datetime today

 DateTime today = DateTime.Today;

Krish 100200 points

from datetime import datetime

now = # current date and time

year = now.strftime("%Y")
print("year:", year)

month = now.strftime("%m")
print("month:", month)

day = now.strftime("%d")
print("day:", day)

time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print("time:", time)

date_time = now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S")
print("date and time:",date_time)	

4.13 (8 Votes)
Krish 100200 points

                                    import datetime
print( is the syntax 

4 (1 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    import datetime
now =
print(now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)

4 (8 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    from datetime import datetime
now =
print (now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))

4.14 (7 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    from datetime import datetime

# datetime object containing current date and time
now =
print("now =", now)

# dd/mm/YY H:M:S
dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
print("date and time =", dt_string)	

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display the date in python get current date number in C# how to get year in full in python datetime now in datetime python get today day in c# date.time now python > time check if date is today c# python data now get current date with time c# how to know what is the date today c# how to get date in time function python get the year from date datetime python datetime now() python get year from datetime data python C# get the current date and time C# is DateTime today C# is date today datetime . today C# new datetime with todays date and time python now to date python python date strftime get today date in c# () python python datetime only year how to date time in python today date in c# python how to get the date and time python set today's date in c# today in datetime model datetime to now python datetime to now python time date year python now date python get date with time module in python how to get date python python date.year c# get current date now = print(now) in python python 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time using python c# get today datetime in python today = check if date is today in c# how to get date today in c# c# datetime is today datetime get todays date import year from datetime python date.year() python get date python how to get todays date in c sharp dates of a year python now = how to find the date in python datetime today's date how to get the date in python how to get the current date in c# how to assign today's date in c# python python dateime now python datetime,.now() csharp get current date get year from python datetime current date c# get date time from datetime python python3 data python now date time year python how to get the year from datetime python c# string get today's date datetime now py python year date python python datetime print now get current date and time in pytho c# get actual date current date python datetime how to get today's date in c# time now with python datetime('now') how to identify date and time using python "" datetime .now python python datetime get now get actual date in c# datetime python strftime python datetime get date now show current date in c# datetime.year python now in python DateTime todays date python datatime time now c# how to get current date how to get the time and date in python how to get date of today in python strftime from datetime python datetime.time get now datetime day of year python datetime now date python year from date python get dates datetime.datetime().year() how to print today's date in c# to date python datetime get now python datetime yearmonth now date now python format datetime time now python now date show in python datetime get now python get todays date datetime date and time now python how to handle date time in python pythong get date of year python in python datetime now as date python string datetime now python python display date and time how to get current date using c# how to get year in python datetime get todays date c# python datetime get date csharp date today how to get date from time.time() python get today datetime c# get time and date python what does return python datetime time now Get year from datetime series python c# see if date is today time and date to date python python time today python current date Get date of today string c# python get now python day of year time now() python get date and time in python python datetime day of year datetime how to get today take year from datetime python python date of year to datetime python python year get python date year in python get today's date in c# time now datetime python in c# how to get the date and time in python pyton date time now python this year python get date and time python date time now c# current date datetime python access year python now datetime where does python retrieve datetime data from? how to get the current date c# getting today's date in c# python dtaetime now datetime python year python datetimen now datetime today day python get date how to get date function in python how to get current date in c# datetime get date python python how to get time and date datetime year in python python time date year get date in python get datetime in python how to get today in c# date and time in python pthon date now how to get date in python get todays datre in c# python datetime now to date python datetime get year current date in c# C# get today date format python show date year in python get date python how to get todays date in c# c# if datetime is today todays date C# get current date in c# today's date c# todays date at a certain time c# python datetime year year in datetime python DateTime now = DateTime.Now; python datetime .year c# get today's date without time python datetime is on today c# get current date c# python datetime just year get today datetime how to get datetime of today in C# datetime datetime now now datetime py now datetime python now() python with time datetime.year python date() function datetime today date python year from datetime UTC strftime all time codes python converrt dtateimt to string python python date - date c sharp datetime today import date python built-in method timestamp of datetime.datetime object at 0x7ffabce45630 todays date in c# python future date for datetime python how to get current date c# datetime . today c# get datetime now python format c# how to get today's date c# how to get todays date datetime = ?? datetime year none python python datetime.time format python date et year date year python C# how to get todays date in america python timeinterval class attribute month of datetime print content How tog et todays date c# formatting datetime objects data python para timezone c# datetime with today Timedelta.total_seconds()¶ python datetime now format string python datetime.datetime datetime.datetime function in python python format hours minutes seconds python datetime formate python datetime as an attribute pydatetime date python to datetime year c sharp date today timedelta python\ how to display current date and time in python datetime python minutes datetime python inutes C# get today what is strftime timezone.timedelta python time format codes date and tiem to datetime python time now datetime date today python How to see todays date c# set datetime as now c# class query import from datetime python datetime 0 everything python date month python date o datetime datetime(3) datetime python parameters python dates dic c sharp get date C# start of date today datetime.timedelta examples datetime date format python datetime operations in python date time object operations python python date formate strftime docs %A datetime to string python to st python date to datetime python with no time python date formatters. datetime.mont time python date and hour datetime except which datetime python datetime strptime totalseconds datetime weekday python datetime date string python convert date to string create datetime date python get date opject as string python datetiem module in pythopn reterive data picking server currentdate in c# datetime today format python how to convert time to string in python datetime format python strftime what is the time format in python datetime today python format datetime object python format astimezone dateimt.timedelta .net put date time now date part of datetime python python date and time to datetime todays date as datetime c# date todays datetime - datetime python today time get now date python c# get today date how to return a date in a certain format python T Z datetime pandas year date now python format date.weekday() python program to print date from a string time today python datetime strftime parameters python datetime library functions regex python how to get date and time timedelta days datetime strftime today date pythnon time now get year from datetime.datetime as timestamp type time and date date today datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1609091599).utcformat() c# get todays date datetime module functions in python date in python 3 python datetime date and time python curren time c# display today get datatime python date type python python datetime now function import datetime.time function to return device date and day in python function to return device date in python class date python python time module datetime ptyhon timedelta get datetime object for given date and time python datetime() datetime set a date property with today's date c# python package date.strftime day python strftime format python example from datetime import today datetime from datetime import today python library for working in datetime get current time using python datetime now today python datetime now today today date c# how to get today tutorial python today date import date and time in python c# datetime get today's date integer input html time delta years months days minutes datetime hour package python for datetime print(‘%B’)) how to get current time as a string python dates python new datte C class 'datetime.datetime' to string datetime period today datetime python import datetime now - 16 hours python python date to year python day datetime how to get time and date with python datetime date time objetc python make datetime object Convert the datetime object to string, pythong date string how to get current date and time in python python strf date datetime object format today's datetime datetime construcotr python generate datetime python : datetime.datetime(1993, 12, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=<UTC>) time date now python c# get current datetime in python get date today c# format code for strftime() and strptime() datetimenow python python now datetime strf time datetime class in python\ datetime methods python to datetime.datetime datetime create date time to str python date formating module date python python datetime years month day datatime python date object now in python python strp time timezone datetime python datetime.time python documentation flask current date python datatime format python datea year python .now python datetime.dt c# get current date have %b and year python python data type date datetime date() dat data type in python python from date to datetime python time at certain date datetype object python py time or datetime datetime. timedelta [python dtaetimt edefine local datetime day p how to set a datetime variable in c# with todays date datetime methods c# today date date onlyin python date module python data time python get sysdate in python python datetime now default timezone format time pythoin datetime instance python strptime python datetime time of day date time datetime object years DatedaysTimeseconds python datetime objects python python format datetime time Get current date time python c# get day of today datetime.strptime format python syntax python strptime format python date froms tring python datetime .strptime python datetime fromat using datetime python date.year python datetime.isoweekday convert datetime object into string python date now python 3 format python datetime from date python datetime reformat strftime('%d-%m-%Y') datetime import parsedatetime python seconds until import datetime print( http://%20// get current date as string in python datetime.dagte C# return date DateTime.' tiemstamp string python datetime now -10days date documentation how to return how to get system date and time in python how to return date object in python strftime python format %V python datetime format date string to words time and date functions in python get and older time in python get date now python python date format string how to add real time in ppython what does mean DateTime.Today to string how to print todays date in C# timezone how to get date time in python c# date today python datetime type python datetime gmt python python getdatetime datetime to str python python delta datetime python datatime.strptime is datetime a standard library datetime hour minute python deltatime timezone python as type date datetime py what day is today python use timezone with tz attribute tz python . minute datetime.weekday() time date python python %y python python daytime year how does datetime work in python python datetoime.datetime datetime timezone python seconds datetime time format dateTime.Today.value datetime fromtimestamp python python datetime manual python datetime manul datetime is object type python t02 seconds python format timestamp formats python datetime datetime is datetime ordinal how to get the desktop time python c# today's date in pytho9n python format python date.time datetime --/--/-- largest time format in python date format python strftime format code list python datetime with seconds datetime timedelta python get time object python % date .isocaledner() date.replace get tdays date in npdatetime python datetime srtftime strftime types time date python using classes what datetype is datetime python datetime to date strftime method datetime strptime format what does % in python datetime datetime isoformat codes python print current day in python day in python datetime format date time python strftime("%Y.%m") y monyh formatter datetime python datetime.strptime syntax python get most recent object from datetime atribute c# getdate today python date methods date time py datetime.time(0, 0) python time ob ject datatime.time datatetime python python only show time 2012.917 python datetime python datetime.datetime to strin python datetime to strin get datetime now() -js datetime to date python datetime to ISO-8601 python utc now python python timedelta python hour from time import datetime timedelta to timestamp python strptime in datetime python hwo to create a date oobject python set date = .date() in python current date + num seconds python python date class date time date Python 3 dt hours time now get today date datetime object in python python delta time python .date() python datetime timestamp format printing datetime in python timedelta(days=1) is datetime innate to python datetime timedelta days sysdate format string c# python format delta month python format datetime month time pattern datettime python python striptime str(("%Y-%m-%d")) with hours and minutes python timedelta datetime timedelta python datetime timezone python datetime cuild today in specific time python date time module datetime.replace docs python date given to date now format python date time of timezone datetime now with timezone stptime delta strptime iso date and time to datetime python datetime to years python how to strip date time from datetime string that has timezone in mython today in python datetime.timedelta(5) constructor for datetime python week day time format string how to print the date datetime max days python format string with date python format date string python time python format datetime fromtimestamp python iso 8601 format dt.datetime datetime with timezone python datetime with timezone iso to datetime python set date to today c# how to put todays date and time in windows forms# convert datetimr to str inn python Time object python tzinfo strftime timestamp format why i am gettting same output for two different strftime isoformat python datetime c# today python results are datetime.datetime in time results Write a Python program to display the current date and time. python datatime to string classification with dates python format time string python regobj date python timezone python c# get date from today datetime and time python import datetime python3 datetime days python generate date today python datetime actual date python datetime datetime iso python extract date from datetime python datetime fromtimestamp datetime get local timedelta python datetine now datetime.format() python format datetime to string python python datetime.deltatime python time datena and time datetime utcnow python format strftime syntax for full date python utcnow in days timedelta(days=1) import reading datetime type python 3 docs datetime datetime python is today or not from datetime importe time import timedate python construct datetime.time python date iso format datetime.time( python datetime interval month datetime.timedelta(1650) time object pyhton python datetime format example with timezone python datetime now with timezone pythons todays date datetime.time Python3 datetime formats datetime first hour python python date tostring datetime python3 python 3.6 dattimeisoformat timezone.datetime time python delta import timedelta inpython extract date from datetime python python datetime now timezone date time library python date.datetime format datetime replace date to next week replace day in datetime python %s date python table strftime hour mdate python python calculate datetime strftime datetime python which timezone isoweekday python example today = pyhton timezone datetime python delta python to datetime format %B python day of week datetime strptime datetime format with datetime object remaining intact python get data python get dat datetime with timedelta to datetime python form a date time object 1-oct-12 format python d b y date format python 1.2015 to date in python datetime.datedelta python data and time python utc date time now python timedelta minutes example represent date from datetime python isocalendar python datetime with hour and minutes python .isoformat() time and datetime python dt.datatime.strptime store individual date information in python datetime.datetime.strptime() python datatime object days to months python datetime timezone in datetime python get todays date in c# get the current date in python timestamp format python datetime now(tz) options set the cmputers current date abd time in python timezone date time format in python python format datetime into string python datetime now - delta datetime.strftime python get current day in string python sysdate datetime python datetime .now to time deltaformat duration in python datetime.datetime() timedelta seconds python timedelta strftime python timestamp to date gmtime python timestamp to date datetime format date python date and number python structure display system date in python python printing date datetime.weekday datetime now pyhton phyton 2.7 datetime.fromtimestamp python dstrftime python datetime format flags datetime now timezone python python fromtimestamp utc datetime datetime date time to minutes python show current date in python python today as datetime DateTime(time()) timedelta documentations python ptython date operations - opne days python time library in python which supports ISO time format python datetime datetiem python datetime timedealta how to define a data today em c# doc attribute python datetime datetime.datetime datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp format date.weekday python format thetimestamp to date python oython datetime str time.time python datetime functions python date modules date time to day number python datetime datetime arguments find current date in python datetime.repla create.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s') strftime datetime month datetime format python documentation python to iso date format python strfpime formats python update date and time datetime weekday datetime weekdy import datatime in python how to get present date in c# time.strftime("%Y%m%d") datetime replace python isoformat() timestamp to format python format python how to get today date in c# utcnow to date python time format to get timestamp with timezone in python now() python python datews python datetime format code T how to get current date in c# windows application python datetime.timedelta format nsec format datetime objectpython python3 date todat python date time current data in python python datetime now string datetime to days python date from string python python new date from number python return datetime how does the datetime module work in python datetime as dt python how to print today date in python date () method python python from date current date and time paython python - python date time formating python3 timedelta example time function in datetime ime import strftimecurrent_month = strftime('%B') python timedelta method python datetime delta python datetime timedelta seconds constructing datetime object python strtime python from time import datetime from datetime import datetime python python datetime package to date time month day year format python python timezone.ow dqtetime python c# date library with "today" year to string python python type date field how to display current time and date in python python datetime format day of week ordinal python ordinal day of week python to str python datetime stap to datetime object in python print datetime in python how genrate date on the basis of time python format python currunt time python python timestamp format example get today date c# date time to str python python datetime year and month datetime in date format python getting today's date in python python how to get current day date now in python time.timedelta python strptime python iso 8601 python today day datetime now python return python day datetime package in python python currctly time data format python python datetime module now assign todays date inline c# datetime doc python python strftime formats GMT python utcfromtimestamp datetime delta in python python print current date formatted python date format month standard python date format strings python timedelta example date and time library in python python hour:minute:second python get actual date datetime strftime python formats strftime python %w timedelta datetime python timedeltat python %Y %B python strftime strptime python strftime() - python Import from datetime module instead. date time reference python string format time python python datetime.utcnow() python timezone python datetime ctime python datetime now format python date and time string python datetime get cvt time python format date format python strftime date python iso date string python program to display current date and time python datetime total seconds python date time module inbuilt python .isoformat date time functions in python how to make datetime object in python with other python date as date datetime now python and week before python date to datetime python datetime functions\ datetime.datatime.fromtimestamp(next_unix) for python 3.6 format codes python datetime python china date to datetime date python replace datetime utc now python python date teiem python create datetime.time python strptime tzinfo print datetime as string python c# datetime today day c# datetime today get time object for date python python datetime constructor python use datetime and time python docs datetime datetime today's date python import time delta python datetime initialize python hour minute second datetime %b python take current date in python python datedelta python date delta datetime date python get date right now python date.isoweekday() python date time format python format python datetime python c# today's date from datetime import datetime, timedelta python datetime return time datetime onwards python format python python time and datetime python sample each day iso python is datetime python internal library python datetime formatting python current date format in python get today's date c# day from datetime python python arguments python date library python timedelta constructor convert date to iso format python date library python strftime datetime python format time python what is datetime python datetime day month year get present value of datetime python does datetime module comes under python's standard module data and time python python datetime and time 'datetime.datetime' objects weekday() 'datetime.datetime' objects weekly() time & date lib in python python date format astimezone python dateformat c# get the date python datetime modue python datetime year month day python python date string datetime of today python create datetime object has a T create datetime object with T in format create datetime object with T informat dateime days to months python python datetime +day python in built date class c# datetime today with time getting date in python using time library datetime library python examples python3 python format using datetime in python python datetime now kor tz python datetime now korformat python python date string python get current date and time as string c# atual date datetime seconds python python datetime.timedelta seconds using detDate in python 3.4 python date to string datetime python methods what to do if time is in not in in 24 hour format in python print delta time in hours and minutes in python how to get hours and minutes if we are give deltatime object in python python datetime toisostring python datetime all python module for datetime python date time o python get the current date python timedate strftime python example print time in python python todays date python datetime to date object how to create date.time object with particular interval date time in python strftime() in python date python python get date timedelta.seconds python time datetime python timedelta attributes python datetime python utc now python timestamp to string datetime total_seconds python total_seconds python strftime in python python 2 strftime behaviour is time and datetime part of python standard library python convert datetime to string python datetime.datetime total_seconds python get current date python date isoformat python python 3 print date time now to string python datetime to string iso format python datetime iso print datetime python python print year from datetime hour minute format python datetime get date and time python create date less then current date python convert timedelta to timestamp python datetime in seconds python python 3.8.5 datetime now datetime python] python utc fromtimestamp python type datettime get datetime object python python timestamp format string from date python python datetime to time python date seconds today datetime python hour python date object python iso timestamp python datenow python local time weekday datetime time code python datetime iso6801 format python allintytle:pandas datetime.strftime(, datetime.strftime(, %B %d pandas python datetime.timedelta python date string format time python datetime import datetime python utc python time and date in python datetime . now python python total_seconds python timedelta total_seconds how does python get time in datetime function datetime python constructor datetime to text python formatteed time from datetime object ppython python datetime.time usage python isocalendar week to string isocalendar python to string how to get date in c# python datetime . now python3 get date month datetime object pythin python strptime to date datetime to string python format date python .weekday() python python date objects datetime module in python documentation format datetime now python python datetime with formate datetime python striptime how to make a datetime object in python with hours how to convert datetime to string in python combair date in python python date hour time to date python get format datetime python from datetime import datetime python now type(datetime()) python import date class python Import from datetime module python datetime to timedelta python convert datetime to string python python datetime.datetime to time python date year python date formatting datetime month python datetime to seconds python python datetime book datetime to month in python c# get date today python datetime.timedelta format from datetime import datetime import python import python format time strptime codes python datetime strptime format python strftime formats python fromtimestamp datetime.strptime python 3 isoweekday python date to datetime python python datetime to iso strptime python documentation python datetime combine python python to iso format python datetime to ise python strftime format strftime("%m%d%Y") python datetime module codes how to use datetime in python what return python datetime python hour minute date time module in python date time library in python python date time doc date packages python python time format python time of day python now %i in datetime in python timedelta python format data datetime python datetime python date import datetime stands for in python what does datetime return python datetime python strptime from datetime import time python create date time object python deltatime date time to time python date module in python datetime strptime format python module datetime python now.strftime in python python datetime to string .now() python3 .now() python what is datetime format in python datetime . time python extract date from python datetime datetime today c# timedelta format python timestamp strftime python python datetime make datetime a date datetime python method datetime to string datetime give days and return datetime in python new datetime today c# datetime string year from datetime python how to set todate in c# datetime.strftime() syntax datetime.strptime() syntax datetime.strttime() syntax datetime interval python get todays datetime c# python datetime.datetime to date date to day in python datetime how to change the starting date in dt python date and time python format date and time python ro4mq5 date and time python python datetime.time() datetime now format python get date c# python datetime date full weekday datetime date format python time datetime.datetime python timezone dates and times in python %i for dates in python python date now python datetime datime tzinfo date format in python 3 datetime format timezone python python datetime from year month day python datetime.time import datetime date format in python datetime time in hour python python datetiem iso format datetime python python 2.7 import date as timedelta whta is datetime.datetime in python python package datetime python datetime microseconds date with time python date in python does not give time c# date today c# python today datetime.strptime() python datetime for python strftime timedelta python datetime.month python datetime to strftime python fromtimestamp python example datetime format python syntax string python timespan python 2.7 now - 1 day getdate setdate python python datetime.fromtimestamp datetime now in utc python datetime to format python python python date calss datetime.datetime in python python 3 datetime python datetime doc replace datetime python c# timedelta hours python python date time format python timedelta hours datetime day python python datetime utc from datetime import timedelta python datetime format codes format time datetime python python datetime make date date python seconds python datetime format date .weekday datetime python python datetime.strptime python time in datetime python date time python utc python datetime constructr how to import date time in python python format datetime python python datetime with a given date python set a parameter to current date c# datetime hour minute second python datetime from timestamp c# utcfromtimestamp datetime.timedelta python ovject python from datetime import datetime python time and date python time module weekday from date python format date datetime.timedelta hours datetime.deltatime hours python what type of date is substractable python timedelta days python datetime date with time to date library for datetime in python abbreviations library for datetime in python datetime dt. python date package python in python time to days python datetime year datetime.timedelta datetime - datetime express timedelta in year python read datetime python datetime python create date handling in python datetime python library timezone datetime.datetime.strptime datetime months python datetime time zone datetime % datetime for now datetime utcnow python utc offset datetime.strptime python datetime string format date strptime how to use datetime python datetime striptime weekday() python datetime.datetime.replace() datetime datetime python datetime.combine in python dt python to date in python time of the day python date format in python python 3 date datetime documentation python utcnow python datetime from isoformat date time datetime formater python if. date is today python now datetime today python datetime now c# todays date python datatime now fromtimestamp datetime day now.strftime python datetime isoformat python datetime date today seconds python datetime.utcnow pythn format time in python import date into python datetime formatpython python date and time moduoel python from datetime.datetime import utcnow datetime docs datetime in <time python2 datetime datetime.utcnow().second python datetime.strptime time format in python datetime format to month day python datetime python documentation format python python how to use datetime python3 timedelta python3 datetime timedelta python date and time how to call year function from date pyhton timedelta() datetime python 2 time.time(date) python python datetime documentation strptime datetime python strptim edatetime python datetime date now utc python datetime date now Timedelta Python example timedelta datetime module in python2 python datatime datetime datetime.dite python date time object datetime opython import date datetime python today 6 numbers representing dates python datetime to datetime python format datetime.utcnow maintain type python python datetimen ow python extract year from datetime python 3 python create datetime get date in C# python datetime.timestamp python date type python3 datetimte datetime.ombine - python datetime - combine - python c# get date time string datetime now python python python date module python timedate now datetiime date string format python date to string module python current datetime iso python datetime %h m s z h m s z python datetime now date time python python python format datetime python import timedelta python 3 python library date formay date of today c# import datetime python 3 python ordinal date format naive accesssing method python datetime formats python year month date format python datetime constructor python python datetime now] date from datetime python iso date from datetime python python strftime timestamp python datetime to date python datetime module datetime object python datetime.min.time() python import datetime in python python time minutes timedelta.total_seconds() example python datetime.datetime to seconds datetime format examples python datetime utcnow python as arguments datetime.utcnow python datetime python formats datetime.strptime python python datetime timedelta python python datetime today python datetime day python datetime date python datetime formating datetime time format python python python date with time to date strptime python timedelta to now() datetime python python date - int python UTC now datetime python 3 datetime year python time date delta python python datetime object datetime python format datetime % python python datetime strptime datetime module in python timedelta class python3 formatting datetime python python python datetime formats datetime library python dateandtime library python python strptime utc datetime python timedelta python python datetime in iso format python date format python datetime zero datetime.time python python isoformat python datetime strftime datetime python now python strftime python datetime library - python python datetime isoformat python datetime.datetime python datetime format python as UTC datetime - python now python python datetime module to get day python3 datetime python time delta python datetime functions python datetime python module datetime object fromtimestamp python strftime python timedate python dates in python 3 date time python today's date c# python time and date and day datetime.datetime python python todays date time utc python datetime utc now python utc datetime python date time datetime in python python datetime format string python time and date functions python timedelta python date functions time delta python datetime module python python format datetime python python datetime today python how to get date c# python to day python today() python date types python date datetime python example datetime format python Python date and time function python datetime now c# get date c# get today's date
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