bfs python

graph = {
  '5' : ['3','7'],
  '3' : ['2', '4'],
  '7' : ['8'],
  '2' : [],
  '4' : ['8'],
  '8' : []

visited = [] # List for visited nodes.
queue = []     #Initialize a queue

def bfs(visited, graph, node): #function for BFS

  while queue:          # Creating loop to visit each node
    m = queue.pop(0) 
    print (m, end = " ") 

    for neighbour in graph[m]:
      if neighbour not in visited:

# Driver Code
print("Following is the Breadth-First Search")
bfs(visited, graph, '5')    # function calling


                                    // BFS algorithm in C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 40

struct queue {
  int items[SIZE];
  int front;
  int rear;

struct queue* createQueue();
void enqueue(struct queue* q, int);
int dequeue(struct queue* q);
void display(struct queue* q);
int isEmpty(struct queue* q);
void printQueue(struct queue* q);

struct node {
  int vertex;
  struct node* next;

struct node* createNode(int);

struct Graph {
  int numVertices;
  struct node** adjLists;
  int* visited;

// BFS algorithm
void bfs(struct Graph* graph, int startVertex) {
  struct queue* q = createQueue();

  graph->visited[startVertex] = 1;
  enqueue(q, startVertex);

  while (!isEmpty(q)) {
    int currentVertex = dequeue(q);
    printf("Visited %d\n", currentVertex);

    struct node* temp = graph->adjLists[currentVertex];

    while (temp) {
      int adjVertex = temp->vertex;

      if (graph->visited[adjVertex] == 0) {
        graph->visited[adjVertex] = 1;
        enqueue(q, adjVertex);
      temp = temp->next;

// Creating a node
struct node* createNode(int v) {
  struct node* newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
  newNode->vertex = v;
  newNode->next = NULL;
  return newNode;

// Creating a graph
struct Graph* createGraph(int vertices) {
  struct Graph* graph = malloc(sizeof(struct Graph));
  graph->numVertices = vertices;

  graph->adjLists = malloc(vertices * sizeof(struct node*));
  graph->visited = malloc(vertices * sizeof(int));

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < vertices; i++) {
    graph->adjLists[i] = NULL;
    graph->visited[i] = 0;

  return graph;

// Add edge
void addEdge(struct Graph* graph, int src, int dest) {
  // Add edge from src to dest
  struct node* newNode = createNode(dest);
  newNode->next = graph->adjLists[src];
  graph->adjLists[src] = newNode;

  // Add edge from dest to src
  newNode = createNode(src);
  newNode->next = graph->adjLists[dest];
  graph->adjLists[dest] = newNode;

// Create a queue
struct queue* createQueue() {
  struct queue* q = malloc(sizeof(struct queue));
  q->front = -1;
  q->rear = -1;
  return q;

// Check if the queue is empty
int isEmpty(struct queue* q) {
  if (q->rear == -1)
    return 1;
    return 0;

// Adding elements into queue
void enqueue(struct queue* q, int value) {
  if (q->rear == SIZE - 1)
    printf("\nQueue is Full!!");
  else {
    if (q->front == -1)
      q->front = 0;
    q->items[q->rear] = value;

// Removing elements from queue
int dequeue(struct queue* q) {
  int item;
  if (isEmpty(q)) {
    printf("Queue is empty");
    item = -1;
  } else {
    item = q->items[q->front];
    if (q->front > q->rear) {
      printf("Resetting queue ");
      q->front = q->rear = -1;
  return item;

// Print the queue
void printQueue(struct queue* q) {
  int i = q->front;

  if (isEmpty(q)) {
    printf("Queue is empty");
  } else {
    printf("\nQueue contains \n");
    for (i = q->front; i < q->rear + 1; i++) {
      printf("%d ", q->items[i]);

int main() {
  struct Graph* graph = createGraph(6);
  addEdge(graph, 0, 1);
  addEdge(graph, 0, 2);
  addEdge(graph, 1, 2);
  addEdge(graph, 1, 4);
  addEdge(graph, 1, 3);
  addEdge(graph, 2, 4);
  addEdge(graph, 3, 4);

  bfs(graph, 0);

  return 0;

3.63 (8 Votes)

                                    class Graph:
    def __init__(self):
        # dictionary containing keys that map to the corresponding vertex object
        self.vertices = {}
    def add_vertex(self, key):
        """Add a vertex with the given key to the graph."""
        vertex = Vertex(key)
        self.vertices[key] = vertex
    def get_vertex(self, key):
        """Return vertex object with the corresponding key."""
        return self.vertices[key]
    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in self.vertices
    def add_edge(self, src_key, dest_key, weight=1):
        """Add edge from src_key to dest_key with given weight."""
        self.vertices[src_key].add_neighbour(self.vertices[dest_key], weight)
    def does_edge_exist(self, src_key, dest_key):
        """Return True if there is an edge from src_key to dest_key."""
        return self.vertices[src_key].does_it_point_to(self.vertices[dest_key])
    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.vertices.values())
class Vertex:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key
        self.points_to = {}
    def get_key(self):
        """Return key corresponding to this vertex object."""
        return self.key
    def add_neighbour(self, dest, weight):
        """Make this vertex point to dest with given edge weight."""
        self.points_to[dest] = weight
    def get_neighbours(self):
        """Return all vertices pointed to by this vertex."""
        return self.points_to.keys()
    def get_weight(self, dest):
        """Get weight of edge from this vertex to dest."""
        return self.points_to[dest]
    def does_it_point_to(self, dest):
        """Return True if this vertex points to dest."""
        return dest in self.points_to
class Queue:
    def __init__(self):
        self.items = []
    def is_empty(self):
        return self.items == []
    def enqueue(self, data):
    def dequeue(self):
        return self.items.pop(0)
def display_bfs(vertex):
    """Display BFS Traversal starting at vertex."""
    visited = set()
    q = Queue()
    while not q.is_empty():
        current = q.dequeue()
        print(current.get_key(), end=' ')
        for dest in current.get_neighbours():
            if dest not in visited:
g = Graph()
print('add vertex <key>')
print('add edge <src> <dest>')
print('bfs <vertex key>')
while True:
    do = input('What would you like to do? ').split()
    operation = do[0]
    if operation == 'add':
        suboperation = do[1]
        if suboperation == 'vertex':
            key = int(do[2])
            if key not in g:
                print('Vertex already exists.')
        elif suboperation == 'edge':
            src = int(do[2])
            dest = int(do[3])
            if src not in g:
                print('Vertex {} does not exist.'.format(src))
            elif dest not in g:
                print('Vertex {} does not exist.'.format(dest))
                if not g.does_edge_exist(src, dest):
                    g.add_edge(src, dest)
                    print('Edge already exists.')
    elif operation == 'bfs':
        key = int(do[1])
        print('Breadth-first Traversal: ', end='')
        vertex = g.get_vertex(key)
    elif operation == 'display':
        print('Vertices: ', end='')
        for v in g:
            print(v.get_key(), end=' ')
        print('Edges: ')
        for v in g:
            for dest in v.get_neighbours():
                w = v.get_weight(dest)
                print('(src={}, dest={}, weight={}) '.format(v.get_key(),
                                                             dest.get_key(), w))
    elif operation == 'quit':


                                    # tree level-by-level traversal. O(n) time/space
def breadthFirstSearch(root):
    q = [root]

    while q:
        current = q.pop(0)
        if current.left is not None: q.append(current.left)
        if current.right is not None: q.append(current.right)

4.13 (8 Votes)
Natia 80 points

                                    graph = {
  'A' : ['B','C'],
  'B' : ['D', 'E'],
  'C' : ['F'],
  'D' : [],
  'E' : ['F'],
  'F' : []

visited = [] # List to keep track of visited nodes.
queue = []     #Initialize a queue

def bfs(visited, graph, node):

  while queue:
    s = queue.pop(0) 
    print (s, end = " ") 

    for neighbour in graph[s]:
      if neighbour not in visited:

# Driver Code
bfs(visited, graph, 'A')

3.6 (5 Votes)
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One of the possible order for visiting node on given graph: pyhtom bfs alogorithm list breadth search in python node cpp program to implement bfs graph Explain Breadth-first search and Depth-first search. 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