Common Uber Interview Questions for the 2023 Recruitment Process - IQCode

About Uber

Uber is one of the world's most popular software companies, solving real-life problems on a massive scale. Their cutting-edge technology allows engineers to showcase their skills and develop inspiring solutions to real-life problems. Joining Uber would be beneficial for both budding engineers and experienced professionals, as they offer immense exposure. Moreover, Uber compensates their engineers heavily, exceeding industry standards, making it a highly attractive place to work.

If you're preparing for an Uber tech interview, this article will assist you in your preparation by providing you with a list of common Uber interview questions for both rookies and experienced personnel, along with details on the interview rounds. In addition, we'll provide you with some useful tips for cracking the Uber interview and landing a job at this exciting company.

Uber Recruitment Process

Interview Process:
Code Update

Uber Technical Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced

Below is an example coding question that may be asked during an Uber technical interview.

  * This function takes in an array of integers and returns the maximum value of the sum of any two numbers in the array.
  * @param arr the array of integers
  * @return the maximum value of the sum of any two numbers in the array
  public int getMaxSum(int[] arr) {
    int maxSum = Integer.MIN_VALUE;  // initialize maxSum to the smallest possible integer value
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {  // loop through each integer in the array
      for (int j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++) {  // loop through the remaining integers in the array
        int sum = arr[i] + arr[j];  // calculate the sum of the current two integers
        if (sum > maxSum) {  // if the sum is greater than the current max sum, update maxSum
          maxSum = sum;
    return maxSum;  // return the maximum sum

In this question, we are given an array of integers and asked to write a function that returns the maximum value of the sum of any two numbers in the array. The code provided loops through each integer in the array and the remaining integers, calculates the sum of the current two integers, and updates the maxSum variable if the sum is greater than the current max sum. Finally, the function returns the maximum sum.

Function to Calculate Average Test Scores

Write a function that takes in a list of test scores (ints between 0 and 100) and returns the average score rounded to the nearest whole number.

def calculate_average_scores(test_scores):
    if len(test_scores) == 0:
        return 0
        avg_score = sum(test_scores) / len(test_scores)
        return round(avg_score)

The above function calculates the average of a given list of test scores and returns the rounded value. If the list is empty, the function returns 0.

Example usage:

test_scores = [90, 88, 82, 94, 75]
print(calculate_average_scores(test_scores))  # Output: 86

test_scores_empty = []
print(calculate_average_scores(test_scores_empty))  # Output: 0

Function to Calculate the Average of a List of Numbers

def calculate_average(number_list):
    Calculates the average of a list of numbers.

    number_list (list): A list of numbers (float or int).

    float: The average of the numbers in the given list.
    if len(number_list) == 0:
        return 0
        return sum(number_list) / len(number_list)

This code defines a function called "calculate_average" which takes a list of numbers as input and returns the average of those numbers.

The function first checks if the length of the list is 0, in which case it returns 0. Otherwise, it calculates the sum of all the numbers in the list using the "sum" function, and divides that sum by the length of the list to get the average.

The function then returns the average as a float. This code is functional, efficient and easy to read.

Detecting a Cycle in a Linked List

Here is the functional code to determine if a linked list has a cycle:

class Node:
    def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
        self.val = val = next

def hasCycle(head):
    :type head: ListNode
    :rtype: bool
    # Initialize two pointers, one slow and one fast
    slow = head
    fast = head
    # Continue until the end of the linked list is reached
    while fast and
        slow =
        fast =
        # If the slow pointer meets the fast pointer, a cycle is present
        if slow == fast:
            return True
    return False



class represents each element in the linked list and contains a value and a pointer to the next element in the list. The


function takes the head of the linked list as input and checks if there is a cycle in the list by using two pointers: a slow pointer that moves by one element at a time and a fast pointer that moves by two elements at a time. If there is a cycle in the list, the fast pointer will eventually catch up to the slow pointer and they will be pointing to the same element. If the end of the list is reached and no cycle has been detected, the function returns False.

Solving a Problem with Functional Code

Can you please provide more information about the problem that needs to be solved?

// Placeholder for functional code // Once the problem is clarified, the code will be written here

Solving a Programming Problem

For this programming problem, we need to write a function that takes a list of integers as input and returns the sum of all even numbers in the list.

def sum_even_numbers(nums):
    This function takes a list of integers and returns the sum of all even numbers in the list.
    total = 0
    for num in nums:
        if num % 2 == 0:
            total += num
    return total

The function first initializes a variable called "total" to 0, then uses a for loop to iterate through each number in the input list. If the number is even (determined by checking if the remainder of the number divided by 2 is 0), it is added to the "total" variable. Finally, the function returns the "total" variable.

This function can be called with any list of integers as its argument:

nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
print(sum_even_numbers(nums)) # Output: 12

In this example, the function is called with a list of integers that includes both even and odd numbers. The function only adds up the even numbers (2, 4, and 6) and returns 12 as the output.

Problem: Finding the average of a list of grades

Given a list of grades, write a Python function to calculate and return the average of those grades.

def calculate_average(grades):
    sum = 0
    count = 0
    for grade in grades:
        sum += grade
        count += 1
    return sum/count

The function takes in a list of grades as a parameter and initializes the sum and count variables to 0. It then loops through the list of grades, adds each grade to the sum, and increments the count for each grade. Once all the grades have been processed, it calculates and returns the average by dividing the sum by the count.

For example, if the input list contains grades [80, 90, 75, 85], the function would return 82.5

Function to Check if a String is a Palindrome

Here's a functional implementation of a function that checks if a given string is a palindrome:

def is_palindrome(input_str):
    Check if a given string is a palindrome.
    :param input_str: A string
    :return: True if input_str is a palindrome, False otherwise

    # Strip whitespace and make all characters lowercase
    input_str = input_str.replace(" ", "").lower()

    # Reverse the string
    reversed_str = input_str[::-1]

    # Compare the original and reversed strings
    if input_str == reversed_str:
        return True
        return False

This function removes all whitespace and makes all characters lowercase before reversing the string and checking if the original and reversed strings are equal. If they are, the function returns True, otherwise it returns False.

This implementation should work for most cases, but keep in mind that there may be edge cases or special characters that it doesn't account for.

Function to Find the Sum of Two Numbers


def find_sum(num1, num2):
    This function takes in two numbers and returns their sum.
    return num1 + num2


This code defines a function named `find_sum` that takes two numbers as parameters `num1` and `num2`. It then uses the addition operator `+` to add the two numbers and return the result.

The function is also well-documented with a docstring that explains what the function does and what parameters it takes. This makes it easier for other developers to understand and use the code.

To use this function, simply call it and pass in the two numbers you want to add together:

result = find_sum(3, 5)

This will output `8`, which is the sum of `3` and `5`.

Function for Solving a Given Problem

   * This function takes in two parameters and returns a list of all unique characters that are present in both strings.
   * @param {string} str1 - The first string
   * @param {string} str2 - The second string
   * @returns {array} - An array of unique characters in both strings
function findCommonCharacters(str1, str2) {
  // create an empty object to store characters in str1
  const charObj = {};
  // iterate through the characters in str1 and store them as keys in charObj
  for (let i = 0; i < str1.length; i++) {
    charObj[str1[i]] = true;
  // create an empty array to store common characters
  const commonChars = [];
  // iterate through the characters in str2, if character is in charObj and not already in commonChars push it
  for (let i = 0; i < str2.length; i++) {
    if (charObj[str2[i]] && !commonChars.includes(str2[i])) {
  return commonChars;

The function takes two parameters,




, representing two strings. It then creates an empty object called


to store the characters in


. The function then iterates through every character in


, adding each character as a key in



After that, the function creates an empty array called


to store the characters that are present in both




. The function then iterates through every character in


. If the character is present in


and not already in


, it's added to the



Finally, the function returns the array of common characters. This function can be used to solve problems where we need to find commonalities between two strings such as finding shared letters in two words.


You are given a list of integers and a target number. Write a function that returns true if any two integers in the list sum up to the target value, and false otherwise. The function should have the following signature:

def check_sum(nums: List[int], target: int) -> bool:

To solve this problem, we will use a dictionary to store the difference between the target and each number in the list. Then, we will iterate through the list and check if the current number is already in the dictionary. If it is, that means we have found two numbers whose sum is equal to the target. If we go through the whole list and don't find a match, we can conclude that there are no two numbers whose sum is equal to the target.

    def check_sum(nums: List[int], target: int) -> bool:
        nums_dict = {}
        for i in range(len(nums)):
            if nums[i] in nums_dict:
                return True
                nums_dict[target - nums[i]] = i
        return False

Write Functional Code for Solving the Following Problem:

Unfortunately, there is no problem statement given to write functional code for. Please provide the problem statement for me to solve.

Understanding Distributed Database Management Systems with Transparency

Distributed database management systems refer to a network of independent computers working together to manage and process large amounts of data across different locations. These systems provide transparency by hiding the complexity of the underlying infrastructure from the end-users and applications.

There are different types of transparency in distributed database management systems, including:

1. Location transparency: Regardless of where the data is physically located or stored, users and applications can access and manipulate the data in the same way. 2. Replication transparency: Users and applications can access and modify data in a distributed database, without realizing that there are multiple copies of the data. 3. Concurrency transparency: Users and applications can access and modify data in a distributed database without worrying about conflicts and consistency issues. 4. Failure transparency: When a node or component of the distributed database system fails, users and applications should still be able to access and manipulate the data.

To achieve transparency, distributed database management systems use different mechanisms such as query routing, data replication, and distributed transaction processing. Proper design and implementation of these mechanisms are essential for ensuring the performance and efficiency of the system.

Understanding Bootstrap Program in Operating Systems

In operating systems, a bootstrap program refers to the initial code that runs when a computer starts up or boots up. This program is responsible for loading the operating system kernel into memory and initiating its execution.

The bootstrap program resides in the computer's read-only memory (ROM) or electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) and is typically very small in size. Its primary function is to locate the operating system kernel and transfer control to it.

Once the bootstrap program successfully loads and launches the operating system, the control is passed to the operating system, and it takes over the hardware and other resources of the computer system. The bootstrap program is loaded into memory by firmware or built-in hardware circuitry and is executed without any user intervention.

In summary, a bootstrap program is a critical component of the computer's boot process that initializes the computer hardware and launches the operating system kernel.

Understanding Demand Paging in Operating Systems

Demand Paging is a mechanism used in Operating Systems that allows the loading of pages or segments of a program on demand from the secondary storage device to the main memory. This technique greatly reduces the time required to start a program as only the necessary pages are loaded into memory at any given time.

The process of Demand Paging involves dividing the program into smaller segments called pages which are stored on disk. When a program is initiated, only a few essential pages are loaded into memory while the rest of the pages are swapped in as and when required. This is done through a technique called page fault handling.

Page fault handling is a technique where the Operating System automatically determines which pages need to be loaded into memory. It then locates them on disk and loads them into memory. The system keeps track of what pages are in memory and what pages reside on disk through the use of a page table.

Demand Paging has become a popular technique in modern Operating Systems as it allows more programs to run simultaneously on smaller systems with limited memory resources. However, it can lead to slower program execution if too many page faults occur, leading to excessive swapping of pages between the disk and main memory.

What is a VPN and what are its types?

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a secure and encrypted connection that allows users to access the Internet through a private network, protecting their online activity from prying eyes. There are several types of VPNs available. The most common types include: - Remote Access VPN: Allows users to access a private network remotely through the Internet, often used by employees working from home. - Site-to-Site VPN: Connects two or more locations together over the Internet, often used by businesses with multiple offices in different locations. - Extranet VPN: Provides secure access for external partners or customers to access a private network, often used by businesses to share confidential information with clients or partners.

Definition of Microkernels in the Context of Operating Systems

In the realm of operating systems, microkernels are defined as the central component that operates at the minimum necessary level, providing only the essential functions needed to communicate and manage basic hardware resources such as memory and CPU scheduling. This approach places a greater emphasis on the use of external components or modules to handle higher-level functionalities typically seen in traditional monolithic kernel designs. The goal of microkernel-based operating systems is to improve reliability, security, and ease of maintenance, at the cost of slightly reduced performance.

Differences between Swapping and Paging

Swapping and Paging are two memory management techniques used by operating systems. While they may seem similar, they have significant differences. Swapping is a method of moving an entire process out of memory and into storage, whereas paging is a method of moving a process’s pages in and out of memory as needed.

In Swapping, the entire process is transferred in and out of the memory. It is done when there is not enough RAM to accommodate all the processes in the system. Swapping involves copying the entire process from the physical memory to the disk and bringing it back when required. Swapping is a time-consuming process as the whole process has to be swapped in and out of the disk.

On the other hand, Paging breaks down the process into smaller pieces, known as pages, and transfers them to the RAM in logical order. Paging requires the use of a page table that maps each page of the process to its associated physical memory location. Pages that are not currently needed can be swapped out to disk, freeing up space in physical memory for other processes.

In summary, Swapping moves entire processes in and out of memory and is used when there is not enough memory to hold all processes. Paging involves breaking processes down into smaller pieces and transferring them to memory as needed, and is used to efficiently manage physical memory space.


Servlet collaboration refers to the ability of multiple servlets to work together in order to handle a client request. This type of collaboration is typically necessary when a single servlet cannot handle a request on its own or when multiple servlets need to work together to generate a response. Servlet collaboration can be achieved through various mechanisms such as request forwarding, request includes, and session sharing. By leveraging servlet collaboration, developers can create more robust and scalable applications.

Defining Spooling in Operating Systems

In operating systems, spooling (Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On-line) refers to a process that allows multiple processes or jobs to share a single resource, typically a printer. This is achieved by storing the output of each process or job in a temporary queue called a spool, which contains the data in the sequence in which it will be printed. The printer reads the data from the spool and prints it in the order in which it was received. This allows multiple users or processes to use a single printer without conflicts or delays, improving system efficiency and reducing wait times.

Preparing for an Interview with Uber

If you're getting ready to interview with Uber, there are a few things you can do to prepare:

  • Research the company: Familiarize yourself with Uber's mission, values, and recent news.
  • Practice common interview questions: Prepare for questions about your experience, skills, and why you're interested in Uber.
  • Be ready to talk about specific projects you've worked on: Uber is known for its tech projects, so be ready to discuss any relevant work you've done in the past.
  • Show your enthusiasm: Uber wants employees who are excited about the company and its mission. Make sure you convey your enthusiasm during the interview.
  • Dress appropriately: Uber has a business-casual dress code for its offices, so make sure you dress accordingly for the interview.
  • Be on time: Arrive early to your interview so you have time to settle in and prepare.
  • Follow up after the interview: Send a thank-you note to your interviewer to show your appreciation for their time and reiterate your interest in the position.

Counting Subarrays!

This problem can be solved using the two pointer technique.


def count_subarrays(arr):
    Given an array of integers, this function returns the number of subarrays whose sum is negative.
    n = len(arr)
    count = 0
    for i in range(n):
        sum = 0
        for j in range(i, n):
            sum += arr[j]
            if sum < 0:
                count += 1
    return count

This code loops through all possible subarrays of the input array and checks if their sum is negative. If so, the count is incremented. Finally, the function returns the count of such subarrays.

This code has a time complexity of O(n^2), where n is the length of the input array.

Subarrays with Distinct Integers:

This problem can be solved using the "Two Pointers" approach.


def subarrays_with_distinct_integers(arr, k):
    # Initialize variables
    count = 0
    n = len(arr)
    freq = [0] * (n+1)
    left = right = unique = 0
    # Loop through the array
    while right < n:
        # Increment the frequency of the right element
        freq[arr[right]] += 1
        # If the frequency is 1, increment the count of unique elements in the current subarray
        if freq[arr[right]] == 1:
            unique += 1
        right += 1
        # If the count of unique elements exceeds k, move the left pointer till it becomes less than k
        while unique > k:
            freq[arr[left]] -= 1
            # If the frequency becomes 0, decrement the count of unique elements in the current subarray
            if freq[arr[left]] == 0:
                unique -= 1
            left += 1
        # Add the number of subarrays (size of subarray) to the final count
        count += right - left
    # Return the final count
    return count

This code will return the number of subarrays of size `k` with distinct integers in the input array `arr`.

Path in Directed Graph

This problem requires solving a path finding algorithm in a directed graph using the Graph Data Structure and Algorithms.

Collecting Resources with Dynamic Programming


def collect_resources(n, m, k, arr):
    # initialize a 3D array with -1 values
    dp = [[[-1 for _ in range(k + 1)] for _ in range(m)] for _ in range(n)]

    # function to recursively solve subproblems 
    def solve(r, c, rem_k):
        # if the row or column index is out of range or remaining steps are 0, return 0
        if r < 0 or c < 0 or r >= n or c >= m or rem_k < 0:
            return 0
        # if already computed, return the computed value
        if dp[r][c][rem_k] != -1:
            return dp[r][c][rem_k]
        # if the current cell contains a resource, add it to the score and reduce k
        score = arr[r][c] if arr[r][c] > 0 else 0
        dp[r][c][rem_k] = max(
            # make recursive call to all possible adjacent cells and subtract 1 from rem_k
            solve(r+1, c, rem_k-1) + score,
            solve(r-1, c, rem_k-1) + score,
            solve(r, c+1, rem_k-1) + score,
            solve(r, c-1, rem_k-1) + score,
            # make recursive call without moving and subtract 1 from rem_k
            solve(r, c, rem_k-1) + score
        return dp[r][c][rem_k]
    # call the solve function starting from each cell and return the maximum score obtained
    max_score = 0
    for r in range(n):
        for c in range(m):
            max_score = max(max_score, solve(r, c, k))
    return max_score

This dynamic programming solution solves the Collect Resources problem in O(NMK) time complexity.

Uber Interview Questions

As an API, display all Uber interview questions.

// function to display Uber interview questions
function displayUberInterviewQuestions() {
  // array to hold all the questions
  const interviewQuestions = [
    "Tell me about yourself.",
    "Why do you want to work at Uber?",
    "What experience do you have related to this position?",
    "Describe a time when you had to overcome a challenging situation.",
    "How do you handle stress and pressure?",
    "What are your strengths and weaknesses?",
    "What are your career goals?",
    "How do you stay organized?",
    "What do you know about Uber?" ];

  // loop through the array and display each question
  for(let i = 0; i < interviewQuestions.length; i++) {
    console.log((i+1) + ". " + interviewQuestions[i]);

// calling the function to display interview questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How difficult is a software engineering interview at Uber?

As an AI language model, I cannot provide personal opinions or experiences. However, interviews at Uber are known to be challenging and may require a strong foundation in computer science, programming, and problem-solving skills. It's recommended to prepare thoroughly and practice with sample interview questions.

Tips for Answering "Why are you interested in joining Uber?"

When answering the question "Why are you interested in joining Uber?" during an interview, it's important to highlight your enthusiasm for the company and its mission. You may also want to discuss your experiences using Uber as a customer and how it has positively impacted your life.

Another approach is to showcase your skills and how they align with the company's goals. For example, if you're applying for a marketing position at Uber, you could discuss how your experience in digital marketing and social media can help improve the company's visibility and user engagement.

It's also a good idea to research the company and its recent accomplishments or initiatives. This shows that you're not only interested in working for Uber but also invested in their success.

Overall, your answer should demonstrate your passion for Uber and your ability to contribute to its growth and success.

Key Topics to Cover for a Successful Uber Interview

When preparing for an interview with Uber, it is important to be familiar with several crucial subjects. Firstly, having a solid understanding of Uber's business model and services, as well as the markets they operate in would be advantageous. Secondly, knowledge of industry trends, competitors, and regulations would be beneficial. Additionally, demonstrating proficiency in relevant technical skills such as data analysis, coding, and problem-solving would be valuable. Finally, having excellent communication and collaboration abilities and demonstrating a passion for Uber's mission and culture would leave a positive impression on the interviewer.

Responding to Behavioral Interview Question: "Why are you qualified for this job position?"

When answering the behavioral interview question, "Why are you qualified for this job position?," it is important to showcase your skills, experience, and achievements that align with the job requirements. Here are some tips to help you frame your response properly:

1. Review the job description: Before the interview, review the job description thoroughly to gain a clear understanding of the role's responsibilities, requirements, and skills.

2. Highlight your relevant experience: Identify your previous work experiences that have helped you develop the skills and qualifications required for the job.

3. Showcase your achievements: Highlight your past achievements, such as projects you've worked on or tasks you've accomplished, that demonstrate your ability to perform well in the role.

4. Use specific examples: Back up your answers with specific examples that demonstrate your skills and experiences.

5. Connect your skills to the job: Be sure to draw a clear connection between your skills and experiences and how they align with the job requirements.

6. Be confident and concise: Deliver your response with confidence and be clear and concise in your answers.

Example Response: "I believe I am qualified for this job position because I have relevant experience in [field] and have successfully completed projects that demonstrate my strong [skill]. For example, [specific example of experience or achievement]. I am confident that my [skill or experience] will allow me to make a valuable contribution to the team and the company, and I look forward to the opportunity to utilize my skills in this role."

Duration of the Uber Software Engineering Interview

In general, the Uber software engineering interview takes around 3-4 rounds and each round takes approximately 45-60 minutes. So, the total duration can range from 3-4 hours depending on the number of rounds. However, some candidates may be asked to participate in additional rounds or interviews, which could increase the duration.

Average Salary of a Software Engineering Fresher at Uber


What is the typical salary for a newly hired software engineer at Uber?

When asked where I see myself in five years, I envision myself in a challenging and rewarding position where I have grown both personally and professionally, contributing to the success of the company. I hope to have taken on additional responsibilities and have made significant progress towards achieving my long-term career goals. However, I understand that unexpected opportunities and challenges may arise, and I am flexible and adaptable to whatever the future may hold.

Responding to the Behavioral Question: "What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?"

This is a common question asked during job interviews and requires a thoughtful response. It is important to be honest about your strengths and weaknesses while also highlighting how you are working to improve in your areas of weakness.

When discussing your strengths, focus on skills and qualities that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Use specific examples to illustrate your strengths and show how they have been valuable in your previous roles.

When discussing your weaknesses, be honest and avoid making excuses. Instead, talk about how you are actively working to improve in those areas. For example, if time management is a weakness, you could discuss how you have started using a planner or a time management app to help you stay organized.

Overall, this question is an opportunity to showcase your self-awareness and your dedication to self-improvement. Be confident, honest, and specific in your response.

Eligibility Criteria for Software Engineers at Uber

To become a software engineer at Uber, there are certain eligibility criteria that must be met:

1. A bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related field from a recognized university. 2. Strong proficiency in programming languages such as Java, Python, and Go. 3. Experience with software development practices and tools such as Git, Linux, and Agile Development. 4. Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment. 5. Good communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively in a team. 6. Prior experience in software engineering or related fields is preferred but not mandatory.

Meeting these criteria is essential to become a part of the dynamic and exciting world of software engineering at Uber.

Technical Interview Guides

Here are guides for technical interviews, categorized from introductory to advanced levels.

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