Quick sort in C

void quicksort(int number[25],int first,int last){
   int i, j, pivot, temp;





int main(){
   int i, count, number[25];

   printf("How many elements are u going to enter?: ");

   printf("Enter %d elements: ", count);


   printf("Order of Sorted elements: ");
      printf(" %d",number[i]);

   return 0;

Loone96 100 points

                                    // Quick sort in C

#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;

// function to swap elements
void swap(int *a, int *b) {
  int t = *a;
  *a = *b;
  *b = t;

// function to find the partition position
int partition(int array[], int low, int high) {
  // select the rightmost element as pivot
  int pivot = array[high];
  // pointer for greater element
  int i = (low - 1);

  // traverse each element of the array
  // compare them with the pivot
  for (int j = low; j &lt; high; j++) {
    if (array[j] &lt;= pivot) {
      // if element smaller than pivot is found
      // swap it with the greater element pointed by i
      // swap element at i with element at j
      swap(&amp;array[i], &amp;array[j]);

  // swap the pivot element with the greater element at i
  swap(&amp;array[i + 1], &amp;array[high]);
  // return the partition point
  return (i + 1);

void quickSort(int array[], int low, int high) {
  if (low &lt; high) {
    // find the pivot element such that
    // elements smaller than pivot are on left of pivot
    // elements greater than pivot are on right of pivot
    int pi = partition(array, low, high);
    // recursive call on the left of pivot
    quickSort(array, low, pi - 1);
    // recursive call on the right of pivot
    quickSort(array, pi + 1, high);

// function to print array elements
void printArray(int array[], int size) {
  for (int i = 0; i &lt; size; ++i) {
    printf(&quot;%d  &quot;, array[i]);

// main function
int main() {
  int data[] = {8, 7, 2, 1, 0, 9, 6};
  int n = sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]);
  printf(&quot;Unsorted Array\n&quot;);
  printArray(data, n);
  // perform quicksort on data
  quickSort(data, 0, n - 1);
  printf(&quot;Sorted array in ascending order: \n&quot;);
  printArray(data, n);

4.4 (5 Votes)

                                    // A full c++ quicksort algorithm no bs
// quicksort in code

#include &lt;iostream&gt;

using namespace std;

void QuickSort(int arr[], int start, int end);
int Partition(int arr[], int start, int end);
void SwapArrMem(int arr[], int a, int b);

int main()

	int arr[4]; //change the size of the array to your desired array size

	cout &lt;&lt; &quot;enter &quot; &lt;&lt; sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]) &lt;&lt; &quot; numbers. press enter after input&quot; &lt;&lt; endl;

	for (int i = 0; i &lt; sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); i++)
		cin &gt;&gt; arr[i];

	cout &lt;&lt; endl &lt;&lt; &quot;The sorted numbers are:&quot; &lt;&lt; endl &lt;&lt; endl;

	QuickSort(arr, 0, sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]) - 1);

	for (int i = 0; i &lt; sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); i++)
		cout &lt;&lt; arr[i] &lt;&lt; endl;


void QuickSort(int arr[], int start, int end)
	if (start &gt;= end) return;

	int index = Partition(arr, start, end);
	QuickSort(arr, start, index - 1);
	QuickSort(arr, index + 1, end);

int Partition(int arr[], int start, int end)
	int pivotindex = start;
	int pivotvalue = arr[end];
	for (int i = start; i &lt; end; i++)
		if (arr[i] &lt; pivotvalue)
			SwapArrMem(arr, i, pivotindex);
	SwapArrMem(arr, pivotindex, end);
	return pivotindex;

void SwapArrMem(int arr[], int a, int b)
	int temp = arr[a];
	arr[a] = arr[b];
	arr[b] = temp;

4.14 (7 Votes)
Fishbean 105 points


Toad22222 130 points

                                    int cmpfunc (const void * a, const void * b) {
   return ( *(int*)a - *(int*)b );

5 (1 Votes)
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Complexity analysis of Quick sort at eachnstep quick sort function in c quicksort programiz quick sort complexity worst case why is worst case complexity n^2 of quicksort quicksort complexity best case worst case time complexity of quicksort is 3. What is time complexity of quick sort in best case? quick sort algorithm best case and worst case 3 way quick sort time complexity find time complexity of quick sort space complexity of quick sort algorithm what is the worst case of quick sort complexity of quicksort in worst case why quicksort called the best time complexity algorithm where mege sort takes less time best case complexity for quicksort quick sort code in c what is the worst case complexity of quick sort best case complexity of quick sort simple quick sort program in c quick sort n c good case of quick sort time complexity7 of quick sort quicksort complexity worst case quick sorting code c code for quick sort quick sort time complexity for sorted array best and worst case time complexity of quickselect quicksort algorithm c simulation worst case complexity of quick sort mcq Quick Sort. time complexity what is the worst case time complexity of a Quicksort algorithm analysis the worst case time complexity of quick sort algorithm worst case time complexity of quick sort algorithm what is the best case complexity of quicksort best and worst worst case analysis of quick sort quick sort best time complexity with example quick sort best time complexity explanation with example quick sort time complexity worst case complexity of quick sort is The worst case complexity of quick sort is quicksorting alogorith in c worst case performance for quick sort time complexity equation for quick sort quick 'sort time complexity quicksor tin c stable quicksort c best time complexity of quick sort quick sort analysis complexity quick sort algorithm time complexity analysis Worse case complexity of Quick sort is what is the worst case complexity of quicksort worst case complexity of quick sort and when occur Analyze worst case time complexity for Quick sort. Sort following data in ascending order using Quick sort. Show step-by-step solution. 51 86 30 18 93 65 26 the quick sort algorithm the complexity analysis quicksort spce complexity quick sort start and end c What is the time complexity of the Quicksort algorithm in the worst case? quickselect time complexity worst case new QuickSort() best cast time complexity of quick sort algorithm time and space complexity Quick Sort and why? time and space complexity Quick Sort worst case performance of quicksort quick sort algorithm complexity quick sort space complexity\ how to write quicksort algorithm quicksort worst case time complexity quadratic worst case time complexity of quick sort occur quick sort time complexity graph worst case time complexity of quicksort occurs when what will be time complexity of quick sort if array is sortded quick sort complexity time best worst average quick sort complexity time quick sort in ascending order in c time complexity of of quick sort quicksort explained in c implement quick sort using c quick sort in place space complexity running time best case quick sort What is the worst case time complexity of a quick sort algorithm? . Analyze the time complexity of Quick sort algorithm. What is the worst case time complexity of the Quick sort algorithm? Space complexity of quick sort is quick sort i c ) The worst-case time complexity of quicksort is O(n^2) The worst-case time complixity of Quick sort is max quicksort worst case time complexity write a program to quicksort in c complexity of quick sort algorithm discuss complexity of quick sort algorithm in all cases algorithm quick sort time complexity best and worst case of quick sort The worst case complexity of quick sort is _________ * quicksort c example quick sort time complexity space complexity quicksort implementation quicksort time and space complexity quick sort code in c space complexity for quick sort worst case run time of quick sort The best and worst-case time complexities of Quick Sort The time complexity of randomized quick sort in worst case is time complexity of randomized quick sort in best case The time complexity of randomized quick sort in best case is what is worst case complexity of quick sort time and space complexity of quick sort quick sort best case and worst case given n What will be the Worst case time complexity of Quick sort? Calculate the complexity of quick sort in best case QuickSort comes under which of the following? worst case complexity of quicksort geeksforgeeks worst time complexity of quicksort worst case time complexity of the Quick sort? quick sort best average worst time complexity quicksort array in c c quicksort worst case execution time for quick sort Explain in detail Quick sort method using example. Provide the complexity analysis of Quick sort. Quick sort worst case complexity What is worst case complexity of quick sort? how complexity of quicksort What is the worst case time complexity of the Quick sort? when does the best case of quick sort occur implement quick sort in c quicksort in-place Write the QuickSort The worst case time complexity of quick sort is _______________ quick sort program in c with time complexity quick sort using c quicksort codigo quick sort algorutm c , discuss the time complexities of quicksort in best and worst case when worst case occurs in quick sort Which of the following represents the worst-case time complexity for the quicksort algorithm? time complexity o f quick sort time complexity of quick sort derivation explain quicksort code for quicksort quick sort time and space complexity what is quick sort in c quicksort best time complexity quick sort algorithm c quicksort o complexity average time complexity of quick sort what is the best case / worst case time complexity of quicksort quicksort code solution The worst case time complexity for quick sort is O(n2) What is the worst case time complexity of quicksort? quicksort code in c quick sort code in c worst case time complexity of randomized quick sort time complexity of quick sort is worst case complexity of quicksort algorithm What is the best case / worst case time complexity of Quick sort? quick sort program in c with code explanation space complexity quicksort worst time complexity quicksort worst quick sort c code quicksort code explained explain quick sort code in c best and worst case time complexity for Quickselect Write the algorithm of quick sort and discuss its time complexity in all cases. quick sort array in c time complexity for quick sort when is the worst complexity of quicksort What can not be the worst case time complexity of quick sort quick sort in c program space complexity of quick sort quicksort programm time complexity of quick sort in best case worst case running time quick sort The worst case running time of Quick sort is best case time complexity of quick sort quick sort best case and worst case analysis what is the complexity of quicksort quick sort algorithm in c In the best case, the complexity of Quick sort is O(1). quick sort worst case time complexity worst case complexity for quick sort quick sort algorithm in c step by step What is the worst case time complexity of a quick sort algorithm? the time complexity of quick sort is quick sort complexity analysis time complexity of quicksort algorithm quicksort c code What is the worst case complexity of quick sort? quick sorting with pthread code in c quicksort time complexity in worst case time complexity of stable quick sort quicksort algorithm demo time complexity of Quick sort in the best case running time complexity of quick sort worst complexity running time complexity of quick sort What is the worst-case time complexity of quicksort? quick sort time complexity best case armotrised quicksort algorithm examples code quicksort function in c quick sort in time complexity function for quick sort in c quicksort in place quicksort worst case complexity What is the best case time complexity for the Quick sort? quick sorting c time complexity of quicksort best case time complexity of quick sort in worst case what is the time complexity of quick sort quick sort avoid worst case time complexity quicksort worst time complexity quicksort algorithm in c space complexity of quick sort in worst case What is the complexity of quick sort (best case) What is the complexity of quick sort (best case)? quicksort example\ quick sort complexity analysis time quick sort code in c programming what is the time complexity for the quick sort quick sort algorithm time complexity analyze quick sort algorithm in best case and worst case time complexity of quick sort algorithm worst case space complexity of quick sort time complexity of Quick sort in the worst case quicksort in c library time complexity of quicksort time complexity quicksort quicksort complexity analysis Write the algorithm for quick sort. Find out the worst case time complexity of the algorithm quick sort worst time complexity quicksort tutorial analyze the complexity of quick sort best worst and average case quick sort algorithm example in c with structures quick sort algorithm example in c derive the complexity of quicksort for best case and worst case, Write an algorithm for quick sort erive the complexity of quick sort for best case and worst case, Write an algorithm for quick sort The worst case time complexity of quick sort is quick sort time complexity derivation c quicksort code quick sort code quicksort c quick sort program in c in one function worst time complexity of quick sort quicksort algorithm explanation quicksort algorithm explained space complexity for the quick sort What is the worst case complexity of quick sort algorithm quicksort explained quicksort derivation of worst and best case time complexity quick sort time complexity worst case quicksort library function in c quicksort c implementation sort an array using quick sort in c quicksort explained with example quick sort program in c using partition what is quick sort time complexity quick sort space complexity best space time complexity of quick sort how does quicksort work partition sort length n best case complexity of merge sort find min max algorithm quicksort quicksort algoreithmn Quick sort running time depends on the selection of pivot element sequence of values size of array none in place quicksort condition of worst case of quick sort describe quicksort algorithm quick sort easy implementation is quick sort divide and conquer quick sort in c using temp quicksort worst complexity best case of quick sort Quicksort sort c time complexity of quick sort by fixed strategy of choosing pivot element record levels in quick sort quick sort pseudocode time Consider the follwoing unsorted array Worst case quick sort made easy program for quick sorting algorithm quicksort c++ code example partitioning quick sort quick sort using recursion in c best case complexity quicksort algorithm worst case time complexity quicksort wikipedia quick sort complexity pivot in end worst case time complexity of quick sort quciksort best case quick sort pivot end quiclsort in c quicksort program dry run of quick sort time complextity of quick sort quick sort in java write a c program to implement quick sort algorithm divide and conquer in quick sort haskell quicksort geeksforgeeks quick-sort algorithm how does quick sort work with pivot as highest index C programming for quick sort java quickstort worst case time complexity of quick sort with d&gt;=3 quicksort algorithm in c code quicksort time complexity analysis partiton code gfg data processing is an application of quick sort quicksort == partition algorithm quick sort algorithm with pivot hyk sort c language Quick sort is not always &ldquo;quick&rdquo; for all input instance explain quicksort algorithm time complexity ) How does the Quicksort technique work? Give C function for the same. what will the time complexity when pivot in last element quicksort best case partition sort in c quick sort great o notation quick sort without swap method psuedo code for quick sort quicksort in place example analysis of compexity f quick sort quicksort with last element as pivot example how to calculate time complexity of quick sort what is the best case time complexity of quicksort best case time complexity of bubble sort sort the word using quicksort worst case time complexity quick sort time complexity in c quick 3 sort algorithm sudecode quick sort c program code quick sort complexity in avg case is quick c compiler quicksort in c code quicksort java example sort function in c for array quick sort runtime complexity best case for quick sort quick sort implementation in c write a c program to sort a list of elements using the quicksort algorithm quick sort algorithm bigo quicksort space complexity analysis quicksort o notation quick srt in java quciksort c quik sort runtime quicksort complexity quick sort code in c with explanation pivot element us taken in following sorting quicksort with pivot as last element example array for quick sort to test the given list of number of list is to be sorted using quick sort, what is the complexity is quick sort in place quicksort best case time complexity time time complexity of quick sort in worst case quick sort time complexity quicksort decresing program in c worst case time complexity of quicksort Describe the pseudo code of the in-place quick sort algorithm (use the first element as the pivot), and analyze its worst-case time complexity. What is best case, worst case and average case complexity of quick sort? quicksort space complexity recursive quicksort Derivation of running times for quicksort Derivation of worst case and best case running times for quicksort worst case for pivot selection pivot sorting algorithm What is the best case complexity of QuickSort puort element in quick sort quick sort parameters quick Sort big o complexity quicksort analysis complexity What is the worst case complexity of QuickSort? quicksort best complexity quick sort using median as pivot short quick sort code quicksort best case proof quick sort c implementation quicksort code c++ quicksort worst case time complexity quicksort c++ code quicksort complexity how to divide the unsorted array in c language quick sort cpp Best case time complexity of buble sort is The quick sort, in the average case, performs swap operations. in place quick sort algorithm average case complexity of quick sort quicksort time complexity average complexity of quicksort Quick Sort algorithm with an example. quicksort algorithm c 19). Write a program to implement QUICK SORT using array as a data structure. time complexity analysis of quick sort worst case complexity of quicksort array quick sort C++ array quick sort quick sort best case time complexity quick sort using for loop quick sort in c cormen quick sort pseudocode algorithm is queue sort and q sort same what is the worst case time complexity of a quick sort algorithm quick sort descending order java what is the worst case and best case runtime of quick sort for sorting N number of data The average case complexity of quick sort fAn index is a pair of elements comprising key and a file pointer or record number. A file in which indices are is known as ____ or sorting n numbers is quicksort big oh quick sorting recursive call input array quicksort in c++ c quick sort quick sort algorithm pseudocode quick sort dynamic programming quick sort in cpp avg case tc of quick sort average time complexity of quick sort quicksort running time complexity complexity analysis of quick sort quick sort worst and best case analysis Explain the Quicksort algorithm and derive the run time complexity of quick sort in best, average and worst case. What happens if all keys are equal in case of quick sort? quick sort average time complexity best and worst case algorithm time complexity quick sort running time of quick sort is based on what big o of quick sort Big-O time complexity of quick sort quick sort have a Time Complexity of O(1)? the time complexity of quicksort WRITE A C PROGRAM TO IMPLEMENT QUICK SORT ALGORITHM. best case time complexity quick sort quicksort diagram Write an algorithm for Quick Sort and Explain time complexity of Quick sort with example. best case quicksort quick sorting in data structure quick sort c function why use the quick sort can optimal schedule quicksort analysi worst case time complexity quick sort What is the best case time complexity of Quick sort what is quicksort how to sort array for best case quicksort pseudocode for quick sort considering first element as pivot in c time complexity analysis of quicksort quic sort quick sort using loops quick sort c++ code best case time complexity of selection sort partition in quicksort quick sort using divide and conquer stratergy? what is the best case efficiency for a quick sort quick sort explanation in c ccomment on complexity quicksort Given an array that is already ordered, what is the running time of Partition on this input? pass this temporary array to both the Quicksort function and the partition function quick sort complexity best case quick sort using set quick sort algorithm small example quick sort algorithm example example of quick sort complexity of Quicksort what is the average case complexity of quick sort recursive quicksort big o formula big o notation for recursive quicksort quick sort of algorithm In Quick Sort, what is the worst case complexity? quick sort using structure in c quick sort using structure array in c time complexity of recursive quick sort estimate time complexity quicksort algorithm having same numbers java quicksort last element as pivot geeksforgeeks partition quicksort c quick sort sorted array quick sort depends upon nature of elements c quicksort program quick sort big o average time array quick sort new arrays quicksort in data structure simple quick sort code quicksort(int[]) The time complexity of quick sort is &hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;. how to convert a worst case quicksort into a best case what is the big o of quicksort c++ quick sort algorithm quicksort is used by stack list quicksort partitioning quick sort algorithm c++ quick sorting algorithms quick sort in data structure QuickSort sort C++ quicksort best and worst case how can we make the comlexity of quick sort O(n) quick sort to return a particular number in array quicksort big o nottation 5 10 15 1 2 7 8 quicksort quicksort step by step user input best case time complexity for quicksort In quick sort, the number of partitions into which the file of size n is divided by a selected record is Quick Merge Selection Heap ich paradigm adopted by partition algorith quicksort with median of the first (n/ 2 log n)as pivot find out recurrence of quick sort Write C++ code for Quick Sort. Also analyze worst case complexity of Quick Sort. * Implementation of Quick sort in c runtime of quicksort big O notation quick sort best case runtime big O notation quicksort best case runtime big O notation quicksort worst case runtime big O notation quick sort worst case runtime What is the best case time complexity of a quick sort algorithm? running time of quick sort quicksort worst case expression quicksort asymptotic worst case expression quicksort algoritm does quicksort use dynaic programming which sorting technique to use for real life quick or merge or heap or dual-pivot quick sort c++ quicksort c program sort the given number in ascending order quick sort best performance of quicksort quicksort partition Explain quick sort algorithm and drive it&rsquo;s time complexity Write a program to sort given set of numbers in ascending order using Quick sort. Also print the number of comparison required to sort the given array. Quicksort cpp partition implementation quicksort What is the average running time of a quick sort algorithm? quicksort c++ quicksort pivot sort Time complexity of select function quicksort time complexity quick sort quick sort in c ++ The average case complexity of quick sort is _______ 2 points O(n) O(n^2) O(nlogn) O(logn) quicksort method quicksort C program quick sort c In Worst-Case of Quick Sort, what will be the time complexity of Partition Algortithm? source code of quicksort with mid element as pivot partition algorithm for quicksort quick sort big o notation worst case and best case for quicksort quicksort time complexity is based on. quick sort recursive in c big o notation quicksort quick sort best case example big o notation of quick sort partitioning in quicksort worst case complexity of quick sort quicksort in code quicksort worst case why quick sort average o(n0 what is the worst case complexity of quicksort O(n2)? quick sort c program quick sort partition Write a C program to sort the given set of numbers by performing partition () function using the divide and conquer strategy partitiion quicksort best case of quicksort time complexity of quick sort quicksort big o quicksort runtime Write a program to sort the list using quick Sort. (using function) Recurrence equal for worst case of quick sort? explain partion exchange sort complixity analysis sorting time intervals using quick sort c++ quick sort pseudocode code for partition funtion in c of array has 0 or 1 element in quick sort then quicksort time calcualt9or sepair function quicksort best and worst cases of partition in quicksort t(n) quick sort quick sort best case quick sort why last element code of quick sort quicksort comparisons always at 14000 quick sort i Array time complexity of partition if(Temp==1) quick sort how to determine best worrst case of quicksort in code quicksort passwise output quicksort analysis of algorithm quicksort pass wise output codde Quick sort big o Discuss and derive the worst case time complexity of quicksort. Discuss and derive the best case time complexity of quicksort. what will be the array after 2 pass in quick sort quicksort code passwise outputs quick sort time complexity best case quick sort on array of 5 elements quick sort pass wise output example quick sort array c modify the following in place quicksort implementation of code to a randomized version of algorithm log n quicksort quick sort example quick sort program in c++ quicksort example quick sort example program in c why do we need to implement quick sort helper on smaller sub array first for space complexity quick sort using just input function quick sort time complexity analysis statistically code quick sort array quicksort logic quicksort algorithm c++ best partition function for quick sort What is the amount of additional memory that regular Quick Sort uses (besides the array being sorted) in the worst case? How is an integer array sorted in place using the quicksort algorithm? c array quick sort quicksort function quicksort an array in c quick sort time complexity analysis best case quick sort time complexity analysis partition in quicksort c++ function quickSort(nums) { // write quick sort code here. } /* This function takes last element as pivot, places the pivot element at its correct position in sorted array, and places all smaller (smaller than pivot) to left of pivot and all greater elements to right of pivot */ Partition qucik sort end array items best case complexity of quick sort code for quick sort quicksort in c quick sory QUICK SORT CODE C quick sort in c quicksort program in c quicksort with number of elements Write a &lsquo;C&rsquo; function to sort an array using Quick sort technique. As per given declarations. void quick_sort(int [],int);// first parameter is an array and second parameter is number of elements. what is quick sort quick sort code implementation of quicksort in c quick sort algorithm geeksforgeeks quick sort algorithm quick sort quocksort quicksort code quicksort algorithm quick sort code quick sort program in c
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