delete certain characters from a string python

for char in line:
    if char in " ?.!/;:":

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to take off - sign python python remove characters python remove chars remove specific character from string python python how to delete a letter from a string python remove certain characters from string python string remove character delete elements of string python delete char in string python how to remove specific char from string python remove certain char python re python remove chars from string how to take out characters in string python how to delete part of a string in python how to remove a caracter from a string in Python remove substring from string python remove character from substring python python remove text from string if it begins with certain text delete specific characters in string python removing <> contents python how to remove text in <> in python remove string with only one term python removing [] in a stringpython delete characters in string python python remove specific character form string python remove chars from a string remove a part of string python 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