take array as input in c

int size=5;
int array[size]; // array of size=5;


Jaap 110 points

                                    // Syntax: 
datatype_variable[dimension] = new datatype[size]{array};

// For example:
string MyArray[] = new string[1]{&quot;Hello&quot;,&quot;World&quot;};

// or just:
string MyArray[]={&quot;Hello&quot;,&quot;world&quot;};

// for multidimensions:
// 2D array:
         	  // 2 arrays, 3 values //
int MyArray=[,]=new int[1,2]{

// 3D array:
              // 2 arrays, 3 arrays, 4 values //
int MyArray=[,,]=new int[1,2,3]{

4.1 (10 Votes)
Robbi 100 points

                                    int size=5;
int array[size]; // array of size=5;


4.25 (8 Votes)
Andy Pham 125 points

                                    #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
int main(void)
int size, i;
printf(&quot;Enter the size of the arrays:\n&quot;);
scanf(&quot;%d&quot;, &amp;size);

int arr1[size];
printf(&quot;Enter the elements of the array:\n&quot;);
for (i = 0; i &lt; size; i++) {
    scanf_s(&quot;%d&quot;, arr1[size]);
printf(&quot;The current array is:\n %d&quot;, arr1[i]);

3.8 (5 Votes)
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gent input for array in c make new array c# save uses input in array in c take input of array in c c input int array in function arrays as function inputs in c define array input in c take array input from console c take input from user in array c and print store array from user c c program to create an user input array how to get user input for an array in c accessing array elements in c create an array c# how to user value in a array in c hsarp c# how to declare an array how to take user input for array in c how to take input for an array in c store users input in array in c call array in c user input data to array and print in c how to input an array in c array in c from user array user ionput c getting input from an array in c create array from input in c convert input to array c how to enter array from user in c how to take input from user in an array in c array c# define array with value c# get an array input in C declaring an integer array in c# creating an array from user input in c how to take array elements from user in c c program array input get use array as function input c how to access an array in c how to put input into array c inputting array elements in c array input in function c get array as an input from user in c fputs array in c array from user in c how to input the elements of an array in c array declaration c# input array in function c using Array c# cant get user input from array in c how to get array input from user in c c take array as parameter how many ways that we can input array in c programming make array c# new array c# user define array in c input a array in c user input array c can i input new value to array c create a array from user in c C# do arrays user input array in c user input array in c c program input array acess array in c how to take input array in c c# working with arrays How to store user input into an array in C define a new array in c# array in storing user input in c input array to a function in c create array in signle input in c array formal parameter c different ways to input array in c input an array in c\ storing information in array in c arrays functions in C# how to input array in function in c how to #define array in C function in c taking array as formal parameter how to input array function in c take input from user in array in c input arrays in c taking input in array in c get user input array c read array in c from input how to put user input strings to an array in c how to store user input in an array in c array parameter c c array input array declaration in c# array with user input in c how to create an array with user input c how to input a number in to array in c get array as input in c take array input in c array c# definition How to make a array in c# how to create a class array in c# how to write a c code to take user input for array in c how to print array input in c new keyword c# array how to store the user inputs in an array in c how to take inputs in array in c can a function have array as input in c how to acces array in c Array in C is passed by c#: array how to make an array in c# declaration of array c# get numbers as input and store them in array c store user numbers in array c define an array with #define c can i passe array as arameter in c c# variable with array define array c# get array input in c array in c # how to take input numbers in array in c get input array from user in c what is array in c# accessing array in function c array that takes user input c array declaration in c sharp how to declare an array in c# write a c program to input n numbers in an array accept input in array in c c get array input create array object in c# c function input array Write a program that takes input of an array from the user. in c how to store user value in a array in c how to make a function take an array as input in c getting input array in c array as input to function in c user input in c array c input array create new array c# c# how to define an array of a method accept an array from user in c user defined array in c declaring an array in csharp c# how array define how to declare int array in c# array as parameter in c create an array in c# array class c# store amount in array c program use input to make array in c use input to makearray in c take an array input in c declare an array in c# access array c input define an array in c array parameter in c creating an array of inputs in c working with arrays c# how to take input of array from user in c How to get a array in C# creating a array in C# store user input as array c c convert input into arrays how to take array pounter input in c new array in c# declare array class c# take integer array input in c how to create a new array c# input in array in c how to take the input in arrary in c c input integer array c array parameters array as parameter c c array passed by value array parameter in c funtion input c# make an array c input int array what's an array in c# how to create an array in c# user input into array in c function that inputs array in c create a array in c# library function to input array in c how to write values in arrey c how to make array equivalent to input c c# array tutorial input int array in c read input in arr in c c program to read inputs to an array input array c into function input array c print array c putting numbers from file in an array C function input array in c func taking input array in c c take input in array function arrays in c# input from array in c parameter array c create arrays C# c# array of arrays declare array c# c array parameter taking string as input as array in c how to create a arry from user input in c taking input in c as arry how to store user input in array in c how to make an array C# how to get input to array in c acces array in C how to take input in array in c store input in array c array input c function array input c c# create array create a new array c# input array in c write input into an array in c reading input into an array in c array on input ic c input into the array in c how to input string as array in c how to get input in array in c c input an array user input on an array C language put input into an array c taking input of array in c how to input values into an array in c c# array ^ how to take input of elements in array in c making arrays in C# how to create array in C# how to take array from user in c how to create an array of arrays c# taking array as input in c array in c# input a array c functions in c taking input array c# declare array c# new array intial array from user c c# create an array how to input array in c arrays C# create array c# c# create new array how to print array from input in c how to input values in array in c c# arrays write array c# create array from user input C get array from user in c c# how make an array basic input array into funtion in c c# create array example how to create an array an input values using c make array in c# how to take array input to function c how to take array input c c take input in array what is an array c# array c# c# how to creare an array c# array how to take array as input in fuctions in c c program to generate an array by take input from user sharp how to create an array Array array = new Array(); c# input of array in c create user defined array in c array loop c accessing arrays c array example in c input into array in c array declare in c c array syntax how to create an integer array in c programming how to create a integer array in c programming user input array c programming how to declare an array in c how to use array in for loop in c how to declare and assign value to int array in c c make an array of lists initialize array c using array how to write arrays in c c programming print arrays number results c programming format array values c#create array of list for loop for array in c taking array input in c predefined an array with values in c define an array in c how to take inputs in an array in c input a string array in c What is 333788 in array in c inputs elements in an array array declaration in c program to inpu a n array in c array number type of c language Input an array c define arrays inputting array in c how to define a given input is an array or not in c programming how to define a fiven input is an array or not how to redifine an array in C array c programs input array elements in c c programs arrays how to declare a n array in c how to make array of integers in c initialize array in c ways to input array in c for loop array c programming take input to array c declare array in c taking a array input in c to input integer array in c input an array in c array programs in c array in c programming how to make an array in c how to write an array c array c array in c programming examples C definie array simple program on array in c how to initialize a value in an array C accesing an array in c generating arrays in c an array[][] code to input numbers in array in c arrays in c How do you initialize an array in C array c ways of declaring array in c c programing array c arrays arrays c programming c language array array progam in c array program in c language how to input in array simple programs using arrays in c how to use array c# c array functions initialize array of iarray c print arrays in c printing array in c create a array c# function to print array in c how to use array in c programming integer array c USER INPUT store in array PROBLEMS IN c input an array in c without loop c programming array array initialization in c all elements to an array in c how to declare new int array in c How to make an array woth a variable in C array 1 1 program in c syntax of using array in c how to input an array to a function in c get input in array in c take input in array in c c create new array take input for an array in c include c array inout element in arry by user C C create array based on input int programs using arrays in cp eter items in array in c source code array in c how to take an array as input in c pass array in c for loop taking array as an input in C array eg how to an array in c what do we called arrays in c how to get user enter numbers in arrays function c program how to declare arrays in c# how to declare an array of sixe n C basic array programs in c output in c array take input array in c how to get input of array in c array of array in c what is int** in arrays in c how to write a array of integers in c arrays in c programs array value declaration arrays program in c how to take a string as input in c using array function(array+1) c c language arr = new aaray how to take array input in c array case in c how to declare array in c# input array c programming input in array programs on arrays in c c arryas c get element from array array of array of int inc# code to input an array in c how to access array element in c input to array c c for i in array Getting numbers an Array from user c Receives the array numbers from the user in c how to create an arra in c how to make arrays in c declear array in c array c language how to make an array index points in c C#element in array how to get array in c array declaration create array in c programming n element of array c c in array function to input to value in user to what is array in programming how to access a variablle in an array in c array not write in C how to give an input array to the program how to declare array in c c array example array examples delcaring an array in c C how to get int from array c array declare array c language c array function to take array input and perform operations array how to assign values to array in c how to define an array of n elements in c making array in c predefine array in c array declaration after input C input values into an array create arrays in C declare array in c# c langauge array delcere array c c programming using arrays taking string array input in c getting string array input in c how to take input of strings array in c c how to make array define array c c function array number of input array c programming declare an array in c how to mcrate an arrya in c how to make a larray in c how to take input in an array in c how to input an array c array with values how to write to an array in c array code create int array i c c arrays programs How to output an element of an array c++? What are the elements of an array c++? declare and array how to initialize array in c and input array elements how to define an array in c proggramming how to define int array in c es66 define array arreyis in c array* c example array c example how to store data in array if true in c declarations of array in c c lang array example making an array in c how to make locations in array in c how to store values in array in c define arrays in c how make array which takes input as integers in c array c code how can we take input in array from user in c how to take infult from user in array c input values array c marking array elements in an array Syntax for Array declaration array in c for loop c programming output array how to input and print an array as whole in c declaration of array using array in c input int and indexing in c how to get value in array in c arrays definetion inn c get value of array c take array as input in c c new array array in c meaning input an array c how to get values from an array in c index array in c array basic programs in c take array input from user in c c int array relations c construct array array c@ declaring an array C array in c user input declare array in c with elements int array in c#\ user value in c in array c define array of ints array [-1] in c c define array c implementing array ghow to store values in array c how to create a new array in c assign data to array c array in array in c array c declaration initializing array c arreys in c declare variable from array in C Select all correct declaration/initialization of an array of five integers. C array in c using {} define int array in c creating int array in c array input in c declaration of array element array type in c how to use arrays in c make a array in c c array declaration Declaring Arrays and Accessing Elements how declare array in c working with a array c array programs c how to declare an array of n numbers in c array syntax c how to define a array in c array inb c how to accpet an array in c an array with number to get a variable in c arrays C create array of 3 ints c make array from input c what is array in c array program c declare int array create an array method in c c array of it how to set an item in an array in c array size declarations in C create vector c c in array number array c integer array in c C array + int when does a array get declared in c What is the syntax to declare an array in C#? * array int in c how to get an element of an array in c what does array+i mean in c array declare c\ c create an array int array in c c program to take array input from user array initalization c how to declare array c c create array array in array c programming how to make an array in c programming form by user c create an array int How do you initialize an array in C? how to assign array element in c can i input operators in a int array c declare a array in c what is a array in c How will you initialize and declare the array to declare an array how to initialize array in c declaring variable array c how to take array as input in c initialization of array in c array declare in c # handling array in c code of array in c how to take an array input in c array in c array of numbers in c how to make a c# array
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