
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

Zaf Khan 130 points

                                    plot([x], y, [fmt], *, data=None, **kwargs)
plot([x], y, [fmt], [x2], y2, [fmt2], ..., **kwargs)

3 (1 Votes)
Arrem 110 points

                                    import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.arange(0, 5, 0.1);
y = np.sin(x)
plt.plot(x, y)

4.11 (9 Votes)
Jed Schaaf 125 points

                                    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 4, 9, 16])

4.33 (3 Votes)
Tuk 110 points

                                    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(1)	#identifies the figure 
plt.title("Y vs X", fontsize='16')	#title
plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4], [6,2,8,4])	#plot the points
plt.xlabel("X",fontsize='13')	#adds a label in the x axis
plt.ylabel("Y",fontsize='13')	#adds a label in the y axis
plt.legend(('YvsX'),loc='best')	#creates a legend to identify the plot
plt.savefig('Y_X.png')	#saves the figure in the present directory
plt.grid()	#shows a grid under the plot

5 (1 Votes)
Strexlor 85 points

                                    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
#this is not nessisary but makes your plot more readable
plt.ylabel('y axis means ...')
plt.xlabel('x axis means ...')

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For the graph, the code for producing the plot was import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot([1,2,3,4]) matplotlib where in plot python plot sequence of plots plot n^n using mathplotlib matplot lib plots what is plt.plot in python python pandas matplotlib plot without line plt. figure numpy graph line matplotlib plot graph tpyes plot line python plot x y plot 3x200x200 array plt matplotlib py matplotlib python line how to uses matplotlib import mathplotlib.pyplot as plot matlabplot python plt plot function Work through one of the Matplotlib examples from this site: matpolt graph pyplot values on plot pyplotlib draw graph single data how to plot data using matplotlib plot arrays in python how to plot a function with matplotlib matplotlib make a curve matplotlib line graphs import matlibplot .pyplot as plt plt plot pyplot python matplotlib plt xy matplotlib plotting python pyplot.plot plot python tutorial matplotlib plot two variables matplot lib plot linear funciton plot a line plt plotting in matplotlib matplotlib discrete plot graph points python matplotlib plot where matplotlib line plot example plot live pyton matplotlib.oyplot how to lplot graps using matplotlib plot using matplotlib example how to plot a funciton on pyplot how to draw a plot in python? plt plot pyplot graph lines plt plots plot type in python pyplot from function matplotlib kwargs list plt how to make a line plot does matplot lib work with a list matplotlib a full tutorial code for matplotlib python plot a graph how to graph points in python from matplotlib.pyplot import plot plot numbers python line matplotlib.pyplot plotting points in python import plot matplotlib .plot() different plot list pythpon matplotlib pythoon matplotlib plt. line diagram matplotlib draw graphs matplotlib only y values plotting functions with matplotlib matplotlib in python plot plot a line matplotlib draw line graph -infinite to x matplotlib draw line graph matplotlib line python matplotlib curve how to create matplotlib in python mpl plot python plot generate plot as instance instance of plot python python plot functmion matplotlib function plot plotting plca plt matplotlib graphing functions plot axis matplotlib example plt.plot import plot graphs using matplotlib how to make option plot in python matlib plot draw line graph in pltplot plot point on graph python matplotlib graph python pyplot mfc matplotlib mfc function graphs python line plot in python matplotlib in python example matplotlib plot tutorial plot of function in python numpy matlib plot plot matloibe python plot matplot python line plot a function in pytohn plot line in matplotlib on x axis matplotlib graph example pylab.plot python matplotlib charts python np.plot documentaiton matplotlib linear plot .plt.use matplotlib 2 plot linked plt documentation python mathlab plot matplotlib.pyplot syntax c attrbute in plot matplotlib python matplotlib graph plot numpt tan python matplot lib line graph pyplot graph ist create line graph python matplotlib how does matplotlib work line plot pyplot plot x y python x and y axis matplotlb line plot example python matplotlib.pylot python how to plot x^2 plt plot line plot python graph a line matplotlib graphs in matplotlib plot a line in matplotlib matlib python plot function graph matplotlib how to plot x axis in python graph input number matplotlib graphing with matplotlib matplotlib pyplot different ways of plotting matplotlib python plot types matplotlib python simple curve graph line phython plot x and t python plt.line matplotlib plotting line graph in python how to make a plot \in matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt show python plot line don't collpus how to plt line graph in python plt line chart nupy pyplot example graph in python matplotlib numpy plot graph python.plot how to plot graph in python matplotlib python plot using pyplot examples plot a line pyplot how to use matplotlib to plot functions create line graph matplotlib python plot points how to ploat graph in python plot with matplotlib What line of code will import matplotlib matplotlib.pyplot plot function plot with values python plot a curve in matplotlib plot function matplotlib matplotlib line xy matplotlib xy graph plot in python py.plot pyplot in python how to plot with axis python matplotlib functions matplotlib plot line plt mathplot create matplot graph python for plot plots by python plot.line pythn line plot in matplotlib import plot library python python code plt plot plt line plot matplot line plot matplot line chart python ploti matplot line plot python matplot line plot pythopn plot a list in python plt library python how to draw blue lines in matplotlib plot matplotlib matlab plot python matplotlib formatting matplotlib line graph x=y plotting using matplotlib python line graph how to direct a plot funtion in python plot line graph in python matplotlib matplotlib examples python matpllotlib plot function mkatplotlib plot array plot matplotlib example pyplot line graph example python draw example function Plotting line with keyword strings plot a figure with python matplotlib sample code mylplitle plot in pypolt in python python line chart matplotlib how to create a curve in matplotlib python python plot line plot python list as plt python What line of code will import matplotlib? import pyplot as plt matplotlib linear function how to plot in python plt matplotlib example how to plot axis in python matplotlib plot example import plt python import matplotlib.pylot as plt plt.plot in python line graph plt. python matplotlib.pyplot examples plt.plot argumments python matplotlib draw function plt.plot python python import plt plot in python with code python matplotlib 2d plot plot with matplotlib examples function plotter numpy plot points python matplotlib python tutorial how to plot curve in python using matplotlib ploti python plot a graph in python line chart python matplotlib python format function with keyword arguments "and labels" python format() function with keyword arguments "and labels" matplotlib import plt Load the pyplot collection of functions from matplotlib, as plt generate a plot in python numpy plot list python line plot python pythonmatplotlib example python matplotlib example graph matplotlib example matplotlib plot x**2 function pyplot python how to plot functions in matplotlib python plot matlibplot python python plot graphs Use matplotlib in python import matlibplot plt in python plt. python showing linear in python matplotlib plt python python options plot parameters python plot python graph import matplotlib.pyplot plot python matplotlib how do a plot on matplotlib python plot in python matplotlib plot python matplotlib important functions plot in matplotlib how to plot in python matplotlib in import matpltlib.pyplot using matplotlib in python pyplot documentation import plt what plots can we make with matplotlib matplotlib.pyplot alpha documentation matplotlib.pyplot documentation import matplotlib as plt how to make a figure matplotlib import as plt matplotlib create figure plt in python meaning pyplot how to add keys for documents matplotlib python plot graph matplotlib markers fucntion where y = 0 plt.plot(x, y, 'bx-') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt matplotlib python from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plotting a list python
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