python beautifulsoup example

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')

SteveOw 90 points

                                    def simple_get(url):
    Attempts to get the content at `url` by making an HTTP GET request.
    If the content-type of response is some kind of HTML/XML, return the
    text content, otherwise return None.
        with closing(get(url, stream=True)) as resp:
            if is_good_response(resp):
                return resp.content
                return None

    except RequestException as e:
        log_error('Error during requests to {0} : {1}'.format(url, str(e)))
        return None

def is_good_response(resp):
    Returns True if the response seems to be HTML, False otherwise.
    content_type = resp.headers['Content-Type'].lower()
    return (resp.status_code == 200 
            and content_type is not None 
            and content_type.find('html') > -1)

def log_error(e):
    It is always a good idea to log errors. 
    This function just prints them, but you can
    make it do anything.

4.2 (10 Votes)
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