strcmp in c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
   char string1[] = {"tutorials point"};
   char string2[] = {"tutorials point"};
   //using function strcmp() to compare the two strings
   if (strcmp(string1, string2) == 0)
      printf("Yes 2 strings are same\n");
      printf("No, 2 strings are not same\n" );
      return 0;

Bash 110 points

                                    // strCmp implementation
// string1 &lt; string2 =&gt; return a negative integer
// string1 &gt; string2 =&gt; return a positive integer
// string1 = string2 =&gt; return 0
int strCmp(const char* s1, const char* s2) {
    while(*s1 &amp;&amp; (*s1 == *s2)) {
    return *s1 - *s2;

3.83 (6 Votes)
Sheldon 100 points

                                    strcmp(char, char);

4.13 (8 Votes)

                                    #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;string.h&gt;

int main()
    char str1[] = &quot;abcd&quot;, str2[] = &quot;abCd&quot;, str3[] = &quot;abcd&quot;;
    int result;

    // comparing strings str1 and str2
    result = strcmp(str1, str2);
    printf(&quot;strcmp(str1, str2) = %d\n&quot;, result);

    // comparing strings str1 and str3
    result = strcmp(str1, str3);
    printf(&quot;strcmp(str1, str3) = %d\n&quot;, result);

    return 0;

4 (1 Votes)
Kolypto 75 points

                                    // use: strcmp(string1, string2);

string a = &quot;words&quot;;
string b = &quot;words&quot;;

if (strcmp(a, b) == 0)
	printf(&quot;a and b match&quot;);
  	// strcmp returns 0 if both strings match

	printf(&quot;a and b don't match&quot;);
  	// strcmp returns anything else if the strings dont match

3.33 (3 Votes)
Linguo 90 points

                                    #include &lt;string.h&gt;

3.6 (5 Votes)
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compare between char* c compare single char in c c compare ' char strcmp function in c use strcpyin c which is the correct statement to find if contents of two strings are equal in C has c check if two strings are not equal check if two strings are equal c c compare two characters c compare characters comparar 2 char en c char comparasin in C checkif strings are equal in c strcmp c documentation how to compare char* in c strcmp in c return value how to compare a string in c compare characters c strcmp algorithm C comparing strings with if statements c how strcmp works in c how to compare a char* to character in c compare each character in c strcmp reference c strcmpin c programming c using strcmp include programming c using strcmp how to check two string equal in c ( comparaison with char c how does strcmp work in c char vide compare c what does strcmp does in c c compare two chars c programming strcmp compare char to char in c compare char * to char c compare char characters c strcmp code c strcpt in c strcmp in c returns strcmp() function in c strcmp library c strcmp example c strcmp file in c comparing chars in c c check if two string are equal strcmp use in c how to compare if strings are equal in c compare char in c c compare 2 chars c test if strings are equal compare char to \ c compare string and char c compare char c char compare c c char* compare comparing two characters in c comparing characters in c how to compare 2 strings in plain c strcmp in c meaning strcmp method in c what is strcmp() function in c programming char compare in c example of strcmp in c how to compare between 2 strings in c program compare chars c compare char* in c strcmp examples c programming how to compare char in c c strcomp strcmp c. compare two char in c strcmp syantax compare two string in c strcmp return value strcmp in c language hpow to compree 2 strings in c Compare Function in c c char compare check if two strings are equal in python struct c strcmp c char* strcmp in c example string eaulity in c strcpy c library code compare c strings string compare in c woith| how to check two strings are equal in c strcmp compare two string wich is bigger string equal check C strcmp string[x] strcpy in c compair strings in c compare char in gets in c string.h compare strings how to compare a char in c compare 2 c strings strequal c string comparison methods in c c strcmp example c program what does strcmp do if to check if both strings are same in c language c check two string euqla string comparison function in c how to compare character in c comparing string in c strcmp code streing compare function in c c program to find two strings are equal or not strcpy() c strcopy in c strcmp.c strcmp en c c strlen library how to use strcpy c string cmp in c compare char value in c Which library contains strcmp in C strcmp string comparison how to match character in c c check string equality how to check if two characters are equal in c cmp func in c c check strings equal compare in c int strcmp strcmp() function compares two strings and returns 0 if both strings are identical. string compare in C== strcmp explanation in c c check str strcpm c language c check if string equals another string how to use strcmp function in c++ strcoper in c output od strcmp c checking 2 strings stoi in c c++ strcmp what is the function of fflush stdin in c how to compare between two strings in c c program to compare strings strcmp cpp two char comparison c compare strings with spaces in C compare two strings in c with spaces c strcpy how to check if two strings are same in cpp two strings are equal or not c how to check if string is equal to something in c c compare char strcmp() built-in function of string.h library comparing 2 string in c how to compare 2 chars in c how to compare words in c library for strcmp in c which library to include for strcmp in c strcmp documentation charcmp c strcmp library c++ cpp strcmp strcmp(). check if strings are equal in c strcmp function in c with &gt; operators strcmp function in c with and operators strcmp returns in c comparing string in c how to check if two strings are eqaul in C isEqual in c what is same in c function strcmp function in c one string constant character comparison in c compare words C function to find string difference in c result of strcmp use of strcmp in c How to compare the value of 2 strings that contain numbers in js how to check two strings are equal or not in c strsep c strcmp function c++ strcmp function syntax in c++ strcmp compare two strings c++ how to compare charcter in 2 string c program strcmp char c compare two char strcmp example code compare string function in c strtod c how to check if two strings are identical in c strcmp results use strcmp in c compare two chars in c strcmp ( ) c strlen library c compare chars in c strlcpy c c compare string equals in c c string compare strings strcmp c string compare strings compare stringds in c. check if strings are equal C str compare c c how to compair a * and a string strcmp to compare strings c compare() equals C strcmp library function in c cmp function in c can you compre 2 strings in linux c strcmp values in c C strsmp strcspn c comparing alphabets in c c cmpstr string compare c code how to see if strings are equal in c what does strcmp do in c compare two chars in a string strcmp c code strcmp(str1, str2 string equality c c check if two strings are equal c comparing teo char pointers strcmp library comparing two strings in c strcpy c strspn c strcmp( str cmp new ine comparing two strings c compare stirngs c strcompare c str cmp c c string coparison how to compare two strings c c character match string.h compare c str_cmp words in string strcomp in c C strcmp() what does strcomp do in c strcmp biblioth&egrave;que c compare two string c string compare min c comparison between strings in C strcmp working in c strcmp function check if string equals in c strcmp(str1,str2) strcomp c string equals c comparing strings C cpmpare 2 strings in c how to compare characters in c c string equal check if two char are equal c strcmp + integer strcump in c what is c strcmp what strcmp in c strcmp c function comparing two strings if they are equal in c what does strcmp do in c what do strign compare functip returns how to check character equality in c how to compare two chars in c string equals in c c programming compare strings c test string equality string equal c strcmp with string c string equals another string c c string equality c compare chars c char comparison check if two strings are equal in c compare 2 strings c compare strings using strcmp strcmp() string compare function in c strcmp meaning compare to strings in c string equality in c c string to compare how to compare 2 strings in c how to use strcmp in c comparing 2 strings in c how to compare chars in c comparison with character C c how to compare strings compare c strcmp c programming strcmp means in c language strcmp() c strcmp. strcompare in c strcmp C example what does the strcmp function strcmp n c c check if a char is same as a char compare to C string comapre in c how to compare two characters in c c check if strings are equal c program strcmp c strcmd string compate in c string comparing in c. string comparison in c how to see if two strings are exactly equal in c strcmp function in c example compare two strings c check two strings are equal in c see if two strings are equal in C c language how to compare strings compare a string in c how to compare a piece of string in c compare two char in string Write down the details of the functions which are used to compare two strings in C language. what value strcmp() function returns when two strings are the same in c strcmp in c when two strings are same string comparison c c compare 2 strings strcmp example strcmp in c code C++ int __cdecl strcmp(const char *_Str1, const char *_Str2) compare two strings in c check if string is equal c string compare inc ++ check if 2 string are equal c how to compare strings in c compare string c string comapre c strcmp() in c compare 2 strings in c compare characters in C how to use strcmp char comparison c compare str c match string in c python strcmp function string matching c compare strings c c compare strings how to compare two strings in c how to compare string in c c strcmp c str compare strcmp function in c c library strcmp strcmp c language what is strcmp in c strcmp in c strcmp compare two characters in c c string comparison strcmp C compare character string c string compare c compare strings for equality string compare in c c check string equal to c comparing strings compare strings in c strcmp c library String Compare C ccomparing strings c compare string in c c string equals comparing strings in c compare two chars c
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