10 Best React Native Projects from Beginner to Advanced with Source Code for 2023 – IQCode

React Native Project Ideas

If you’re a tech enthusiast who marvels at dynamic applications across Android and iOS platforms, you may want to build your native app. But different platforms have different native languages, leading to the need for two separate SDLCs. Luckily, Facebook has made things easier with React Native. React Native is an open-source framework that utilizes a common language (JavaScript) to simultaneously develop applications for Android, iOS, and PC.

To use React Native, you need a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.JS. The best way to practice this framework is by working on projects, which help you understand the practical nuances of the framework.

In this article, we’ll showcase beginner, intermediate, and advanced-level React Native project ideas. Projects like these can improve your understanding of how React Native works and your ability to develop dynamic applications.

Potential React Native Project Ideas

Here are some possible project ideas to develop using React Native:

- Mobile e-commerce app for a small business
- Fitness tracking app with daily reminders and progress tracker
- Social media platform with a chat feature
- Recipe sharing app with search and filter options
- Weather app with real-time updates and location-based alerts

These are just a few examples to get started. With React Native, the possibilities for mobile app development are endless!

React Native Projects for Beginners with Sample Code

1. Calculator: Build a cross-platform calculator app using React Native’s customizable components. Perform basic math operations and complex functions with an intuitive UI. Experiment with flexbox layouts. Code: https://github.com/ReactNativeSchool/react-native-calculator

2. Stopwatch/Timer: Measure time between two events, with options for resetting and saving multiple intervals. React Native provides an array of components and libraries. Code: https://github.com/ReactNativeSchool/react-native-timer

3. Notes App: Build a simple note-taking app with advanced editing features, such as categorization, embedded URLs, and image export options. Use React Native components and hybrid code. Code: https://github.com/ajhadi/React-Native-Note-App

4. Water Tracker: Stay hydrated with a water tracker app that sets a daily target based on body mass index. Log water consumption and receive time-based reminders with a calming message. Code: https://github.com/ryanpedersen42/water-tracker-app



Develop a mobile wallpaper application that allows users to choose images from a grid and set it as home or lock screen. You can use APIs like Unsplash for a wider range of images, add features like clock or weather widgets and customize UI components using CSS libraries. Code: GITHUB/[https://github.com/ibelgin/Wallpaper-App]


Develop a recipe application with authentication that lets users search and save meals from different cuisines. Use animation carousels and cards to present recipes and add features like navigation, search, comments, and bookmarks. Experiment with custom variables and APIs for mock data. Code: GITHUB/[https://github.com/instamobile/recipes-app-react-native]


Build an application similar to Outlook or Google Calendar that allows users to schedule events, set reminders, and organize appointments. The app should display triggers when there are time slot conflicts and use Redux for storage. You can also use Skeleton CSS library for basic UI styling. Code: GITHUB/[https://github.com/neelk07/react-simple-calendar]


Build a music player application inspired by popular music apps like Spotify, JioSaavn, or Wynk. Use APIs for online songs or local device storage and add features like play, pause, stop, navigation, repeat, and playlist creation. Use navigation and back-end development skills to take the application to the next level. Code: GITHUB/[https://github.com/ShivamJoker/RN-Music-Player]

Advanced React Native Project Ideas

1. Car Booking App:
Build a car booking app that allows users to book rides quickly and conveniently. Use React Native, Redux, Tailwind, and Google Autocomplete to provide an interactive map that allows users to navigate, calculate distance, and get accurate addresses. Also, request user location-based permissions for the app’s optimal functioning.

Sample Source Code: GitHub [https://github.com/andresfelipe9619/car-booking-app]

2. E-Commerce App:
Create a full-stack online shopping app with features like a login page, search page, checkout page, payment gateway, and the ability to add products to carts and perform transactions. Use React Native code to display static products and categories. Use Firebase and integration of payment gateways such as Stripe, Paypal, or Braintree for the dynamic database.

Sample Source Code: GitHub [https://github.com/anhquan291/e-commerce-app-react-native]

3. Social Media App:
Develop your social media app with features inspired by Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and Zenly. It includes a post section, map navigation system, and a chat module for communication that provides friend recommendations using machine learning algorithms. Also, use AWS for the backend databases and push notifications to personalize the app.

Sample Source Code: GitHub [https://github.com/itzpradip/react-native-firebase-social-app]

4. Chat App:
Create an instant messaging app with exciting features from popular messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, and hike. Use WebSockets to transfer messages and data in real-time. Use stickers, GIFs, different font styles, message reactions, targeted replies, live locations, etc. in your chat application. Provide customizable chat screens and impose privacy settings.

Sample Source Code: GitHub [https://github.com/cometchat-pro/react-native-chat-app]

Note: Make sure to optimize the code and add comments for better readability.

Why React Native Projects are Important

React Native is a popular framework for cross-platform application development, allowing developers to create apps that work on both IOS and Android using the same code and architecture. The apps developed with React Native render native mobile UI, which improves their performance. Additionally, React Native allows developers to access platform features like the camera and location data, making the applications more immersive and functional.

Working on React Native projects provides an advantage for developers looking for industry jobs, as it allows them to learn updated software development practices like Agile methodology and DevOps. React Native also provides a scope for creativity by allowing developers to explore different UI libraries.

The framework has collaborative features and excellent documentation, including a real-time feature for parallel code viewing, resulting in better integration with QA testers. Moreover, React Native’s industry-standard quality and functionality for mobile applications come at a reasonable cost, which benefits software companies and business stakeholders.

Conclusion and FAQs on React Native Development

React Native can be overwhelming at first, but with practice and the help of available resources on the internet, developers can get used to it. Developers must be well-versed in prerequisite languages such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Participating in coding contests and building a personal portfolio with React Native projects can help developers showcase their skills to prospective employers. React Native has vast potential for cross-platform applications and learning it in 2023 can be quite beneficial.


Q: Can React Native handle big projects?
A: React Native is ideal for small to medium-sized projects and may struggle with handling complex tasks outside the UI layer.

Q: What are some popular apps that use React Native?
A: Facebook, Facebook Ads, Instagram, Skype, Walmart, Airbnb, Shopify, Coinbase, and Wix are a few popular apps that use React Native.

Q: What’s the difference between React and React Native?
A: React is a library used for web applications, whereas React Native is a framework used for developing mobile apps.

Q: Can existing applications be migrated to React Native?
A: Yes, as long as the application does not perform heavy computing tasks on the device.

Additional Resources

Explore the following resources for more information:

These resources provide helpful insights into React Native and its comparison with Flutter. They also offer a list of React projects and interview questions for React Native developers.

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