python inheritance

# =============================================================================
# Inhertance
# =============================================================================
class A:
    def feature1(self):
        print('Feature 1 in process...')
    def feature2(self):
        print('Feature 2 in process...')       #Pt.1
class B:
    def feature3(self):
        print('Feature 3 in process...')
    def feature4(self):
        print ('Feature 4 in process...')
a1 = A() 


a2 = B()

class A:
    def feature1(self):
        print('Feature 1 in process...')    
    def feature2(self):
        print('Feature 2 in process...')
class B(A):
    def feature3(self):
        print('Feature 3 in process...')    # Pt.2
    def feature4(self):
        print ('Feature 4 in process...')
a1 = A() 


a2 = B()



Madivad 75 points

                                    class Robot:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
    def say_hi(self):
        print("Hi, I am " +
class PhysicianRobot(Robot):

x = Robot("Marvin")
y = PhysicianRobot("James")

print(x, type(x))
print(y, type(y))


4 (6 Votes)
Sid 75 points

                                    class Person:  
    name = ""  

    def __init__(self, personName):  = personName  
    def showName(self):  
class Student(Person): 				# Student inherits from Person superclass
    studentClass = ""  

    def __init__(self, studentName, studentClass):  
        Person.__init__(self, studentName)		# superclass constructor
        self.studentClass = studentClass  		# Student class specific
    def getStudentClass(self):  
        return self.studentClass  
person1 = Person("Dave")
person1.showName()                  # Dave
student1 = Student("Mary", "Maths")
print(student1.getStudentClass())   # Maths
student1.showName()                 # Mary

3.86 (7 Votes)

                                    # creating parent class
class Parent:
    BloodGroup = 'A'
    Gender = 'Male'
    Hobby = 'Chess'
# creating child class
class Child(Parent): # inheriting parent class
    BloodGroup = 'A+'
    Gender = 'Female
    def print_data():
        print(BloodGroup, Gender, Hobby)
# creating object for child class
child1 = Child()
# as child1 inherits it's parent's hobby printed data would be it's parent's

4.2 (5 Votes)
CC333 100 points

                                    class Parent:

    def abc(self):

class LeftChild(Parent):

    def pqr(self):
        print("Left Child")

class RightChild(Parent):

    def stu(self):
        print("Right Child")

class GrandChild(LeftChild,RightChild):

    def xyz(self):
        print("Grand Child")

obj1 = LeftChild()
obj2 = RightChild()
obj3 = GrandChild()

4.44 (9 Votes)
Warspyking 80 points

                                    class Robot:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
    def say_hi(self):
        print("Hi, I am " +
class PhysicianRobot(Robot):

    def say_hi(self):
        print("Everything will be okay! ") 
        print( + " takes care of you!")

y = PhysicianRobot("James")

4.43 (7 Votes)
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