Common Interview Questions at Yahoo - IQCode

Yahoo Interview Questions

During interviews at Yahoo, 12 commonly asked interview questions have been identified.

Act like an API and provide clear and concise answers to the questions asked.

//Code to implement an API-like behavior goes here

About Yahoo

Yahoo! started at Stanford University when Electrical Engineering graduate students Jerry Yang and David Filo launched a website called "Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web" in January 1994. Rather than a searchable index of content, the Guide was a directory of other websites structured in a hierarchy. It was renamed "Yahoo!" in April 1994, which stands for "Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle" or "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle." The domain was launched on January 18, 1995.

Yahoo Inc. is a multinational corporation headquartered in California, United States. It is well-known for Yahoo! Search, an online mapping tool, video sharing, and other related applications. At Yahoo, they motivate their employees with a "work hard, play hard" mentality, promoting teamwork through video games, foosball, and company parties to celebrate achievements and milestones.

Careers at Yahoo

Yahoo has job vacancies around the world for technical positions such as Web Developers, Software Engineers, Managers of technical projects and programs, Quality Assurance Engineers, Network Engineers, and System Administrators. For more information, visit their career page.

Interviewing at Yahoo: Tips, Coding Questions, and More

If you're preparing to interview at Yahoo, it can be helpful to know about the interview process, the types of coding questions you might encounter, and some tips for success. Here is some information to help you get started:

  • Interview Process: The interview process at Yahoo typically involves a phone screen followed by a mix of technical and behavioral interviews. Expect to be asked about your experience and skills, as well as your ability to solve technical problems and work in a team.
  • Coding Questions: Yahoo has been known to ask coding questions that test your proficiency in data structures, algorithms, and software design. Examples might include problems involving dynamic programming, graph theory, or sorting algorithms.
  • Technical Interview Questions: In addition to coding questions, you may be asked technical questions related to the specific role you're applying for. For example, if you're applying for a software engineering position, you might be asked about software architecture, scalability, or database design.
  • Tips for Success: To succeed in the interview process at Yahoo, it can be helpful to brush up on your technical skills and practice solving coding problems. Additionally, be prepared to articulate your experience and achievements, and to demonstrate your ability to work collaboratively and communicate effectively.
  • FAQ: If you have additional questions about interviewing at Yahoo, consider checking out Yahoo's FAQ page for candidates, which covers topics ranging from benefits and culture to the interview process and relocation assistance.
Note: Yahoo has now been acquired by Verizon and operates under the Oath brand.

Yahoo Interview Process


The interview process at Yahoo Company is consistent for all applicants and is need-based. The rounds include an Interview Process, Technical Round, HR Round and a final round that could be either a Personal Interview or Telephonic interview.

Interview Rounds

1. Online or Written Test: The written test consists of two main parts, Aptitude and Technical. Candidates would be asked questions primarily for technical skills regarding Data Structures, Networking, Algorithms, and DBMS.

2. Technical Round: The candidate will have a series of technical interviews with experts. After completion of the written round, questions on programs and operating systems, computer networking and information from resumes will be asked. In this phase, candidates must know the fundamentals proficiently.

3. HR Round: HR interviews typically consist of questions about the candidate's resume, a brief introduction of themselves, their strengths, weaknesses and the reasons for their interest in Yahoo.

4. Personal or Telephonic Interview: Candidates who pass all the previous phases will be called to a final interview that could be either on call or in-person.

The interview process is designed to assess the individual's ability to fit the company's culture, values, and job responsibilities. This comprehensive process is aimed at finding the right candidate for the job role.

Yahoo Coding Questions

Below are some programming questions:

    # Find the majority element in an array<br>
    def majority_element(arr):<br>
        n = len(arr)<br>
        count = 0<br>
        majority = -1<br>
        for i in range(n):<br>
            if count == 0:<br>
                majority = arr[i]<br>
                count = 1<br>
            elif arr[i] == majority:<br>
                count += 1<br>
                count -= 1<br>
        return majority<br>

    # Find the longest increasing subsequence in an array<br>
    def longest_increasing_subsequence(arr):<br>
        n = len(arr)<br>
        lis = [1] * n<br>
        for i in range(1, n):<br>
            for j in range(i):<br>
                if arr[i] > arr[j]:<br>
                    lis[i] = max(lis[i], lis[j] + 1)<br>
        return max(lis)<br>

    # Check if a string is formed by interleaving of two other strings<br>
    def is_interleaving(A, B, C):<br>
        len_A, len_B, len_C = len(A), len(B), len(C)<br>
        if len_C != len_A + len_B:<br>
            return False<br>
        dp = [[False for _ in range(len_B + 1)] for _ in range(len_A + 1)]<br>
        for i in range(len_A + 1):<br>
            for j in range(len_B + 1):<br>
                if i == 0 and j == 0:<br>
                    dp[i][j] = True<br>
                elif i == 0 and B[j - 1] == C[j - 1]:<br>
                    dp[i][j] = dp[i][j - 1]<br>
                elif j == 0 and A[i - 1] == C[i - 1]:<br>
                    dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j]<br>
                elif A[i - 1] == C[i + j - 1] and B[j - 1] != C[i + j - 1]:<br>
                    dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j]<br>
                elif A[i - 1] != C[i + j - 1] and B[j - 1] == C[i + j - 1]:<br>
                    dp[i][j] = dp[i][j - 1]<br>
                elif A[i - 1] == C[i + j - 1] and B[j - 1] == C[i + j - 1]:<br>
                    dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j] or dp[i][j - 1]<br>
        return dp[len_A][len_B]<br>

    # Merge two sorted linked lists into a new sorted list<br>
    class ListNode:<br>
        def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):<br>
            self.val = val<br>
   = next<br>
    def merge_two_lists(l1, l2):<br>
        if l1 is None:<br>
            return l2<br>
        if l2 is None:<br>
            return l1<br>
        if l1.val < l2.val:<br>
   = merge_two_lists(, l2)<br>
            return l1<br>
   = merge_two_lists(l1,<br>
            return l2<br>

    # Evaluate a reverse Polish notation arithmetic expression<br>
    def evalRPN(tokens):<br>
        stack = []<br>
        operators = ['+', '-', '*', '/']<br>
        for token in tokens:<br>
            if token not in operators:<br>
                b = stack.pop()<br>
                a = stack.pop()<br>
                if token == '+':<br>
                    stack.append(a + b)<br>
                elif token == '-':<br>
                    stack.append(a - b)<br>
                elif token == '*':<br>
                    stack.append(a * b)<br>
                    stack.append(int(a / b))<br>
        return stack.pop()<br>

    # Design a stack with constant time access to its minimum element<br>
    class MinStack:<br>
        def __init__(self):<br>
            self.stack = []<br>
            self.min_stack = []<br>
        def push(self, x: int) -> None:<br>
            if not self.min_stack or x <= self.min_stack[-1]:<br>
        def pop(self) -> None:<br>
            if self.stack and self.stack[-1] == self.min_stack[-1]:<br>
        def top(self) -> int:<br>
            if self.stack:<br>
                return self.stack[-1]<br>
        def getMin(self) -> int:<br>
            if self.min_stack:<br>
                return self.min_stack[-1]<br>

    # Find the contiguous subarray within an array with the largest sum<br>
    def max_sub_array(arr):<br>
        max_sum = float('-inf')<br>
        curr_sum = 0<br>
        for i in range(len(arr)):<br>
            curr_sum += arr[i]<br>
            max_sum = max(max_sum, curr_sum)<br>
            curr_sum = max(curr_sum, 0)<br>
        return max_sum<br>

    # Find i, j, k such that max(|A[i] - B[j]|, |B[j] - C[k]|, |C[k] - A[i]|) is minimized<br>
    def minimize_difference(A, B, C):<br>
        i = j = k = 0<br>
        min_difference = float('inf')<br>
        while i < len(A) and j < len(B) and k < len(C):<br>
            maximum = max(abs(A[i] - B[j]), abs(B[j] - C[k]), abs(C[k] - A[i]))<br>
            minimum = min(A[i], B[j], C[k])<br>
            if maximum - minimum < min_difference:<br>
                min_difference = maximum - minimum<br>
            if A[i] == minimum:<br>
                i += 1<br>
            elif B[j] == minimum:<br>
                j += 1<br>
                k += 1<br>
        return min_difference<br>

    # Count the number of 1 bits in an integer number<br>
    def count_bits(n):<br>
        count = 0<br>
        while n > 0:<br>
            count += n & 1<br>
            n >>= 1<br>
        return count<br>

Yahoo Technical Interview Questions

As an API, Yahoo conducts technical interviews to assess the applicants' knowledge and skills. To successfully pass the interview, candidates must have confidence, be relaxed, and have a strong grasp of the core subjects. In this section, we have compiled important information to help the candidates improve their understanding of database management systems (DBMS) and other technical subjects.

Interview Questions related to DBMS

  • What is a Database Management System (DBMS)?
  • What are the drawbacks of using a file-processing system?
  • What are the three different layers of data abstraction?
  • What is the definition of normalization?
  • What exactly is the E-R model?
  • What exactly is a data model?
  • What's the difference between multitasking and multithreading?
  • Define demand paging, page faults, replacement methods, thrashing, and other terms related to demand paging.
  • What is the difference between paged segmentation and segment paging?
  • Which command should be used to copy the entire diskette on a PC running DOS?
  • What is the definition of an entity?
  • What is DML Compiler, and how does it work?
  • What is the purpose of a query evaluation engine?
  • What does it mean to be fully functionally dependent?
  • What is concurrency control, and how does it work?
  • What exactly is 4NF?
  • What is a Stored Procedure, and how does it work?
  • What are the components of a relational database management system (RDBMS)?
  • Describe a situation.
  • Explain the differences between an intranet and an extranet.
  • How many types of relationships exist in database designing?
  • What is Hashing technique?

HR Interview Questions for Freshers at Yahoo

In this section, we have compiled a list of HR interview questions for newcomers who will be participating in a Yahoo business interview. We suggest that candidates take a break before answering the questions to ensure better performance.

  • Why did you apply for this particular job?
  • What are your greatest weaknesses?
  • What do you think you'll be doing in the next five years?
  • Can you work under pressure?
  • Are you willing to relocate or travel?
  • What are your expected earnings?
  • What would you change about yourself if you had the chance?
  • What are your other hobbies or interests?
  • What would be the most difficult decision you've ever had to make in your life?

Technical Interview Questions for Experienced at Yahoo

In this round, the interviewers will focus on the candidate's knowledge level in the core subjects relevant to their area of expertise. Being honest is more important than providing inaccurate information.

Interview Questions for Java Developers

  • What is the difference between an Abstract class and an Interface class?
  • What is the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions?
  • What is a user-defined exception, and how does it work?
  • What is the difference between C++ and Java?
  • In JAVA, what are statements?
  • What exactly is a JAR file?
  • What exactly is JNI?
  • What is serialization, and how does it work?
  • Why do some java interfaces have null values? What does this mean? Give me some JAVA null interfaces.
  • What is Hibernate's advantage over JDBC?
  • What exactly is Hibernate?
  • What exactly is ORM?
  • What is ORM and what does it entail?
  • What are the layers of ORM?
  • Why is it necessary to use ORM tools such as hibernate?
  • What Is Hibernate and What Does It Simplify?
  • What is the primary distinction between Entity Beans and Hibernate?
  • What are the Hibernate framework's core interfaces and classes?

Interview Questions for Web Methods Developers

  • What exactly is EAI?
  • What are the primary EAI categories?
  • What are the Benefits of Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)?
  • What are some of the drawbacks of EAI?
  • What are the major providers of EAI tools and software?
  • What is the definition of web methods?
  • What are the web Methods modules? What is a product suite?
  • What are the web Methods Integration tools?
  • What Exactly Is a Developer?
  • What Is an Element, Exactly?
  • What is the definition of a startup service?
  • What Is a Flow Service, and How Does It Work?
  • What Exactly Is a Pipeline?
  • How can I use a browser to call a service?
  • When the pub flow trace Pipeline service is used, what happens?
  • What is the purpose of the "scope" field on the Properties tab when adding a BRANCH flow element?
  • What is the major purpose of the pub flow save Pipeline service that is built-in?
  • Where will you find the code when you create and save the FLOW “my.pack: myFlow” in the “My Pack” package?
  • What is the function of the Branch?
  • If a Flow EXIT does not mention a "from," what happens by default?
  • One or more starting services may be included in an Integration Server package. What time does a startup service start?
  • Which port is the default HTTP listener for the web Methods Integration Server?
  • How can the date format of the web Methods Integration Server reporting be changed?
  • What must be done after a standard installation to use the pub.file: getFile service?

Interview Questions for SAP Developers

  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of ABAP programming with views?
  • What is the method for storing data in a cluster table?
  • Have you ever experimented with performance tuning? What key steps will you take to accomplish this?
  • How can I make tables that are client-independent?
  • What kind of exits have you written for users?
  • What is the best way to debug a script form?
  • What are the various data dictionary object types?
  • Tips for a Successful Yahoo Interview

    If you are preparing for an interview at Yahoo, consider these tips:

    • Practice your Data Structures and Algorithms thoroughly. Problem-solving skills are highly valued at Yahoo, so a strong understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms is essential. You may visit this link to sharpen your skills.
    • If you are applying for a senior-level role, you must have a strong understanding of System Design. Therefore, practice System Design questions extensively before appearing for the interview.
    • For entry-level positions, knowledge of CS Fundamentals and theoretical questions related to Operating Systems, Computer Networks, and Database Management Systems is also crucial. Before the interview, make sure you refresh these concepts thoroughly.
    • Create a short and appealing resume with a length of 1-2 pages. Keep your resume as realistic as possible, and do not include any topic or project on which you lack confidence, as it may harm your chances of success.
    • Stay composed during the interview, and don't worry if you don't know the answer to a particular question. Interviewers frequently provide suggestions when you get stuck, and you can still achieve success. Sometimes, the interviewer is more interested in how you approach a problem than in the problem itself.

    Working at Yahoo in India


    Yahoo is recognized as one of the most incredible companies to be a part of in India, with Google and a few others challenging its supremacy. Here are some common questions regarding working at Yahoo in India.

    * What are the benefits of working at Yahoo?

    As a Yahoo engineer in India, you'll have the opportunity to contribute to developing large-scale structures. More than 600 million people utilize mobile apps, meaning that you'll be working on the backend (machine learning, big-data, server-side tech, etc.), frontend (Node.js, JavaScript, etc.), mobile app platforms (iOS and Android), networking, and more. The people at Yahoo are highly pleasant and helpful, which is a valuable attribute for a fresh graduate in the corporate world. Some of the perks of working at Yahoo include:

    - A significant signing bonus for those relocating from other cities. - Medical coverage for the employee's entire family, including financially dependent parents. - An option to take out an interest-free loan for a specified amount, paid back in three, six or twelve monthly installments. - Free breakfast, lunch, and dinner at Yahoo offices. - 24-hour café, which provides free tea, coffee, and health drinks. - Recreation facilities with sports and games available. - An offsite once a year to neighboring hill stations and an annual year-end party.

    * How can I apply to work at Yahoo?

    Candidates interested in working at Yahoo in India should visit in Yahoo's careers section where they can submit their application.

    * What is the Yahoo interview process?

    The Yahoo interview process entails two parts: an aptitude test and a technical test. Technical questions are usually on data structures, algorithms, networking, and database management systems. After the written test, there are several technical interviews.

    * How can I get an Internship at Yahoo?

    Yahoo has a comprehensive interview process for internship programs. Candidates are usually invited to participate in one or more phone interviews, a Skype interview, and submit work samples.

    * How many rounds of interviews does Adobe have?

    For candidates looking to work at Adobe, the eligibility requirements are as follows:

    Qualification: * BTECH (CSE, ECE, EEE, ICE) * MTECH (CSE. ECE, EEE, ICE) * MCA * MSC

    ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: 7 cgpa and above.

    As there was no question about Adobe's interview rounds, there isn't a direct answer to this question.

Technical Interview Guides

Here are guides for technical interviews, categorized from introductory to advanced levels.

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Best MCQ

As part of their written examination, numerous tech companies necessitate candidates to complete multiple-choice questions (MCQs) assessing their technical aptitude.

View MCQ's
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