capitalize python

# Python string capitalization
string = "this isn't a #Standard Sntence."
string.capitalize() # "This isn't a #standard sentence."
string.upper() # "THIS ISN'T A #STANDARD SENTENCE."
string.lower() # "this isn't a #standard sentence."
string.title() # "This Isn'T A #Standard Sentence."

# ---------- Alternate Title Case ----------
# "This Isn't A #standard Sentence."

from string import capwords
string = capwords(string) # capitalize characters after each separator.
# see the doc: string.capwords(s, sep=None), separator defaults to space

# or implement it directly:
string = " ".join(s.capitalize() for s in string.split())

Resettarget 130 points

	#output : Capitalize

3.6 (5 Votes)
Matt.s 110 points


3.88 (8 Votes)
Qirequiam 95 points

                                    # To capitalize the first letter in a word or each word in a sentence use .title()
name = tejas naik
print(name.title())    # output = Tejas Naik

4.4 (5 Votes)


4.1 (10 Votes)
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For example s is originally "Python" and then it should become "PYTHON". python string uppercase how to change a character to uppercase in python howt uppercase in python python how to convert variable to uppercase how to convert small letter to capital letter in python how to uppercase letters in python python string to capital how to capitalize all letter in python python turn sting to caps make character uppercase python python how to make a string all uppercase letters string capital python capital letters in python strig changing a character to uppercase in python python string in caps small letter to capital letter in python capitalize whole string in python to convert to uppercase in python how to capitalize whole string in python make all characters uppercase python convert lowercase to uppercase python python make a string 0 uppercase python make a string uppercase python capitalize all letters in string convert to uppercase in python python character to uppercase python iscapital how to all caps python upper lower python string to upper case Python convert a single letter to capital in python python string to big letters make a character in a string upper case in python Can you upper a string how to make string capital in python uppercase in python 3 python print(), .lower() and .upper() are all different change string to capital letters python python letter uppercase string convert to uppercase python python make all letters uppercase return "{}?".format(capitalize) python python make all caps uppercase a string python method to upper case python Python uppercase string python upper in place string to capital python python string in uppercase python string.uppcase get uppercase python python how to change all characters in a string to capital letters capitalize all letters in a string python python to uppercase convert to upper case python python make letter uppercase how to convert to uppercase in python python capitalize all how to change letter to uppercase in python how to convert small letters to capital letters in python python when to use uppercase how to convert a string to uppercase python python lowercase to uppercase how to capitalize all letters in python python char to upper compare small letter with capital letter in python how to capitalise text in python python replace capitals from string python make capital uppercase python var.upper python3 how to convert character to uppercase in python COnvert string to uppper case Python convert to uppercase in python] how to convert letter to uppercase in python (i.upper()) python string capitalize all letters python convert character to uppercase how to change upper case to upper and lower case in python python make string uppercase uppercase in python python convert to uppercase if upper change in lower and upper change in lower in pytohn make all letters capital python char to upper case python how to convert string to uppercase in python Print in python capital p how to capitalize full string in python capitalize a character in python print in capital letters python to uppercase python python uppercase capitalize specific letter in python how to replace the second letter in a string python python capitalize entire string capitalize all letters python how to decapitalize qhole word in python uppercase string python python convert all to uppercase python capitalize all letters how to capitalize a string in python make string uppercase python convert string to uppercase python convert letter to uppercase python how does upper and lower work in python upper and lower case python capitalize entire string python how to uppercase in python output how to decapitalize all text in python how to capitalize all text in python capitalize text python python convert string to uppercase python change to capital letter how to capitalize specific parts of string pythhon capital letters and lower case python upper case lower case python how to uppercase a string in python cvoert letter to capital python how to convert lowercase to uppercase in python capital python how to make a string uppercase in python how to convert a string to lowercase in python converting a string to lowercase in python how to convert a string to all lowercase in python python str to upper python capitalize the entire string
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