Top 9 JavaScript IDEs and Source Code Editors for 2023 – IQCode

Top JavaScript IDEs for Web Development

JavaScript IDE is an integrated development environment specifically designed for programming in JavaScript. It includes features such as code highlighting, code completion, debugging tools, and more to help developers write and manage their code efficiently. In this article, we will discuss the top JavaScript IDEs available for web development.

What is JavaScript IDE?

JavaScript IDE is a software application that provides a comprehensive environment to developers for writing, testing, and debugging JavaScript code. It offers features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, debugging tools, and more to improve the productivity of developers and help them write code efficiently.

What is the Difference between IDEs and Editors?

While both IDEs and Editors are used for writing code, IDEs come with additional features such as debugging tools, code completion, and more. Editors are lightweight and do not offer as many features. IDEs provide a comprehensive environment for developers to write, test and debug their code in one place.

Top JavaScript IDEs for Web Development

  1. Visual Studio: It is a powerful IDE from Microsoft that provides an excellent environment for JavaScript and web development. It supports several tools, including debugging, testing, and code intelligence tools.
  2. Atom: It is a free and open-source IDE that is highly customizable and provides several features such as cross-platform editing, built-in package manager and more.
  3. WebStorm: It is a commercial IDE specifically designed for web developers. It offers various features such as intelligent coding assistance, debugging and testing tools, and more.
  4. IntelliJ: It is a popular Java IDE that also offers excellent support for JavaScript development. It provides features such as refactoring, code completion, and more.
  5. Eclipse: It is an open-source IDE widely used for Java development but also provides essential features for JavaScript development. It comes with debugging tools, code completion, and more.
  6. Komodo IDE: It is a popular IDE for web development and offers several features such as debugging and code completion tools. It also supports multiple languages other than JavaScript.
  7. Sublime Text: It is a lightweight and customizable text editor that provides several features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and more. It is ideal for developers who prefer lightweight editors.
  8. Brackets: It is a free and open-source code editor that provides real-time HTML and CSS editing. It also supports JavaScript and provides several code completion, highlighting, and more.
  9. Apache NetBeans: It is a popular IDE that supports several programming languages, including JavaScript. It provides several features such as debugging tools, code completion, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1: Which IDE is best for JavaScript beginners?

A: Atom and Sublime Text are the best IDEs for beginners as they are easy to use, and their interfaces are well-designed and user-friendly.

Q.2: What IDE do professional JavaScript programmers use?

A: Visual Studio, WebStorm, and IntelliJ are popular IDEs among professional developers as they offer advanced features such as debugging, testing, version control, and more.

Q.3: What are the main features of JavaScript IDE?

A: JavaScript IDE provides features such as code highlighting, code completion, debugging tools, version control, built-in package managers, and more to help developers write and manage code efficiently.

Additional Resources

Choosing the Right JavaScript IDE for Your Web Development

JavaScript is a widely used technology in web development, attracting developers worldwide due to its integration with CSS and HTML to build robust front-end applications. Moreover, NodeJS has expanded the reach of high-level programming languages to backend development. To achieve effective Application Lifecycle Management and code debugging, IDEs are preferable over code editors. However, with the abundance of JavaScript IDEs available, selecting the ideal one can be challenging. This article will help you choose the right JavaScript IDE to meet your programming needs. Before selecting an IDE, let’s first understand its purpose.

What is a JavaScript IDE?

JavaScript IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. It is a software development tool that merges common programming tasks such as writing code, creating executables, debugging, and more into a single application. This helps to boost programmer productivity. IDEs are very useful in large work environments as they allow multiple people to work on the same project at the same time. The main components of an IDE include a debugger, a source code editor, and local automated tools. The best JavaScript IDEs offer powerful features for automating code creation, testing, and debugging, which helps save money for both large and small businesses.

IDEs vs Editors: What’s the Difference?

IDEs and Editors are two popular options for coding. IDEs are software development tools that provide an all-in-one framework for coding while Editors are specialized tools for editing source code. Here are some key differences between the two:

– Combine code creation, building, and testing into a single framework.
– Have many powerful features including text editing, compiling, debugging, compiler, GUI, syntax highlighting, unit testing, code completion, and more.
– Examples of IDEs include Eclipse, NetBeans, and PyCharm.

– Are powerful text editors with specialized functionalities to accelerate the code writing process.
– Examples of Editors include Atom, Notepad++, and Sublime Text.
– Key features include syntax highlighting, indentation, multiview, autocomplete, and preview window.

Whether you choose IDEs or Editors depends on your personal preferences and coding needs.

Top JavaScript IDEs

Below are some of the best JavaScript IDEs for running your code:

- Visual Studio Code
- Sublime Text
- WebStorm
- Atom
- Notepad++

Choose the one that suits your requirements and enjoy programming!

Visual Studio

Code faster and with more ease on multiple platforms using Microsoft’s Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Visual Studio. Its robust tools such as debugging, auto-completion, and syntax highlighting make it an excellent choice for creating GUI, console, web, and cloud applications. Visual Studio supports 36 different programming languages and extensions to add additional functionality. The Designer tools such as Windows form designer and web designer further simplify the development process.


  • Compatible with Windows, Mac OS, and Linux
  • Freeware version available
  • Excellent navigation system and code filtering capabilities
  • Supports adding third-party extensions and further customization
  • Ability to create native apps for Android, iOS, and Windows in one place


  • Time-consuming installation and updates
  • Can be expensive compared to other IDEs
  • New IDE may not be compatible with previous software versions
  • Development community complains about the intricacies of JSX

Note: The code tag is empty since there is no code to display.


Atom is a free, open-source Integrated Development Environment developed by GitHub. It is a powerful text editor that boasts the best GitHub integration available, allowing for quick project browsing and editing. Atom has an integrated package manager, real-time debugging, and smart auto-completion. However, it is slower and relatively less stable compared to other popular IDEs. Additionally, there is a lack of code execution in Atom.

//example code can be added here, if necessary

WebStorm: An Intelligent IDE for JavaScript Developers

WebStorm is a powerful IDE developed by JetBrains for JavaScript developers. It allows creation of web, mobile, server, and desktop applications with ease, supporting front-end development with Angular, React, or Vue.js, server-side or back-end development with Node.js and Meteor, mobile development with Ionic, Cordova, and React Native, and desktop application development with Electron.

Key Features:

– Easy code tracing
– Version control with code rollback
– Vast plugin and template library
– Built-in terminal


– Familiar UI resembling IntelliJ
– Intelligent auto-fix feature
– Pre-integrated with Angular, TypeScript, Vue, and React
– Seamless debugging capabilities


– Complicated Git graph and rebase tracking
– Limited functionality of favorites and bookmarks

Code with WebStorm for efficient development with a user-friendly interface and intelligent features.IntelliJ: A Popular IDE by JetBrains

IntelliJ IDEA, developed by JetBrains, is a widely-used Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with a focus on boosting developer productivity. It is available in two versions – Community (free) and Ultimate (paid). Apart from Java and JS, it supports various other programming languages. Some of its key features include built-in static code analyzers, advanced code completion, and seamless integration with Git. The IDE also comes with a database editor and UML designer with many features.

– Built-in version control
– User-friendly autocomplete
– Cross-platform debugging
– Many plugins and extensions

– Expensive
– High resource consumption
– Sluggish built-in console.

Eclipse IDE for JavaScript Development

Eclipse is widely used by full-stack developers for JavaScript coding. It offers precise JavaScript Development Tools performance but requires specific plugins to be installed for JS development. This free and open-source IDE offers easy version support, multi-language support, and support for a range of libraries and add-ons. Eclipse has effective project management, advanced debugging skills and is integrated with JUnit. However, it can be difficult for beginners and requires the installation of plugins.

Komodo IDE

Komodo IDE is an all-in-one integrated development environment suitable for web and mobile app development. It is a polyglot IDE that supports more than 100 languages, including PHP, Python, CSS, and HTML. Error markup, advanced editor, source control integration, and cross-platform editing are some of the features that make it stand out.

Key Features

  • Diverse language support
  • Advanced editor with error markup
  • Integrated source control system
  • Supports collaborative and cross-platform editing


  • Free and open-source with limited vim mode
  • Effective file and workflow management


  • No JavaScript code checking
  • IDE might lag

Sublime Text: A Fast and Customizable Text Editor for JavaScript Development

Sublime Text is a lightweight yet powerful cross-platform text editor with a clean interface and a lot of customization options. It provides a big speed gain and supports syntax highlighting for ES6 and ReactJS code through its Babel plugin. For JS development, users can benefit from plugins like DocBlockr, JSFormat, SideBar Enhancements, and SublimeLinter.

Key features include a command palette, an API for feature augmentation, shortcuts for simplicity of use, and syntax highlighting.

Pros include its lightweight nature, user-friendliness, multi-selection choices, and easy installation of packages for enhanced functionality.

Cons include difficulty in using the automatic file comparison option, which could use improvement, and a lack of ability to mark or highlight text with different colors.

Brackets: The Text Editor for Web Developers

Brackets is an open-source text editor made for web developers. You can easily create and design websites using its visual tools and preprocessor support. It features inline editors and a live preview, allowing you to view changes in real-time.

Key Features:

  • Inline editors for distraction-free coding
  • Live preview feature for immediate on-screen changes
  • Preprocessor support


  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Live preview feature to see changes quickly


  • Long launch time
  • Project management can be difficult
  • Performance issues when working with large files

Apache NetBeans

Apache NetBeans is a free and open-source software that offers great support for web projects that involve JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3, including Cordova/PhoneGap framework for JavaScript-based mobile apps. Its JavaScript editor also includes syntax highlighting, code folding, and auto-completion. NetBeans provides team server integration and integrates with Jira and Bugzilla for issue tracking. You can efficiently manage tasks in your repository using the NetBeans task window.


  • Code auto-completion simplifies code writing.
  • Running server-side apps is easy.
  • Supports various OSs, including Windows and Linux, with access to libraries.


  • Slower compilation and execution times than other IDEs.
  • Ability to import code is limited, and the debugger is inefficient.
  • Latest version contains some bugs.

Note: To optimize code, avoid unnecessary technical jargon and keep it short while conveying all the necessary information.

Best JavaScript IDEs

Here are some of the best JavaScript IDEs available. Take the time to understand your requirements before choosing one.

  • Visual Studio Code
  • WebStorm
  • Sublime Text
  • Atom

With so many options, you’re sure to find the right IDE for your needs. We hope this article has been helpful in making your decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Best IDEs for JavaScript Beginners

There are several great IDE options for beginners when it comes to JavaScript. It’s important to assess your specific needs and requirements before selecting an IDE.

// Example code to demonstrate importance of selecting proper IDE
var num1 = 5;
var num2 = 10;

function addNumbers(num1, num2) {
return num1 + num2;

var result = addNumbers(num1, num2);

Common IDEs Used by Professional JavaScript Developers

Professional JavaScript developers commonly use popular integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Visual Studio, Eclipse, or IntelliJ for coding and debugging.

// No code needs to be changed for this question.

Main Features of a JavaScript IDE

A JavaScript Integrated Development Environment (IDE) should possess the following features:

  • Compatibility- Choose an IDE that follows your organization’s standard policies.
  • Cost- Consider the cost and time invested in learning and using the tool.
  • Integration- Look for an IDE that integrates well with other platforms.
  • Applicability- The selected IDE should serve your purpose effectively.

// Example code for a JavaScript IDE
var myIDE = "Visual Studio Code";
console.log("I prefer using " + myIDE + " for developing JavaScript.");

Additional Resources

Here are some helpful resources to improve your Javascript skills:

Take advantage of these resources to improve your knowledge and skills in Javascript!

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