C example of if else

if (<condition>) {
} else if (<condition>) {
} else {

/* example */
int money = 50;
if (money < 15) {
} else if (money >= 600) {
} else {
	buy_tickets(money / 15);

/* You can chain together as many else ifs as you want. But if there are
too many it will make the code hard to understand. In that case I would 
recommend trying other solutions. */

Lionel Aguero 33605 points

                                    if (test expression1) {
   // statement(s)
else if(test expression2) {
   // statement(s)
else if (test expression3) {
   // statement(s)
else {
   // statement(s)

4.17 (6 Votes)
Phoenix Logan 186120 points

                                    #include &lt;studio.h&gt;
int main()
  if (logic goes here)
  else if (logic)
  return 0

3.9 (10 Votes)
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if else in c ? : syntax for if else statement in c if that or that in c if or statement c If else c program example c program if else examples how to use if statemet in c if program c if else statement syntax in c using if c language c programming if statement for loop in if condition c if else define c else c else if c&quot; c coding if statement programming c if statement c coding if statements if elase in c if else c questions if else in c expression c programming or in if statement c or if statement simple c programming if else questions how to give or in c if condition if statements in c programming example or conditionin c for if || conditionin c for if if something = something c if statements is c if and c if statement in c questions simple if-else c program if and else c if == c create a function with if else in c programming c shell if else if then which language c if else if c logic which condition operator instead of if else in c if keyword in c &lt;c:if&gt; syntax c if program else coding in c if and else macro in c if statement in C macro condition in c else loop in c else if syntax in c what is if else in c programming c ifdef c how to use if statement in c if elif else in c if else if else statement in c c if then DEFINITION OF IF-ELSE in programming c c language if conditional if and if else statement in c and condition in if else c example if else statement c else if in c language note on if-else statement in c if and else if c programming if then else in c programming what is the syntax for an if statement in c c if and elif if else simple program in c if condition for or operator in c c functional if ? c functional if 5. Write the syntax of if-else-else-if statement in C how else works in C if statement in c example if-else statement in c example c program if statement if true in c and in if statement in c if c language example if then c c how to use if statements &amp;&amp; c how to use if statements and c how to use if statements if then else statement in c if statment programs in c examples for if else statement in c what is if else statement and else if in c if else if when does else run in c else if en c else to else c use if statement in for loop c if statement in c syntax if statement in c with example if condition syntax in c how does if condition work in c if else statement c programming if else statement ? : in c how to use the if statement in c id else c if i C if else basic programs in c else block in c use else if in c C example of if else else if in c programming if defined in c if else block in c elseif statement c if satement in c how to use ifdef in c if(condition); in c if(statement); in c how to make or in if in C condition statement in c if(--a) in c if(!i) c if in c || else statement in c if a is in c if else in c can be written as c program if else ifdef else c using of if in for loop in c if else stayeemt in c if(!) in c if( ) in c simple if else loop program in c simple if else program in c else if statement in c logical and in if statement C if(a) in c c and statement in if if statement syntax c best if else program in c can we put if statement in condition section of for loop in C program can we put if statement statement in for loop condition section of C program if else ? 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