calculate mode in python

# Calculating the mode when the list of numbers may have multiple modes
from collections import Counter

def calculate_mode(n):
    c = Counter(n)
    num_freq = c.most_common()
    max_count = num_freq[0][1]
    modes = []
    for num in num_freq:
        if num[1] == max_count:
    return modes

# Finding the Mode

def calculate_mode(n):
    c = Counter(n)
    mode = c.most_common(1)
    return mode[0][0]

#src : Doing Math With Python.


                                    import random
numbers = []
limit = int(input("Please enter how many numbers you would like to compare:\n"))
mode =0
for i in range(0,limit):

maxiumNum = max(numbers)
j = maxiumNum + 1
count = [0]*j
for i in range(j):

for i in range(limit):
    count[numbers[i]] +=1

n = count[0] 
for i in range(1, j):
    if (count[i] > n):
        n = count[i] 
        mode = i  

print("This is the mode = "+str(mode))
print("This is the array = "+str(numbers))

4 (4 Votes)
DocLeonard 85 points

                                    import statistics
statistics.mode(x)  #mean and median are also available.

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