finding odd even python

# Python program to check if the input number is odd or even.
# A number is even if division by 2 gives a remainder of 0.
# If the remainder is 1, it is an odd number.

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
if (num % 2) == 0:
   print("{0} is Even".format(num))
   print("{0} is Odd".format(num))

Jaime Soto 100 points

                                    num = int(input("Enter a Number:"))
if num % 2 == 0:
  print(num , "is even")
  print(num , "is odd")

Lorretta 100 points

                                    mynumber = int(input("Enter number")) # Ask an integer number to the user
if mynumber % 2 == 0: # % = modelo, It is equal to the rest of the division
  print(mynumber, "is an even number")
else: # The rest of 7 / 2 is 2.5, not 0
  print(mynumber, "is an odd number")

4 (3 Votes)
Trauer 90 points

                                    number = int(input("Write a number:- "))
if number%2 == 0:
    print("Even number")
    print("odd number")

4.13 (8 Votes)
Samiralis 90 points

                                    n = int(input("Enter a number: "))
print(n,"is Even.") if (n % 2) == 0 else print(n,"is Odd.")

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You should use the int parameter num and determine if it is odd or even, and print the result python odd even program python if number equal evens true Python program to find whether the inputted number is odd or even. Write python program for odd or even number function no print even odd program in python using a function for user input and a function for user output how to find the even number in python check even or odd in python Write a script to ask the user for a number and write out to the screen whether it is even or odd pair numbers python odd even python how to build a python promgram that dispays a message in the number is even or odd isodd python python even odd loop find odd numbers python how to use and to find even or odd in python if odd number python Ask the user for anotherwhole number, and then determine ifthe number is even or odd.a.Hint: modulomight help.b.Print out a message that includes the number the user input as well as indicating if the number the user input was odd or even. how to check whether a number is odd or even in python python even check if a number is even or odd python python see if number is odd even odd python program different algorithm for finding odd or even number python write a program check if the number is even or odd, and print that to the screen. * odd in python function for odd number python python code to check even or odd number is odd in python how to find even and odd numbers in python program to find even or odd in python Create a program that when a user enters any number it tells them whether it is even or odd (Hint DIV/MOD might be needed) find odd num python function to test number even or odd python python check number is even or odd find odd or even number in python If the integer is odd, print the number entered and “Odd try except in python to check even and odd numbers get odd numbers in python uneven numbers python the odd function in python return even or odd python python code to check even or odd number to find even numbers in python find if the number is even or not in python python odd and even numbers python even odd program python how to check if a number is even python check if a number is even or odd odd and even function in python to find odd even python python isEven how to check odd or even number in python python program even or odd check odd or even python python check for even how to calculate even numbers in python if a number is even add them together python how to tell if a number is even or odd in python python take input to choose odd or even number even and odd numbers in python odd or even in python odd and even calculator python python number is even odd and even key word in python Write a Python program to find whether a given number (accept from the user) is even or odd, print out an appropriate message to the user. check if number is even in python python how to find even numbers how to represent an even number in python odd pythong python code to determine if number is even check odd and even number in python python to check if num is even python check even or odd if even action python iseven() python python program to find even or odd using & to check odd or even in python python check if odd Write a function that accepts one number as a parameter, and returns whether that number is even or odd. 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