python dict sort by value

s = {1: 1, 7: 2, 4: 2, 3: 1, 8: 1}
k = dict(sorted(s.items(),key=lambda x:x[0],reverse = True))

Amalloy 85 points

                                    d = {'one':1,'three':3,'five':5,'two':2,'four':4}

# Sort
a = sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])

# Reverse sort
r = sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

3.8 (5 Votes)
Wizard 95 points

                                    A={1:2, -1:4, 4:-20}
{k:A[k] for k in sorted(A, key=A.get)}

{4: -20, 1: 2, -1: 4}

4.33 (3 Votes)
Al-nonymous 100 points

                                    import operator
x = {1: 2, 3: 4, 4: 3, 2: 1, 0: 0}
sorted_x = sorted(x.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))

# Sort by key
import operator
x = {1: 2, 3: 4, 4: 3, 2: 1, 0: 0}
sorted_x = sorted(x.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))

4.5 (2 Votes)
Jason 95 points

                                    x = {1: 2, 3: 4, 4: 3, 2: 1, 0: 0}
{k: v for k, v in sorted(x.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])}
{0: 0, 2: 1, 1: 2, 4: 3, 3: 4}

3.5 (2 Votes)

                                    >>> x = {1: 2, 3: 4, 4: 3, 2: 1, 0: 0}
>>> {k: v for k, v in sorted(x.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])}
{0: 0, 2: 1, 1: 2, 4: 3, 3: 4}

3.83 (6 Votes)
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Write a Python program to sort Python Dictionaries by Key or Value? python sort list of dicts based on value python veverse sort values in dictionary sorting on dictionary how to sort dictionary of dictionary in python how to sort dictionary list values in python sort a dictionary based on value python how to sort dictionary by key sort a dictionary based on some key value python sorted function for dictionaries by value python dictionary ordering order dict in python by value python sort dict by value len sort a dictionary by key in python dictionary sort function python python dictionary order by key then by value python dictionary order by value dictionary sort by key in python how to sort the dict by value in python how to order a dictionary python by value dictionary python items sort dict sort by value in python sort dictionary on the basis of values sort a dict according to values in python sort dictionary using values in python sort dict values to list sort dict in python by key sort a dictionary by inside value order dictionary by value inside python sort dictionaries by key sort the dictionary by values in python python sort a dict by key list of dict sort by value sort keys in dictionary numerically python python sort dict array by value sort the dictionary in pythton how to sort dicionaries in dictionary in python numerically how to sort keys in dictionary in python numerically sort dictionary by key ascending in python python sort dict by value and key python sorted dict by value sort a dict using value dictionary sorting by value python dictionary sorting python sort dict by values in python sort dict py by key sort key in dictionary python sort a dictionary by value python 3 python program to sort dictionary by value dictionary function in python sort sort dictionary by value. If value is equal, sort by the key sort dictionart on basis of value sort dict items by value How do you sort a dictionary by value? sort dictionary values by key python python sorting dictionary by values sort dictionary after values python dict sort by value then key sort by dict key python how to sort dict python how to sort dictionary according to keys order a dictionary based on values sort a dictionary python sort python dict by value sort values in dictionary in python SORT DICTIONARY by valuie sort key values in dictionary python order values in dictionary python dict sort by alue sorting dictionary values python sort the dictionary by value in python return in array sort list of dictionary based on value python how to sort by value and keys dictionary python how to sort a dictionary using sort in python sort list of dictionaries according to key value in python sort dictionary key by value python sort dictionary i python according to value sorting dict sort dictionary index by value sorting dictionary items() python how to sort a dict by key how to sort a dictionary based on valkue python sort dictionary by key-value sort() python dictionary sorting elements in dictionary in python dictionary sort python by value dictionary sort by key python python sort list by dict value sort dictionary by value then key sort dictionary by value python then key sort dic according to values python sort dictionary by key ascending python how to sort dictionary based on values sort ascending dict python sort python dictionary based on values dictionary sorting by values and using the keys sort dict values in python sorting list that has dictionary values sorting dictionary in list python by value how to sort items in dictionaries python python sort dictionary list by value sort dicitonary python sort dictionary by key in python how to sort dict in python due to value python sort dict by valuee sorting a dict based on vlaues sorting dictionary according to values in python python sort dictionary based on key python sort a dictionary by values dictionary sort in python sort a list of dictionaries by value python sort a python dictionary how can I sort a dictionary on python according to its values n? python sort array of dict by value sorting a dictionary based on key in python python sort list of dict by key value sort values in python dictionary python sort dictionary by value ascending sorting dict in python by key how to sort a dictionary via its key values sort dictionary by by value python order dictionary by value python 3 dictionary order by value dictionary order by value python sort dictionary by contnet python sort dictionary items how to sort dictionary keys by their values sort dictionary keys by value python sort dictionary sort dictionary entries python sort dict based on a key sort key dictionary python how to sort a dictionary in ascending order in python by value sort a list of dicitionary item based on value python how to sort a dict with values in python sort by value dict python how to sort items in dictionary python how can I sort a dictionary on python according to its values n\? how can I sort a dictionary on python according to its values n? how can I sort a dictionary on python according e to its values n? how can I sort a dictionary in python according e to its values n? how can I sort a dictionary in python according e to its values? dict sort by value python how to sort dictionary on key python python3 sort dict by value dict in python sort how to sort a dict in python python sort dicts python sort dict by value reverse python dict ordering sort value in dictionary python how to sort a dictionary by value in python 3 sort a key in dictionary python sort a dictionary based on values in python desc sort dictionary by value python sort a dictionary byvalue python python3 sorted dictionary by value python sortdict by values how to sort dictionaary in python sort dictionary by a key's value how to orderd dictionary using values in python sort by dictionary key python how to sort dict values in python sort a dict by key python python sort list based on dictionary value order dict values python python dict to list sorted by value sort array of dict based on value sort a python dictionary by value ordering dictionaries by value python sort by value dictionary python items() python program to sort a dictionary sort value dictinoary python sorting in a dictinary python sython sort dictionar on basis of values how to sort a dictionary by numerical value sort list of dict by key value python sort list of dict by value python sort by key value dit how to sort dictionary according to values in python python sort dict by key? order dictionary by key value pythojn sorting dictionary in python using key sort dictionary by ascending value sort dictionary pytho nby value sort keys in dictionary python based on value python sort a dictionary by key python sort a dictionary python make a list from a dict sort by value sorting a dictionary in python example python sort on dictionary values python sort dict by value of key python sort dictionary by value then key python sort dictionary by value in place sorting a python dictionary sorting to create a dictionary of dictionaries in python python sort list dictionary by value how to sort dictionary by keys or values how to sort the dictionary by key in python print the dictionary sort by key and value python 3. Python Program to Sort a Dictionary by Value' 3. Python Program to Sort a Dictionary by Value python sort dictionary of dictionaries by value sort access value from dict python sort a python dictionary by key sort dictionary by value and return key python how to sort a dict sorting in dictionary python sort list of dictionary by value sort dictionary in python according to values python sort a dict by its values how to sort dict in python by key python dictionary sorting by value how to sort the dictionary values in python how to sort the dictionary in python python dict value sort how to sort items in a dictionary according to their values in python sort dictionary keys based on value python sort dictionary by value and key in python 3 sort dictionary by value and key python 3 sort dict by value and key sort dictionary of dictionaries by value python python sort dictinary sort dictionary by values in python sorting a dictionary in pythin sort dict based on vlaue python how to sort a dictionary by key sort a dictionary based on its values sort dict value python sort dictionary by value of valuepython python sort dictionary by key and get values how to sort a dict by key in python python sort by dictionary key sorting of dictionary in python sort dictionary list by value python sorting dictionary list python sort a dictionary according to keys python sort keys of dictionary by value sort value based on dictionary values python sort by dictionary val sort a dictionary by value of list python python sort dict keys by value how can I sort a dictionary in python according to its sort a python dict sort disc by keys and then values in python sort disc in python by keys and then values sorting keys in dictionarty sort a dict based on value python sort dictinoary by array value python and sort dictionary sort dictionary by val python how to sort a dictionary based on values how to sort a dictionary based on value s how to sort a dictionary based on value sort dictionary according to key python sorting dictionary by key python how to sort dict in python by value sort list of dictionaries based on value python sort based on dictionary values sort dictionary with list as value Sorting the dictionary Python Sorting the dictionary python sort dictionary by one value sort dict using values sort dictionary according to values python python dictionary values order sort items in dict python sorting dicts in python sorting dictionary python values sort a dictionary with python sort list of dictionaries python by value sort a dict in python by key sort a dict by key sorting dictionary by value in ptyhon sorting dictionary by value function sort a list of dictionary by value python doesnot sort all sort a list of dictionary by value python how can i sort a dictionary in python sort every values of a dictionary python sorted by value dictionary python How would you sort a dictionary in Python python dictionary values sort python dictionary sort python dictionary sorting a python dict a key sorting a python dict on value python arrange dictionary by value how to sort a dictionary py sort values of each key in dictionary python sort default dict by values how to sort a dictionary by value in decending order sort dictionary based on values pyhon sort in python dictionary python sort keys by value how to sort dictionary in python keys dict python sort by key sort list of dictionaries by key value Python program to sort Python Dictionaries by Key or Value sort list of dictionaries by value sort elements in dictionary python sort dictionary by value python by sorted sorting a dict in python sort dictionary using values Write a python program to sort dictonary using key order dict by value, keep key sorting bt values in a dictionary python sort python dictionary by key and value sort python list in dict value sort python dict value as list sort python dictionary key and values python sort dictionary in place python sort dictoinary sort dictionary on basis of value ordering dictionary by value python dict sort by values sort a dictionary in python by value sort a dictionary in oython sort filst of dict by particular value python sort by item python dict how to sort using values in a dictionary dict sort by key python order dict by items order dict by key value python sorting dictionnay on value string python sorting dictionnary python dict order value order value dictionary how to order dictionary by value python sort function on dict how to sort a dictionary in python by values python sorting dictionaries python sorting dictionaryes sort dict by key python order asc dictionary by value python Write a Python program to sort Python Dictionaries by Key or Value sort a list of dictionaries by dictionary value python python sort dictionary by list value how to order dict in python sorting a list of dictionaries by key value python sort a dictionary values in python sorting a dictionary in python by key sort dictionary in decendining with values python SORT DICTIONARY BY VAUES python array sort dict by value sort dictionary by value ascending order sort python dictionary list by dictionary value python sort list of dictionaries by dictionary value sort dictionary by value and then key dictionary sort by values and by keys sort python dictionary values by key sort by key python dictionary dict sort in python by key py sort dictionary on value how to order dictionary python python sort array of dictonaries by key value sorting list of dictionary based on value in dictionary in python how to sort a python dictionary by key how to sort a dictionary by values in python3 sort dict on key value sorting a dictionary by value in python python sort dict by element sort list by dictionary value python sort by dict value python order dictionary based on values sort ordereddict by value python dict sort python python sort dict by key and value python script to sort a dictionary by value sort list based on dictionaries value python python dictionary.items sort python sort values in dictionary sort dictionary value list how to sort dictinary by value in python how to sort dictinary in python can we sort elements in dictionary sort based on dict values python sort based on dictionary values python sorting a dictionary by key in python python sort dicionary by value dictionary sorting by value python sorting dictionary sorting dictionary in python2.7 by value sort key by value python python create sorted dictionary by value sorting dict in python sorted dict by value sort dictionry python python sort dicitonary based on value sort dictionary by value python strings sort a dict in python by keys how to sort dictionary based on values and again on keys in python python sort dictionaries order python dict by values python how to sort a dictionary by a value sort a dictionary by key python dict(sorted(d)) sort key in dictionary python how to sort dictionary sort my dict key and values python sort array of dictionary by value sorting a dictionary with key value and displaying total dictionary sort diuctionary of dictionary how to sort a dictionary in python based on values how to sort a dictionary in python based on keys python dictionary sort order sort the dictionary according to values sorting a dictionary by key sorting on the basis of values in dictionary python sort dictionary values python can we sort dictionary in python can we sort a dictionary in python how to order my dictionaries python sort dictionary key python python order list of dictionaries by value sort dictionary by value and key python sort keys in dictionary python python sort datadictionary by value dictionary values sort python order dict by value python sort a dictionary by key numerically python python dict sort values sort by value python dictionary how to sort dictionariy elements based on the values sort dictionary by values dict sort by key value how to sort dict by key python python sort dictionary on value how to sort a dictionary by its values python how to sort a dictionary by its values how to sort a dict items based on its valus python sort dictionary in python based on values sort elements in dict python python dict sort value sort values in dictionary python along with their key sorting dictionaries by value python how to sort a dictionary of values python how to sort a dictionary by value how to sort a dictionary in python by value hwo to sort a dictionary in python sort method in dictionary python python sort dict by key python sort order dictonary by value python sort list by value in dictionary order dictionary by values sort list by dictionary value python sort dictionary descend by value how to sort a dictionary in python how I want sort the key in dic in python sorting dictionnaries by keys python dictionary python sorted by value how to sort with dictionary value in python python sort dictionary by vlaue sort a list of dictionaries by value python sort dict key by value dict sorted by value how to sort dictionary with the value in python sorting dictionary in python by values sort by the values in a python dictionary sorted dictionary with list sorting a python dictionary by value how to sort a dictionary numerically in python how to sort values in dictionary python python sort by key dictionary python sort array by dictionary value sorting dictionary by value how a dictionary is sort in python according to values sort keys by value dictionary python how to sort python dictionary by value python sort the dictionary by value sort dictionary by values python 3 sorting dictionary python by value sort values of dictionary python sort dictionary by key then value python sort dict by values python 3 how to sort dictionary in python by values how to sort values in dict python dictionary sort by key or valie sort dict by value in python python list of dictionaries sort by value how to sort a dictionary on basis of value dictionary sort by value python sorting a dictionary by values sort a dictionary using values python sort values in a dictionary in python how to sort a dictionary by key and value in python python sort dictionery how to sort dictionary values in python sort a dictionary using values python sort dict by values python dictionary sort by value and key dictionary python sort by value how to sort value in dictionary python can we sort dictionary based on values python sort dic by value sort dict values python python dict sort by value desc easy ways to sort a dictionaries by values in python sort function for dictionary in python sort dictionary by key and value python sort dictionary by key then by number of values python sort by value dictionary • Sorting Dictionaries sort keys and values dict python sorted a dictionary dictionary sort by value python dictionary sort by value then key how to sort dict and take 10 values how to sort the values of a dictionary in python how to sort values in a dictionary python python sort dict values dictionary sorting by values python sort value in dictionary python by value python sort dict based on value sort dict items python sort array by value in dictionary how to sort values in a dictionary sort dictionby keys but show values python sort a dictionary based on values python how to sort values in dictionary in python sort object keys python how to sort dictionary by value how to sort dictionary by value then by key how to sort values of a dictionary in python how to sort dictionary by value if value is array sort dict based on values python how to sort by value in python dictionary sort a dictionary by value then key Sorting a dictionary by value then key Sort a dictionary by value and then by key sort dict in decresing value of key dict within dict sort values python sorting python dictionaries by key or value sort list of dictionaries by value of specific key sorting list of dictionaries by value dictionary sorting order dict by value python 3 sort python dictionaries by key or value how to sort dictionary using value in python return dictionary how to sort dictionary using values in python return sorting python dictionary by its value python 3.7 sort dictionary by value how do we sort a dictionary according to the values python sort dictionario by key value python sort dictionary by specific key value sort python dictionary \sort a dictionary sort a dictionary python sort diction by values dict python sort python sort dictionary function sorting dictionary by values sort list based on dict value sort dictionary by value python3 sorted dictionary by value python sort dictionary according to key python order array by a dict item value python sort a list of dictionary by value sort by the values in the dictionary how to sorted a dictionary using the value python how to sort a dictionary by the key in python sort and print dictionary python python sort dictionary by value length how to sort a dictionary python - sort dictionary by value python dic sort by key sort dictionary by value python in specific key sorting dictionaries python sorting a dictionary by value dictionary sort by values in python how to sort dictionary in python by value then by key python dict order by value python sort a dictionary by value python sort dict by value ai lover create a dictionary in python sort python sort list of dictionaries by value python sort dict keys based on value and extract keys python sort dict keys based on value sort dictionary by number of values python dict sort in python how to sort dictionary by its values python how to sort key values in dictionary python sort dictionary python sort by value in in dict list sorting a dict sort dictionaùy python map sort by value python python sort dictionary by key values dictionary value sort sort dictionary by value then by key python sorting values in dictionary in python dictionary python does it sort by value sort a dictionary by values python sort dictionary by value key and then by value sort dictionary by value key how to sort dictionary in python by value sort a dict with the key in python sort a dictionary in python by key and return sorting a dictionary in python sort list of dictionaries based on one value how to sort data in dictionary python sort by items dictionary sorting in dict sorted dictionary python by value sorting a dictionary python sort dictionary byonly value python sorted values on a key in dictionary python how to sort string in dictionary in python how to sort elements in dictionary in python sort in dictionary python python dictionary sorted how to sort dictionary in python python sort dict by name python sort dictionary by highest value how to sort dictionary in python using keys how to sort dictionary in python using key how to sort dict values python how to sort dict in python sort dictionary in python by value sorting a dictionary How to sort arrange dictionary sort dictionary by value and then key python sort by keys in dictionary python python map sort vy values arrange dictionary by key python python orderdiction order list of dict by a value python documentation sort dictionary by keys python sort dicts by key python sort dict by string value how to delete a key from dictionary in and arrange alphabetically in python python sorted dictionary sorting dictonary in python how to sort dictionary by key python python dict order by python hash order by how to sort dictionaries in python sprt dict python sort python dictornary sort python dictonary by value python dict.sort python dictionary keys sorted sort dictionary by its values python sort dictory by values sort dictionary by keys python asort dictionary by values python sorting dictionary based on values in oython sorting dictionary based on values PythonOrderedDictionary.values() dictionary sort python python sort list based on a dictionary dictionary with sorted keys sort a dictionary by key python sort dictionary by value python 3 how to sort items in dictionary - python sort items in dictionary python how to sort dictionary in python by key value how to sort dictionary by key in python sort the dictionary with key value python python dictionary sort by values order dict by key sort dictionary based on keys python sort a dictionary in terms of value python sorted by value not key why does my sorted dictionary become a list how to sort dictionary by alphabet python sort dictionary alphabetically python sort dict in python based on value python how to sort a dictionary get sorted value python sort dictionary items by value python sort map values by value dict sorted value dic sorted value sort dict by values print value sort dictionary based on key how to sort a keys of dict in python sorting the dictionary in python dict python sort by value how to sort a dictionary by value sorting ht4e dinctionary in python how to use sort() python dictionary how to arrange python dictionary as per key sort a dictionary by values how to but sort a dictionary in python python sort dictionary by key value sort python dictionary by key python sort list of dict sort map by keys python sort a dictionary by value python reverse python dict sort sort dictionary on values above sort dict keys python order a dictionary python sort the dictionary python with keys get all values of a dictionary pythonsorted sort dict based on their value python soert a dictionary by key in python sort disctionaly items sorted dict how can I sort a dictionary in python? how to sort dictionary with keys sort hashmap python python dictionary sort keys python order dictionary python for ordering dict python map sort by value sort on dictionary python sort a dictorinare in python order a dict python python sorted based on value python hash map sort how to sort dictionary python by value how to sort the dictionary how to sort a python dictionary sorting dictionaries in python order dict by values python order dic by values python python dictionary sorted by value sort dictionary by their values sorting keys in dictionary python how to sort map by key in python python sort list by dictionary value sort dictionary by value of one of keys in python how python dictionary is Order n search sorting dictionary based on values in python how to sort a dictionary by key in python Python sort dictionary by value pthon order dictionary python python sort by key value how to sort items based on key list python how to sort keys in a dictionary python sort dictionary by numbers in key python how to order keys by values in dictionary python python dict sort by key how to sort dic by value python order dict python python sort dict on values how i can use dictionary itams after sorted python sort a dict dictionary sorting in python sort a map by map vlaue in python sort a map in python sort a dictionary by value and key in python sort the dictionary by key in python python sort a dictionary by key value sort dictionnary python how to sort a dictionary according to values in python Python | Sort nested dictionary by key sort nested dictionary by value age python sort dictionaries by value sort values of every key dictionary sort values of key dictionary Sorted dictionary Python sorting dictionary in python by key sort dictionaries python sort dictionary by key python how to sort dictionary on basis of values dict sorting in python with values sort values of keys in dictionary python sort key sort list by key python python program to sort a dictionary by key python sort dict by key value python dictionary sort by key value sort map in python how to sort a dictionary according to its values in Python sort a dictionary by values in python dictionary sort by value in python sort dic python sorting dictionary in python by value sort the dictionary beased on values and keep the top 3 in python Sort a dictionary by key python sort by keys sort dictionary pythin sort keys in dictionary python by value sorted keys dict python python geeksforgeeks sort by dictby key sort by value python dictionary alphabetical order python sort dict in dict by value python python sort dict based on values sorted() dictionary python how to sort a dictionary python python sort dictionery by value dictionary sort items by keys python sort keys in dictionary sort dict in python sort dic in python dictionary sorted by value sort dictionary byy value use sorted dictionary python by value sorted python dictionary sort a dict on the bases of key python sort dict keys alphabetically sort by values in dictionary python sorting dictionary in python based on values sort values for same key python python sort dict by value attribute order dictionary of dictionary python sort by key python sorting dictionary in oython sorting a dictionar by value sort a dictionary in python band maintaining orignal order of elements sort the items of dictionary by key python dictionary sort by key using user input python sort dictionary by array use python to sort a dictionary sort a dictionary python print dictionary in sorted order python prints a dictionary by ordered keys python sorting string in dictionary python sorting in dictionary python sorting dictionary in python sorting a dictionary in python3 python dictionary values must be sorted how to sort a dictionary using sorted sort by value in dictionary python sort list of dictionary by value python how to sort a dictionary with values in python dictionary sort by value changes in python python sort dict how to sort a dict by value in python python collections dictionary sort dict key sort python order of a dictionary python sort dictionaries by key how to get top 50 sorted key on the basis of its values from a dictionary in python3 how to sort dict based on key values sort the dictionary by value in python how can I sort a dictionary? how to sort dictionary by values sort values in a dictionary python python sort a dict by value sort by values dict python how to sort a dictionary in python by values in a key sort a dictionary with values how to order a dict in python order a dict by value python dictionary sort by keys python Ways to sort dictionary in python using elements Ways to sort dictionary in python sort according to key python to sort key and valyes in dictionary python python sort dicti python sort element in dict by value order a dict by values python sorting python dictionary how to sort the dictionary by value in python how to sort by key for dictionary using sort method how to get sorted dictionary in python dict store data in sorted order how to sort dict keys python sorting dictionary based on values in python 3 sort students in a dictionary python sort a dictionary alphabetically python sort to a dictionary python how to sort to a dictionary python how to get a sorted dictionary in python sorting dictionary python python 3 sort dictionary by value sort hasmap python sort dictionary by key value python python sort dictionary values sorted dictionary python how to sort a dictionary in python by key sorting key in dictionary python sorting keys in a dictionary python dictionary sort values sort keys of dictionary based on a value get key from sorted value dictionary sorted a python list by value which has values python sorted for dict python sort on order value python sort dict on values return new dict dictionary python in order sort method in dictionary python by value sorting a dictionary in python by value sort by key in dictionary python organize dictionary by value python how sort dictionary python python sort keys in dictionary by value sort the dict by key python python sort on key vale python order dict python sort hashmap by value pyhon sorted dictionary python dictionary sort by key dict sort by value python 3 python3 sort dictionary by value sort the dictionary with the help of keys python python sort by value in dictionary dictionary python sort how to sort a wordbook in python sorted_values = sorted(dictionary.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0:numberof_values] sort dict on values python asort dict for values how to sort dictionary by values python python sort by values how to sort dictionary in python by key dictionary keys sort according to values python sort dictionary by value python in place soert dictionary order dictionary by values python sorted method dictionary python sort dict by value python sorted sorted a dictionary python sorted function python hashmap sort value in python dictionary sort a dictionary by its values python sort by values in dict python sort dictionary by value of key sort a dictionary by its values python how can I sort a dictionary in python according to its keys? how can I sort a dictionary in python according to its values? how to sort dictionary python sorting dict by value sort vakues of dict python sort dictionary of objects python sort a dictionary by value how to sort dictionary by value python 3 how to sort dict by value in python pyhton sort dictionary by value py order dictionary by value sort dictionary on value python rank by dictionary value show top 5 results from a sorted() dictionary python show top 5 results from a sorted() dictionary how to sort a dictionary by values sort values of dictionary in python sorted by value python sort dict by value python3 sort 2 separate dictionary by value python how to sort a map by value in python python sort by dictionary value py sorted dict sort in a dictionary in python? python sort dictionary keys by value sort while usig .map in paython sort while usig map in paython python dict sorted by value sort dictionary python based on values sorting the dictionary in python by value sorting in dictionary by values sorting a dictonary on the basis of its values python sort by valeu python sort dictionary with value sorted list of dictionary keys python how to order python dictionary by value for in python by value python sort dictionary based on value how to sort a dictionary based on its values rank dict by value python sort based on dictionary value sort dict items python sorting the entries of a dictionary python how to sort a dictionary of numbers python order by dict value replace key in dictionary after sorting by value order a dict python by value order dictionary according to value pythoin how to sort the hashmap in python python display dictionary based on sorted by value dictionary order by values sort keys by there value python sort according to values in dictionary sorting a dictionary by value python sort dict based on items python sort by value of a dict how to sort python dictionary python get order number from dict can you sort a dictionary python sort dictionary on value python sort dictionary by sort dicts python how to sort a dictionary by value in python how to sort a python dictionary by value sort a dictionary without operator in python sort a dictionary without operator build a list to a dictionary ordered by values in python build a list roma dictionary ordered vy values can you sort over a dictionary sort python dict sort a dict by value in python sorted() dict sort dictionary elements python how to sort dictionary dictionary sort sort dictionary according to values get sorted values of dictionary python sort dict by value pandas how to sort dictionary according to values arrange dictionary according to values sort dictionaries by value python how to sort elements of dictionary in python how to use sorted dictionary python python print sorted dictionary by key sorted map python python sort map by value dictionary sort keys by value sort dictionary with values sort on dictionary value python python sorted map sort a dictionary based on alues python sort dict based on key value sorted python dict sort values according to value python sort dictionary on basis of values python how to sort from dict sort python dictionary accrding to value python print dict sorted python order dictionary by key value sorting dict by value python how to sort dictionary using values sort dictionary by value, print out key-value pairs that have same value sort dictionary by value, print out key-value pair how to sort dict by highest value sort a dict python how to sort a dictionary based on value in python sort a dictionary by value in python how to sort hashmap by value python sort value from dictionary python sort dictionary based on values python show dictionary sort by values python 3 dict python sort by values sorting a dictionary in python based on values sort a dictionary based on a value sorted dict python how to sort a dictionary by values in python python sort the values in a dictionary python sort dict by value does not recognize numbers pandas sort dictionary by value sort based on values in dictionary python python sort a map sort dict based on keys can i sort dict based on values in python get sorted list from dictionary values python how to sort a dictionary based upon their values in python sorting dictionary by values in python sort a dictionary python on values sort dictionary with values python order dictionary by value in python sorted map in python how to sort by value dictionary in python python sort dici=tionary by value sort values dictionary python after dictionary is added how to sort python sort a dict python how to sort dictionary in python based on values python sort numbers in dict to value python sort numbers in dict sort based on value sort dict based on values method in python to sort the dictionary by value sort the values of a dictionary python sort python dict using values how to sort in dictionary in python how to sort dictionary by value in python arrange dict according to value python 4. Sort the following dictionary’s keys based on the value from highest to lowest. Assign the resulting value to the variable sort_values. 4. Sort the following dictionary’s keys based on the value from highest to lowest. Assign the resulting value to the variable sorted_values. sort keys by highest value dictionary python how to dort values in a diconasry python order dict of dicts based on value order dict based on value can a dictionary be sorted in python python sort dictionary according to value sort dictionary by values python how to sort dict based on values sorting based on keys and displaying only values python dictionary sort values python how to sort dict by value python sort a dictionary using lambda python sor tmap sort a dict in python python sort dictionary by key python how to sort dictioanry by balues sort dictionary in python how to sort dictionary based on value sort by value dictionary python sort a dict based on values sort dict in python by value sorted not returning dictionary values in python how to sort dictionary using values in python sorted dict python by value python dictionary in sorted order how to sor dictionary python by value sort in python to sort dictionary by value sort values according to key python python sorting a dictionary sort dict python by value storted on dictionary python python sorting dictionary by value sort a dict based on values python sort python dictionary by values sort the dictionary based on values in python sort dict by value dict sort methods print sorted dictionary python sort a dict by value sorted with dictonary by value how to sorted dictionary in python sort dictionary based on values printing dictionary values after sorting python sort dictionary python 2 sort dictionary by value sort a dictionary python by value dictionary sort by value python get dictionary values sorted by key how to sort dictionary by values in python python order dict by value sort according to value python sort dictionary based on value python sort dict sorting a dictionary by value how do you sort a dictionary by value in python python sort dictionart how to sort dictionary based on values python sort values in a dict pandas sort values in a dict sort dict by values python rank dictionary by value python ordered dictionary python sorted sort dict by value python 3 python sorted dictionary by value how to sort dict by key value how to sort values in python dictionary python sort dict by value sort dictionary by value order dictionary by value order dict by value sort hash python how to sort a dic by tha values of keys in python php sort associative array by value sort dictionary in python by key sort map by key c++ sort and array by value sort an array about a value in the element dictionary sort keys by value python order dictionary by value python sort python dictionnary by values without items is dictionary sorted in python sort hashmap by value python python disctionarysort by value python hashmap sort by value how to sort a dictionary values in python python dict sort by value python dictionary sort value sort dictionary python by value dictionary value sort python python order a dictionary by value sorted on dictionary python sorted in python dictionary by value using sorted python sorted dict sor dict in python sort dictionary python order dictionary python by value order a dictionary by value python sort dictionary by value in python python order dictionary by value order a dictionary by lvalue python sort a dictionary in python based on values? python sort dictionary according to values order a dictionary by values python sort dictionary values in python sort a dic in python sort a dictionary pandas python sort according dictionary value can i sort a dictionary in python python dictionary sort how to sort dictionary based on values in python sort by dictionary value python how to order a dictionary by value python sort python dictionary by value python how to sort dictionary by value arrange dictionary by value python sorting dictionary by value python sort a dictionary in python sort a dict by value python python dictionary to sorted dictionary dict sort by python sort a dictionary by value python python sort by value how to sort dictionary by value python python sort dictionary by value sorting values in dictionary python python sort dict by twu values python dictionary sort by value how to sort a dictionary in python sort dict python python sort dictionary by values python sort by dict value sort map by value python2 sort map by value python sort dict by value python sort dict by value python2 python dictionary sort keys by value sort values in dictionary python how to sort dict based on values in python how to sort a dictionary based on values in python sort dictionary by value python how to sort a dictionary by value in python
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