comment in python

# You use a hastag at the beginning of the line to make anything after it a comment
You can also make a multi line comment
With three single quotes at the beginning and end!

Mefitico 90 points

                                    # this is a comment
# Python ignores comments,
something = 1  # and you can place them after any line of code

"""If you don't want to write a comments using hashtags,
you can put them in a multi-line comment block.
However, if you put hashtags in strings, they do not
create comments.
# comments serve as notes to the programmers
# you can write whatever you want in comments

4.2 (5 Votes)

                                    # This is a comment

""" This is a comment"""

This is a comment
Also this is a comment

3.75 (4 Votes)

                                        # To make a comment in python use the hashtag symbol

4.33 (3 Votes)
Deri Nara 75 points

                                    #This is a comment

4.44 (9 Votes)
Nathanael 100 points

                                    # This is a one line comment

This is a comment for multiple lines,
as you can see

""" But also this is valid """

3.5 (6 Votes)
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Group of answer choices //This is a comment @This is a comment #This is a comment $This is a comment how do we write comment in python What is the correct way to comment with Python? how to make python codes as comment adding sections with comments in python python Remarks line comment in python comments in pyhton comment in python 3 how to make comments on python instead line how to make comment on python python how to comment code how to comment python how to comment python3 python function comment header writting comments in python how to comment multiple lines in python comment python multiline multi line comment python comments python multiple line comment in python Identify the style that the python paragraph comment uses. create comment python what code should you add to python to create a comment how to leave comments in python how to put a comment on python how to make commen to a class in python where to place comments python comment in pythonm python commenting how to do comments in python how to write notes in python comment on python how to give comment in python what are the ways of writing comment in python python comments while developing comentig in python python comment structure single line comment in python coments in python make a comment in python how to comment uin python how to add comments in python make comment in python # comment python how to make a comment in python python proper way to comment functions python make comments in code python function syntax comments python comment lines commenting in python how to put in a comment the text in python How do you insert COMMENTS in Python code? create comments in python comment python comment in pythong python comment line make comments in python how to write comments in python how to comment code in python python how to comment python code commented how to comment in python how comment in python examples in comments python how to make comments in python comment in python comments in python how to make a comment python
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