highest value in list python python find the biggest number in list max of array in pythin biggest value from a list in python how to find the max of a list in python using forloop how to find the max of a list in python using for highest element in list python how to get maximum value from list in python how to get the max number in a list in python max return index python find highest value in python list return max value in python list return the maximum values in list inppyhton python list find highest value 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Write a program in Python to find the largest number in a list. maximum elements in a list find the index of the max value in a list python python print highest value in list find the maximum value in a list find the maximum length in a list python highest integer in list python max size of list of integer return largest number in list python list get max value python Write a Python program to get the largest number from a list. find the largest number that is not in list find largest integer that isn't in list python python choose largest number in list what the ways to find the highest value in a list python create a function that takes a list of numbers. return the largest number in the list find the maximum number in a list python how to find max value in list python without inbuilt function find maximum and minimum values of a list how to find the max number in a list python maximum value in a list how to find the highest value in list find max list python index of maximum value 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