pandas select rows that contain substring


Nazly 105 points

                                    # Basic syntax to select rows that contain one substring:
import pandas as pd

# Note, this only returns rows that contain substring in the specified
#	column, it doesn't look for the substring in all columns
# Note, substring can be replaced with any REGEX expression

# Basic syntax to select rows that contain 2+ substrings:
import pandas as pd
# Where you can keep adding substrings to look for separated by |

# Basic syntax to select rows that do not contain substring:
import pandas as pd
# Where the ~ acts as a NOT to negate the results of the search

4.75 (4 Votes)
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string in dataframe column pandas search in column for string pandas create a column indicating if a substring string check if pandas dataframe contains a string value find string in dataframe dataframe column string contains get rows with substring in column pandas python filter pandas dataframe if column name contains string pandas search in a column pandas column contains string from list dataframe colum contains string contains pandas string where string in column pandas check if a dataframe column value contain a certain string str contains and pd dataframe python check if string value contain in dataframe column in python dataframe check string contains find string value in column pandas pandas dataframe check if column contains string find in dataframe string how to find a string in a column pandas pd how to find strings in a column pandas dataframe row contains string return dataframe rows where a string has a substring dataframe contains string grab dataframe row if column does not contain part of a string in python pandas select if string contains pandas rows contains string searching a string in pandas column string contain on pandas column check if dataframe column contains string search string in pandas column column contains pandas string check if dataframe value contains string dataframe search for string check if dataframe contains string how to check if a column contains a string in pandas how to see if columns contain string in pandas check if a string contains a substring in rows of pandas dataframe return string from pandas search python dataframe column contains string find string values in dataframe column if dataframe column value contains a string pandas find columns that contain string check if a column contains a substring in pandas df how to find a string in dataframe pandas search for string in dataframe column show the column contains a text + pandas check if column contains a string value pandas check if a column contain is string pandas python dataframe search for substring in string value pandas search for part of string in dataframe python pandas find string in column pandas dataframe search for string in column pandas dataframe find string in column pandas query string contains python if string in column pandas column contains string return value if cell contains string then return python pandas pandas check if column name contains string pandas check if columns contains string check if row contains substring pandas pandas filter where column contains string check if column name contains string pandas pandas where string contains Get all rows that does not contain a specific substring in pandas pandas dataframe return rows whose columns contain string pandas dataframe return rows that contain string pandas filter column not contains string pandas find column that contains string how to check if a column in df contains a certain string df check if col contains string search substring in dataframe filter pandas dataframe string contains search string in df how to search string in a specific columns python how to check if a string is in a dataframe column search a column in pandas substring column contains string pandas pandas if column value contains string check if string in column pandas pandas check if column contains substring find string in pandas dataframe df contains string if contains string in dataframe pandas if string contains string contains python dataframe row pandas that contains string filter dataframe string contains filter pandas dataframe if column contains string pandas dataframe search if column value contains string pandas a value contains string pandas find substring in column select columns containing string pandas columns select for pandas contains string df col contains str search dataframe for column that contains string python if string in dataframe column pandas dataframe filter if column contains string search pandas string python filter dataframe column value if string contains \\ python filter dataframe column value if string contains pandas search for string in dataframe pandas column value contains check if string is in column pandas pandas search string find string values in a column pandas how to search a dataframe for a string value searching for a string in pandas dataframe dataframe column contains search for string in dataframe pandas one column which column not contains string pandas which column contains string pandas python print dataframe if column contains string how to search the string in pandas pandas df.columns.str.contains contains in pandas column pandas apply if string contains pandas text check if contains string pandas check column contains string find string in a column pandas pandas search column for string search string in pandas dataframe searching pandas columns for string search strings pandas df pandas column list includes string pandas identify string columns check if column contains substring pandas dataframe search column for string or dataframe search column for string df.columns.str.contains pandas column value contains string pandas search string in all columns how to find data in pandas which contains string find string in panda column pandas check if string is in column pandas string contains dataframe check if column contains string dataframe search column contains string how to search dataframe columns for strings pandas check if column contains string from list how to find if column contains a character in string pandas dataframe str contains and dataframe str contains pandas search in string to search for set of string in python dataframe column pandas df[column].contains() row contains string pandas update pandas column based if string contains pd column containst str python dataframe update cell contains string pandas check if string column contains pandas search in column if string in column pandas check if string contains pandas str contains python para dataframe dataframe column contains text check if string in df column contains a + python pandas find string value in column search for string in pandas dataframe pandas search for substring in column value contains string pandas df column contains pandas cell contains string select rows where column contains string in pandas how to check if a column name contains a string in pandas find a string in dataframe pandas pandas get columns containing string pandas check if a column contains a string search string in dataframe find in pandas column string dataframe row contains string pandas if string contains then python pandas search column for substring return substring python pandas search column for substring filter if column contains string pandas pandas find columns containing string if cell contains part of a string pandas if a column contains a string then pandas pandas if cell contains string pandas check if column contains string from another column pandas check if column contains string and make label dataframe check if string in column How do you check if a Pandas column contains a string? how to check if pandas column does not contain string check if pandas dataframe contains string python dataframe str contains pandas dataframe where string contains filter columns string contains dataframe string contains dataframe search for string in dataframe pandas check if a dataframe column contains a string string contains in dataframe python pandas filter column contains string python pandas get column that contains string pandas search for string within column select columns that contain string pandas check if a data frame contains a string str.contains sting datfrme pandas find string in column pandas check if string in column pandas find all rows where substring in sring string in column search pandas dataframe all columns for contains substring search dataframe for string python df contains string pandas select row if column contains string python pandas column containing string is in python pandas column containing string python pandas column contains check if a dataframe contains a string how to check if a pandas column contains a string columns constains pandas keep only match rows pandas string match pandas select columns substring use .loc to select rows that contains string loc pandas contains pyton df contains string python does column contain string df query string contains pandas loc contains and select rows with specific string pandas python if dataframe contains string dataframe contains substring filter dataframe if string contains pandas select row by string if a string contains pandas pandas dataframe cleaning find string in column pandas filter any columns contains string pandas loc filter partial string python dataframe like dataframe column containing python dataframe contains string dataframe where contains pandas if contains string get rows that contain a string pandas get rows that contain string get all string rows value in one string pandas if you want to search particular string is particular column in python pandas condition string contains pandas filter column string contains contains in dataframe column find entries in dataframe using substring match in python dataframe loc contains pandas query column contains string if text in pandas column having with column contains string pandas row contains string dataframe loc based on substring match in column search string partial match pandas column python check is a partial string is in df.columns pandas column string contains contaions with df.where pandas pandas find cells that contain word contains pandas dataframe column pandas dataframe contains search datframe column string for substring index column contain text pandas dataframe filter on column contains a string filter on containing string from column pandas select row with specific string slice dataframe if contains value in column pandas filter values contains pandas contains substring python find row that matches string python get row that equals string pandas check if contains string pandas find string pattern in column pandas select rows that contain substring substring pandas dataframe.str.contains contains columns pandas if any word of the string matches another string of dataframe rows python if any word of the string matches another string of dataframe columns python if any word of the string matches another string dataframe python bolean var contains str grep in pandas dataframe HOW to search for a string in a colomn in pandas search for string pandas get rows where values are strings pytoh pandas select rows value like column string contains some word pandas python pandas string contains python pandas excel string contains pandas find column contains string dataframe string contains pandas dataframe get rows where value like find values that contain in python pandas dataframe sleect rows when colun intial char matches substring pandas with conditition check columns with specific words pandas get column value that has part of a word in it in pandas df pandas contains pandas search for string column containing pandas pandas find containing value in dataframe pandas .contains pandas find part of string in column if string is not in pandas dataframe pandas dataframe string contains partial string matching in python dataframe python find person in a dataframe python pandas dataframe string contains how to find string in dataframe str.contains or operator pd check if a string is in a series values if a string is contained within pandas dataframe column check if a string is in a pandas column pandas like string get rows that contain string pandas python dataframe columns contains pandas columns contains pandas check if word in column find rows in column that have string pandas df df str.contains python dataframe cell contains string pandas contains string filter pandas if value contains string pandas loc contains python search string in dataframe column look for part of a text in text pandas column contains pandas str.contains return rows of dataframe filter by a word in string pandas columns contain pandas pandas series partial match another series pandas loc string contains str does not contain pandas like in pandas dataframe pandas filter partial string pandas select rows by string condition pandas rows containing string pandas select rows containing or pandas select from series strings that contain pandas column contains substring search word in dataframe pandas not contains pandas filter dataframe partial string match df column contains text pandas df contains string pandas filter column that contains string pandas find a string in a column select all rows with a string pandas panda filter by column contain a str pandas column contains string or other string pandas if row.column contains string python pandas if cell contains string find rows containing string pandas python loc value contains string dataframe loc string contains pandas dataframe contains string find string in column python pandas identify rows start in dataframe df column str contains df column value contain substring get df column contains substring python pandas check string contains python column contain string 1 or string 2 python column contains string selecting a string in pandas dataframe df partial match condition str in string pandas dataframe row string string is in pandas column compare substring in pandas extract rows from dataframe is contain specific wordpandas pandas column includes string pandas find all rows with string pandas str not contain pandas not containn pandas if str in column dataframe contains word pandas find columns with substring data frame to string contains if columns contains string python Select by partial string from a pandas DataFrame pandas serch text in column pandas find line with value containing a given string string contains python pandas data.column.contains pandas str.contains and condition pandas string column contains pandas column contains string pandas if string in row pandas select row by value in last character string match pandas is string in column pandas string in column pandas column contains pandas dataframe select columns that match a string value find word in column python find pandas df col contians dataframe value contains text python get dataframe values that contain text python filter dataframe if column contains string pandas column contains string or another string dataframe loc columns containing a string pandas select string in column python search dataframe for like value in column pands column string contains python pandas search string in column pandas select row where text contains search a string in a dataframe fetch the row containing string pandas python subset dataframe where string matches df.col.str.contains pandas check for string values pandas python get column if contains string pandas contains string pandas dataframe select rows containing string pandas columns containing string pandas selecct by string in column np.where str contains find rows in dataframe with string value str.not contains python pandas check if column contains any string keep row if contain a certain regex value pandas pandas select rows if string values in column pandas select rows if string in column pandas match row to string in column pandas check if row contains string pandas check if contains string filter dataframe with column values contains string filter pandas by part of a string pandas string is in row df.columns.contains str contains for row string.contains dataframe column contains string pandas dataframe if column contains string how to pick series in python with string like column matching a word in regex python pandas filter columns pandas dataframe filter column contains string pandas find dataframe with string select a part of string dataframe pandas pandas filter dataframe if column contains string python panda like search pandas dataframe containing search rows in data frame with specific text values python pandas match rows by string how to select the whole row of particular string with regular expression in python pandas dataframe string include loc pandas match string in column column string match filter dataframe matching values from a string column in pandas contains pandas subset two columns pandas if the column contains string contains pandas subset how to select rows in dataframe where string contains another string check if column contains string pandas pandas if column contains string pandas check if column contains string python pd select columns containing string dataframe select rows by string find string in dataframe column pandas filter out specific text finding string dataframe pandas search for string in column pandas find word python select row where column contains string find data in column python using partial string find word in column pandas pandas column contains string N values python filter dataframe if string contains pandas str contrain in query pandas where column contains python dataframe get row by string select daaframe row based on text pandas loc with string pandas select rows where column contains string filter string column pandas contains pandas select like pandas find cell with string python pandas find specific string in row if string in row pandas how to select columns that have a certian word in pandas select rows where column contains python python search location partial string in dataframe all columns python search location partial string in dataframe python select column string python select column on part string python select column on text string
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