
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Data", menuName = "Inventory/List", order = 1)]
public class MyScriptableObjectClass : ScriptableObject {
    public string objectName = "New MyScriptableObject";
    public bool colorIsRandom = false;
    public Color thisColor = Color.white;
    public Vector3[] spawnPoints;

Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    using UnityEngine;

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Data", menuName = "ScriptableObjects/SpawnManagerScriptableObject", order = 1)]
public class SpawnManagerScriptableObject : ScriptableObject
    public string prefabName;

    public int numberOfPrefabsToCreate;
    public Vector3[] spawnPoints;

3.67 (6 Votes)
Awgiedawgie 440220 points

                                    using UnityEngine;

public class Spawner : MonoBehaviour
    // The GameObject to instantiate.
    public GameObject entityToSpawn;

    // An instance of the ScriptableObject defined above.
    public SpawnManagerScriptableObject spawnManagerValues;

    // This will be appended to the name of the created entities and increment when each is created.
    int instanceNumber = 1;

    void Start()

    void SpawnEntities()
        int currentSpawnPointIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < spawnManagerValues.numberOfPrefabsToCreate; i++)
            // Creates an instance of the prefab at the current spawn point.
            GameObject currentEntity = Instantiate(entityToSpawn, spawnManagerValues.spawnPoints[currentSpawnPointIndex], Quaternion.identity);

            // Sets the name of the instantiated entity to be the string defined in the ScriptableObject and then appends it with a unique number. 
   = spawnManagerValues.prefabName + instanceNumber;

            // Moves to the next spawn point index. If it goes out of range, it wraps back to the start.
            currentSpawnPointIndex = (currentSpawnPointIndex + 1) % spawnManagerValues.spawnPoints.Length;


3.7 (10 Votes)
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