python include function from another file

from otherPyFileName import function1, function2

out1 = function1(3)
out2 = function2(3)

print(out1, out2)

output ---> WhatEver ftn returns

Awgiedawgie 440215 points

                                    from filename_without_py_extension import *

3.86 (7 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    #If you want to import all functions from file... but you will still need to
#mention the file name:
import pizza

#If you want to import every function but you dont want to mention file name:
from pizza import *

3.5 (2 Votes)
IllusiveBrian 18110 points

                                    #import all from (in same directory)
from myfile import *

4 (2 Votes)
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